Rehearse Your Victory – End Time Faith

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Rehearse Your Victory – End Time Faith

BW 2114

Rehearse Your Victory – End Time Faith

Series 502

the believer’s Walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries partners and viewers up next on the believer’s block of faith faith for the last days that God is showing you examples and what you have to have to fight off doubt cuz doubt will try to creep in on you and the next thing you know it’ll make you Retreat from your decision and next thing you know you could lose the battle but I decree that you’ll never doubt again I decree because of this teaching God’s going to reinforce your faith and
you’ll be able to do things that you’ve never been able to do before and when you walk on the water you will not doubt this right here is an operations manual this when I flew airplanes for the military this was it look how thick it is yes sir got it now what is the manual for what do you think the manual is for to live right it’s to tell you how to operate it this is your manual this is called a Bible it’s telling you how to operate your body it’s telling you how to operate your life are you
follow what I’m saying so if you don’t know this you don’t know how to operate it that’s right that’s right if if I don’t know this I don’t know a thing about that F4 that’s right amen that’s good amen amen am put the airplane up there where I started number that that propeller driven airplane where I started praise God and put that up there all right that’s where uh I started okay and then the next one I progressed to was right there that’s the Tweety Bird it’s still subsonic and then
the next one is Supersonic and and that one and then I transferred on to my fighter right there no if you I don’t know whether you have it back there but but there’s a instruments inside of the airplane now that’s me standing in front of it they put tiger teeth on it over in combat amen amen but but there some of the instruments inside now all those instruments that’s one side of it that’s all those instruments they put the blindfold on you and you’ve got to touch every instrument and tell them what it is wow
all the way that cuz I got to know the manual man sir yes sir if you don’t know this Bible you will go broke in this earth and most God most people if you know this Bible you’ll never be broke you will never be broke this is a success book and it’ll tell you exactly what to do in everything if you believe it and do it it’ll work for you every time yes sir that’s right next that’s right I put I I ordered these just for tonight now I’m going to use them Beyond tonight but I order them just for tonight
now these are two Fighters This is what you saw that I flew in I flew f4s all right I was transitioning to f-15s when I got out but here is the airplane all right now when over in training You Learn to Fly formation You Learn to Fly in bad weather You Learn to Fly and and so forth and in combat over in in Vietnam it was the monsoon season when the monsoons come the rains will come down so hard you you can’t see your hand in front of your face I mean but you got to learn how to fly and all of that now I want this is my point I want to show
you something here because basically you’re in combat whether you know it or not you are in a war right now so we have something called Flying of what we call uh um that that two airplanes will fly what we call formation if you’ve ever seen um right water show and you’ve seen the Thunderbirds or or the Navy but you you will see them do things just like you know what I’m saying all right now now watch this what you have first is a leader a flight lead sometimes we practice takeoff in formation so two airplanes will get on
the runway at the same time now it’s time to take offs so I’ll give a signal that that’s say the lead to run up your engines to 80% you run them up to 80% and now I look over him and he says he’s ready cuz he’s just a little bit behind me but I can see his cockpit and I said and I dropped my head when I drop my head we go to afterburner both of us and the airplanes now running down the runway running down the runway running down the runway all of a sudden I start lifting off and he follows me I start
going up he starts following me I start going up now he has no idea where the ground is now we go through clouds but he stays close enough so he can stay in inform formation and now I start turning he has no idea where the ground is he only follows the leader now the leader has to be proficient it’s none of this stuff this discrimination you discriminating against me no none of that you going to get the lead if you can fly then you’ve got to be so what happens here we go we’re going through the the clouds he
doesn’t know where he is he doesn’t even know he’s in a turn he doesn’t even know he’s sideways he just following me he’s just following me now as he does that understand he has to trust his lead he has to trust his lead so then we straighten back out we’re still in the clouds we’re going up we’re going up we’re going up the other flight just took off and the other other flight now they’re going up through the clouds going up through the clouds so let’s say we break out a 10,000 F feet and all of
a sudden we see each other and the others team up so now we’re a flight of four all tucked in with each other and then he gives a move on the rudder move on the rudder and we kick out and everybody watches everybody’s six we make sure missiles not coming at our six that we Lord have mercy am I getting too complicated no but here’s my point my point is the holy spirit can not mismanage your life now over in John 14:1 16 put it up there please and I want to show you that the reason why I’m showing you this is
because what’s in the lead is the Holy Spirit you don’t need to see anything you don’t need to see a thing let’s read this scripture here ready read he may okay now he’s going to be your God he’s going to take you through the clouds he’s going to take you through bad places he’s going to take you through but he’s going to make sure you win every battle he’s going to take you through cuz he’s your leader are you following what I’m saying and you’ve got to learn to trust the Holy Spirit as a
matter of fact he will not mismanage your life and you’ve got to learn to trust him with everything you’ve got amen he is designed to know where everything is he knows how to keep you he knows how to make you prosper he knows everything but keep him in the front yeah yeah yeah that’s good that’s good that’s power 1 John 5: 19 I want you to read that ready read we certain from God and the rest of the world okay the whole world is under the power or control of the evil one Revelation 12:9 too please ready read
and the Great Dragon was cast out that old Ser called the devil and Satan which dece the whole world how much of the world the you deceived the whole world you’re in the world but what you’re not of it you’re not going to be deceived especially if you follow the lead yeah yeah yeah he’s right here with you right now waiting for you to acknowledge his that I’m he’s you with him yeah amen and you can trust him that he’s going to take you to your wealthy place because it’s your Covenant right
yes that’s good is good Satan is a thief he’s a thief how many of you know that he is a thief comes to steal kill and destroyest all right let’s put a scripture up there let’s put up Matthew Chapter 14 verse 28 ready read him and said Lord thou me come the on the water and he said come and when Peter was come down out of the ship he walked on the water to go to Jesus but when he saw the wind boisterous he was afraid and beginning to sing he cried saying Lord save me and immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand and called him
and said unto him oh th of little wherefor thou wow now doubt robbed him of his faith yeah and that’s what doubt is designed to do it’s designed to rob you yeah now notice he was doing something super naturally yes he so the classroom setting cannot teach you the supernatural I mean they can but they don’t teach the super they teach the natural but you’re going to have to add some super to the Natural to the Natural you got what I’m saying yes sir and that’s your part look what it says in Genesis 14 and
14 this is when the people came the big bully of that time and a three nations ran off with all of lots of goods and his people and children and everything just took over ready read and when Abram heard that his brother was taken captive he armed his trained servants born in his own house 318 now they had they had 318 and went after them and slaughtered them now how did they do that with 318 he homeschooled him that’s the only thing I can say he homeschooled him see he didn’t teach him what was just taught in the class he put
some super on there and that’s what we’re doing right here cuz we know you don’t get it in those classes so I’m going to give you the super PR now let’s go to the last part how to spoil your doubts Lord have mercy how to spoil your doubts now everybody’s capable of doubting so you got to find out how to come against that doubt because Satan’s job is to rob you and to get get it say over in mark 4 and verse 14 and 15 said when the word is sown the enemy comes when immediately to what to
seal the word so he is a thief so he’s come to to rob you of your faith by bringing doubt now one way you can stop doubt is through Revelation so you take the word and Joshua 18 meditate in the word what day and night so here I was was trying to leave IBM just couldn’t leave I tried it a couple of times but the bills came in and I had to stay there a little bit longer so the next thing happened is I heard uh Jerry svel teach on seed time and harvest got that teaching and I began to meditate uh Mark chap 10 verse
29 and 30 no man just left house mother father sister brother and I put IBM in there but it shall receive 100 fold in this time and so forth I met meditated that until Revelation came and then when Revelation broke through that’s called light and I saw it and I called my wife said baby I’m leaving this company she said well praise the Lord all right how did I break through with Revelation and watch this Satan tried to bring doubt after I got here trying to get something started Satan was stealing our money and
so forth all of a sudden somebody said why don’t you go back to IBM for a little bit so I went up IBM and one of my old friends was way way up in the company and I said you know I’m coming looking see if I want to come back he said well Bill you know uh I I know you we’ve been friends for a long time I’ll I’ll take you back and start you at the salary you left at I said would you he said yeah he said but you don’t really sound like you want this I leaned right back in my chair and said I don’t he
said well let’s get out of here he said you’re going west aren’t you he said yeah let’s catch the train catch caught the train and came out and got off in Oak Park now my point VI is doubt tried to come in yeah but when I said that something broke something broke see you’ve got to make a decision by which there will be no retreat you’ve got to make a decision by which there is no retreat most people don’t make that decision see and that’s why uh when when when in the western movies when the
white man came over uh to uh the the Indians and the Indians say you speaking with what kind of tongue Fork tongue Fork tongue is is is Satan they tell me Satan’s tongue was one piece at first but once he sinned God split it so he couldn’t talk and and so but you speak with fork tongue he was saying you people from that wherever you come from you’ll say one thing and do another well that’s not God God is a keeper of his word look at Numbers Chapter 23 ready God is not that he should neither the son
ofen God plans for you to imitate him and if he won’t lie you won’t lie amen say Amen am so from now on you’re going to keep your word amen and you’re going to make decisions by which there will be no retreat all right first is revelation this is the way you get rid of doubt I’m teaching you how to doubt your doubts all right Revelation next don’t look to a man when I say man mankind to confirm what God said to you don’t do that let’s look at the Apostle Paul let’s go uh Galatians
chapter 1 ver2 and then we’ll go to verse 15 from 12 to 15 all right ready read for I dece neither I the re of Jesus Christ all right so the Holy Ghost is teaching him that go down to verse 15 please through 17 ready read God who separated me from my mother’s wom and Me by his grace to re his son in me that I might him am the Heen immediately I and bl neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were Apostles before me see what he’s saying is when it was revealed to me I didn’t ask my mind what had
thought about it I didn’t ask my body and I went up there to the apostles and didn’t ask them God speaks to you and he wants you to get used to receiving what he said by faith don’t you don’t need Goosebump look what Gideon tried to do watch this now this is Gideon ready read andto God thel th I will put a fce of w in the Flor and the be on the fle only and it be all the Earth shall I know that I will is he’s trying to fleece God now today if you try to fleece him you might get flee yourself but he’s
saying hey I’m going to put something out here if that’s really you speaking to me make this wet and the drown gr dry and God did that and then God get said well I’m not totally convinced uh tonight make this dry and the ground wet and God did that he’s trying to help get so sometimes God will help you but you got to watch that because if you need something in the physical to do it Satan is in the physical Satan is in the physical so I’m just saying uh God wants you to get to know him say Amen to that
all right and the last part here rehearsing your victories all right look at 1st Samuel chapter 17 and verse 34 please ready read David said unto thy kept his father sheep and there came a lion and a bear and took a lamb out of the CL and I went out after him and SM him and delivered out of his M and when he arose against me I caught him by his beard and spoke him andw him David lied to rehearse those victories and sometimes that helps you put up there the place where I first started at are you following what I’m saying I’m
rehearsing this Victory but that’s a way you get rid of Doubt because doubt one man says treated like dope stay away from it but he says the way you get rid of Doubt uh he says feed your faith and it’ll starve your doubts to death faith for the last days that God is showing you examples of what you have to have to fight off doubt cuz doubt will try to creep in on you and the next thing you know it’ll make you Retreat from your decision and next thing you know you could lose the battle but I decree that
you’ll never doubt again I decree because of this teaching God’s going to reinforce your faith and you’ll be able to do things that you’ve never been able to do before and when you walk on the water you will not doubt well praise the Lord I trust that you enjoy that now that that again that’s 10 time Faith but in this in time we’re going to have to let the Holy Spirit lead now I use the uh example of me flying in the military and and flying jets you you st in what is known as formation you have a lead here and you
have a wingman and so forth well they have to stay in formation see you can’t get out ahead of the Holy Ghost you you mess something up just listen for his voice and do what he says he will not mismanage your life isn’t that powerful this teaching you need to get it’s end time teaching Hallelujah well that’s all we have for today we’re going to see you next time until then keep walking by faith we hope today’s message end time Faith was a blessing to you but you’ve only received a portion of this
lifechanging teaching designed to build build your faith and help manifest the best of God in your life to receive this four-part series in its entirety on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP4 contact us at 1-800-711-9327 or online at Faith is the primary building block and Foundation of Christianity everything we do and say must be done in faith in this series you’ll learn the type of faith that is required in these end times which is bold audacious Faith this series in time faith is a teaching you will want to get play and replay to
strengthen your foundation of faith I want to talk to just a moment about Joy because this is something I didn’t have before I got born again meaning that you know when I was raised up as a kid there wasn’t much joy in my house you know Mom and Dad were always at it and you know some things going on and and I had to try to just you know go out and go with my friends to go get a little joy in my life and then I got you know older before I got married and things didn’t go right at the job or when I was flying
Fighters and Military just thing that go joy but I got born again and when I got born again Joy is the fruit of the spirit it’s a part of of you being born again in other words we talk about the joy that somebody can’t give you only the Lord can give you the Bible even talks about the joy of the Lord is your strength once he came inside of me I felt a new Joy a joy that was unspeakable a joy that people can’t give you humanly it’s a joy that that passes any other feeling that you might want to
have and I’m saying that Joy comes inside of you when you get born again and I don’t know where you stand with the Lord because you might be just trying to make it from day to day and just you know reaching for the little bit of pleasure you can find in life cut that out there’s a whole different way you can live and I found it when I did let me tell you not only did I have joy I went to the top of the ladder in sales and computers in IBM I’m tell you of things in my relationships got totally
worked out why because the joy came and that Joy is your strength so I’d like to introduce you to Jesus Christ I don’t know whether you’ve ever been born again I don’t know whether you’ve ever formally given your life to the Lord but let’s do it right now I have a feeling that I’m talking to you that it’s no coincidence that we’re talking together today so here’s what I’d like you to do the same thing they did for me some years ago they led me to Christ I’d like
you to repeat this prayer after me the Bible says if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead that he’s alive that you’ll be saved so let me take you through that prayer if you will and you’ve never prayed this prayer or you sense the joy is missing or you want to just start a brand new life start over again get your sins blotted out and make a brand new start pray this prayer with me let’s pray just bow your head dear Lord I come to you now
just as I am say it with me I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God that he died for my sins and on the third day he was raised from the dead Lord Jesus I ask you come into my heart live your life in me and through me from now on from this day forward I belong to you in the name of Jesus Amen now if you said that prayer and you said it from your heart a miracle has just taken place in your life now you may not feel it outwardly but something inside has changed now your name is being written in the Lamb’s Book of Life Of Heaven
this is the first day of the rest of your life every sin has just gotten blotted out isn’t that wonderful now I’d like to send you my book it’s called Born Again in spirit Phil I got it in several translations polish Spanish you got it in Zulu just write us or call us whatever you do it’s on the screen let me send you the book it’s telling you what the next steps are as a new believer let me get that good news that Jesus has come into your life and brought Joy well that’s all we have for
this time this is Bill Winston saying we’ll see you next time until then keep walking by faith doctors Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you we know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life contact us by phone at 18775433319 for/ prayer we want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible together we are transforming lives throughout the world
if you are not a partner we encourage you to pray about joining us in Partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry we love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you the believer’s Walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries partners and viewers now remember you need Faith to get to your destiny so don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification Bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos this is Bill Winston I love you and keep walking by faith


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