The Overwhelmed of God | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Overwhelmed of God
Wednesday, September 6, 2023 – The Nose of The Pig
As a ring of gold in a pig’s nose, so is a beautiful woman who lacks discretion. Proverbs 11:22. Picture a pig walking around with earrings and a necklace. It just doesn’t go, it’s wasted. Something precious isn’t made to be dragged through the mud. We see a sinful person and think they’re wretched, but God see’s someone who’s precious attached to what’s degrading. Your life and your salvation is something precious, too precious to be dragged through the mud or put on a pig. When you give yourself to sin, you’re taking something precious, like a beautiful gold ring, and you’re dragging it into a pig sty. When you give yourself to that low thing, you’re taking a beautiful ring and throwing it in the mud. We have to start realizing our life in God, our salvation, is something worth more than the Mona Lisa, worth more than the entire world put together. Treasure it, protect it, cherish it, and guard it, because you have this treasure in earthen vessels. Treasure the treasure and don’t let it end up on a pig or in the mud.
In the same way, when you’re in love, you’re overwhelmed. You can’t think about anything else.
You forget to eat, you lose weight, you’re not sleeping, everything overwhelms you about the person. Look.
He he has 10 fingers. Wow. Look how she breathes as she inhales and then she exhales.
And it’s overwhelming. You know, he’s so cute. He left his sock in the microwave. That’s so cute.
You know, But when you get you if people get married, they get used to each other, that they’re not, you know, the 10 fingers doesn’t do it anymore.
you know, and the wonder can be gone because you often get used what you get used to, you can lose the wonder.
But you can see it in the world. You can see it in churches. underwhelmed churches.
They’re not there’s no excitement about it. They they may be, you know, no or not moved by anything.
god, you know, you know, the the, you know, yeah, and and believers, you gotta be careful. Yeah.
I’m saved. Well, yeah, how do you how do we say it like that? Yeah. I’m saved.
You’re saved from hell. This is the biggest thing that ever will happen to you. Underwhelming.
If you don’t have that, if you’re not you’re not overwhelmed by god, your worship’s gonna be underwhelming.
You’re gonna have an underwhelming walk.
You’re not gonna have a lot of victory because you don’t have a lot of power.
It says the one who who who’s been forgiven much loves about The one of the the more you know it, the more power you have.
Underwhelmed. But not the people, you know, the people you read about in the Bible, of course, I’m sure they dealt with things.
So But look at the prophets when they counter god, they are overwhelmed by god.
They didn’t say, oh, an angel they were on their faces since they were terrified.
They were overwhelmed Isaiah sees god and he’s overwhelmed.
Then he said, oh, lord, I’m a sinner, like, in the presence of god. Peter, overwhelmed.
It says he told the lord, get out of my boat because I’m a sinful man.
He was overwhelmed with all when he saw the miracle.
The woman who wept at his feet, she was overwhelmed. Roman soldiers falling back.
Paul wrote to the masses overwhelmed.
And then years later, she thinks about Paul, you know, he decades later after his salvation, he’s still saying, oh, the mystery of god.
The unsearchable ways, oh, how can I even be saved?
He says, I’m the greatest sinner and yet god chose me to show you his grace.
John, the apostle John, who writes at the near the latter part of his life, he writes see it be whole how great the love of god that we can be called the children of god.
I’ve known some people.
I’ve known people in the lord Great Giants and Lord who were in their nineties and they were like children in the sense to god.
They were in awe of god. They were so alive and glowing. That’s the way we have to be.
The virgin mary, you know, they have these pictures. This virgin mary, the enunciation.
Everything’s proper and all. That’s not how it happened. The angel appeared. She’s on her face. She’s she’s terrified.
She’s in awe of god.
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