The Harbinger: The Isaiah 9:10 Effect – Chapter 15

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The Isaiah 9:10 Effect – Chapter 15

Is it possible…
That there exists an ancient mystery that holds the secret of America’s future?
That this mystery lies behind everything from 9/11 to the collapse of the global economy?
That ancient harbingers of judgment are now manifesting in America?
That God is sending America a prophetic message of what is yet to come?

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Chapter 15, the Isaiah 9 10 effect at that he was quiet.
She was quiet as well thinking it right to give him a chance to rest from speaking.
But at the same time concerned that if she waited too long, he might not continue.
Finally, she broke the silence. You are planning to tell me the second part of the mystery.
She asked as long as you have the time, he replied, forget time.
She said, I want to know the second part. I know how busy you are not anymore, Noriel.
I just wanted to make sure wait before you continue. What if we go for a walk?
I need to walk. If that’s ok with you, it’s fine.
They left the office, took an elevator down to the first floor, exited the building and began walking down the street.
They would walk down many streets that night, passing office buildings, stores, street vendors, apartment houses and others also walking the city streets that night.
But the two were largely oblivious to their surroundings, caught up in the ancient mystery and the words of the prophet.
So when did you see him again?
She asked, I was working on a project that had me in Lower Manhattan for several weeks.
During my free time, I’d go for walks around the area. One day.
During one of those walks, I stopped in front of the New York Stock Exchange.
I was staring at it at the side with the columns, the famous side.
I don’t remember exactly what I was thinking when I heard the voice, the voice of the prophet.
It had been several years since I last heard it. You didn’t forget, did you?
He said I turned around, he hadn’t changed nor had his long dark coat.
He looked the same as when I last saw him. Forget what I asked what you were shown.
I recorded everything but no, I didn’t forget good. And how have you been Noriel?
It was the first time he ever asked me that.
Ok, I guess I replied, and you, what have you been up to these past few years watching?
He answered watching and now to begin the second part, the second part of the mystery.
Are you ready to begin? I don’t think I’ve ever been ready then. Let’s begin.
What concerns us now is that which comes after starting with the prophecy?
What comes after Isaiah 9 10? What do you mean? What comes after Isaiah 9 10, Isaiah 9 11.
Not the number. The words I can’t remember offhand Isaiah 9 10, the bricks have fallen, but we will rebuild with hewn stone.
The sycamores have been cut down, but we will plant cedars in their place.
Now, Isaiah 9 11, therefore, the Lord shall set up the adversaries of resin against him and spur his enemies on.
So what’s going on in Isaiah 9 11?
He asked the nation’s first shaking is followed by a second. And why is that?
Because the nation didn’t wake up or turn back after the first.
Isaiah 9 10 is a vow of defiance. Isaiah 9 11 is a prophecy of future calamity.
The two are connected, the one leads into the other. The first brings about the second.
So the vow brings about the nation’s future calamities.
I asked the vow, he replied, but not the vow alone.
If we were only a vow and nothing more, it would have ended differently. It’s what the nation did.
Once the vow was made that determined its future, which was it fulfilled?
The vow with quarried stones and sycamores.
The nation embarked on a campaign to rebuild and fortify itself to emerge stronger and greater than before.
So by executing the vow, the vow to defy the first calamity, the nation ends up ushering in the second or the second disaster is brought about by the very campaign to prevent it.
But why, what would happen Noriel if a gardener tried to remove a weed from his garden by cutting off its leaves, he asked the leaves would grow back.
I replied, and if he cuts off its stem it would sprout another, his efforts would be doomed to fail.
You can’t solve a problem by dealing with its symptoms, its manifestations, you have to deal with the cause behind it.
In the case of the gardener, the cause lies hidden beneath the surface in the roots.
So even if he solves one problem, another will reappear and another and another until he finally deals with the underlying problem, the root.
So in other words, Israel’s real problem was a spiritual one.
Its separation from God, everything else was just a symptom or manifestation of the underlying problem.
So the vow to rebuild is like a gardener attempting to remove a weed by cutting off its leaves. Exactly.
The ultimate problem wasn’t national security or defense or the Assyrians or even the attack.
If a nation’s underlying problem is spiritual, then all the political economic or military solutions will do nothing to remove it.
Such things can only treat symptoms, the bricks and the sycamores.
A spiritual problem can only be solved by a spiritual solution.
Apart from that, every solution will end up producing another crisis. So the only solution is to return to God.
But Israel would choose otherwise, the nation would harden itself seeking to come back stronger without addressing its spiritual dissent.
And the strategy appeared to be working for a time, the clearing away of the ruins, the construction and the sight of a nation rebuilding itself created a sense of national resurgence.
But it was all an illusion. The judgment hadn’t been averted only masked. The root problem was never addressed.
They were moving farther and farther away from God. The resurgence was hollow. They had vowed to rebuild.
But what they were building was a house of cards and in time it would all collapse and it all began with a vow.
It was the vow that set it all in motion.
He said the same spirit of defiance that led to the vow would eventually lead Israel to reassert itself to flaunt its strength and through a series of strategic maneuvers to challenge the Assyrian Empire, that challenge would lead to calamity.
So it was the vow and the spirit behind the vow that triggered a chain of events that would ultimately bring about the nation’s destruction.
The harbingers are manifestations of the vow I said. So is it inevitable that the harbingers lead to calamity?
The harbingers lead either to calamity or redemption? If he did, they lead to redemption? If not, then to calamity?
Now it’s been years Noriel. But is it possible that you still have the last seal?
I reached into my coat pocket and pulled it out, the one he gave you at the capital, Anna.
Yes. With the image of the scroll on it, the seal of the ninth Harbinger.
But you gave up on seeing him again. That’s right. So why did you still have it with you?
I didn’t know I did have it until I reached into my pocket for a time after that last meeting, I made sure to keep it with me as I did with every seal.
But after giving up hope of seeing him again, I wasn’t as careful to make sure still it was there in the pocket of my coat.
And that’s what I just happened to be wearing that day.
So you gave him the seal and as he examined it, he began to speak.
If a nation rejects the call of God to return and if the harbingers aren’t heated, then comes a second stage.
So we move now to the second stage within which are contained four mysteries, four mysteries.
Do you see this? He asked as he pointed to the image on the seal to what looked like a shadow around the scroll, a shadowy double image.
It was faint and nothing that would have struck me or anyone as noteworthy. It’s significant.
I asked, it’s a double image, a second image, a second image as in there comes a second.
I asked as in there comes a second. Yes. So what would it mean?
The prophecy has a second part?
It leads to something else to a second manifestation, the Isaiah 9 10 effect, which is what this the attempt of a nation to defy the course of its judgment apart from repentance will instead set in motion a chain of events to bring about the very calamity.
It sought to avert and this all has to do with America.
I asked seven years after 9 11, he said the American economy collapsed, triggering a global economic implosion behind it all and all that followed was something much deeper than economics behind the collapse of Wall Street.
And the American economy was Isaiah 9 10. How the explanations for an economic collapse are endless.
He said, no one factor stands alone and one can go back in time as far as one chooses to search for causes.
But according to the Isaiah 9 10 effect, the second calamity must be effectively born out of the first and out of the nation’s response to that first calamity.
So then the collapse of the economy and Wall Street would have to somehow go back to 9 11 and it all does go back to 9 11.
He said the smoke was still hovering over ground zero when the ancient vow of defiance was proclaimed from Capitol Hill in the days and years that followed, the nation would attempt to fulfill that vow.
The rebuilding was never just about ground zero but about rebuilding the entire nation.
Remember what was proclaimed over the hun stone.
It will forever remain a symbolic cornerstone for the rebuilding of New York and the nation.
And when the Ancient vow was proclaimed in its entirety, it happened in Washington DC, the nation’s capital.
In both cases, it clearly had to do with more than ground zero in New York, it was about America as a nation and it would be the nation as a whole that carried out the vow just as it happened in Ancient Israel.
It would happen in post 9 11 America. The vow would be turned into reality.
Isaiah 9 10 would become the nation’s foreign and domestic policy. How so what did we will rebuild?
Mean for Ancient Israel? He asked, it meant they would repair the damage and rebuild their fallen buildings, towers, homes and their walls.
He added, they would rebuild their walls and fortify their defenses. So as to become invulnerable to future attacks.
In the same way, America after 9 11 would embark on a campaign to rebuild its walls of protection, to strengthen and fortify its systems of defense.
The campaign would mean the establishing of the Department of Homeland Security, the launching of a global war against terror and two conventional wars abroad, one in Afghanistan and the other in Iraq.
It was all a reaction to 9 11.
America was doing exactly as Ancient Israel had done in Isaiah 9 10 attempting to defy the first calamity.
In fact, the speech that would launch the nation’s war on terror would contain the words we will rebuild.
America was waging war against 9 11 trying to reverse its consequences, overcome its impact and nullify its danger.
So in the years following the attack, American foreign and domestic policy was in effect, a translation of the Ancient Vow but was it wrong?
I asked, what choice was there?
Is it wrong for a gardener to cut off the stem of a weed?
He asked, instead of dealing with its root, the issue was deeper.
You can’t solve a spiritual problem with a military or political solution.
Apart from a return to God, the root issue remains untouched and will manifest again in a different form.
It’s in this, that the Isaiah 9 10 effect begins to operate a nation’s attempt at defying judgment apart from repentance, ends up setting in motion a future calamity in its campaign to strengthen itself.
It ends up bringing about its own weakening.
So then as America vowed to emerge stronger than before and wage war against 9 11, the Isaiah 9 10 effect was set in motion.
Yes. And each campaign born of that defiance would end up producing a backlash.
How so I asked the campaign to strengthen America’s national security and defenses would require massive expenditures.
The war on terror, the military campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq would add multiplied billions of dollars to the federal budget funds and resources that otherwise would have been used to strengthen the American economy were now diverted and drained away from investment.
The war in Iraq would impel a surging of oil prices further draining the nation’s gross domestic product.
The massive amount of governmental spending in support of the nation’s war on terror would lead to the skyrocketing of the national debt further draining its economy and beyond the financial consequences.
What America began in the wake of 9 11 would end up further dividing the nation and it would all lead up to the economic collapse.
In part, he said, and for all that, it would be yet another manifestation of the Isaiah 9 10 effect that would bring about the collapse of the American and global economy.
And this too was born out of the ruins of 9 11.
The most critical effect of the calamity on the American and global economy would begin six days after the attack as a response to the calamity.
Yes, he said as in the Ancient Vow in January 2001, with the American economy beginning to slow down, the Federal Reserve began reducing the target interest rate, lowering it to 3.5%.
By the summer of that year, then came 9 11.
The first economic impact of the attack was the closing down of the New York Stock Exchange.
The same day, the market would remain closed for six days when it reopened the following Monday.
It would suffer the largest point crash in Wall Street history.
Up to that time, the attack had inflicted a damaging blow to an already fragile economy.
In the days and months after September 11th, there was a pervading fear that the calamity would cause the economy to hemorrhage.
The repercussions of 9 11 and of the nation’s response to it would continue to affect the economy.
Long after those initial fears had vanished along with the ruins of ground zero.
Long after even what appeared to be an economic rebound.
September 11th would not only continue to affect the American economy but would also alter it.
And in so doing change the global economy.
So what happened six days after the attack, the Isaiah 9 10 effect begins with the nation’s response to the first calamity.
So the effect would begin with the proclaiming of the vow on Capitol Hill the next day.
Yes, of the prophet. But those were words, we will rebuild.
It would be the following Monday that those words would be translated into reality.
It was the day that the Federal Reserve attempted to inject liquidity into the market in a campaign to avert economic disaster and ensure that America would indeed rebuild and recover as ancient Israel had attempted to defy the consequences of its first calamity.
Yes, except that the human stones of America’s recovery were primarily economic.
So on the first Monday, after 9 11, the Federal Reserve slashed its target interest rate still further.
As the first concrete act of the nation’s rebuilding, the rate had already been lowered to 3.5%.
But the extreme nature of 9 11 would now cause it to begin descending to extreme levels.
That Monday morning of September 17th, the Federal Reserve lowered the target interest rate by 50 basis points over the next three months it would be slashed several more times until hitting 1.75% on December 11, 2001.
September 11th would force the interest rate below the rate of inflation which is equivalent to creating free money.
The treasury would continue its extreme suppression of interest rates over an extended period of time by June of 2003, the rate would reach 1% and would remain under 2% for several years.
Only after that would it be adjusted upward?
But the severe slashing and prolonged suppression of interest rates in reaction to 9 11 would set in motion, a chain of events that would bring down the American and global economy.
How exactly I asked the extreme rates would open up an era of easy money.
He explained easy loans, easy borrowing and easier mortgages, easier mortgages would cause an already rising housing market to explode beyond all standard economic fundamentals, creating an unprecedented housing and building boom.
The exploding housing market would lead homeowners to borrow and spend against the rising value of their homes.
The phenomenon would create credit bubbles throughout the economy.
This in turn would encourage massive inflows of capital from Asia to compound the problem.
The stock market would surge along with the volume of money borrowed and leveraged and the effect would spread throughout the world.
The post 9 11 slashing of interest rates would be copied by central banks across the globe.
Meaning that the same post 9 11.
Dynamics at work in America were now reproduced throughout the world with similar consequences, credit bubbles, building and housing booms and exploding markets.
So what spread around the world throughout the global economy was in a sense, the continuing effect of 9 11 and of the Isaiah 9 10 effect.
But was it wrong? I asked no more wrong than replacing fallen bricks with quarried stone or sycamores with cedar trees if nothing more was involved.
But there was something more involved. Something much more involved.
A nation was in spiritual decline and rapid departure from God.
God was calling it back, allowing it to be shaken to wake it up to save it from judgment.
But it chose instead not to turn back.
And without turning back all its efforts, all its campaigns become in effect.
Acts of defiance, the undoing of symptoms, the silencing of alarms with no resolution of the underlying problem.
The foolish gardener, the remedies only masked the problem just as happened with ancient Israel.
The Assyrian invasion was followed by a campaign to rebuild what had been destroyed, fallen buildings, walls, towers homes, a massive wave of construction throughout the land like a building boom.
I said like a building boom.
So too 9 11, not only resulted in the rebuilding of what had been destroyed, but beyond that, a massive wave of building throughout the nation, a building boom linked to the suppression of interest rates linked to America’s defiance of 9 11 linked to Isaiah 9 10.
And to the words, we will rebuild and to the words proclaimed from Capitol Hill just days before the Treasury lowered the rate.
Yes, said the prophet and since the economic boom was linked to Isaiah 9 10, the Isaiah 9 10 effect, it ultimately had to collapse the attempt of a nation to defy the course of its judgment.
Apart from repentance will instead set in motion a chain of events to bring about the very calamity.
It sought to avert the words of Isaiah 9 10 would lead Israel to its downfall and all its rebuilding and all its prosperity would be destroyed.
All the trappings of its national resurgence would then be exposed as having been hollow, empty and deceptive from the start.
A house of cards I said and so too, in the case of America, he said the extreme and prolonged lowering of interest rates would sow the seeds of future disaster.
The explosion in credit would lead to a massive explosion in debt.
The increased liquidity would mask a multitude of economic dangers.
The standard cautions and restraints involved in borrowing and loaning would be thrown away. Banks would make loans.
They never otherwise would have made consumers would spend money, they never otherwise would have spent and people would buy houses.
They never otherwise could have afforded personal debt, government debt and corporate debt all mushroomed and with increased pressure to produce ever greater profits.
Investment in banking firms would become involved with increasingly risky transactions and practices.
An economic house of Cards and just as Israel’s resurgence was a house of Cards.
He said so too was America’s post 9 11 resurgence.
As long as credit continued to flow, the stock market to rise and the housing market to boom, the illusion could be sustained.
But if the housing market stopped booming, if the stock market began to falter, or if the flow of credit began to dry up, the illusion would collapse.
And so it did in September of 2008, the American financial system began to implode, triggering the greatest economic disaster since the Great Depression.
The American led global economic explosion turned into an American led global economic implosion.
The House of Cards was collapsing and drawing the world into its fall.
And so behind the entire global economic collapse was Isaiah 9 10.
It all began in the ruins of 9 11.
Did anyone else see the connection between the economic implosion and 9 11 in time?
It became clear to more and more analysts. One observer would put it this way.
We can trace the roots of the crisis back to the 9 11 terror attacks.
Greenspan kept on cutting the interest rates after September 11th, pushing financial innovation.
After 9 11, American people were encouraged to spend, spend, spend in the spirit of patriotism to help restart the flailing economy, to fuel that spending in the extraordinary political and psychological climate of that time, us policymakers actively encouraged levels of borrowing and lending that would never otherwise have been allowed.
Isaiah 9 10 translated into modern economics. Exactly.
And from another source, the Financial House of Cards was slowly built following the 9 11 attacks.
As the US government tried to revive the economy by repeatedly dropping interest rates.
Families lunged at the opportunity to refinance their mortgages.
Now the collapse of the mortgage market is felt around the world. Divine anger.
I said, quoting what I had read being a remedial force will not cease until its purposes are wrought out.
If one expression is resisted, another must be found. And where did you get that?
He asked from a commentary in Isaiah 9 10, very good Noriel.
So you’ve been searching America resisted one expression.
I said, so another was found, the warning was rejected, said the prophet the stem was cut but the route brought forth another.
So the economic crisis that engulfed America and the world was in a sense, the continuation of 9 11 or 9 11 manifesting in the form of an economic collapse or he said that which first manifested as 9 11 now manifesting in an alternate form.
There comes a second. I said, and notice Noriel, the dynamic keeps getting larger.
It begins with the voicing of the Ancient vow.
Then it becomes a direction, then the policy of an entire nation and then a collapse affecting the course of the entire world.
The harbingers draw in everything to themselves.
From the Federal Reserve to the global economy, they touch the entire world and no one realizes that it’s all part of the ancient mystery.
He didn’t say anything in response but reached into his coat, pulled out a seal and handed it to me.
I recognized it immediately. It was another of the nine harbingers.
You realize you gave this one to me before as well. I asked, I do.
So you recycle. He didn’t respond to that either though.
I wasn’t surprised you’re giving me the seal of the sixth harbinger. That’s correct.
The fall in sycamore, the tree of Israel’s judgment.
And why am I giving it to you a second time?
He asked because it has something to do with the second shaking. It does.
He said, but also for another reason, what within the sycamore are two mysteries.
One going back to the last days of Ancient Israel and the other, going back to the first days, the first days of Ancient Israel, the first days of America.

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