Strengthen Your Strength // Start Sharp (Part 2) // Michael Todd

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Hello, my name is Charles, and I serve as one of the executive pastors here at Transformation Church. Before we dive into today’s message, I want to take a moment to say thank you. It means the world to us that you’re watching, no matter where you’re tuning in from or who you are. I believe this message will strengthen your faith and hopefully transform your life. If you haven’t already, take a moment to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Not just for us, but for you. We want to be a resource to encourage your faith and support you on your journey of following Jesus. Again, thank you for joining us. Enjoy the message today, and I hope it blesses you.

I have a word today that I believe is going to shake the foundations of our church and the world. It’s already shaken the foundation of my life, and I’m going to deliver it in the next 50 minutes. I’m about to hit you so hard that you’ll walk out into the snow and not feel cold! Somebody shout “Start!” How many of you have started something this week, in this first week of the year, that you’ve been needing to do? If you’ve started something, raise your hand. And to those of you who didn’t raise your hands, I appreciate your honesty. We’re a humble, open, and transparent church. Yes, the beginning of the year is the perfect time to start, but the next best time is today. Somebody shout “Start!”

I feel a mandate to help people move from complacency. It’s tough to push a car that isn’t moving, but if you can just get some momentum, that’s a start. Some of you may act like you’ve never run out of gas, but we’ve all been there. If you’re from the Midwest, you know that people will stop and help you when you’re in trouble. Not like on the East Coast, where it’s every man for himself! But in places like Oklahoma, if you’re stranded on the side of the road, someone will stop to help. And what happens is, when one person comes alongside to push, others join in, and soon enough, a group of people is working together to move you from a stopped position to a starting position.

It’s so much easier to steer a moving vehicle than one that’s stuck. I’m here to tell you that you don’t need your engine running to be moving in the right direction. You may feel like you’re stagnant, but by faith, I’m here to help you push forward. Somebody shout “Start!”

As I began my 21 days of prayer and fasting, I decided to do a fast I’ve never done before. It’s been challenging, but I’m believing God for something significant in this season. Fasting is always a time for me to expect God to speak. Whether through worship, a Bible verse, or even something random like a movie my daughters are watching, I’m always open for God’s voice. During a recent prayer session, the Holy Spirit spoke to me in a way He never has before, and I was amazed. God told me that He gave this message to me to live out first and then share with you.

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