The Healing Power Of A Joyful Heart (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

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The Healing Power Of A Joyful Heart (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

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You are watching the sermon, The Healing Power Of A Joyful Heart, preached on Aug 6, 2017 by Joseph Prince.

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If you are dealing with a health challenge, we are believing with you for your breakthrough, and we speak the Lord’s healing over you. As you stand in faith for your complete healing, be sure to practice both faith and wisdom. Be sure to consult a qualified medical practitioner or healthcare provider regarding your health status, and do not, on your own accord, disregard any professional medical advice or stop taking your medication. We are praying for you and look forward to hearing your praise report!

How many of you would like to be in a place not to be sick? The root word of “sickness” is to be worn down in strength. The devil shoots you with something that grieves your heart, something that makes you worried. And you don’t understand why but you were undergoing a stressful period, you were worn down in strength.

“A merry heart doeth good” “like a medicine.” Do you think God is joking? It is a medicine that has no side effects! Even when things go wrong, rejoice in Him! Keep a merry heart! It’s a joy in the Lord that releases healing. “For the joy set before Him” “he endured the cross.” No wonder He fell and He got up and fell again.
He loved you, man! Hallelujah. To God be all the glory,  Amen. Those are wonderful testimonies,   and especially when you are going through  things like this, you know, how in an instant,   the Lord touch you, you are so grateful for what  the Lord has done. It is not something that the   world always has an answer for. Sometimes you  can go back to the doctor again and again and…
Doctors are wonderful people. Alright,  number one, you cannot just be a doctor   that is cognizant of the different terms  of all the chemicals that you have to   handle and dispense of but you got to be a  people person. You gotta assuage the fears,   anxieties of your patients, you gotta  listen to them. You gotta endure them.
Amen. Be long suffering with them. So we  thank God for doctors. They are fighting   the same enemies of mankind that God hates.  Amen. And this is the real battle. Amen? It’s not fighting people. It is fighting these  kind of enemies. So whenever you read in the   Bible, in the Old Testament, and you read about  destroying the enemies.
God commands the people   to destroy the enemies because the enemies have  done this, done that; abused their children   and killed them and destroyed…and raped their  women and pillaged their villages and all that. Those enemies even back then under the  law was, they were real enemies but today,   you need to apply them to your life and  know them as spiritual enemies. Amen
And   many of them even include sickness.  So those stories there, the names,   the names of those people, they are names  that name, in the Hebrew as sickness,   disease. So God teaches you from the  Old Testament how to destroy them. Amen. Because 2000 years ago, Jesus hung on the cross  and by His stripes, we are healed.
You know,   one of the reasons Jesus went through the  scourging before He went to the cross;   Most of the sacrificial animals, they are  first.., listen carefully, they are first   killed. And the way they kill it is very humane.  The way God ordained it, right. I read about this,   if they have, they practice animal sacrifice; They  find that vessel alright, on your neck and then,   with a very sharp knife, they just cut it,  real fast
And the enemy, and the animal is   unconscious. Straight away unconscious and then,  it bleeds, it dies. Ok. There is no shock. Whereas   if an animal dies out of shock, it releases toxins  into its blood. It releases toxin into its muscles   even. When you eat those kind of animals, it’s not  good.
That’s why the Bible says you shall not eat   of anything that dies by itself. Amen. Because of  disease or because of sudden shock or whatever. So the enemy, I say “enemy” all the time,  it is first killed and then it is put on   the altar. Our Lord Jesus, however,  He suffered first. For the animal,   there is no suffering.
For Jesus, He suffered  first and then He was put on the altar, alright,   to be crucified. Now why that is so? Because  every pain, there is a verse I read last night,   or yesterday evening, it says, “Wound for wound.  Burning for burning. Stripe for stripe.” So for   everything that you have gone through, Jesus  bore it in His own body. Can I have a good amen? Alright, and He bore our sins in His body.
By  the way, I just want to say this real quick,   this is very interesting but it’s just for your  own knowledge. The Bible never says that Jesus   bear our sins in His spirit. Ok, I know that this  is controversial for some people and all that,   they will argue with that. He never  bore our sins in His spirit. In all   the scriptures that you read, “who bear our  sins in his own body on the tree.
” Alright,   His soul was involved. Who made His…God  made His soul an offering for sin,   but it’s never His spirit bore the  sins. Are you listening, people? Amen. So, He, it’s not important for people to know  exactly all these things but it does make a   difference when people say that Jesus died  spiritually. Jesus didn’t die spiritually.
I repeat, Jesus didn’t die spiritually. He  cannot die spiritually because He is very   God but He’s also very man. So being very man,  He could die, but He could not die spiritually.   Do you understand that? Ok, anyway, I won’t  go into that. There’s a big thing, debate,   last time, about people who believe  Jesus died spiritually and all that.
But what is important is this;  the animal that’s put on the,   on the sacrificial altar, they first flay  the animal. You know what is flay? Alright,   they remove the skin. They remove the fur, of  course, and then they remove the skin exposing   the inward parts and then they put it on the  altar. Ok, then becomes a burnt offering.
Now, when Jesus hung on the cross, His  back was, in front even, was one bloody   mess already. You could hardly see skin. In fact  in Psalms, the messianic psalms, Jesus actually,   literally said this, “My bones look and stare  at me.” I believe Psalms 22, “My bones look   and stare at me.
” So it was the  scourging that caused his flesh   to be stripped off him. He was flayed  literally, before placed on the altar. Ok, don’t forget also He’s very man. As man,  He felt tired. As man, He could feel pain.   Just because alright, as deity put on human  flesh, He never used His deity, alright,   to stop suffering in His own body or in His  emotions or in His mind.
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