The Dance Of The Transitioned | Jonathan Cahn Special
The Dance Of The Transitioned | Jonathan Cahn Special
Almost every day we hear a story or commentary surrounding the issue of transitioning transgender ring the hormonal and surgical altering of male and female behind it all could there lie in ancient mystery even an ancient entity.
This is Jonathan cahn, in the return of the gods, I reveal the mystery.
This is the latest book I’ve written behind everything, what’s happening now, the ancient Principalities, entities that have actually returned to our culture and our changing everything.
When you see this, it makes sense of everything why it’s happening.
What’s happening, where it’s going, what’s the future and what do you need to know to survive and prevail in the future?
Well, we’re giving a taste of it. Now.
I saw something strange as I mentioned when I looked at this goddess, this enchantress, this ishtar called in one place in Ana, in the bible called ash torre called Aphrodite.
And that is in her ancient inscription. She says something strange.
She says, I am a man and then she says, I’m a woman and an ancient him to her says she turns a man into a woman and a woman into a man.
So as America turned away from God, the ancient warning is that the ancient Principalities are coming back into it.
And so at the beginning, this principality is a principality of sexual immorality.
And so when this one comes back, we see this sexual revolution that has never stopped.
But then as her possession of the culture increases, we will expect to see what the deeper part which this is her deeper work.
She turns herself into a man, She turns others into the opposite sex.
We’re going to then see the issue of turning of literally transitioning she trans.
You can you can you can re translate that she transitions a man into a woman.
She transitions a woman into a man transforms literally transgenders. It’s all their trans sexuality.
So we would expect as her possession of the culture increases. We’d see this more and more.
We saw that her priests, their ancient priests actually were men dressing up as women, acting as women.
But not only that she actually had them, some of them surgically transitioned, surgically altered and that affected everything affected their hormones.
I saw something strange as I mentioned when I looked at this goddess, this enchantress, this ishtar called in one place in Ana, in the bible called ash torre called Aphrodite.
And that is in her ancient inscription. She says something strange.
She says, I am a man and then she says, I’m a woman and an ancient him to her says she turns a man into a woman and a woman into a man.
So as America turned away from God, the ancient warning is that the ancient Principalities are coming back into it.
And so at the beginning, this principality is a principality of sexual immorality.
And so when this one comes back, we see this sexual revolution that has never stopped.
But then as her possession of the culture increases, we will expect to see what the deeper part which this is her deeper work.
She turns herself into a man, She turns others into the opposite sex.
We’re going to then see the issue of turning of literally transitioning she trans.
You can you can you can re translate that she transitions a man into a woman.
She transitions a woman into a man transforms literally transgenders. It’s all their trans sexuality.
So we would expect as her possession of the culture increases. We’d see this more and more.
We saw that her priests, their ancient priests actually were men dressing up as women, acting as women.
But not only that she actually had them, some of them surgically transitioned, surgically altered and that affected everything affected their hormones.

Their hormones affected their like just as it’s happening now.
And I found an ancient inscription, I put it in the book where it describes the transition men dancing before the goddess and they’re dancing with scalp als as if they’re celebrating their transition.
Now, remember what I told you at the very beginning of these messages, the message called the mystery of the spirits and that is that in Hebrew they are called Behind the Gods are the shading shading comes to the route where destroy their demonic and they destroy and they do it by getting the permission of the person and telling the person they’re gonna give them liberation.
But then they destroy them. This is just a taste. You understand now why it’s happening.
This is just a taste of the mystery revealed in full, in the latest book, I’ve written the return of the gods of the gods, reveals the mystery behind everything that’s happening, Why it’s happening.
You’ll understand it with crystal clarity and what is going to happen and how to be prepared and how to be ready and how to prevail in the days ahead.
The return of the gods is available everywhere wherever there are books for you to get and for you to get for those in your life.
Next time up, what is happening to our Children, Could it be connected to an ancient principality?
It’s subscribe. You don’t want to miss it. This is Jonathan cahn.
I’ll see you next time with the Children of the goddess.
Teachers are telling the Children that you may not be a boy, You may not be a boy, you may be a girl telling a girl, you may not be a girl, you may be a boy.
And then working on transitioning them, even when hiding it from their own parents.