The Mystery Of Stonewall | Jonathan Cahn Special
The Mystery Of Stonewall | Jonathan Cahn Special
“The call of repentance is for the righteous and the unrighteous, the godly and the ungodly alike. If the righteous had been the lights they were called to be, the nation would never have fallen as it did.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
Was the event that began a movement that has transformed America and much of the world actually connected to an ancient entity.
And did this ancient entity or God actually manifest with signs on the streets of New York City?
This is Jonathan Khong in the return of the gods.
I reveal the mystery behind everything that is happening now that you’re dealing with. And why is it happening?
And where is it going? The return of the ancient spirits possessing repossessing our culture? What is the future?
What lies ahead and what do you need to know to survive and prevail?
I’m gonna give you a taste America as it turned away from God and the West, as well as the West turned away, the ancient gods or spirits returned to fill the void.
The return of the gods identify one of them as the enchantress. She’s the goddess.
She, she’s a spirit of sexuality, but she’s also the spirit that alters gender and alters sexuality.
She literally, it says she turns a man into a woman and a woman into a man.
The movement that has altered sexuality in modern America and the world that altered gender.
And celebrated it in the name of pride.
All began on a summer night in 1969 on the streets of New York City in the riot called Stonewall.
The amazing and stunning thing is that on that night that it began the signs of the ancient goddess, the spirit that alter sexuality began manifesting in the midst of the of the streets of the riots.
When the goddess went to battle, just give you a little taste. I do it in full in the book.
But when the goddess went to battle, she did something called the dance of ishtar.
So in the middle of the riot and destruction, the writers performed a dance and chanted words that went back to the ancient inscriptions of the goddess.
One of the signs of the goddess going to war.
And did this ancient entity or God actually manifest with signs on the streets of New York City?
This is Jonathan Khong in the return of the gods.
I reveal the mystery behind everything that is happening now that you’re dealing with. And why is it happening?
And where is it going? The return of the ancient spirits possessing repossessing our culture? What is the future?
What lies ahead and what do you need to know to survive and prevail?
I’m gonna give you a taste America as it turned away from God and the West, as well as the West turned away, the ancient gods or spirits returned to fill the void.
The return of the gods identify one of them as the enchantress. She’s the goddess.
She, she’s a spirit of sexuality, but she’s also the spirit that alters gender and alters sexuality.
She literally, it says she turns a man into a woman and a woman into a man.
The movement that has altered sexuality in modern America and the world that altered gender.
And celebrated it in the name of pride.
All began on a summer night in 1969 on the streets of New York City in the riot called Stonewall.
The amazing and stunning thing is that on that night that it began the signs of the ancient goddess, the spirit that alter sexuality began manifesting in the midst of the of the streets of the riots.
When the goddess went to battle, just give you a little taste. I do it in full in the book.
But when the goddess went to battle, she did something called the dance of ishtar.
So in the middle of the riot and destruction, the writers performed a dance and chanted words that went back to the ancient inscriptions of the goddess.
One of the signs of the goddess going to war.

The battle was the was the sign of the lion’s head, the lion and the lion’s head on the night of stonewall.
The lion’s head manifested and marked the place of the uprising.
There was even a woman, I won’t go into detail, but it was, it was almost as if a woman was channeling the goddess who was in the image of the goddess and actually started the whole thing and the goddess was called storm.
They they called you said you are the great the hymns of the goddess said you’re the loud thundering storm.
The woman’s name was basically storm. Storm. A the timing of the riot.
It all took place during the days of the goddess, the specific days appointed of the goddess and her manifestations and under the full moon linked to the goddess and the summer solstice.
The name of the movement, the riot and the movement that came from it is Stonewall.
Stonewall was named after the bar in which the riot was centered. The movement began in a bar.
The goddess, the stonewall and the goddess was known to inhabit possess l houses from the days of Mesopotamia or bars and the rioters tried to violently break into that bar even set it on fire.
I found an ancient inscription that I reveal in the book where it’s set up the goddess.
You are the stone that breaks the stone wall, stone wall from that event has come the entire movement that has altered sexuality, overturned marriage, launched thousands of parades and the rainbow flag.
It all began when the signs of the ancient goddess manifested on the streets of New York City.
What we are now dealing with what is now overtaking our culture isn’t new, it’s ancient and its spiritual and the only way you can live and prevail is to do it in and by the spirit of God, this is just a taste of the mystery revealed in full in the return of the gods.
The latest book I’ve written, this book reveals everything that is happening, why it’s happening where it’s going, what you need to know about the future, how it’s gonna affect you and how to survive and prevail the return of the gods is everywhere.
Wherever there are books, you can get it for yourself and for those in your life who need to hear it next, we’re going to open up a phenomenon that has taken over our culture.
And yet behind it lies an ancient mystery from the streets of Mesopotamia.
It subscribe, you don’t want to miss it. This is Jonathan Cahn.
I’ll see you next time with the parades of the goddess.
She was the principality or the goddess of parades in Babylon. The great parades began at her gate.
Her him speak specifically of the people parading before her.