The Dimension Of The Beloved | Jonathan Cahn

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The Dimension Of The Beloved

The Dimension Of The Beloved # 2275. The Bible calls you a beloved child – but are you living as one? Discover the incredible life-changing, healing, transforming, and freeing power of living in the dimension of the beloved.

Your Big Brother

Friday, May 12, 2023

Imagine growing up in Nazareth with Messiah as your older brother, and someone wants to fight you. You’d say, “I’ll tell my older brother on you.” They might reply, “Oh yeah, I’ll call my older brother, he’s bigger and stronger.” To which you could reply, “Well my brother is the Messiah. He’s going to rule the world with a rod of iron and subdue the nations; it’s all been prophesied.” The truth is you do have a big brother, and He is the Messiah. He’s there to protect you and watch your back. The enemy is a bully, seeking to harass, intimidate and push you around. When dealing with the enemy, a problem, a situation, a temptation, and it seems overwhelming, remember this: you have a big Brother, He’s the Messiah. Call on Him. You can walk with confidence, live with boldness, face head-on situations that might be much bigger than you and still not fear, because your Big Brother is bigger than the situation. Don’t despair, don’t get discouraged, have full confidence. Call on His name. Because you have a Big Brother and His name is Jesus, the Messiah.

I’m thinking we become imitators as much as you react a even against for or against.
You’re still in a real sense, imitating you’re being affected by what someone else did or didn’t do.
We are all born into a fallen world.
And so our idea of fatherhood is gonna be affected by either fallen fathers or our, even our fallen nature.
And the Bible says, we start out as being as a interesting expression in a it says we are, we start out, we were Children of wrath.
So what does that mean? Children of anger or Children of judgment?
Well, that’s part of being in sin, but it also means that we are chil, Children of wrath means we are, we are not reacting to love, we’re reacting to wrath and we’re reacting to, to a fallen world.
You can go through your life blaming your fathers or your parents and for what you saw was less than perfect.
But you know what, number one, they were human just like the way you are.
Number two, you have to forgive no matter what because God forgave you.
And number three, God uses all things in your life for good. That means everything unconditionally.
Even the things you didn’t like are gonna be used for your good, including a less than perfect childhood.
In fact, many of you came to the Lord only because your past was not perfect.
In fact, if you and and not that if you have, you might have had a much better childhood and you may never have come to the Lord.
Some of you did, but many of you may not have because you said, wait a minute, it said something’s not right here, something wrong.
There’s something I need here. Something that’s better.
So you can thank God even through the bad that God used it all to make something much better.
But the good news is you’re not bound by that anymore if you’re born again, because if you’re born again, you cannot be born again without a new father.
If you’re born again, you have a new father that means you have a new identity.
Therefore, we thank God for all the good that was there.
But if it wasn’t good, it’s ok because you’ve got a new father.
Therefore, it says be imitators of God as beloved Children.
People think of the fatherhood of God Christian as it’s just a theological thing.
It’s much more than that. It’s got everything to do with every part of your life, not just your theology, not just your doctrine, but your emotions, your, your everything, it can transform.
If we get this right. It can transform your life who you are and bring healing and wholeness and peace and blessing that you might not have known.
The idea is, you know, we have God is the father. OK? That’s theology.
God is a Father God, the fatherhood of God. All right.
We got that and in some way, he, he adopts us in some way.
He takes us in, in some way. He has mercy. OK? Come on in.
But the fatherhood of God is not really that it’s radical, it’s revolutionary. It’s transforming.
Even if we’ve heard it our whole life that God is the father. The real thing is revolutionary.
It’s not just that God is the father and somehow you got into the house, somehow you got in because of the blood.
Well you did, but that’s not, that’s not the heart of it.
It’s that God has actually become your actual father.
How does someone become your actual father by giving birth to you, by you being born of Him?
It means that now you’ve got a new father, which means you have a new birth, a new origin, a new identity, a new nature, a new life, a new being, everything that comes directly from your daddy in heaven.
So it’s not about you trying to live up to the father’s standards.
I mean, that’s like living up to a king standard and he is the king.
It’s that you’re living as an actual child of him.
You know, the the king is there the law giver that, you know, most people can see God as the one who’s the reigning over that.
And I’m trying to live up to it, but that’s not the fatherhood of God.
The fact is the king is also your father. That means you have his nature inside of you.
It’s not about you just trying to live up to it.
It’s about receiving from God who you are and then it will naturally happen.
A new father isn’t just the one who adopts you. He’s the one who gave birth to you.
That’s what it says. A new father cancels out the old junk because now you’ve got a new beginning, a new origin, a new father, a new birth, a heavenly father cancels out all the junk of the earthly life.
If you let it, if you let him, you’ve got a new.
Now, if you have a new beginning, a new birth, a new father, what does that mean?
It means before that new beginning? Everything else doesn’t quite count like it did before.
In other words, if I have a new beginning and my beginning is now, what’s before the beginning? Nothing.
So therefore, if I have a new birth, a new beginning, I’m new with God. That means everything before.
Ok, I know it’s there. But in a real one, very real sense, it does not count anymore to affect, to determine my life anymore.
It does not determine it, it implies something it says now you are a not just a child of God.
You know, the world talks about being a, we’re all Children of God. It is not true.
We are not all Children, you know, to be a child of God. You have to say yes to it.
You know, Hitler was not a child of God. You know, everybody is talking about that doesn’t mean anything.
You’re in the image of God, yes, but child of God. That’s right.
So first it implies number one, if it says now you are live as beloved Children, I mean, it implies that before this, you weren’t living as a beloved child and you weren’t imitating God.
So you, you’ve lived your life, you know, the way you put, you weren’t really living as a real beloved child of God.
It’s talking to us. You know, the only way we can, we can have this is by choosing it and also practicing it and receiving it continuously.
Whoever you are, no matter what your past was, no matter how shameful, broken, sinful doesn’t matter. It’s included.
Now you are a beloved child of God and that has canceled out the rest.
There is no rejection with a beloved child of God, no rejection. Well, you say, well, well, they reject me.
They say what it’s saying is it doesn’t matter because that’s nothing. They just don’t know.
But you are a beloved child sometimes we tell our Children to say, listen, you know, somebody treats you badly.
You know, that’s not your problem. That’s their problem. They’ve got the issue. Not, you don’t make it your issue.
It doesn’t matter. People reject your whole life. People are fallen, they will reject you.
But you’re a beloved child of God. So it really doesn’t matter if you’re sure about who you are.
It really doesn’t matter. Let them reject you.
The the Lord says they reject you, jump up and down for joy to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
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