Sarah Jakes Roberts: Taking Back Your Power from the Enemy! | Women of Faith on TBN

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Sarah Jakes Roberts: Taking Back Your Power from the Enemy! | Women of Faith on TBN

Sarah Jakes Roberts discusses how to take back your power from the enemy to live out your God given purpose! Join us as we explore the transformative power of faith and God’s love in overcoming life’s challenges. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more inspiring content!

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when I begin to live like Jesus is here that he’s with me that he’s cheering for me that he loves me and he wants to see me reconnected to who God knew I could be in my mother’s womb I reclaimed That Power from the enemy you may have had the power to keep me silent that shame may have had the power to keep me from speaking up that people pleasing may have had the power to keep me from taking up space in my own world but power moves and so it is just as much about power moving as it is about reclaiming power that was stol en from
us that was robbed and taken away by trauma and different villains that have come in and out of our lives and saying you know what power moves and I’m reclaiming my power so that I can begin to move in the direction of my purpose listed as I think Time Magazine said 100 of the next most influential people in the world not just America in the world and so I just want to Sarah J it is just great to have you with us thank you it’s good to see you again it’s been so long it has in fact I was saying that at the very top of the show
I think it was maybe eight years ago yeah um and I remember hearing you speak and being so blown away by your vulnerability and um your story parts of your story were hard but you shared it in such a way sometimes people can share hard things and the audience almost feels like they need to take care of you you it was not wounds with you with scars yeah and there’s a difference well I’m so grateful that there was a space creat where women could have those types of conversations and I learned a long time
ago no matter how hard my story was whenever I told it there was always someone who seemingly had a more difficult story and I learned that we’re all carrying these heavy stories and if one person is willing to just open the floodgates then maybe we could clear out our channels and finally begin to make space for love and grace and the type of life that I Think Jesus died for us to live that is beautifully said why do you think we found it so hard traditionally in the church to be honest oh goodness take as long as you need I was going to
say do this man um I think that we genuinely want to get it right I think we do turn our lives over and we say like hey I want to live up to the reason why Jesus got on the cross but then there’s this reality that like I’m messing up every single day and sometimes there’s small mess ups sometimes they’re big mess ups and I would rather not talk about it at all so that it looks like I maintain this Covenant than to recognize that the Covenant is an ongoing process and Jesus meets us where we are not who we pretend
to be and so uh someone has to create space and I think that if we don’t see it modeled it’s difficult for us to step into it and so the beauty of having leaders who are willing to be vulnerable who are willing to say I want to lead you to Jesus I don’t want to be Jesus I don’t want to be the judge or the juror over your life I just want to create a space where you can connect with God I think it makes it easier for people to say well hey can I roll up my sleeve and show you where I’m still wounded can I
show you this scar do you think Jesus would be okay with this we have to create those spaces and I don’t think that the church has always done done a good job of creating those spaces but I do believe I really do believe this that that was the intent yeah but we’re responsible for our actions and so we got to make sure that the line and I think we’re stepping into that I love the fact that you use the word covenant because if you go way back to when God made that Covenant with Abraham and put Abraham to sleep and then you know so
God was the only one who walked through the The Divided animals and to me what that says is you know what Abram chill chill have a nap you’re going to mess up but God is the one who never fails and always keeps his work you know and I just it it breaks my heart because when I study scripture there’s literally nothing that suggests everyone did something perfectly that everyone got it right that life was going to be a cakewalk like everything that I read says hard difficult failure challenges but faithful Grace a opportunity after
opportunity community and so I think maybe sometimes we highlight what we wanted to say instead of what’s actually there and when we really grapple with what’s actually there I think it calls us higher but it does definitely meet us where we are yeah you know it’s so interesting I said at the the top of the show that I remember seeing you speak eight years ago and then few months ago I’m I’m going through my kind of social media and I come across this thing that some of my friends were involved with
and it’s a woman of evolved tour and I watch you walk out onto that by the way that outfit hello I mean that was we’re going to we going to do it we should do it well we should do all things well yes yes but it was there was something on you Sarah there was a sense of God’s presence and authority and Leadership that I mean I found myself deeply moved just watching you and it just made me want to ask what’s your path been like over the last few years I I have been blown away when I met you I knew I had this story about
how God can find even the most broken the most secure the most damaged person and make them feel loved and valued like they never strayed from the 100 and I just felt like everyone should know that and I was sharing my story and I was sharing just how far off track I’d gotten uh some things within my control some’s outside of my control I was sharing the residue of how it changed the way I saw myself how it changed the way I saw others and God and love and how those choices had their own punishments connected to them and I felt
like if all I ever told was my story that would be enough then my husband who he wasn’t my husband at the time he was just a a pastor in Los Angeles who had this thriving Community asked me if I would come and preach a message and I was like I’m not really a preacher but I will come and share my story and I’ll share some scriptures that inspired me and that moment was almost 10 years ago and I would consider that one of the most pivotal moments in my life because I began to realize that God could still use me to speak through me
even if I was borrowing stories from scripture or stories from other people’s lives and I just didn’t realize that it would affect so many people I was never trying to build a platform I was never like trying to build a brand like I was simply saying yes and I’m like I’m going to study I’m going to pray I’m going to throw everything that I have at it and that’s going to be obedient and over the last eight years these messages have really resonated with people in a way that I cannot control like I can’t
control it and I just keep telling God as long as you keep showing up in this space I’ll keep saying yes but it it’s you know I wouldn’t consider myself a natural speaker it makes me nervous I Stumble over my words I don’t like thinking on the spot and so there’s a vulnerability connected to me speaking in those moments that forces me to be completely relying upon God and when I realize that God has shown up in the moment with me I I’ll be searching for him I’m like God please are you here
hello hello are you coming and then there’s this moment where I can just feel God’s presence and I can see the people in the room feel God’s presence and I can tell we are moving towards who God has called us to be all of us collectively and that gives me so much joy so much energy that I then I feel like invincible and I start I’m like let’s go who wants it like it turns into something completely different and then I just like go back into my little corner I’m like all right God we’ll see
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