THE DEATH DEFIERS Israel’s Birthday & Your Inheritance as a Spiritual Israelite

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THE DEATH DEFIERS Israel’s Birthday & Your Inheritance as a Spiritual Israelite

“America was founded on prayer. Therefore, the removal of prayer from its public life was a central part of its fall from God. A nation that turns away from prayer will eventually find itself in desperate need of it.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger


And that brings up something really cool, a whole another realm. We have something today.
21st century that believers haven’t had for 2000 years. There’s been no Israel in the world for 2000 years.
And you were the only people who knew it were Bible believers throughout the ages who said one day it’s gonna come back and you can read some things from centuries ago where they’re saying, God said it, it’s gonna happen.
Well, we’ve seen it. It’s there, we are the generation that actually has seen the fulfillment of prophecy.
So we have an amazing picture and a spiritual revelation because the nation of Israel today is the, is the corresponds to the nation of Israel back then.
Like you say, well, I wish I could live back then and see, maybe I say, well, you’re living now within Israel in the world, it corresponds.
But it’s also a sign of who you are in the world because that’s what it says, you’re a citizen of Israel.
And there is an Israel in the world.
Now, there’s different ways of looking at Israel, but there is, it is an Israel back in the world.
So let me put it this way.
You are not only a spiritual Israelite, you are a spiritual Israeli great man.
Now you may say, well, wait a minute, wait, I, I can see, I can, I can get it.
I can, I can accept that. I’m a spiritual Israelite but spiritual Israeli. That’s not in the Bible.
Israeli is not in the Bible.
Israelite is well, let me show you something or tell you something every time it says Israelite, it doesn’t say Israelite, it says Israeli.
So when the Bible talks about the Israelites, it says the Israelis or Israel, Israel.
So the modern citizen of Israel are using the same word.
It’s the same word as the Israelites which the Bible says you are a citizen of.
So that’s gonna open up a whole another realm in Messiah, you’ve been born again and you are a, a spiritual Israelite.
You are a spiritual Israeli and that’s gonna, we’re gonna look at just so a number of gems in this, concerning this and you in Jeremiah 30 which we read 30 and 31 we read part of it.
It talks about a day of great darkness and God’s in that day, God’s gonna gather the people of Israel back to the land.
He’s gonna be like a shepherd to his sheep and gather them back.
Well, if you look at history just before Israel came back, it was a day of great darkness.
It was the holocaust it was Hitler, it was all those things.
But the nation of Israel rose like out of the ashes rose out of the dead.
It, it rose is Israel rose out of 2000 years of it. But that last part was like the culmination.
It rose out of death. It was kind of, it was like a resurrection.
You know, if that makes sense because who’s the king of Israel? Jesus?
So you, it make sure if you know a nation is gonna follow its king.
So even though if they don’t follow it, it’s still follow me because he’s the only one who rose from the dead as the king.
And so his nation in one sense also rises, came to life. So it lives in defiance of death.
Everything about Israel, you saw that there, you saw all the, the green and all the blossoming.
Well, that was all on a dead barren wilderness. But it also came out of a dark destruct.
The people also came, the land was like dead and the people came out of death and destruction too and they come back and every what happens to dead, all these dead, it comes alive again.
So Israel exists as a testimony against death.
I mean, because think about it, every nation dies and so every, you know, nations are gone, Israel is alive and it shouldn’t be alive.
Now it’s 4000 years old, but it’s alive because it’s a testimony against, against death because it’s a testimony of the work of the God of life.
In the same way, you’re a spiritual Israeli and that means your new birth when you were born again, it’s kind of like coming home, like they came home, it’s like you coming home, they came home physically, you come home spiritually.
And so therefore, your entire life now is to be like that in the spirit that your whole life is to be a testimony against death, a testimony against the old darkness.
You are not that anymore. I am something new in the Lord.
I am alive now, I was dead before that spiritually, I’m alive now.
And so I wanna live a life that is, that is testifying for life and against death in the prophecy of Isaiah.
He says the wilderness and you saw a little picture of it and the desolate place shall rejoice for them when they come back and the desert shall rejoice and blossom again.
When Israel came back into the world came back to their land, the desert began to blossom literally.
I mean, it was to this day, they keep reclaiming more of the desert. It’s the only place.
It’s the only nation on planet Earth that at the end of the 20th century had more trees than at the beginning.
There’s a famous picture of the beginning of Israel when you see all these, these uh people from like the 9 19 oh four or something you know, dressed in their, you know, 19 oh four clothes and they’re, they’re standing in the desert, they’re looking out and there’s not just this little group of them, there’s nothing but desert, desert, desert.
And they’re the, they’re founding what’s now known as Tel Aviv. Where you come to Israel, that’s where you go.
The Jews didn’t even know how to farm. They didn’t know how to do anything like that.
And yet you, you had the people who didn’t know how to farm and you have the land that could not be farmed.
Everybody tried to farm it, they could never farm it. It wouldn’t do anything.
So you got the people, you got the land that can’t be farmed.
You got the people who can’t farm, put them together and what happens?
It blossoms like a rose in the desert. That is God. That’s the hand of God.
So let’s take this spiritual Israelis Israelites.
That is that, how do we take that into the spiritual?
If, if they, if that’s the physical and you’re the spiritual, that means that your life was barren before you knew God?
It was like a desert that couldn’t produce what it was. What you were born to produce.
You have a, you have a purpose, God. But with sin, you couldn’t do it.
It was a land that had all this promise on it. Your life was but it couldn’t bear.
And then, but in, but God, Messiah comes to you.
And all of a sudden this land that couldn’t bear, you start bearing fruit, your life starts bearing fruit.
You start becoming what you were meant to be. The promise of your life starts coming to fruition.
And so you not only that happened to you, but a spiritual Israeli has the power to make deserts bloom.
That means that means, you know, when the Jews came back, you know, they, they took their plows, they didn’t know how to do and all that and it just blossomed.
But they also, you know, the is the Israelis, they export, they literally send fruit around the world from the desert.
They actually give fruit to nations that they actually give flowers to Europe.
I mean, you think you’re from a desert? So you are a spiritual Israelite.
Israeli, you are called to be fruitful to bear fruit, not just that, but you have the power that the Israelite has is to make fruit grow from soil that shouldn’t bear it.
In other words, you could be in a terrible situation, but you got the power in God as a citizen of Israel to make that bare fruit, the fruit of joy.
You shouldn’t be rejoicing yet you bear you rejoice yet the world says you’re crazy in a desert.
You rejoice, that’s the fruit of the spirit. You’re in a terrible situation. You rejoice in the Lord.
That’s where you’re in an impossible situation.
But you bear the fruit of praise, no matter if it’s barren and yet you praise, you’re praising God like Paul in prison, praising God.
Only believers do that. You’re in the midst of a problem and you’re giving, your things are going wrong, but you just keep on giving thanks to God.
Thanks to God, you’re bearing fruit in a desert.
You’re in a situation where people give you no reason to love them.
In fact, they might even hate you and put you down and all that.
And yet you have the power to actually love your enemies. Baron, yet you bear love.
Where did that come from? There are people who were in communist prisons and they were showing love to their torturers and they were blown away.
Where did that come from? It’s bearing a fruit from the desert.
You got the power to do that out of nothing.
You’re in the middle of what looks like defeat going in your life and you’re, you’re overwhelmed by things.
It’s yet you still bear the fruit of victory. You still have the spirit of victory by God.
That’s the power you have. See other nations can make fertile. You know, fertile feels blossom.
That’s one thing. But the Israeli makes deserts bloom. That’s the power you have in the spirit.
That’s the power you have in your life for every desert.
You’ve got the power to make a bloom and maybe a marriage that is a desert.
You have the power to make a bloom in God. As much as it’s in your power.
You have the power to make things bloom. Hi, I’m Jonathan Kahn. Thanks for checking out my youtube channel.
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