The Gift of Faith – Sunday Service

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The Gift of Faith – Sunday Service

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you may be seated for over two decades World Changers Church International has hosted an annual Fall Festival this event provides a wonderful opportunity to bring the community together for hours of food games family fun and fellowship all within a safe and exciting atmosphere we clan last year and we love it we always have a great time so there’s prayer too which is always good never have enough enough career and they know how to get in and out of the different obstacles and bouncy houses so they really enjoy that get to dress up
which we like to do so it’s fun to make this year’s event even more impactful we are incorporating our food drive initiative to ensure no family leaves hungry thank you World Changers because of your selfless support we continue to bring positive change to our surrounding communities amen uh you as a congregation in the church do more for this community than you realize and it is our job over the next several months to just show you all the things in the lives and the difference that you are making including
uh helping hurricane victims and and and uh um taking supplies and things that they need this not only in our own state but this is something we’ve been doing for a long time getting supplies where they need to be and uh we’ve got to become better storytellers of what God is doing in the lives of people because of your prayerful Financial voluntary support that you continue to give this ministry it’s uh it’s offering time here and we want to be generous with an off if you need an offering envelope if
you’ll raise your hands the ushers will be more than happy to uh help you I want to look at this scripture real quick I kept thinking about people who do things under pressure and how that just not God God doesn’t want us to live our Christian lives under pressure under fear under shame under guilt that’s just not what he wants he wants to be so convincing in your life when he is allowed to come into your life he wants to be so convincing that you stand on him with joy you stand on him with cheer you stand on him with confidence
in fact if I were you if you’re doing anything that’s not motivated by cheer and motivated by uh a desire to want to do it for him you might need to check out why you’re doing it because everything is about motivation okay this is not like a a magic thing you know give and then something magical is going to happen God wants your heart heart he’s always wanted your heart and he wants what you do to be done out of your heart and uh put the scripture up 2 Corinthians chapter 9 verse 6 says but this I say he which sth sparingly shall
reap also sparingly and he which sewe bountifully shall reap also bountifully so he’s taking this illustration from a farmer who SWS seed into the ground and then he goes to verse 7 and he says every man according as his purpose in his heart see there it is it’s a it’s it’s no longer every man do it according to this percent this percent this percent he says I want you to do it according to what’s what what you’ve purposed in your heart I want it from your heart your heart your heart uh so
let him give he says not grudgingly or of necessity this is interesting he says when you he says when you do it don’t do it grudgingly in other words don’t don’t do it and not want to do it you know that’s what it means to give grudgingly you’re doing it but you don’t really want to do it it’s not in your heart to do it it and then he says this interesting he says don’t even give out of necessity giving out of necessity you feel like you know I’ve got to give and if I don’t God won’t meet my needs I’ve
got to give and if I don’t God you know won’t let me go to heaven it’s all of these things out of necessity now I I need to feel like I give that’s not that’s not e he wants your heart your heart your heart for God loveth look here A Cheerful giver and and the implication is whose heart is in him his giving that’s what allows you to be a cheerful giver and then in verse eight he says and God is able to make all the grace abound towards you that you always having all sufficiency in all things and
all this comes from the grace he may abound or increase to every good work so there’s a Grace upon your life and notice in um one translation it says uh if you go back to verse 7 in the NLT it talks about Not Giving under pressure or manipulation okay uh he says You must each decide in your own heart how to give and don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure ever been in a situation where people put pressure on you to give if you don’t give then God ain’t going to bless you if you don’t
give then you know God going to get you and if you don’t give then you you disobedient and the and the Bible says and it’s a commandment anything to get you in into giving or responding to pressure why would God want something from us as a response to pressure God doesn’t want anything from us as a response to pressure he wants it from your heart he wants it from your heart he wants it from your heart not response to pressure now today is going to be an interesting day because today I’m just
going to let loose with everything I know is true I am so tired of tip and toeing around everything because that’s all we heard all our lives I’m going to do everything but cuss to I ain’t going to cuss [Applause] C cuz cuz C ain’t in me no more I don’t think but I’m just so tired of being of seeing people misled and and you wonder why people don’t come to church you wonder why they’re at a picnic right now why they’re riding bicycles right now why they’re doing everything else
upcoming to church cuz they’re tired of buying this Con God wants out of your heart he wants out of your heart he wants your heart God weighs the hearts of people father thank you for this opportunity to give cheerfully to give out of our hearts and I thank you Lord that we will not give in response to pressure we trust your grace to be able to make everything available to us that we need in our lives we love you dearly because you first loved us and I pray that every every Supply that’s needed by this congregation you already have it and I
call it finished in Jesus name amen let’s just go ahead and receive the offering and and then we’re going to get ready for a teaching that I pray will impact your life forever praise go I I do have to say this before we get into the spirit how about them Falcons that’s all I got to say y’all can be for whoever you want to be I got the microphone on how about them falc yeah boy now I got to tell you something I had to repent because I had a little disloyalty there was a minute and 30 seconds left on the clock and I
left you threw an intersection and I said well God gave you a gift you gave it right back to him I’m I’m getting ready to go so Ken and I driving out the parking lot debating on whether or not we ought to even want to turn the radio on to hear anything they got to say so we decided to turn the radio on and they said oh this game is going in overtime I’m like overtime I looked at the K turn the car around turn the car around and the guy said you can’t get back in on the radio and then the guy got the ballom find him a little lane 33
45 35 25 drive safely cuz the game is over we beating each other up on 285 there a concrete rail right here and something like that I don’t know why we made it down 285 without running into something praise the Lord but uh again that’s just the Lord just wanting you to enjoy life and I tell you what I enjoy me some life boy I guarantee you learn how to enjoy some life amen all right father we thank you for this another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep thank you Lord that Revelation knowledge will flow
freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force and father I pray that you will speak through my vocal cords and think through my mind none of me and all of you it’s in Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen amen and amen if if you have your Bibles this morning I want you to go with me to the book of 1 John chap 5 1 John chap 5 and verse 4 this will be the final teaching unless we don’t finish the teaching but the final teaching in the series called true faith 1 John 5 and verse 4 has this
series challenged you to really rethink and really go back and look at some things right 1 John chapter 5:4 we’re going to talk about the gift of faith and and and we’re going to answer this question is Faith a gift the gift of faith 1 John 5:4 in the King James I’m sure you you’re familiar with this let’s read it out together ready to read for what’s who soever is born of God overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith now now notice what it says whosoever is born of God
overcomes the world the world’s way of doing things and this is the victory this is the he he’s identifying what the victory is already this is the victory that overcomes the world he says faith is the victory faith is the victory now I always thought well uh you using your faith is the victory now he said faith is the victory he’s announcing that faith is the victory but I I’m I’m I’m thinking well I’ve got to use my faith first in order to get the victory he says now use your faith that’s VI no he
says faith is the victory faith is already the victory all right all right now let’s look at the mirror uh translation in verse uh uh four uh he says what is born of God is destined to triumph over the world system our faith celebrates a victory that is already accomplished let’s let’s read that again back up let’s read it again I I want you to see this whatever is born of God is destined the destination has already been established you’re destined to triumph over the world system all of the stuff that’s coming
against you all of the worldly things that are happening against you you’re destined that’s your destiny to win your your destiny it’s not if you’re going to win over the world system that’s already been established you’re destined to win over the world system you know what I’m going to go a step further you have won over the world system you have won over the world system you got to understand how this work there is God’s stance and then there is our state God’s stance is what
already is done our state praise God is where we are presently as we are maturing to that stance okay now he says whatever is born of God is destined to triumph over the world system our faith which is his faith which is the only Faith only one Faith One Faith one Lord one faith our faith celebrates a victory that is already accomplished it’s not you having to earn the victory it is a your faith is the victory your I love this your faith celebrates cuz that’s what happens when you have the faith of Jesus you’re not
struggling to try to get the victory if you’re really in faith and in his faith your faith celebrates the victory that is already accomplished so healing is a victory that’s already accomplished you shouldn’t be in begging mode you ought to be in celebration mode I’m celebrating the victory that’s already done praise God hallelujah your children are already saved so celebrate that victory see the transformation comes from moving them from their present State because your stance in Christ will will will will will change
your your state in Christ that’s what see cuz you’re saying well you’re telling us we’re already like this right now but it don’t seem like I’m like that see you got to understand you’re like that in the dimension where God is concerned it’s where God is it is his faith everything’s done in that Dimension now he knows where you are and he knows you’re in the flesh but it it is that stance that you CBR Cate that no matter come hell or high water you are celebrating what you’re are destined for
victory that’s already accomplished my my God my [Applause] God my goodness that’s that’s this life that that I’m telling you about faith this Faith life is not about you coming up with all of the schemes to get it accomplished and that’s what religion says here’s what you do to get it accomplished here’s what you got to do to get your Victory and we’re not understanding Victory done already been got he waiting on somebody to start SE faith is a celebration of what’s already
been done so you say well you’re in faith yeah I’m in faith hallelujah thank you God has already been done no you got to do these five things what you talking no no no no no them five things plus anything else you add to it it had already been finished I’m in celebration I’m in the faith that’s done I’m in the faith that’s accomplished all right all right now go to Ephesians 2: 8-9 Ephesians 2 8-9 glory to God oh the glory is increasing in your house the glory is increasing on your body Hallelujah doctor can’t find stuff
that was in the records Hallelujah they can’t find stuff that they found last month they trying to figure out what you’ve been doing and and and and be bold enough to answer what you been doing Tell them I’ve been living in the realm of the Finish that’s what I’ve been doing I’ve been waiting on y’all to finish stuff I’m living in the realm of the Finish go and cancel the operation you don’t need it no more cuz I’ve been celebrating what Jesus has already done can you see what we’ve been doing
[Applause] [Applause] oo Jesus for by grace are you saved sound preserved remember that through faith and that and I found out what that was and that in other words that you you’re believing of that for by Grace you’re saved beli in that and you got it through faith believing that and and that believing that that not of yourself it is the gift of God verse n he says not of works it’s
the gift of God not of works so you can’t boast about nothing all right now listen to this now listen to this my response your response our response in Salvation our response in Salvation is faith our response to being delivered being made sound being made righteous our response in Salvation is faith faith is a positive response to what Grace has made available celebrating what’s already finished is a response to what’s already been accomplished I’m celebrating I am respond responding faith is a positive response
to what Grace has made available so Faith responds with celebration and confidence and Trust in what has already been done that’s what faith does faith is nothing that we do in our own power faith is nothing that we do in our own power or by our own resour sources faith is not by our own resources faith is not by our own resources is Faith is not by what we do in our own abilities and powers and our intellect no see first of all we do not have adequate power or resources and if we did God would not want us to rely on
them otherwise salvation would be in part by our own works and we would have some ground to boast in ourselves if there was anything about us that could do it and I’m trying to get you to see that it’s like let’s not celebrate your religion of what you do to get what he has done let us realize that he has done so what you do is celebrate his doing are you following what I’m saying now Paul intends to emphasize that even faith is not from us apart from God’s giving it to us even faith is not of us and it hadn’t
it been the area we have assumed and we have taken into oursel that the Fai this faith is of me this faith has been given to you it is a gift just as much as Grace is a gift for by grace are you saved Grace is a gift salvation is a gift and faith is a gift you don’t have the resource to produce this kind of faith my god did you hear what I just said you do not have the resource as a as a human you do not have a resource you are you this kind of Faith can’t come from you please explain that to me this kind
of Faith can’t come from you this kind of Faith where everything is complete and finished and done this kind of Faith where God call the end at the very beginning this kind of Faith can’t come from you you struggle with the kind of faith that try to get you healed of a cold your faith is struggling with sniffles you got that $250 f and you want to go brag about it it’s it’s see see that’s what happens when that faith is of you you want to go brag about it but when you know it is of god you
can’t even brag about it somebody say how you get healed you don’t talking about the five step you did how you get here I’m still trying to figure that out myself I Know It with God I Know It with God but I I I didn’t I thought this and that came around here and that looped over here and they did that and they did that and they were going to give me the shot and they dropped it it broke and I I I don’t know go Hallelujah you ever been there because I’m saying you better get ready cuz
you’re going to have a lot of those befuddling moments in your life where you’re going to be confronted with what you thought you did versus what God has already done and I am telling you you are not the adequate resource to produce this type of gift you don’t have the resources to produce this kind of faith and I’ve been struggling for all these years trying to make this kind of Faith work and when it didn’t work I beat myself up and condemned myself and something must be wrong with my faith
some must be wrong I need to go fast I need to pray I need to figure out what’s happening why this I confess this thing five times a day I I prayed in tons of extra hour I came to church L help Mercy including the fifth Sunday I kept coming I I I gave my tithes my offerings my arms my I danced I ran around a dome I I witnessed the people can I get a witness here somebody I did all of this have you ever done everything you know to do and there was no results and it was still failure you were still sick they still died you still lost your job
you you didn’t understand all of that but the day you realize that it’s already been done it seemed like something started happening supernaturally and you can’t even explain it [Applause] because and you just get tired and you know what happened with most people before we found this side they just got tired they got tired you you know number of people I meet in the public they say I used to go to your church and I’m like I I understand I understand it was a lot of work one yeah I didn’t retire I just got
tired you know you had to dress right you had to have your makeup right you was a jezebel with makeup sometimes without makeup is you know if you wore pants then you up the devil you know I mean go all the way back then don’t put no drums in the church cuz drum I mean think about it drums affect God and and oh God all of this stuff that we have just bought all of these years and I am telling you it’s over it’s over it’s over the gospel of the grace of Jesus Christ is being preached around this

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