The Master Weaver And Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Master Weaver And Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn shares how God has been called the “Master Weaver.” What does it mean? What does the Bible say about it? Is God weaving your life together, thread by thread? How so? And what does it reveal about your life itself?

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

you don’t understand what’s happening how can you understand what God’s doing only God could do that you can believe though you can trust God is working it all God is weaving it all the last time we did a tour to Israel we went for the first time into the land of Samaria to a place called bethl bethl was the site of the most dramatic event bethl was the place that was sacred in many ways but also was then used to become a pagan place the man jeroboam had rebelled against the the the the Jerusalem and the House of

David he divided the Kingdom of Israel into the North and South he took the north 10 tribes 10 lost tribes to in the South he led the northern kingdom away further and further away from God he set up a golden calf on the alt and an altar on the mountain of bethl but as Jobo was standing by that altar about to offer an offering a prophet comes to him and says oh altar starts prophesying to the altar oh altar altar thus saith the Lord a son shall be born to the House of David and on you he shall sacrifice the priests of the high

places who burn incense on you human bones shall be burned on you and this is the sign that the Lord has spoken Behold The Altar shall be split apart and the ashes which are on it shall be poured out and when the king hears this this the man crying out he stretches forth his hand and says seize him but as he stretches his hand his hand Withers up and the altar splits into and the ashes are poured out centuries go by an evil King in Judah the South Ammon was assassinated leaving an 8-year-old son who becomes king in his place his eight this this

son is called Yoshi or Yoshi yaho we call him Josiah unlike his father Josiah didn’t follow the gods he didn’t follow his father’s ways he followed the Lord he sought to serve the Lord with all his heart Josiah cleanses the house of God the temple of God from Idols he he leads the nation in Revival he breaks down the Pagan altars in the land that were used to sacrifice children and to make sure they’d never be used again he desecrates them one day he says I want to go up that that high place he goes up to the

high place of what had once been the northern kingdom it’s bethl he sees the altar on the mountain the Pagan place and he sees Graves around them he takes the bones of the from the graves and burns them on the altar to defile it so they can never be used again then he turns he sees something uh like a a marker Memorial he says what is that they said it’s the grave of the man of God who came from Judah and proclaimed these very things you have done this day imagine that imagine imagine what was Josiah thinking all of the sudden he

realizes that everything he did was leading up to an appointed Destiny everything in his life for the moment to serve God his choice to serve God and all the years of trying to do God’s will never fully seeing all these things until this moment the decid decision to say let me go up that hill let me go up that that mountain it was all prophesied 300 years before he did it if anything in his life went out of place it wouldn’t have happened he had no idea that there was this Destiny until the moment he walked into it stood

on that mountain the mystery the purpose the meaning of his life imagine if that was you imagine you’re trying to serve the Lord which hopefully you are you’re doing it and one day you just go to some place and and you do something in the Lord and all of a sudden you find out that was written there from 300 years ago before America existed a prophecy that you might even call you by name would be born would come and do what you did it was waiting 300 years imagine that I came to the Lord when I was 20

and soon after that I had to make a decision to go on to graduate school or or something or seek to serve the Lord in in a a way a different way and one day I was a Believer I just you know I I I visited a little church at their midweek service there was a woman there who was a former Madam who ran a house of prostitution but now she had come to the Lord and she was known for having gifts of the Spirit of Prophecy she she calls me over she doesn’t know who I am I’m looking like you know wilder than this it was you know more hair and you

know around it kind of looked like a hippie and I’m just there in jeans or whatever and she she calls me over and she said she she begins to prophesy over me and she says she speaks you are called for Ministry she speaks about the ministry speaks about something powerful she says all things that are going to happen that going to happen through the ministry what she said then years and years ago decades ago has now come to pass there is an appointed Destiny for your life my wife rata grew up in Brazil she

was ministering in worship there one I mean as a as a as a girl and one day when she was about 13 a Believer prays over her and says there’s a man across the world he’s Jewish he’s of the tribe of Levi he ministers around the world he sounds the Chau far and you are going to prep you need to prepare yourself because you’re going to be his helpmate you’re going to be his wife months later another believer is praying over her and says there’s a man across the world he’s Jewish from the tribe of Levi same thing

months later another believer says the same thing and months later a fourth believer says the same thing one of them says even you you got you you have to start learning English because you’re going to need it years ago she never did but years later but she started studying about how the how the Levites helped the priests in Ministry and then one day she you know she said well she didn’t know what to make of it cuz nothing happened it was to so strange and one day she’s in America she has a friend a Brazilian

friend she says she says um do you know of a she asked do you know of a Messianic congregation because she had been in one in Brazil and and so the friend happened to come to Beth Israel on Friday nights took her to Beth Israel I was walking around before the service you wouldn’t know I was the pastor some people today they don’t know I would be the pastor she said I she said I know that man she said I’ve seen him he’s been he’s been to Brazil i’ I’ve met he’s been in Brazil friend he’s never

been in Brazil she said well how do I know him one of the words then she remember one of the words given her says as soon as you see him you’ll know him there was and she never told me the she would never tell me any of the prophecies I I found out kind of by accident but there is an appointed Destiny so with Joseph so with David so with Jeremiah so with Esther so with Josiah so with Jeremiah so with Paul and so with you your life you may not see it and the things in your life may look like what’s happening why Lord what’s

going on I don’t see what’s happening and why don’t makes doesn’t make sense what’s happening in the world you know some see it’s like a roller coaster I’m here there this happens this happen you know have you ever been on a roller coaster how many of you well you know it’s made to look to scare you like you’re going to go off you’re going to go off it’s out of control but everything’s on a grid everything is a perfect thing so in your life it may look like you’re going off you’re going

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