THE ASHAM OF ISAIAH 53 | Jonathan Cahn Special

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The Mystery of The Lamb
Jonathan opens up the most majestic and colossal of biblical mysteries – the mystery of the Lamb – from Genesis to Exodus to Isaiah to the Gospel of John to the Epistles and finally to the Book of Revelation – and then to each of us – amazing and divine!

Friday, May 30, 2023

A major newspaper once had an article where scientists revised their calculations of the universe by six billion years. A mistake of six billion years? Shouldn’t they have received a failing grade? No. People continued trusting them. Why should we trust in those who start out by being billions of years wrong? How many have failed a history exam for being off by just 100 years? What does it say? Some trust in chariots, some in horses, but we will trust in the Lord. Some trust in scientists, but we will trust in the Lord. Science has a place, but it can’t answer the ultimate question like, why do we exist? So don’t put all your trust in men, put your trust in God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of man. Go by His Word that remains forever. Trust in, live by and act on His Word. There’s much you can’t depend on in this world. There’s only One you can always depend on. He’ll never be six billion years wrong. He will always be eternally right, perfect, up-to-date and right on time.

The prophecy goes on. It’s, it was the Lord’s will to crush him if he’ll render his life as a guilt offering.
But the word for guilt offering, there is the word as the word as is in, is in Leviticus.
It’s the name of a, of an actual sacrifice. A sacrifice that takes away guilt is called the.
And now the first time it’s used of a man note now that the Hebrew prophets are speaking of one man who will bring deliverance redemption, who who is the one man who brings deliverance to, to Israel, the Messiah.
But here the messiah is called the lamb.
Now I I mentioned before the prophet Daniel would give a prophecy that actually says actually uses the word Messiah actually says Messiah, he’s gonna come to Jerusalem.
Well, he did and he’s gonna be cut off.
That’s the biblical way of saying he’s gonna be killed for what for a to, to make atonement, to make an end of sin.
And so it all goes together except the one who’s killed here is Messiah and he is the lamb.
Messiah is the lamb. But the prophecy of Isaiah goes on, it says by oppression and judgment.
He was taken away. And for his generation who considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living for the transgression of my people to whom the stroke was due.
Now, Isaiah is writing again and again, say he saying, keep saying us, we our, we, he died for us, we did this but he died for this.
And we’re here, the lamb dies for us. But who’s the US? Who’s the hour here? Now?
Of course, you can apply to everybody.
But specifically Isaiah is saying he was killed for the sin of my people who is my people, Israel.
Now there, there are rabbis who are trying to say, well, this is really talking about the Jewish people suffering.
There’s no way because it says that he suffers for Israel, my people, my people.
So what does this mean? Now look at this Genesis is a lamb for a person.
Exodus is the lamb for a house. Isaiah is the lamb for a nation.
Hi, I’m Jonathan Kahn. Thanks for checking out my youtube channel. I hope you were blessed with the video.
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