The Mystery of Psalm 83 and the End Times | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Mystery of Psalm 83 and the End Times | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn shares one of the most controversial of Scriptures with regard to our day. What is Psalm 83 saying? Who exactly is it identifying?

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

The war right now is linked to Philistia, but something else.
What’s the other dangerous player, and you’ve heard of it, it’s Hezbollah.
Hezbollah has been sending missiles since this war began because they said we’re aligned with Hamas.
And we’re gonna open up a scripture, which has been looked at as telling us what will happen And or before the events of a Zekeel 3839, we’re gonna do another another Friday night I will be doing a Zekeel 3839, which is definitely for the end times.
We’ll look at that, but since this is Psalm 83, it’s brought up a lot.
You may have heard it. In prophecy circles in the realm of end time prophecy.
Tonight, we’re gonna open it up. If you have your Bible, open up to Psalm 83.
Psalm 83, does it reveal the next prophetic event? Is it coming true?
Is it linked to what happened in Israel? There are many who say it does.
And that’s just I just did a screenshot, but that’s some of the things you’ll see on the web.
If you look up Psalm 83 on the web, the the what’s coming, Psalm 83.
There are many books that say it does as well.
If you look that up, there’ll be all sorts of books on Psalm 83.
Let’s open it up and let’s see.
Psalm 83, a song, a Psalm of Asaf, God to not stay quiet, to not be silent, and god don’t be still For behold, your enemies make an uproar, and those who hate you have exalted themselves.
They make shrewd plans against your people. And conspired together against your hidden ones or your treasured ones.
They have said, come let us wipe them out as a nation.
So the name of Israel will no longer be remembered. They’ve conspired with one mind.
They made a covenant against you.
The tents of Edom, the Ishmaelites Moab, the Hag rights, Gebal, Aman, Amalek, Finistia, with the inhabitants of Tire.
Syria has also joined them.
They have become a help to the children of law deal with them as with MITian, as with Sisara, and Jabin at the river of Kisham, who were destroyed at ENDor, who became like like dung for the ground, make their nobles like orab and Ziv, and all their leaders like Ziva and Zelle Muna, who said let’s possess for ourselves, the pastors of god.
My god make them as whirling dust like chaff before the wind like fires that burn the forest and like a flame that sets mountains on fire, so pursue them with your heavy winds, terrify them with your storm, fill their faces with dishonor, that they will seek your name, oh lord.
May they be ashamed or dismayed forever?
May they be humility and imperish so that they will know that you alone?
Whose name is the lord are the most high over all the earth. Okay.
What is this about? It’s about the enemies of Israel coming against Israel to destroy it.
Let’s zero in on a few things. Let’s do it verse by verse.
A song, a Psalm of us off. Lord, don’t be quiet. Don’t be still.
For behold, your enemies make an rare, those who hate you exalted themselves. First, it says your enemies.
Yet, these are about the enemies of Israel, But that’s the point. Same thing.
Those who are enemies of Israel in the Bible are enemies of god.
You can’t have it both ways.
As Israel is the nation god called into existence for his purposes, if somebody’s against Israel.
That doesn’t mean they agree with everything. That’s a whole another story.
But against Israel or against the children of Israel, the Jewish people, they are against god.
Even if they’re against Israel in the name of god, like, as in a Muslim, or what has been some of mainline christendom christianity for centuries anti Jewish hatred or action in the name, even in the name of Messiah, which is crazy, is against god and against the Messiah of Israel.
Remember, his disciples said when he was leaving, is that at this time, you’re gonna restore the kingdom to Israel.
He’s the Messiah of Israel. He will fight for Israel next first.
They make shrewd plans against your people They conspire together against your treasured ones. They make shrewd plans.
There have been shrewd plans made against the Jewish people for 1000 years since this was written.
From the courts of pharaoh where it was said, let us deal shrewdly with these people truly, from the courts of pharaoh to the Nazi conference at Wannesee Germany where they made plans secret plans to implement the Holocaust, to the plans that were made by Hamas just a little while ago.
They made shrewd plans. I wanna show you something hidden.
In the original language, you would not necessarily see it in the English.
The word in Psalm eighty three about the enemies of Israel and the Jewish people making shrewd plans against the Jewish people against Israel is the word in Hebrew Aram.
Do you know where it first appears?
It first appears in a form of called Arun, first time in Genesis, 3 verse 1 in this sentence.
And the Serpent was more subtle or shrewd than any other creature.
This is the first reference illusion to Satan.
And the first adjective for the enemy is this adjective shrewd which is used of the enemies of Israel.
What does that tell you? What’s that? What’s the connection?
The connection is these enemies of Israel are connected to the Serpent. Behind anti Semitism is satanism.
The Holocaust satanic, Hitler satanic, October 7th, satanic. Next verse, they’ve said, come.
Let’s wipe them out. As a nation so that the name of Israel will no longer be remembered.
It’s amazing how many times this has been said of the Israel or the children of Israel since it was written.
Come let us wipe them out that the name of Israel will be forgotten.
Many have tried from pharaoh on. The Assyrian Empire tried to wipe them out.
Babylon tried to wipe them out. Rome tried to wipe them out.
Rome came in and tried to wipe them out. The Spanish inquisition tried to wipe them out in Spain.
The Cossacks tried to wipe them out. The czar of Russia tried to wipe them out.
Of course, Hitler above all tried to wipe them out. Yasser Arafat wanted them out.
Oh, some have been lauded wanted to wipe them out. Sodom Hussein want to wipe them out.
Hamas and Hezbollah wanna wipe them out. The Bible is filled with types and patterns.
And templates, which are gonna could be fulfilled again and again.
So it’s possible as well that Psalmiti 3 presents a template regarding the enemies of Israel that could be fulfilled in the last 8.
So we have to be careful both ways.
I don’t believe we can simply take this dogmatically as a prophecy of the end times.
That’s not it’s it’s a primary meeting.
At the same time, I don’t believe we can dogmatically dismiss that it may have a level of fulfillment for after that time, even to now.
So we’re gonna accurately divide prophecy, and this is what we’re doing on on Friday nights. We gotta use wisdom.
So on its face value, primary value, it seemed to be saying it’s a song.
It’s a Psalm calling to god for protection.
Listing the enemies of god and their attacks and their plans which may not be may not be referring to one incident.
Might be in general. There are these ones here, Philistines here, this one here, this one here, it may not be one thing.
It may be several things. But is it possible that it has also a prophetic realm beyond the ancient times?
For that, we’d have to ask What are the players today?
Where who would represent these people in the modern world? I want you to see them. Let’s look at them.
These are enemies of Israel at the time of Psalm 83 starting from the top left.
Top left, that’s Phoenicia. That is where tire is. To the right is the Syrian kingdom.
You Aram Damascus And beyond that is the Assyrian empire. Going down, that is Aman.
That is lot child. Going down from there is Moab, the other child of lot.
Going down further is Adam esaw’s children, now swooping up left and that red, that’s the Philistines.
That’s Philistia on the coast, to see people. Where’s Amalek?
He would have been in the desert around where Adam is and maybe where the Egypt is as well, Sinai, Remember, Amalek is the descendant of East also.
He could have been with them, but he’s in the Arabian desert. Now what about the ishmaelites.
Look, you see the bottom it says, Nobutu tribes, and you also have some tribes on the left, Arabau tribe.
Most likely, that’s where the ishmaelites are. Particularly on the right. Okay. So now, what about today?
We can look at it a few ways. Number 1, geographically.
What are the names of the nations or peoples who are there today?
Number 2, we can look at it genetically.
Bloodline, but that’s very hard to do, but we can say that genetic studies have shown that the bloodlines of the ancient enemies of Israel are in the Middle East right now.
But so we have to mostly go by geography. So Who is there today?
I want you to see a map. Now look at a map today.
Tire I wanna tell you where they are. Tire on the top is now Lebanon.
Aram Damascus over there to the right, that is Syria.
A sue the Assyrian empire is now in Iraq, some of Syria, and some of Iraq.
The kingdoms of Aman, Moab, and the right side of EDM is now the nation called Jordan.
The Israelites, Nobutu tribes down there, is now linked to mostly Saudi Arabia.
Now, also the Arab peoples, but Saudi Arabia.
The Hag Rights, if linked to Hagar would be linked to Egypt the Amalakhites would be in the Israeli desert there, the negev, and there, and which are now Arabs.
And Philistia, is basically the Gaza Strip.
Now, could it be that this template has been fulfilled in the last days. Listen.
In this I haven’t heard this much.
I don’t you won’t hear it much, but in the Psalms, It says, let us cut off the name of Israel.
Well, the Jewish people are the nation of Israel, but they have not been together in one nation of Israel in one place for 2000 years until 1948.
May 15th, 1948. That’s David Van Gurian, The leader of Israel on the top.
That’s the picture of Theodore Hertzl, the visionary of Israel. They weren’t called Israel until that day.
On May 14th, 1948, Friday, when he announced to the world, Israel is being resurrected in accordance with Bible prophecy.
And then the next day, it went into effect.
And the next day so they’re called Israel Now the world didn’t know the name of the nation until just that day, that Friday.
He announced the name would be Israel.
Now regardless of the name, the enemies of it would have come against it.
But the it’s striking that the first day It was called Israel’s back in the world, May 15 1948, Saturday.
It was the first day in 2000 years. And what happened?
Well, what Psalm83 said happen, they said, come, let us wipe them out as a nation.
So the name of Israel will no longer be remembered.
An array of nations came against Israel to wipe them out on that day.
At the moment of its birth, the name of Israel was back, and now we’re gonna wipe out that name.
We’ll no longer be remembered Now look at the map now of that war.
This is the war of independence.
Look at remember the map you saw before, look where all these things are coming from.
The same nations, the same peoples. Again, there’s the ancient map.
There and look again now the war of independence. That is the thing on the top is Lebanon.
That was that attacked Israel. Tire to the right is Syria linked to an an Assyria. They attacked Israel too.
Iraq attacked Israel and Syria. You see Aman, Moab, and Adam, that’s Jordan. They also attacked Israel.
You’ve got Egypt on the bottom left, which can include parts of the amalakhites.
And you had fighting through the coast, the Philistia, that’s where much of the fighting happened through Egypt.
2 major now now let me let me show you one other map of the same thing, war of independence.
Now in this one, you’ll actually see because they say, wait, there’s 2 that seem to be missing.
Well, on one hand, on the first map, you don’t see Iraq, Assyria, and you don’t see Saudi Arabia, but this one shows they were all so attacking Israel, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, or or what you saw as in the tribe, the ishmaelites, and the the, uh, Iraq, which is a Syria.
So all these things in Psalm 83, they were all to infer As far as I know, that’s the only time up to that time they had never been in one attack.
That was it. The very birth of Israel. Now let’s go to one other war.
Then that fulfilled so many things. Let’s go to one other war. This is the war of 1967.
Jerusalem. The 6 day war. In this war, the Arab army decided they’re gonna wipe out Israel.
Russia Soviet Union actually instigated the whole thing. But literally, they come.
They’re gonna they said we’re gonna drive Israel to the sea.
We’re gonna destroy it like pharaoh said, they mobilized for war, they threatened to annihilate Israel, they mass along the truth, the borders of troops and troops all around Israel are massing around.
They tell the UN to remove its peacekeeping troops, the Arabs, They do it.
The UN is very happy to oblige, apparently.
They are preparing to wipe out Israel wipe Israel off the face of the earth.
Israel realized think they’re gonna be destroyed.
They actually are building they’re actually making coffins, making freedom, making all these that they’re they think they’re gonna be destroyed.
They decide the only way we’re gonna survive is we’re gonna strike. So they do.
It is called the 6 day war.
Now look at the look again at the Nate where you see the land. Psalm 83.
Go back to the 6 day war. You have Syria to the right You have us Syria Iraq again.
You have Aman, Moab, and Adam, Jordan. You have Egypt. You have Saudi Arabia, the land of the ishmaelites.
You have the edomites. You have the amalakhites. You have all that. Psalm 83.
These are the two times in the history that we know of.
That I could see that you actually had that altogether. Interesting.
It seems the template of Psalm83 kicks in especially at the moment of prophecy.
Number 1, when Israel is about to become a nation prophecy, number 2, when Jerusalem is about to be restored, prophecy that when that happens, that’s when Psalm 83 kicks in.
And it was an odd day. Can there be more fulfillments or replaying of Psalm 83?
There could be. Right now, it wouldn’t look so likely right now because The one who is sponsoring all these attacks against Israel, whether it’s Hamas, whether it’s Hezbollah, whether it’s Iran.
And the neighbors of Israel hate Iran. Iran though was gonna show up in Ezekiel 3839.
Which is definitely a prophecy for the end times.
Psalm 83 will perhaps kick in again in one form or another, but the striking thing is The greatest fulfillment was the birth of Israel and the regaining of Jerusalem.
And another striking thing in 2006 was the Israel Hezbollah war called the Lebanon war.
The war went to the board’s Lebanon. Basically, it was Israel versus Hezbollah.
Lasted just 30 day a little over 30 days from July 12th to August 14th in the summer, 2006.
Right in the middle of that war, in Ireland, a book is uncovered from the ground.
The guy they were building, they saw this in, like, in the mud. It was the book of Psalms.
It was a thousand years old. It was opened to Psalm 83.
At the moment, when all this war is happening, And it’s open.
On Israel’s enemy, it’s open to Psalm 83. What about what’s happening right now in Israel?
There’s a war. Now it is certainly not a war of many nations at this point, but I wanna show you something because some ministry may give us revelation from different parts of it can be fulfilled.
Verse 7 says this. Philistia. What is Philistia? Land to the Philistine. What is Philistia?
The Gaza Strip? Yeah. That is the Gaza Strip. That’s the Philistia.
And in Gaza is Hamas. The war right now is linked to Philistia, but something else.
What’s the other dangerous player, and you’ve heard of it, it’s Hezbollah.
Hezbollah has been sending missiles since this war began because they said we’re allied with Hamas.
Both sponsored by Iran. Hezbollah is allied with Hamas. Now Psalm 83 verse 7 says this. Interesting.
Could talk to some different people, but this one, it says Philistia, Gaza trip, with the inhabitants of tire, Lebanon, Hezbollah.
That’s the one time where it says, with, they’re working together in the prophecy And that’s where you have the 2 missiles, the 2 terrorist groups happening in alliance right now.
Now, we’re gonna get into other keys of end time prophecy.
I want you to see it for real. I want you to be wise in prophecy in the weeks ahead.
But as we bring this home, let me get to the heart of it. We looked at the question.
If saw many 3, does it have to do with the end times? But there’s another question.
Does it have to do with your life? It does. What is Psalm 83 about?
It’s a prayer to god about all the enemies that are against the people of god.
US office saying, Lord, look at all the enemies. Well, there are a lot.
See, it’s tough to be chosen.
That’s another thing to tell you on the filler of the roof.
He says, basically, god, I’m honored that you should call us your chosen people.
But would you consider choosing somebody else? Here’s the thing. If you’re saved, you are chosen.
You’re also the chosen people, but being chosen doesn’t make it easier.
Because there are forces against god and against his people and they’re against you.
And the fact is, so being chosen doesn’t mean you don’t have problems or challenges, It may mean you have special problems and special challenges.
The Jewish people where chosen, they’ve had no shortage of enemies. They’ve had more enemies than any other people.
Because there is an enemy. And so the enemy works through enemies.
So don’t panic or get bent out of shape God uses all of it.
The problems, the challenges that you’re dealing with are to make you stronger, to make you like messiah.
That’s the point. The fact that Israel has enemies.
I’ve shared this means the Israelis had to learn how to become fighters.
They didn’t know how to fight before. They learned how to fight real quick.
As soon as they become a nation, 6 nations come to destroy them.
And the fact you have an enemy means you have to become a spiritual fighter.
In other words, what does that mean?
One who doesn’t surrender one who doesn’t give in to the darkness or the sip that beats it back.
Notice something. I said the greatest attacks in Israel In fulfillment of this template came at the greatest moment of prophecy.
The rebirth of Israel, when you had all these nations, it was when prophecy was about to come.
The restoration of Jerusalem, the rebirth of Israel. What does that tell you?
The greatest problems, the greatest resistance, the greatest warfare, That means the greatest fulfillment god has for you.
The greatest victory, the greatest blessing, the greatest change in your life, The greater the battle, the greater the attack, the greater the blessing at the end.
Israel had a fight But what it got by fighting was a nation. Blessings.
Israel had to fight again. But what it got was Jerusalem.
So there’s a blessing at the end of every fight, but you gotta fight.
So the warfare of the enemy, the attack of the enemy on your life, is proportionate to the greatness of what god has ahead.
The enemy knows it. Hold on. Fight the fight.
Keep keep going and you will win and you will enter the blessing that’ll be with you from then on.
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