Speak Over Your Life – Faith for the Impossible
Speak Over Your Life – Faith for the Impossible
The Word of God says that “. . . For with God, nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:37). In this special teaching compilation from the 2022 Winter Faith Refresher, Dr. Bill Winston shows you how to develop and use your Faith for the Impossible.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston, ministries, partners and viewers.
If you stay with what God said and you don’t change your confession, that word is gonna work for you because it will not return to you.
You are an ambassador from heaven and you are sent here from God by God to deliver his word.
Alright. Amen.
So now this speaking, this word is key to how the word works in the life and through the life of a believer, I’ve got to speak his word.
So what we’re saying here seeing here is that most of what Jesus did, one man said 99% of what Jesus did.
He did it with what words.
So it tells me that Adam was using words and words were doing the work.
I’ve got to speak His word and when I speak his word, his word goes to work.
Now, I learned most of my confession uh from a man named Charles Capps.
He’s gone on to be with the Lord now, but he majored in confession, majored in it and what he taught me, I learned some things and, and that’s when I my car wouldn’t start that morning and it was very cold morning in Chicago.
If you stay with what God said and you don’t change your confession, that word is gonna work for you because it will not return to you.
You are an ambassador from heaven and you are sent here from God by God to deliver his word.
Alright. Amen.
So now this speaking, this word is key to how the word works in the life and through the life of a believer, I’ve got to speak his word.
So what we’re saying here seeing here is that most of what Jesus did, one man said 99% of what Jesus did.
He did it with what words.
So it tells me that Adam was using words and words were doing the work.
I’ve got to speak His word and when I speak his word, his word goes to work.
Now, I learned most of my confession uh from a man named Charles Capps.
He’s gone on to be with the Lord now, but he majored in confession, majored in it and what he taught me, I learned some things and, and that’s when I my car wouldn’t start that morning and it was very cold morning in Chicago.

I was living on the north side and the car was outside.
It wouldn’t start, wouldn’t say, uh, and so what did I do?
I went and I remembered what he said that I am an ambassador that I have a legal right to speak the word of God, that I can do things with words that cannot be done otherwise.
And that I said, well, I’m gonna take him up on that.
So I went outside when I saw the car wouldn’t start, I just backed off and when I backed off, I was going to speak to the car, but I looked around to see who was looking.
No cars were coming cause I’m in the street and no, it was cold, cold, cold.
They were advising people not to go out.
All right, why did I look around to see who was looking? Okay. Alright. Yeah. Yeah.
When you speak God’s word, it upsets people, right?
Mhm Who, who do you think the one is that’s most upset when you speak God’s word?
Satan? Because he knows God’s word will work.
Say men and his people can’t use it.
See, I showed you in Genesis chapter 11 they were building a tower of Babel and so the Bible says that God came down to see what the Children were building down there and he confounded their speech.
Now notice what he didn’t do. He didn’t just stop them building, he just stopped their speech.
Are you found what I’m saying?
And I’m saying that what he Satan knows, he knows that if he get a group of people saying the same thing, he can have some results.
But the problem is that the speech that you speak is empowered.
Same N C the people who speaking that don’t know God can get some kind of results but they can’t get nearly the results that you can get.
What? Because the blessing is on you and the blessing is an empowerment for success.
Same into that.
So I’m operating on the blessing when I said we’re turning jails into boarding schools.
Now, as I released that in the name of Jesus, then the forces start working to bring that to pass because the word of God is the most powerful thing that exists.
Period. Well, y’all won’t leave that period off.
See, I’m glad because the tendency is just to add things to that.
You don’t need to add anything to that. It is the most powerful thing that exists.
So if you take God’s Word and believe God’s word and release God’s word, God’s word will do work and it’ll do it while you’re sleeping, it’ll do it while you’re eating breakfast, it’ll do it, it’ll work and, and watch this and will never ever come back without the job being done because it is the most powerful thing that exists.
So that enemy knows the, what is the word of God? How is Mark 1123 and 24.
Now the why Adam was given words to manage the earth, it’s got to manage the earth.
Adam was given words to manage the earth. So the earth has to be managed.
God has you in management and you’re gonna have to manage this world and there are things that are happening in this world that are beyond your natural capability of being able to control.
So you’re gonna have to get God’s word and God’s word.
Faith comes how and hearing by what word of God.
So you’re hearing the word of God and when you hear the word of God, faith is coming.
Now when faith gets full inside of you, out of the abundance of the heart, what’s gonna happen?
The mouth is gonna speak When that mouth speaks and you decrease something.
The Bible says that in job 22, Thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be established.
Got it. No, that’s the first reason for you to manage the earth. Now, that’s enough.
That’s a lot right there. That’s a lot right there because we’ve got to manage the earth. Think about it.
The word of God will manage economies.
You know that because second kings in Chapter seven is one that he said were starving, Blah, Blah, Blah.
And then the prophet stood up and said tomorrow about the same time, come on.
That’s just like me saying to you tomorrow about this time You’re gonna receive $1 million dollar package.
You’re saying, I’ll take it, huh?
Now that’s, that’s what I’m saying.
I’m saying, what we gotta do is we gotta stop taking this lightly because we’re trying to do things without the word many times.
And it’s got the church in a place that described over the Ecclesiastes Ease and chapter 10 and verse five through seven where it says the one who’s supposed to be, be on the horse is actually on the ground acting like a slave.
And the one who’s on the horse is a slave and got the wrong position.
And the Bible calls this evil, at least God does. So what you gotta do is switch positions.
So I’m saying as I spoke to that car and I said, car, I’m talking to you.
Now that’s just like Jesus speaking to a tree tree. I’m talking to you.
No man eat fruit of you here after forever. And the disciples heard it.
They went on up, went to sleep, came back the next morning and it says that he was, he was, the tree was dried up from the roots.
Lord have mercy. So I showed you what a fig tree looks like. Put it up there again.
So we can see how big a fig tree is because we went to the fig tree restaurant in Brazil and we looked at this tree and said, my goodness, this is a fig tree.
Well, this is what Jesus spoke to.
And so if you put that up there for us, please, that’s a fig tree restaurant.
That’s one tree covering the whole restaurant which seats, I don’t know, two or 300, people.
And so we then showed you a huge tree and that was a redwood tree and these are some of the trees that have been in us that Jesus said, he’s gonna take care of.
He said over in Matthew 15 in verse 13, every plant in you that the heavenly father has not planned it.
I’m gonna ruin it up. So what has happened is we haven’t had a revelation of words because the revelation has been stolen and the enemy stole the revelation on purpose.
Why? Because he knew the revelation would cause you to manage him and you have a commission be fruitful.
Come on multiply replenish this earth and to do.
But here’s one of the biggest reasons for words in your time words cause you to possess your inheritance and you can’t get it without them.
Now, all that inheritance God has for you in revelation chapter five verse 12, and he’s given you, look at all the things that He’s given you here.
Uh Come on, read them with me. He’s giving you the power richards.
Come on wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessing.
Now he’s giving you all these things, but you’re not gonna get Him without words, you’re gonna need words.
And these words that you’re gonna have to speak are gonna have to be the words of eternal life.
These are words that are coming from eternity. God, the Bible says inhabits eternity.
So he speaks the words. Now, once he’s spoken, the words, the words have been spoken.
And now what you’re gonna have to do is you’re gonna have to speak those words, but you’re gonna have to speak them like God wrote them.
You’re gonna have the Bible says, the word of God is forever settled in heaven.
You’re gonna have to speak them in the same time.
You cannot say I’m gonna be healed if you do, God cannot move because you have to confess.
And the word confess in the Greek is Homola Ghia which means say the same thing Abraham could not say I’m gonna be the father of a multitude that would be very acceptable in this generation.
But if he had said that he never would have been the father of many of the multitude. Why?
Because He didn’t say what God said. That’s confession. Lord have mercy. Are y’all with me? Here?
Confession means I’m saying the same thing. I got to say what daddy said. Daddy said, I’m healed.
Daddy said, I’m rich. Daddy said, I’m the Linda. Daddy said, I have peace.
Daddy said with long life, he satisfied me.
Now, I can’t say something other than what daddy said because the enemy is trying to get me to have contrary speech and put people around me who don’t believe nothing anyway.
And when I say I am something, they try to talk me out of that.
Who do you think you are? Well, I’m a child of the king. I am rich.
Thank you. I am. Hell, thank you. I have a long life. Thank you.
Notice rich is a part of your inheritance And if your speech isn’t right.
And contrary to what God says, you can’t get that inheritance, you’re gonna have to see it.
And then the Bible even goes further.
So if you confess me before men, so I’m out there pointing at my car looking around.
Well, when Jesus pointed at that tree or spoke to that tree, do you think he looked around?
No, because that’s the way you manage the earth isn’t that powerful?
Now, I’m just saying that because if you tell people that who are intellectual or tell people that who don’t know God right away, they’re gonna argue down.
Well, you can’t say that because you don’t know that you have so forth. No, no, no, no.
If we get our speech right, we can manage from the White House to the outhouse.
See, the enemy doesn’t want us to sing songs. God bless America.
Why? Because he knows these are words.
He knows these words, then he gave somebody those words to speak and they taught it as a song because with those words, he knows that they can keep the blessings coming.
Say amen. This nation is blessed.
You got to say something about your household, you got to say something about your business.
You got to say something. Why? Because words are the most come on powerful things.
Carrier period, period.
I learned this and when I learned it, I was in IBM and I’ve gotten saved and started, this is Charles Cap.
And then every week or every month, we have to give a forecast of what we’re gonna close for that particular month.
And after I learned this and so forth, I said, wait a minute, I’m not, I’m not forecasting something.
I am decreeing something. Watch this.
And since I’m gonna show it to him and speaking to him, then what I decree before men, Lord have mercy.
Are you follow what I’m saying? God said, if you, if you, what did he say?
Yeah, before men, I’ll confess you before the father. One place said, I’ll confess you before the angels.
So when I confess what I’m gonna close for that month, angels went to work.
Let me get, let me get this. No wonder I was number one marketing.
I’m just saying, what are you confessing? What are you saying?
What is the enemy stopped you from saying that you need to say so you can get yourself out of that financial deficit.
See if you don’t use God’s ways, you’re gonna have to go to man’s ways.
You’re gonna be out there hustling trying to make things happen and so forth.
Leroy discovered Tommy told you about it. Money to me. Come on.
He got angels working. Is this the right bunch?
We’re talking to confession brings possession. So God wants you to say something.
Now, I understand. Look at Second Peter, second Peter chapter three and verse eight, it says 1000 years to the Lord is like a day and a day is like 1000 years.
Now, what is that saying? Because he, he lives in the eternal that he has no time.
So what is he saying here is that I have no time.
So I don’t talk time, I don’t talk time because I have no time.
Everything I say is same.
N and he said for you to get it in your life in this earth as an inheritance, you’re gonna have to copy me.
You’re gonna have to say exactly what I said in the same tense that I put it in.
Say amen, I’ll never be broke another day in my life.
Now, does God want you broke? No, he wants you rich.
So broke is not a part of your inheritance. Come on, your portion is not broke.
And a matter of fact, come on, can I help you? Your portion is a millionaire, at least.
Yes. At least.
Now Abraham had to declare who he was.
He said you have made the father of many nations not, I’m gonna make you, I’ve made the so from now on, change your name no longer Abram.
But Abraham and for a father of many nations have I made thee so he’s made him.
So now Abraham has to say what God says.
Now he’s got to go out and tell all these people that work for Him. I’m no longer Abram.
I am now Abraham, see what I’m saying.
And look here, they looked at him and said, now, wait a minute and so forth.
Look at Joseph when he confessed what the dream gave him, he confessed that he’s gonna be the ruler of the world and notice what he did.
It upset his brothers to the point that they, I wanted to do what to him kill him because it’s the devil behind it.
He knows if you stay with what God said and you don’t change your confession.
That word is gonna work for you because it will not return to you, say amen to that.
No. What happened with job? That’s good job.
Now, job, the Bible says in job chapter one verse three that they gave the financial statement of job.
God let you let you in on the inside, let you know what job was bringing in that, you know what he had as real estate and so forth.
And then it says he was the richest man in, in the east.
So whenever you have the blessing on your life.
Wherever you go, you’re not only supposed to be rich, you’re supposed to be the richest.
I’ll try that again whenever. Come on. Am I your preacher? You better listen to what I’m saying.
That’s why the lady stood up here and said, wait a minute, some of you trying to be millionaires.
God is saying to you, am I not able to make billionaires and not just millionaires?
Is that some of you sitting here are gonna be on the Forbes list of the wealthiest people in Chicago.
What? Because of the blessing? It is designed to make you the head and not the tail, whoever is richest, you’re gonna be above them, you’re gonna be the richest wherever you go.
Now give God praise on that. I’m gonna preach that thing. I said, I’m gonna preach that.
See a lot of times we’re holding onto the world’s way of doing things like Jacob did with labor.
He’s trusting the system. You can’t trust that system. That system is designed to keep you in bondage.
You got to lose here, you got to lose that system and let the system of the kingdom take over.
But when you do that, you gotta do it by faith and what people think if they do that, how am I gonna do this?
How am I gonna do this? Let me tell you my friend that’s all coming from your carnal mind.
My God shall supply in the days of famine, you shall be the wealth of the sinner is later for the come on repeat the word of God and then watch the word of God separates you from that world.
I know I tried to separate from IBM.
It had been good to me, but God is calling me to preach, but I didn’t know how to do it.
But I ran across a teaching by Jerry Civil and Mark chapter 10 verse 29 30.
I began to say what God said that, that no man that has left house, a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, a land or I B M for my sake in the gospel.
But he shall receive a hundredfold.
Now, in this time, I said it and that tree was destroyed and now a new tree was built up and look at me.
Now, I’m just saying what God did for B W He will do for you overnight.
Oh my God. God told me to put that on. We are in a time of acceleration.
Well, praise the Lord.
I trusted you enjoyed that teaching.
Now, here’s one thing I want you to remember from this teaching words cause you to possess your inheritance words cause you to possess your inheritance.
As a believer. We have an inheritance. God has given us all things, we have healing as an inheritance.
We have debt cancelation and all this is our inheritance, but you can’t possess it. Without words.
See, God has given us words. He’s saying, I’ve given you the land, let’s say Canaan land.
Well, Canaan land and you know giants were in the land, all of that.
So once you go into Canaan, instead of calling it Canaan land, called it word land.
Because you’re not gonna be able to possess anything in it.
Without the word, you’re going to not only have to believe it, you’re gonna have to speak it and when you do giants will fall, praise God.
So it’s a lot of things God has given us, but we cannot get it without the word word land.
Praise God. Well, that’s all we have for this time. This is Bill Winston. Get that teaching is powerful.
We’ll see you next time until then keep walking by faith.
If you stay with what God said and you don’t change your confession, that word is gonna work for you because it will not return to you.
Today’s dynamic message.
Faith for the impossible is filled with life changing truths that can turn your circumstances around and bring you into the best life God has for you.
But you’ve only heard a portion of the message to get the series in its entirety on MP three or CD on MP four or DVD order today by calling 1 807 1193 to 7 or go online at Bill Winston dot org.
When you correct your words, you will correct your life.
Get your copy of this essential teaching faith for the impossible today.
Hello, this is Bill Winston and I’d like to share with you a new book that I’ve just written.
It’s called Miracles In the Marketplace.
Now, traditionally, with thought of miracles happening when people get sick and get a miracle or something’s wrong with them physically, they get a miracle.
Now, miracles can happen in education, in government, in business and economics anywhere and you can have a miracle in your life.
We’re up against things and challenges today that let me tell you the natural solution just won’t do it.
We need a miracle. This book develops not only a miracle mindset but how you can produce miracles in your life.
It is a phenomenal book. Powerful praise God. You need to get it today.
This is Bill Winston saying God bless you and keep walking by faith.
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The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries, partners and viewers.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.