Thankful Friday Blessings October 18, 2024!

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Thankful Friday Blessings

Dear God, thank You for this day. You know the pain I’ve been dealing with, both physically and emotionally. It’s hard, but I trust that You are with me through it all. Help me to lean on You and not on my own understanding. When the pain feels overwhelming, remind me that Your strength is made perfect in my weakness. Give me the grace to endure and the faith to keep trusting You, even when I don’t see immediate answers. I believe that You are working in ways I can’t see, and I trust You with my healing. Thank You for hearing my prayer. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. -Romans 8:18

This is what the Lord says:
I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you. – 2 Kings 20:5
Today, receive your healing in Jesus’ name. Amen

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Here I am, Lord, to thank You for this new day and to ask that You fill me with faith. Thank You for this new dawn, for this fresh opportunity to rise and proclaim the wonders of Your mercy. This morning, I cry out to You for all my brothers and sisters, especially those who do not yet know Your power and the amazing things You can do in our lives. I feel privileged to be chosen by You, to live and share life with the people around me.

Thank You for never abandoning the work of Your hands. Today, You have given me the gift of life so that Your name may be glorified in it. Through Your infinite mercy, I trust that my sins are not a barrier to Your action in me. I remain firm in You, and because of this, I am confident that, holding Your hand, I will never fall into temptation. Please, Lord, reign in my thoughts, words, and actions. Allow me to be an instrument of Your peace and Your work.

Even if storms come, I trust that in Your name, I will overcome them, giving You glory and honor forever and bearing witness to Your greatness. Help me to continue growing and constantly seeking to perfect my soul, for nothing is ever enough to repay all You do for me. Blessed are You, for You have loved me without hesitation and looked upon me with mercy. You see deep into my heart, and I cannot escape Your gaze. Grant me the strength to overcome any difficulty, and give me the wisdom to make sound decisions.

Throughout this day, I ask You to speak to me, correct me if necessary, but most importantly, stay with me, my Lord. I praise You as I begin this day, for You always have mercy on me and bless me. Thank You, because in every moment of my life, I feel Your presence, guiding me out of despair. Thank You for all the powerful works You do in me, encouraging me to move forward and trust that You are always faithful in my journey.

I glorify You with all my heart today because You constantly fill me with courage to persevere. I ask You to continue working in me. Thank You for always showing Your power and guiding me to live freely, without attachments. Thank You for giving me reasons to be happy, for filling me with hope, and motivating me to rise and succeed. I am grateful for everything You give me each day, for with Your presence, I lack nothing, and everything becomes much easier for me.

Blessed Lord, I entrust to You all the actions of this day, that they may reflect the mercy You have shown me. Amen.

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