Thankful Monday blessings

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Thankful Monday blessings

Father, I am tired of thinking about my past mistakes and instead choose to focus more on praising You for everything You have forgiven—past, present, and future—with Your help, amen.

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Dear Heavenly Father,

On this Monday morning, we come before You with hearts full of gratitude. Thank You for the gift of a new week, filled with opportunities to experience Your love and grace. We are grateful for Your constant presence and the many blessings You bestow upon us.

Lord, we lift up our family to You today. We ask for Your divine protection as we go about our daily activities. Guard our hearts and minds, and keep us safe from harm. Fill our hearts with Your wisdom and peace, guiding our steps in Your righteous path.

Bless us with good health, joy, and prosperity. Help us to trust in Your provision and to find contentment in Your plan for our lives. May our home be a place of refuge, where love, understanding, and harmony dwell.

As we begin this new week, we are thankful for the opportunities to grow, learn, and serve. Help us to approach each task with a positive attitude and a spirit of excellence. Strengthen our relationships with one another, and deepen our faith in You.

Grant us the grace to face any challenges with courage and to find peace in Your presence. Fill our hearts with hope and joy, and let Your love shine through us in all that we do.

Thank You, Lord, for hearing our prayers and for Your unfailing love. We trust in Your perfect plan for our lives and rest in the assurance of Your constant presence.

In Jesus’ name, we pray.


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Lord, I pray that starting this Monday that you would give me a deep passion for Your Word. Help me to learn and eat from it. That I may become like a tree planted by streams of water and that I may bear good fruit. Use me for Your glory and be a blessing to those around me. In the name of Jesus, amen.

Heavenly Father, I come before You this Monday and I ask that this would be a blessed day. That Your presence would go before me and with me in everything I do. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Lord, I ask that You would protect me this Morning. I ask for the full armor of God to be placed on me. That every attack of the enemy would fail and that I would remain steadfast in the faith. Lord give me the wisdom to navigate everything that comes my way this Monday. And help me to be kind and good like you are. I ask for divine appointments and your guidance in all my tasks. In the name of Jesus, amen.

One Comment

  1. The message hit me on spot. I just became aware of the UN resolution coming to a vote today. All I know is that the moment the final countdown begins is when Israel gives away land. I know what will happen in Israel, bye, bye to nearly 3/4 of the population of Jerusalem sparked by the treaty of Daniel 9. I pray to hold on to the faith knowing God Wins.

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