Thankful Thursday Blessings July 25, 2024

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Thankful Thursday Blessings

Lord, please help me to trust that I can handle anything life throws at me through Christ’s strength. Help me to always remember that I am never alone during hard times, because You are always with me, amen.

I pray that Thursday brings you an amazing sense of God’s grace and love for you. May He bless and protect you as you go along today.

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

God of goodness, I praise and bless your holy name, for you grant me the grace to see a new dawn, to begin a new day with joy and motivation. At this moment, I want to bless you, blessed Lord, for in you I find everything I need to start this day with enthusiasm.

I ask that you fill me with all the graces of the Holy Spirit so that I can contribute my small part in building a better world. Take my hand and lead me on the right path; today more than ever, I believe and trust in you. I know I will find the answers and know how to act in the face of the realities that may arise.

My God, I adore you because you reveal yourself on this new day as a God faithful to his promises. Fill me with tranquility and peace, for only you can give my soul the silence necessary to find myself with you. I call upon your peace to leave in your hands any worries I have that I cannot resolve, and I ask that you help me to put my life in order.

God, with your infinite love, I ask you not to consider my sins, but moved by that immense love, I ask you to give me a new opportunity and cover me with your immense mercy. I pray for all the people I will encounter today; surround them with your mantle and give them your blessing. Help them solve the problems that overwhelm them, and let this be a day filled with blessings, triumphs, peace, and prosperity.


Take my heart in your hands and fill it with all the feelings of peace and serenity that I need to move forward. Take me and mold me with your loving hands so that I may be worthy of your presence and that my heart may be purified.

Thank you because I feel your close presence, and that fills me with reasons to continue in the battle with a big heart and determined spirit. I place all my plans in your hands and beg you to help me accomplish them with the strength of your Holy Spirit.

Thank you because, despite the difficulties, I do not lose faith; I always feel you near, I always feel your love. As I begin this new day, I go out with the certainty of your infinite mercy, ready to build your kingdom of love in my life.

Grant me the wisdom to make the right decisions, the patience to face difficulties, and the love to share with all those around me. Thank you for the opportunity to live another day under your grace and protection.

My Lord, I go out to conquer my new day, trusting in your infinite mercy, and thus build your kingdom of love in my life. Amen.

I will pray for peace in the world, asking God to enlighten the leaders and all those who work for justice and harmony.

The Lord has made known his victory; he has revealed his righteousness to the nations, he has remembered his mercy and faithfulness to the house of Israel. Psalm 97.

May the Lord bless us on this day. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

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