Standing Strong in Life | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

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Standing Strong in Life

God wants you to depend on Him for your every need. On this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer, discover the power of prayer and practical steps you can take to work in partnership with God.

God’s Messages 💌

Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..

Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….

The secret power of speaking God’s word.
You can keep this in your car, in your backpack, in your purse, keep it at your desk.
It’s great to give us gifts and to have right when you need it.
Because if you need a little bit of prayer on something, you need a little boost in your faith, you can open up to a lot of scriptures specifically on faith.
If you need something on healing, you can find scriptures on that.
If you need to fight fear, you can find scriptures on that. It’s all God’s word.
So we have this for you and then we also have this version which is so great.
It’s the secret power speaking God’s word for teens, specifically for that teen in your life where you love so much and you want to get God’s word into their hands.
So pick these up today. They’ve helped so many people for so many years.
It’s what God’s Word is all about.
This program has been made possible by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer ministries.
I mean, if you know what I mean, it’s not like gritting your teeth.
I’m holding on, it’s resting in God. Does anybody want to enter the rest of God?
I’m Joyce Meyer.
And I believe that God can heal you everywhere you hurt.
We have to stand while we’re waiting.
Mark 11 23 says, have faith in God.
Jesus answered. Truly, I tell you if anyone says to this mountain, go and throw yourself into the sea and does not doubt in their heart, but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.
Therefore, I tell you whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours or another translation says, and you will get it.
So you ask you believe that you have received what you cannot see yet.
You have it in your heart and then you will get it.
But there’s one little thing he left out here and I don’t know if you figured it out yet or not.
He does not tell you when you will get it.
Look at me, God will not fail you.
If you do not give up your faith, God will not fail you.
Somebody needs to hear that today.
He may not do what you want him to do.
But if He doesn’t, he’ll do something better that you just weren’t smart enough to know how to ask for yet God is faithful.
It’s not just a song that we sing, great as thy faithfulness. He is faithful.
I love this, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that it is given to you and you will get it and I have to throw this in there and when you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone.
Hm. Wonder how many people we have in this building this morning that need to forgive somebody.
Come on, let’s, let’s how many honest people do we have now, let’s see right now.
You know what? I, I don’t say this to make you feel bad. But that is just sad.
I mean, it’s sad when that many people, I mean, there was more with their hands up and down and some of you probably didn’t put them up.
You should have some of you have been mad so long.
You don’t even know you’re mad.
I’m gonna tell you what if you want to enjoy your walk with God, you gotta be quick to forgive nothing gets you out of the rest of God any quicker than being angry at somebody and refusing to forgive them.
Come on, whatever somebody did to you, it’s not anywhere close to as much as what we’ve done to Jesus, but that’s not my message today.
So we’re gonna have to just leave that alone and go on while you’re standing while you’re waiting.
Stay in the rest of God verse 13.
Therefore, put on God’s complete armor that you might be able to resist and stand your ground on the evil day of danger and having done all the crisis demands, then you are to stand firmly in your place.
The word stand here, if you look it up, it’s a similar word to what we use for abide.
So that’s really not talking about like I’m holding on Jesus, I’m just holding on waiting for you to come.
Gosh, that made me tired and I didn’t even do it that long.
I mean, if you know what I mean, it’s not like gritting your teeth and I’m holding on, it’s resting in God.
Does anybody want to enter the rest of God?
Jesus worked six days on the seventh day.
He rested and I think it’s interesting to note that Adam was created on the sixth day.
So his first day of life was not a day of work, it was a day of rest.
He started in rest and I said last night, Christianity is not a big do.
It’s a big done. Jesus said it is done. It is finished.
Now, all you need to do is believe it and watch me work in your life.
Christianity can be so frustrating or it can be so beautiful to enter.
The rest of God requires believing the Israelites never could enter the rest of God, most of them because they wouldn’t believe and their unbelief caused them to disobey.
So in Hebrews four, it says there still remains a rest waiting and it’s available today for any who will enter in.
I’m telling you that there’s something available to you today.
It’s already been bought and paid for with the blood of Jesus.
You don’t have to be frustrated. You don’t have to struggle.
You don’t have to be upset, angry, worried, trying to figure everything out.
All you have to do is say God is good. He loves me.
I’m in Christ and I know that He is faithful and at the right time, he will do the, just the right thing in my life.
Can we do that? Thank you.
Now, all this waiting and standing.
What do we do during that period of time?
Well, we wait on God, we worship, we give thanks.
We keep doing what we know to do. We keep being good to people.
We keep our commitments and we don’t really do anything else unless God gives us something to do.
And sometimes He does. I love that statement. Having done all the crisis demands.
So you do anything that God gives you to do.
And then when you’ve done what he’s asked you to do, it’s dangerous to keep trying to do more because that’s when you get into works of the flesh.
God loves work, but he hates works of the flesh and works of the flesh is me.
My energy trying to do what only God can do. I didn’t like sports.
I didn’t want Dave to like sports. We’ve been married 53 years. Dave still likes sports.
Anything that bounces or rolls Dave watches it anything.
He watches sports. You don’t even play, like, he’s never played tennis and now he started watching tennis, tennis, golf, baseball, football, basketball, bowling once in a while.
I mean, just like anything.
Well, because I didn’t like him, I didn’t want him to like him.
You cannot change people. Only God can change people. Amen.
We try to change our kids, we try to change person.
We’re married to, we try to, we try to change everybody.
And in the process, nothing’s happening in us because we’re too busy in everybody else’s business to let God do anything in us.
Amen. So God gives us something to do and that’s the work of God, but we need to avoid works of the flesh.
Do you, do you know what I mean?
When I say works of the flesh, how many of you know what I mean?
When I say that, oh, there’s nothing more frustrating like trying to make your ministry grow.
I mean, I was so frustrated for so many years, I was trying to change Dave.
I was trying to change my kids. I was trying to make my ministry grow.
I was trying to change myself because every time I went to church, whatever sermon I heard I needed it.
I had a problem with everything you could have a problem with.
Does anybody here know anything about being a frustrated Christian?
You know, God didn’t deliver us one kind of misery to give us another kind of misery.
So there’s a story in the Bible about Lazarus that I think is just great that we want to take a few minutes to look at this morning.
So John chapter 11 verse one, now a man named Lazarus was sick and he was from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha, this Mary whose brother Lazarus now lays sick was the same one who poured perfume on the Lord and wiped his feet with her hair.
So the sisters sent out word to Jesus. Look, the one whom you love is sick.
And when he heard this, Jesus said this sickness will not end in death.
No, it is gonna be for God’s glory so that God’s son may be glorified through it.
Now, I pay attention to this. Now, Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.
So when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was at two more days.
I’m sorry. I don’t feel very loved by that.
Jesus. We told you we need you now and it says he loved them so much that he waited two more days because he wanted them to have a real problem.
By the time he got there.
See, I know exactly what those laughs are.
You just got something right there.
See, God wants us to have, we don’t even have a problem.
If it’s one we can solve. We’re not in line for a miracle.
From God unless we are so, so far over our head.
And so sometimes God just waits and he lets it get worse and worse and worse.
Well, by the time he got there, Lazarus had been dead four days, he wasn’t a little bit dead.
He was really dead. And Jesus said to them, roll away the stone.
Let’s look at verse, uh, what do you wanna look at here? Verse 38.
Once more, deeply moved, he came to the tomb and the cave was covered over with a large rock and he said, take away the stone.
Now, I’m gonna ask you a question.
If he was getting ready to raise a man from the dead, why would he need somebody else to take away the stone?
Who, because we’re partners with God and if we don’t do the part, he gives us to do, he won’t do the part that only he can do.
We’re not gonna sit around and do nothing.
The thing is, is to stop doing your own thing long enough to hear what God wants you to do and do that.
And so Martha right away said, Lord, you don’t get it.
You don’t want to roll away the stone because he has been dead four days.
And by now he is stinking, he was stinking dead, not just dead, stinking dead, but Jesus didn’t change his mind.
And so they rolled away the stone.
And I want to just tell you, if they would not have rolled away, the stone Lazarus would still be in there today.
And there’s a lot of things that have not happened in your life.
Although you’ve been praying your sweet little head off because you have not done the part that God has given you to do.
Sometimes when I’m waiting for a breakthrough, God will put it on my heart to, to give something extra or special or to do something for somebody and it’s not always something I want to do.
Sometimes it’s more than I want to do or it’s for somebody.
I don’t even want to do it for how you like that when God makes you just be outrageously good to somebody that you don’t even particularly like, or even worse if it’s somebody that you’ve had a problem with who has hurt you.
Yeah. All right. Have you ever had that one? Mhm. Yeah. Here we go.
That’s right. Get a new coat and you love it. Love it, love it.
I loved it. Oh, I loved it.
And God told me to give it to somebody who had hurt me really bad.
And I was like, that is the devil.
Are you tracking with me?
You understand what I’m saying? We have so we have selective hearing, don’t we?
We only hear what we want to hear and we ignore the stuff we don’t want to hear.
So God puts it on our heart to do different things that are just simply acts of faith.
They might not make any sense to anybody else, but it’s that step that you have to take.
And I’m honestly, and I know this by the spirit of God, some of you are waiting for a breakthrough, but there is somebody that you need to forgive and your prayer is not gonna be answered until you forgive.
Maybe there’s somebody that you need to go and make things right with.
Hm. If you’re mistreating people, you’re not gonna get your prayers answered.
Maybe for some of you. Gossip is a problem. Hm.
Well, I won’t go there.
How about jealousy?
You know what God is not gonna give you what you want until you can be happy to see somebody else get it.
Well, I’m just making myself happy this morning.
I believe the devil is a liar. I can still preach.
Ok. Now listen, we’re not done with las.
So Jesus said, Lazarus come out and Audi came.
But then he said another thing and this is particularly important for some of you here today.
He said take off the grave clothes.
See some of you, you’ve been born again a long time, but you’re still wearing grave clothes.
You’re still wearing the old filthy rags of the old life. Amen. Our religion.
Just a religious, you know, putting on airs and praise the Lord. Thank you Jesus. Glory to God.
I mean, I know I used to do it You’ve heard me tell these stories.
Go to church, fight with Dave all the way there.
Soon as we get to the parking lot, get out my church face. Put it on.
Praise the Lord. Glory to God.
Stand in the front row, sing the words on the overhead and all the while while I’m supposedly worshiping God.
I’m thinking if he thinks I’m gonna cook him anything to eat today, he has got another thing coming.
That’s, that’s not Christianity.
That’s just a dead person dressed up.
Come on now, don’t make me, get me having done all the crisis demands.
You are to stand firmly in your place.
But I’m telling you that Christianity, although being a, I mean, it takes a strong person to be a full on Christian in our world today.
Let me tell you something. This is not for wimps.
I hate it when people say, oh, you Christians, you just need a crutch. Yeah.
Well, what’s yours? Drugs, alcohol. You know, I’m getting some good stuff out of this crowd today.
I got one over there and one back here and one out here.
Yeah. Jesus is my crutch. I lean on him for everything.
I rely on him for everything.
So I don’t have to lean on all the other stuff that people are leaning on.
But I want you to listen to me.
Christianity can be so easy and peaceful and restful if we’ll just do it.
God’s way you being frustrated and upset is not gonna get you what you want one minute quicker.
You might as well just say, God, my times are in your hands.
You do what you want to when you want to.
And then in the meantime, just enjoy the life that Jesus died to give you.
You know, maybe you’re in here today and you’re not seated in Christ because you’ve never received Christ as your savior.
Maybe you’ve been laying down in life.
And if you don’t make the right decision today, you’ll go out laying down and you’ll still be laying down a year from now.
It’s time for you to take off your grave clothes and start living the life that Jesus purchased for you to live.
You can have right standing with God.
That means that you can know that God loves you and approves of you even though you don’t do everything right because He is a God who sees our hearts today today by one decision, all of your sins can be washed away, not only the ones you have done, but anything you will do wrong in the future, your name can be written in the lamb’s book of Life.
Slate, washed, clean, paid in full.
You can begin your journey of resting in God instead of fighting and struggling with everything Jesus already died for you.
Your sins are already paid for. You don’t need to wait until you get good enough.
Jesus came for people just like me and just like you.
And we just want to pray with people today that want to surrender your life to Christ.
Or maybe there’s some here you’ve backsliding and you’ve tried to serve God at one time, but you’ve fallen away.
And so we just, we just want to pray with you.
And it’s very simple if you’re ready to repent of your sins and that means to turn around and go in another direction.
If you’re ready to live for Christ, be a Christ follower, I want you to raise your hand up and we’re gonna pray with you.
Come on all over the place, all over the place.
A man, OK? Now look at me just a minute.
If you meant that and you put your hand up, I’m gonna ask you to stand up.
Come on, stand up.
Come on, look at that all over the building.
People standing OK?
See, I only ask you to stand because if you won’t take a stand in here, you’ll never go take one out in the world.
If you are ready to take that stand, that Joyce is talking about if you’re ready for a change in your life and you just need something different and you’re ready to invite Jesus into your life.
I want to pray with you right now. Just pray along with me. Let this be your prayer.
You can repeat the words, you can use your own words, but this is essentially such a beautiful moment for all of us together.
So let’s pray. Ok, God, I thank you for your love for me.
I thank you that you sent Jesus to die on the cross.
I don’t understand even all of it, but I accept this gift that you’re giving me and I open my heart to you right now.
Please forgive me of all of my sins.
Take what I have to offer and do something wonderful in my life. I give it to you.
I love you. I trust you in Jesus name. Amen.
Now, it may seem simple, but let me tell you, there is great power in what you just did.
God heard you. He is answering you and he is working in your life right now and Jesus is a part of everything that you are and will be walking with you every minute that you need him.
So the question is now, what do I do?
Well, if you just prayed with me, we would love to get you a free resource just for you that will help you discover more of what we’re talking about, more of who Jesus is and the next steps that you can take.
So please use the information on your screen just to reach out to us.
Let us know we’ll get you this for free. It’s really helpful and congratulations.
This is the beginning of something really beautiful for all of us who are standing in Christ, let’s agree with what Joyce said and choose to rest in God and not be frustrated by our own efforts.
How easy is that to have happen?
But standing on God’s word is really a key to avoid that we can rest in Him because of who we know he is from his promises.
In the Bible. Joyce has a great little book full of scripture broken up into different categories that you need and you can keep them right at your fingertips.
This is called the secret power of speaking God’s word.
And you can keep this in your car, in your backpack, in your purse, keep it at your desk.
It’s great to give us gifts and to have right when you need it.
Because if you need a little bit of prayer on something, you need a little boost in your faith.
You can open up to a lot of scriptures specifically on faith.
If you need something on healing, you can find scriptures on that.
If you need to fight fear, you can find is on that. It’s all God’s word.
So we have this for you and then we also have this version which is so great.
It’s the secret power speaking God’s word for teens, specifically for that teen in your life who you love so much and you want to get God’s word into their hands.
So pick these up today. They’ve helped so many people for so many years.
It’s what God’s word is all about. Thank you for joining us. We’ll see you later.
So the Bible is God’s manual to help us navigate life.
But life often gets in the way of knowing the Bible, finding the time, knowing where to begin and discovering what this all means to you.
We understand and we’d like to help you at Joyce Meyer dot org slash study.
You’ll find free resources to help you get more out of the Bible, whether you’re a new Christian or have been walking with Christ for years.
So jump in today the word it’s free, it’s mobile and it’s tailored for you at Joyce Meyer dot org.
Life consists of beauty and chaos.
Life is messy but you don’t have to be. This is your invitation to wrap up in peace.
That makes no sense. Run to hope in the center of chaos.
Announcing the Love Life Women’s conference 2023 at the 2023 Love Life Women’s conference.
I’ll teach you how to trust God and find calm in the chaos.
Don’t just survive when you can be blessed in the midst of this beautiful mess, featuring Joyce and her guests, Bishop TD Jakes, Sadie Robertson, Lisa Natalie Grant and Danny go October 19th through the 21st in San Antonio, Texas register today at Joyce Meyer dot org.
Courage is not the absence of fear.
It’s going forward in the presence of fear.
The main reason that the Bible gives us for not living in fear, is God is with us.
And I think that it would help us all to just stop and say God is with me right now.
David said, what time I am afraid I will trust in you.
He didn’t say he never had fear, but he said, I’ve got something that will help me deal with the fear.
I put my trust in you.
And the only way you’re gonna put your faith in God is if you know that, you know that you know that you know that God loves you, that He loves you personally and has a good plan for your life.
Keep your eyes on God because He’s greater than any circumstance.
Help us father to be aware of what’s going on inside of us.
You have not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind and you have destinies and plans and dreams and goals and visions for people.
And I ask you to give them great courage to stand up against fear in Jesus name. Amen.
We hope you enjoyed today’s program for more information, visit Joyce Meyer dot org.
This program has been made possible by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer ministries.
This month, we have an exciting youtube offer that’s specially designed to help you spend quality time with your kids and nurture their growth with God.
The incredible power of God’s word and best day ever, two remarkable books crafted to inspire kids as they embark on a faith filled exploration and discover the wonders of God’s love, unleash the power of faith and create unforgettable moments with your kids.
Go to Joyce Meyer dot org slash yt offer and grab this limited time offer today.

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