Something Is Always Off Limits In The Overflow // Livin’ In The Overflow (Part 8) // Michael Todd

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Hello, my name is Bri, and I am honored to serve as the Chief of Staff here at Transformation Church. At TC, our vision is to represent God to both the lost and found for transformation in Christ. We want to extend a heartfelt thank you for tuning in, no matter where you’re watching from. If you haven’t already, make sure to like and subscribe. We believe that God has a word for you today, so let’s dive into today’s message. We are thrilled you joined us, and we’ve been praying that you are blessed through this experience.

One thing we never take for granted is that God meets us here every time. His presence might be felt in a song, through the word, or even with a hug in the lobby, but we know that God will show up. Today, I have a message that I believe will speak to all of us. Now, I know it’s not the best way to start, but let me be upfront with you: get ready for a wake-up call. I won’t be the one delivering it because I’ve already received my share! The Lord has really been working on me with this word, and that’s the reality. Every time I preach, I’m not telling you something that God hasn’t already been working in me.

I will never be a fake pastor, telling you to love your spouse while I don’t treat mine well. I won’t tell you to give when I haven’t already given everything I have. You can trust that I won’t be hypocritical. So, when I get up here, you can be sure that either I’ve already walked this journey, or God is working on me, pushing me, shaping me, and helping me grow. This word has already challenged me, and I need my brothers and sisters to join me in this spiritual growth.

The Bible tells us that God disciplines those He loves. If you’re not being corrected, it’s because He doesn’t love you. I used to have friends whose parents let them do whatever they wanted, and now as a parent, I realize those parents didn’t care enough to set boundaries. By not setting limits, they allowed their children to be unprepared for life. Limits are actually a form of love and protection.

And that brings me to today’s message: limits. The very thing many of us resist, thinking they limit our freedom. We often say, “I’m too old for limits,” or “I’ve been there, done that, and seen it all.” But the real question is: when was the last time God set a limit for you, and you overstepped it?

Today, we’re talking about living in the overflow. Someone say, “I’m living in the overflow!” But I want to challenge you in week eight of living in the overflow with this message title: Something Is Always Off Limits in the Overflow. When God pours out His Spirit and blesses you with influence, resources, and connections, there will always be something He says is off-limits for you. God may be taking you to another level, but He will give you a new limit at every stage. This limit is an expression of His love for you.

At every level of blessing, there’s a new boundary that God sets for you. For example, when God blesses you with children, that’s a new level, and now you have a responsibility to protect them. You need to set boundaries in what they watch, their bedtime, and other aspects of their lives. Too often, we think that new levels mean more freedom and fewer boundaries, but in reality, new levels come with new boundaries. If you don’t respect these boundaries, you may cut off the overflow that God has for you, because you see the limit as a restriction, rather than as something God is doing for your good.

As God increases your influence, there is one key factor that has kept me steady over the past decade. The realization that every new level comes with a new limit. When God elevates you, are you paying attention to the new limit He’s setting? Sometimes, the people in your life or your circle need to be limited, especially if they don’t have the maturity to handle the intimacy and responsibility at the new level you’re entering. Some relationships and environments simply can’t go with you where God is taking you.

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