The Key for GOD’s Promises – Take It All Back Vol 4

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ANNOUNCER: The Believers’ Walk of Faith is sponsored by partners and viewers of Bill Winston Ministries.

ANNOUNCER: Coming up next on the Believers’ Walk of Faith:

BILL: Jesus gave His life for your health, so you could be healed completely. He died so you would never have to be without a roof over your head. He gave His life so you could provide for your family and send your children to school. He gave His life for you to have more than enough. Don’t criticize when God reveals what belongs to you—it’s not about greed, it’s about growth. God has great things in store for you, and they’re the best things.

BILL: Life flows from your spirit. From within, there’s a power you can release through the spoken Word. This power is within your spirit, and it’s more than the mind can grasp. When I arrived here, I had only $200. We needed to move, but we couldn’t make it happen. So I fasted for three days, asked God for guidance, and He told me to “decree” what I wanted. I declared we’d move in seven days—and we did! We’d been trying for months, but my words, powered by faith, made it possible.

BILL: There is creative power in your spirit. If you looked beyond the body, we’re all God’s children. This body is just a vessel, so we need to care for it wisely. Don’t limit what you can achieve by your thoughts. Let your spirit lead, and when it speaks, believe in its power to bring things to pass. Even if doubts arise, trust that your words will take effect. If I could declare a truth and see it manifest, so can you.

BILL: We started with a small location on Madison Street, and I want you to see where we came from. People didn’t know we were there, but we put up a confession and spoke it. Soon, people came from surrounding cities, filling every floor of the building we bought. If I could draw crowds through faith and confessions, you can also speak life into your body, healing it in Jesus’ name.

BILL: Write this down: find confessions from God’s Word about your healing and speak them out. Your spirit has power beyond your mind’s understanding. If Jesus spoke to a storm and calmed it, He also asked the disciples, “Why are you afraid? Where is your faith?” God’s commands are purposeful, and He wouldn’t ask us to do what we’re unable to do.

BILL: The enemy doesn’t want you to know this: you can operate at the level of God’s promises. You won’t be God, but He’s given you the authority to act in His power. He raised Christ from the dead, and through that same power, you can bring life to your circumstances.

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