The Dragons Are Here! | Jonathan Cahn

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The Dragons Are Here! | Jonathan Cahn

Dragons in New York City! A Dragon on Wall Street. A Dragon on the Empire State Building. What is happening?

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

The dragons are here. They have come to New York City. They’ve appeared in Grand Central Station.
Their images have been seen on Rockefeller Center.
They have been seen on the ballpark of Citi Field with the New York Mets.
They’ve appeared even in lower Manhattan near ground 0, in the financial district, on Wall Street, the New York Stock Exchange.
They’ve even appeared at John’s Pizzeria.
They even have their own bagels, and they’ve appeared on what has stood as the icon of New York City and America, the Empire State Building, towering over New York City by day.
And by night, they are unhappy. They appear threatening, and dangerous, and deadly.
This is Jonathan Khan, and the dragons have arrived.
I didn’t plan on doing this video, but this is beyond. You can’t make this up.
You know, I’ve spoken to you about dragons or the dragon in the days past before this happened.
And now the dragons have arrived in America. What does it mean?
Well, in the natural, we know it’s part of a campaign to promote a series.
But why people do things is secondary to what they’re doing.
If you read the Harbinger, you know the 9 ancient signs of judgment that appeared in the last days of Israel before its destruction have reappeared, manifested in America.
And those who were part of their reappearing had no idea what they were doing.
They were doing it for totally other reasons. They had no idea what the signs meant.
When the arch of Baal appeared in New York City and then in Washington DC, the people who erected it did so for other reasons.
They had no idea what they were doing or what the signs signified.
So now we have the sign of the dragon.
The people who did it, did it to promote their show.
But even that, a show called House of Dragons.
A show with that name with dragon in it, a big thing in America. What does this mean?
What is a dragon? It’s an imaginary beast, but in the Bible it’s a symbol. It’s a sign.
The word dragon appears in the Bible in the Greek, dracon.
It’s used to translate a Hebrew word that appears in the Hebrew scriptures.
That Hebrew word for dragon is the word, tanim. It can mean dragon. It can mean monster.
It can mean creature. It can mean serpent.
So the same Hebrew word that means dragon also means serpent. Interesting.
Because both words, the serpent and the dragon, are used in the scriptures to describe the enemy, Satan, or in Hebrew, Satan, Satan, the opposer.
Also translated into Greek, Diabolus, from which we get the word devil.
At the end of 2023, I was starting to work to write the next book.
It was to be the sequel to The Return of the Gods. And that book will come.
But the Lord interrupted me. And that right now I had to write another book for this hour, for this year, for this time, for the days ahead.
I was in my car. I was actually driving my my children to school, and it came to me then the words, the dragon.
And that began my writing of the new book, The Dragon’s Prophecy, Israel, the dark resurrection, and the end of days.
So I’ve been working on this book for the 1st months of this year.
And I had no idea, but soon after I started writing the book, the start of 2024 was the new Chinese New Year.
What year is this? The year of the dragon. 2024 is the year of the dragon.
Right now is the year of the dragon.
So the dragon’s prophecy will come out in September of this year, September 3, 2024 of the year of the dragon.
I had no idea. But when I started writing it, it happened.
And the people who put up those images and those recreations of the dragons in New York City, they weren’t doing it because they’re thinking it’s the year of the dragon.
It just happened to be. The coming together of a mystery.
There was a mystery linked to the dragon coming together for now, for such time as this.
And this is what I open up the mystery in the book.
In the book of Revelation, it says this, and another sign appeared in heaven.
Behold a great fiery red dragon having 7 heads and 10 horns and 7 diadems on his heads.
Who is this dragon in Revelation? The enemy.
It goes on to say, the serpent of old or the ancient serpent, the devil.
Just as in the Hebrew, tannim, that word means dragon and serpent at the same time.
In the prophecy of Revelation, the dragon is described as being red. Notice something.
Look at the image they put up at the New York Stock Exchange. It’s a very crucial place.
What color is that dragon red? In Revelation, it says it had more than one head.
Look at that image that appeared on Wall Street. It has more than one head.
By the way, that spot where they put up the dragon is where America as a nation was born as a fully constituted nation in April of 17/89.
That’s where to this day, if you go there, there’s a statue of George Washington where he was sworn in on a bible, and the place where he gave the first ever presidential address.
And in that address, he gave a prophetic warning. I spoke of it in the Harbinger.
He said, the propitious smiles of heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of right and order that heaven itself hath ordained.
In other words, if a nation, meaning America, turns from God, away from the eternal rules of God, away from the eternal order of god, any nation that disregards god’s laws and God’s ways and God’s word and God’s order, the smiles of heaven or the blessings of God will be withdrawn from that nation.
That was the warning Washington gave right there.
After that, he went with the first government on foot from that place, and he went to a little chapel where he prayed with the first government of America to dedicate America to God.
America was dedicated to God in that place on its first day.
On September 11, 2001, America’s hedge of protection was lifted. The smiles of heaven lifted.
America was struck on 9 11 at ground 0.
Washington prayed and America was dedicated to God, that’s the consecration ground of America, at ground 0.
Ground 0 is America’s consecration ground. I shared that in the harbinger.
And the thing is there’s a biblical principle that if a nation turns away from God, its ground of consecration becomes the ground of destruction and judgment.
And on that day, on 9 11, what Washington warned about happened in that place.
A shock wave went forth from ground 0 and struck the place where Washington gave that warning of what would happen.
It struck Federal Hall, the foundation of Federal Hall on which Washington stood when he gave that warning.
And it put a crack. It cracked the foundation of America’s foundation of America’s foundation day.
And now in that place of America’s foundation, they put up an image of a dragon, the symbol of the enemy.
You know, New York was the first capital of America, and now it’s covered with dragons.
They have the words next to the dragon, almost choose. Yeah.
But here it appears to imply almost choose the dragon. So you got the ground on which America began.
Now it’s marked not by something to do with God, but a dragon, the symbol of the enemy.
In the place of our financial prosperity, Wall Street, marked by the dragon.
And you have America’s iconic skyscraper, the Empire State Building representing America’s power, and height, and splendor, and grandeur, and ascent marked by the sign of the devil, the dragon, all over it.
All over New York City. Could it be a warning to a nation that has turned away from God?
And and New York had a key part in that.
You see when you turn away from God, you turn to something.
What you turn to is the dragon. 2024 is the year of the dragon.
And the fact that there is now a war in Israel is actually part of the mystery of the dragon.
So too, you know, the wave of anti Israel mania that swept the world and swept America, that’s also part of the mystery of the dragon.
So too what is happening in Iran. So too what is happening in Russia.
So too what’s happening in the Middle East. The sign of the dragon.
And and one of the signs there are signs also appearing right now linked to the one that the Bible calls the beast or the antichrist, which are already in the world.
It’s happening now. The sign of the dragon because the the beast is linked to the dragon.
And and these are some of the mysteries I’m opening up in the dragon’s prophecy.
The mystery of the dragon, it’s actually behind events in our world, even specific events in our midst right now.
The mystery is determining events literally down to their exact timing.
It was here in this building where I’m recording this, in Beth Israel, in Northern New Jersey, in Wayne, New Jersey, that I shared a mystery that actually foretold what would happen in Israel.
The invasion that would shock the world.
It would foretell that invasion down to the exact year, the exact month, the exact week, and the exact day.
And I shared it here the very night before it was about to happen.
That too is part of the mystery of the dragon.
It may reveal specific events that are yet to happen and tell us when.
What are the dragon’s strategy? What are the dragon’s plans?
What is his strategy and plan regarding your life? What do you need to know to overcome it?
This is what the dragon’s prophecy is gonna reveal. Now there’s so much to share.
I’ll give you updates in the days ahead. It’s getting closer to the release.
I didn’t plan to do this one, but it just happened.
You cannot plan these things, You know, I was talking about the dragon before, and then this happened.
The signs are all coming together. So the dragon’s prophecy comes out September 3rd, 2024.
In the year of the dragon, didn’t plan it.
If you have not yet ordered your own copy, many people are ordering, you can do it in fact more than any book I’ve ever written.
You can do it wherever you get books, online or any store.
But right now, if you just Google The Dragon’s Prophecy, you’ll see it.
If you order it now, you’re gonna most likely be the first to see it, to open it, to get it.
Now I wanna show you the new trailer for the Dragon’s Prophecy, especially for you who haven’t seen it yet.
But watch carefully because I believe you’re gonna spot some dragons, and which I put up like a week before, and now it’s happening in New York.
I’ll be back at the end with a word for you.
Is there more to the world than meets our eyes?
Another realm that’s transforming our world at this very moment.
Is there an ancient vision that unlocks what is really happening to our world and tells us what is yet to come?
A dangerous force from ancient times that is now operating in the world and determining the course of world events.
Did a 3000 year old mystery actually foretell the invasion of Israel by Hamas down to the year and even the exact date?
Is there a secret to the book of revelation that reveals what is taking place right now?
After 8 New York Times bestsellers, Jonathan Cahn now releases his newest stunning blockbuster, the dragon’s prophecy, Israel, the dark resurrection and the end of days.
For the first time ever, Jonathan Khan will open up end time prophecy to reveal the mystery behind the end of the age and what is now happening before our eyes.
Even the hidden keys to victory in light of what’s coming and how to overcome the dragon.
The dragon’s prophecy will reveal the long hidden secret of the last days.
The dark resurrection, the colors of the apocalypse, the return of the sea people, the black Sabbath, the inverted angel, the 2,300 and 15th day, The Beast and much, much more.
What does the future hold? What do you need to know? And what about the dragon?
Just when you thought Jonathan Khan’s books couldn’t get more explosive comes the dragon’s prophecy, Israel, the dark resurrection, and the end of days.
It will change the way you see the world. It will open your eyes and blow your mind.
The Dragon’s Prophecy, the book you can’t afford not to read. Available everywhere books are sold.
Okay. Did you spot the dragons?
Well, listen, it’s coming out in like, I don’t know, a little over 2 months, it’s gonna be out.
Now, um, again, if you haven’t already gone it, just go anywhere online where you get books and just type it in and you’ll get it.
Okay? And for people in your life. Now I wanna give you a word of encouragement.
In the same chapter of Revelation that speaks of the dragon, it says this, they overcame him by the blood of the lamb, the word of their testimony, and loving not their lives to death.
Who’s they? Us, the people of God. Who’s him? The dragon. They overcame him. He didn’t overcome them.
I mean, he it it talks about a great warfare in the last days. It’s gonna increase.
But they, in the end, they overcame him.
If you’re a believer, if you’re following Messiah, Jesus, the lamb, you are on the winning side.
Doesn’t matter what it looks like, you are on the winning side.
It says they overcame him by his power, the blood. He’s more powerful, far more powerful.
And by their word of their testimony and saying, hey, I don’t care if I my life is God’s.
Whatever happens, if I live or die, I am the Lord’s. I’m going all out for God.
You can’t be stopped. You are on the winning side if you’re following God.
If you’re not, you gotta get on there.
You’re on the losing side if you’re not following God, but if you follow God, you’re on the winning side no matter what, and you will prevail.
And I talk about that too, how to do it. There’s actually a secret.
There’s a secret that I don’t know if it’s ever been shared about overcoming in a very, very cool thing, end time thing.
Alright. Now, um, listen. I’ll give you more in the days ahead and, of course, prophetic messages, teachings, and words and updates on this channel.
To not miss any of them, click subscribe.
And until then, this is Jonathan Khan saying, stay strong in the Lord and in the power of his might, and watch out for that dragon.
But you are victorious. I will see you soon. God bless you and shalom.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with a video.
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Thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time.

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