Thankful Monday Blessings October 28, 2024!
Thankful Monday Blessings
A prayer for the new week: Dear God, thank You for giving me another day. Thank You for bringing me to a new week. I’ve made it to the last week in October, and it’s a miracle that I’m still here. Even though I don’t know what this week holds, I ask that You lead me and guide my steps. Forgive me of my sins. I’ve made many mistakes, but I thank You for being a merciful God who loves me beyond my faults. I will stand on Your word, keep moving forward through every obstacle, and believe Your promise that with You, all things are possible. I give this week to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered— how fleeting my life is. -Psalms 39:4

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the immense love You show me each morning as I wake. Lord, I praise and bless You in this new day, feeling Your love and companionship. I am eager to work for the benefit of others, helping each person recognize the blessings You have given them. I ask for the virtue of prudence, so that the words from my mouth may be a source of comfort and encouragement for all.
Blessed Lord, I desire to be an instrument of Your love, spreading peace that only Your mercy can provide. Fill me with joy so I may share it with those around me. Grant me the grace to follow Your holy will, for I believe Your paths are sacred, leading to eternal life. Remove any insecurity from my mind and heart, making me steadfast in prayer and supplication.
Thank You for the gift of this new day, an opportunity to rise, embrace time, and fulfill Your holy will. I ask for strength to live this day in faith, carrying a peace that remains in my heart despite life’s demands. Remove from me anything that displeases You, shaping me to experience true happiness as I live out Your will. Let no difficulty make me doubt Your presence; I trust that You are with me, even when I stray due to my weaknesses.
Today, I am certain of Your love and that I am valuable to You. I pray that I may offer You my best, striving to be my best self in Your presence. Thank You for trusting in me, for believing I am capable, and for drawing me close with love. May all I do today reflect the teachings of Your Holy Word, that through my actions, others may feel Your infinite love and find compassion and generosity.
Thank You for being my strength in every challenge, walking beside me as we overcome obstacles together. Let me envision You leading me with open arms, welcoming me as I begin this day with You. Here I am, Lord, with an open heart, ready to place this day in Your hands. Let no worry disturb my peace or draw me away from You.
Write Your Prayer
Ebere Okwara Torti - 2024-10-28 20:52:57
Prayer for financial open doors, Divine help and restoration of sound health. Balancing my hormones to be normal 🙏🙏🙏
Nonhle Ngidi - 2024-10-29 03:47:40
Thank you for prayers
Kim McCaskill - 2024-10-28 17:05:02
Save my family heal me. Help me to live holy life
Melinda - 2024-10-28 16:30:27
It’s been 14 years since I entered a season of a satanic spiritual attack. In that time my step-father imploded our family; which led to a 12 year lawsuit (that we won) that we were unable to step away from. I became my handicapped mother’s caretaker until her death in 2020. I had undiagnosed Thyrotoxicosis that ruined my physical & mental health until got diagnosed in 2021 & thyroid removed in 2022. I have been in varying states of estrangement from 2 of my biological children; which lead me into a deep depression & a suicide attempt on Oct. 29, 2017. I now have 3 grandchildren & one on the way that I’m not allowed to see. My 25 year old son will celebrate his 3rd birthday in heaven (his heart gave out & we always had a special bond). I can handle the finality of his death; than I can handle the living ghosts from my other two. My marriage has been attacked. Between 2021-2022 my husband considered divorce 3 times. We just celebrated our 36th anniversary in August. We are much better. I feel the greatest issue that everyone see’s my husband as an alpha male. He is … except with his family. He has always refused to lead. I was forced into being the spiritual leader & disciplinarian when the kids were home & I homeschooled them. When I got sick (& none of us knew what was wrong with me) things took a nose dive. My attempts to keeping us on a godly pathway was rejected just as I was. Over the years I found myself the family scapegoat. My husband facilitated the kids bad behavior towards me. They became his confidantes. It was them against me. Instead of being my partner; my husband put our kids between us. My word had no value. God’s word was rejected because the message was “cherry picked”; instead of being convicted that your acting against God’s word. How many scriptures refer to showing to ones parents? Over a 100. It wouldn’t be until 2022 after my first thyroid surgery that it became apparent that it was the major cause behind some mental health issues. I did require a 2nd surgery because cancer was detected in the first half. Through all of this our small business has had a hard time. Our oldest daughter, my stepdaughter, & my estranged son work in the family business. (I don’t). I would like to insert here that my step-daughter & family have stood up and are trying to lead everyone into reconciliation. Her husband & 2 kids are my biggest blessings. Anyway, since June our business has been under all out warfare. We are dealing with a corrupt Department of Labor representative. We dealt with her in 2015 & proved her stance on something was wrong & it had to be dropped. Same issue; same law in place; she refuses to go back & look. She wants us to pay to have the situation to go away. She, also, has a relationship with an employee personally; which under her influence has brought the Labor Union to our door. A vote was cast 2 months ago. They refuse to make a determination because it would not be favorable for them. We have like 8 charges by the Union because we fired employees with just cause. The Union says we fired them because of Union activity. But, when you have an unsolicited contractor take pictures of your workers sleeping in their trucks because it was happening so often; he thought we needed to know. We were able to obtain 3 days of video footage on that particular job. We were able to document that they these 2 employees slept a total of 7 hours each on company time. Scripture prophesies that “right will be wrong; wrong will be right”. We have paid over $110,000 to date to an Employment Lawyer & a Labor Lawyer. My husband is 63 & I’m 60. Do you know if we want to retire & close our business; we can’t because the Union won’t’ allow it. We are not a Union company. It appears that the votes are against the Union. Yet, they still pursue us.
I am consistently getting messages through multiple sources that God is in the process of rectifying everything. I have prayed consistently & passionately for 14 years for this to come to an end. I want all of this to end. I want my biological daughter to come back to the Lord. Her siblings think she has become an atheist. My son still has a relationship with the Lord & attends church regularly. Our oldest daughter & her family attend regularly as well. There is hope for my family in that. I am doing everything I can to praise & worship God in my storm. I am praising with faith that now is the time that God is working on repairing what is broken. My biggest prayers are: 1. For my husband to become the spiritual leader of our family. That he is able to align his values with Gods & not what he feels. That he can accept God’s corrections. That he stops worrying that the kids will cut him out of their lives (if he were to take a stand against their destructive behaviors & worry more about their relationship with Christ. I pray for my 2 estranged kids & their babies. That they will embrace God’s truths & apply them to their lives. I ask for more prayers for my marriage. I have lost the feeling that he is my ride or die. I don’t feel safe in my relationship with him anymore. I will say that he is trying. He has stopped going to “family events” where I am not invited. The kids tell him that that is his choice. He is obsessed with our oldest daughters boys (7 & 10). They are his highest priority in life now. This man has traveled to Brazil about a dozen times to build churches in different communities. We took our kids on several of these. He’s been to Ghana to help church planners figure out how to build like what he did in Brazil. He is head of security at our church. He is what I call a church tramp. He can’t say ‘no’. He is seen as a leader in all of these areas. It’s just in our family that he becomes weak. I want the strong godly husband that God intended for me to have. Please inundate the throne with my requests. This time of year is Satan’s. Please pray against is his power & influence on all of us. (My suicide attempt was October 29th. I don’t think that is accidental.) Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Melinda - 2024-10-28 16:30:10
It’s been 14 years since I entered a season of a satanic spiritual attack. In that time my step-father imploded our family; which led to a 12 year lawsuit (that we won) that we were unable to step away from. I became my handicapped mother’s caretaker until her death in 2020. I had undiagnosed Thyrotoxicosis that ruined my physical & mental health until got diagnosed in 2021 & thyroid removed in 2022. I have been in varying states of estrangement from 2 of my biological children; which lead me into a deep depression & a suicide attempt on Oct. 29, 2017. I now have 3 grandchildren & one on the way that I’m not allowed to see. My 25 year old son will celebrate his 3rd birthday in heaven (his heart gave out & we always had a special bond). I can handle the finality of his death; than I can handle the living ghosts from my other two. My marriage has been attacked. Between 2021-2022 my husband considered divorce 3 times. We just celebrated our 36th anniversary in August. We are much better. I feel the greatest issue that everyone see’s my husband as an alpha male. He is … except with his family. He has always refused to lead. I was forced into being the spiritual leader & disciplinarian when the kids were home & I homeschooled them. When I got sick (& none of us knew what was wrong with me) things took a nose dive. My attempts to keeping us on a godly pathway was rejected just as I was. Over the years I found myself the family scapegoat. My husband facilitated the kids bad behavior towards me. They became his confidantes. It was them against me. Instead of being my partner; my husband put our kids between us. My word had no value. God’s word was rejected because the message was “cherry picked”; instead of being convicted that your acting against God’s word. How many scriptures refer to showing to ones parents? Over a 100. It wouldn’t be until 2022 after my first thyroid surgery that it became apparent that it was the major cause behind some mental health issues. I did require a 2nd surgery because cancer was detected in the first half. Through all of this our small business has had a hard time. Our oldest daughter, my stepdaughter, & my estranged son work in the family business. (I don’t). I would like to insert here that my step-daughter & family have stood up and are trying to lead everyone into reconciliation. Her husband & 2 kids are my biggest blessings. Anyway, since June our business has been under all out warfare. We are dealing with a corrupt Department of Labor representative. We dealt with her in 2015 & proved her stance on something was wrong & it had to be dropped. Same issue; same law in place; she refuses to go back & look. She wants us to pay to have the situation to go away. She, also, has a relationship with an employee personally; which under her influence has brought the Labor Union to our door. A vote was cast 2 months ago. They refuse to make a determination because it would not be favorable for them. We have like 8 charges by the Union because we fired employees with just cause. The Union says we fired them because of Union activity. But, when you have an unsolicited contractor take pictures of your workers sleeping in their trucks because it was happening so often; he thought we needed to know. We were able to obtain 3 days of video footage on that particular job. We were able to document that they these 2 employees slept a total of 7 hours each on company time. Scripture prophesies that “right will be wrong; wrong will be right”. We have paid over $110,000 to date to an Employment Lawyer & a Labor Lawyer. My husband is 63 & I’m 60. Do you know if we want to retire & close our business; we can’t because the Union won’t’ allow it. We are not a Union company. It appears that the votes are against the Union. Yet, they still pursue us.
I am consistently getting messages through multiple sources that God is in the process of rectifying everything. I have prayed consistently & passionately for 14 years for this to come to an end. I want all of this to end. I want my biological daughter to come back to the Lord. Her siblings think she has become an atheist. My son still has a relationship with the Lord & attends church regularly. Our oldest daughter & her family attend regularly as well. There is hope for my family in that. I am doing everything I can to praise & worship God in my storm. I am praising with faith that now is the time that God is working on repairing what is broken. My biggest prayers are: 1. For my husband to become the spiritual leader of our family. That he is able to align his values with Gods & not what he feels. That he can accept God’s corrections. That he stops worrying that the kids will cut him out of their lives (if he were to take a stand against their destructive behaviors & worry more about their relationship with Christ. I pray for my 2 estranged kids & their babies. That they will embrace God’s truths & apply them to their lives. I ask for more prayers for my marriage. I have lost the feeling that he is my ride or die. I don’t feel safe in my relationship with him anymore. I will say that he is trying. He has stopped going to “family events” where I am not invited. The kids tell him that that is his choice. He is obsessed with our oldest daughters boys (7 & 10). They are his highest priority in life now. This man has traveled to Brazil about a dozen times to build churches in different communities. We took our kids on several of these. He’s been to Ghana to help church planners figure out how to build like what he did in Brazil. He is head of security at our church. He is what I call a church tramp. He can’t say ‘no’. He is seen as a leader in all of these areas. It’s just in our family that he becomes weak. I want the strong godly husband that God intended for me to have. Please inundate the throne with my requests. This time of year is Satan’s. Please pray against is his power & influence on all of us. (My suicide attempt was October 29th. I don’t think that is accidental.) Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Pamela B - 2024-10-28 15:36:14
Please pray for me, my children and grandchildren. We\'ve been under severe witchcraft attacks. And physical. Please pray for me our protection and provision. Please pray for us safe home. And safe vehicles. In Jesus name Amen
Jenni - 2024-10-28 15:14:34
In this chapter of the book of my own life, I am homeless and all I have is Jesus and nothing else. He continues to bring amazing people into my life and shows me continually that when all I have is Him, I have so much more than I ever had before. I have 3 biological children and today 1 of them is having his 25th birthday. I have not been welcomed in his presence for going on 4 years now and I miss him deeply. Please pray that my sons and daughter will soon understand that I am working hard to be a person that they feel safe in welcoming back into their lives. Keep my grown babies safe in your love, Lord.
Lisa - 2024-10-29 13:35:03
My husband left us and deserted us and we are getting a divorce. He truly doesn\'t care about me at all and I\'m struggling to move on and be ok at all. It\'s so unfair and confusing and I feel so lost and alone!! God help!