Regeneration Nashville Live! | August 21, 2023

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Regeneration Nashville Live!

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside quiet waters,
He refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the paths of righteousness
for His name’s sake.
Psalm 23:1-3 (NIV)
Hey, Scott. Hallelujah. Well, all is well in heaven. God’s not worried.
Hi, y’all both Sunday. Praise god. Well, I feel the spirit of the lord today.
God is in the middle of building today and he’s already releasing by his spirit, the supernatural.
I just declare that that when you walk out of this bill, in today that god has gone before you and already done miracles for you that in the next 7 days of prayers that you have prayed that god is gonna answer them in the name of the lord.
May god lose a depth blow, hallelujah, to the wicked, and may he breathe life upon you in the name of Jesus.
hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah. Well, I believe the spirit
of the lord has some to say today, we’re going to take our text very quickly out of the book of John, the gospel of John, and I just want to read one small verse John
8 verse 36.
If the son or Jesus therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
1 of the verse. Now the lord is that spirit.
And wherever the spirit
of the lord is, There is what? Liberty.
Do you believe that god
is in the house today?
Hallelujah. Do you believe that you’re connected to the spirit of the lord? Hallelujah. Oh my goodness.
There’s favor in here right now. There is settling up on you. There is a midst of the presence
of COB that’s being released in the atmosphere upon you.
This message today that I wanna preach to you has a really, uh, of course, everything I preach has a prophetic edge, but uh, god spoke to me about 3 days ago.
He said, go and stand in the pulpit and tell your people that you are pastoring and tell my church that we are not going back.
Hallelujah. We are not going back.
There’s this intimidating spirit right now that’s in the land that is trying to make us feel like that whatever we have achieved is only temporary, but I’m telling you about spirit of the lord, there is a repeat deliverance in the atmosphere just like there was in the book of Exodus
In fact, what god did for Israel was so powerful that he had to write a whole book called Exodus about it.
And, though, there’s not going to be any more books added to the Bible.
I’m telling you that we are a reenactment.
that we are the final stamp hallelujah on what God is doing.
Now, I believe the lord is saying in this hour right now, it is finished.
And I tell you by the word of the lord, uh, that some of you have been under attack, but cops says you are not going back in the bondage.
Uh, Becky, you’ll never ever have to have another operation. Those of you that God is healed of cancer.
That demonic spirit will not come back on your life.
Uh, may the spirit of god settled down upon you, uh, by the Holy Ghost.
Uh, may there come a out of your belly, a river of living water.
You have stepped over into another dimension by the power of god.
If you look your feet are wet right now because you’re standing in the middle of of living waters.
God brought me back in the in my in my spirit.
to the book of Exodus.
And the scripture says that the lord instituted this deliverance.
He said, I have heard the cry of mine people, how many you feel like you’ve been crying to the lord?
We have been so distraught over the last few years as we’ve watched injustice settle down in this nation.
We watched our liberties come under attack. We watched perversion,
weird stuff.
that is now being branded as normal.
Can’t even watch the news anymore because of all the lies.
Can I take that’s not misspeaking.
There’s no such thing as misspeaking.
Either you’re telling the truth or you’re telling a lie, but it’s not misspoke.
For us, if we don’t tell something that’s true, then they say you’re lying.
But if a politician does it, then they say he misspoke.
Well, I got news for you, but
I I’m telling you about the Holy Ghost that there’s something happening before this year’s out says the lord.
Uh, god is gonna fix some things that are out of balance and out of character.
And when god got ready
to bring his people out, he said, I’m gonna take you to a lamb that you’re inheritance.
You know why that land belonged to them even though they hadn’t walked in it yet is because faith 430 years ago had already walked a breath the link with hallelujah and the height of that land named Abraham.
Uh and god told Abraham wherever you put your foot I’m giving it to you.
And I’m telling you about the spirit of the lord that that faith has already walked the inheritance that you and I are getting ready to walk in too.
Too many great men like TL Osborne.
Some of these great teachers of old and John G.
Lake and Charles Finney and Benny, Billy Sunday, you and all the list goes on and on.
And and daddy Hague and hallelujah and oral Roberts. Uh, there’s been too much faith.
It’s been released in the atmos sphere.
I heal your minds right now, says the lord, uh, there’s been a chain that’s been on some of you.
Uh, and the enemy has bounced your mind into believing the lies of the devil.
Uh, but we’re gonna break that to give the name of Jesus, hallelujah. Now, the lord is that spirit.
And what the spirit of the lord is, uh, there is liberty. You are free today. Yep.
You are not a slave. Uh, you are not a captive.
The enemy’s not got you bound because you are standing in the divine presidents of god.
Well, you don’t even tell when god’s doing something when nobody will sit down when a preacher’s preaching.
God does something supernatural for Israel.
It has to happen because prophetically, god has already declared it 430 years past.
nick quoted the scripture that there will be a day when god’s coming back for a church without spot wrinkle or blemish.
You cannot alter that. That means that there is an emerging church that is not woke.
I have I have people telling me all
the times that pastor Ken, I thank you for your bonus that you address issues that need to be addressed in the pope in thinking that I feel like Paul woe is me if I don’t.
It’s not really boldness.
We’re just preaching the word of the lord. All of this message going up out there.
It is contrary to the word of god.
You say, well, how do
you have the authority? Because we base what we declare
on the written word of the lord.
For all of the woke generation and the transgender generation and the homosexual generation that wants to call themselves Christians.
What is your philosophy based on because it’s sharing based on the Bible.
Show me the book of authority that you’re using that declares that you’re right.
Uh, there is only one lord one faith, one baptism. The the word of god cannot be altered up.
It does not bow down to sin. but the holy ghost hallelujah. Run that book. It cannot be changed.
Uh, it is the foundation of the church of the most high. And that’s why you and I are triumphant.
through a series of events.
God loses a death angel for the 10th plague.
And in that tenth plague, the death angel passes through Egypt and goshen everyone that does not have blood on the doorposts, the firstborn in their house, including animals, died.
We can’t even comprehend that particular scenario.
That when the enemy woke up, There’s this whale that begins to come up out of Egypt because all of their firstborn children are dead.
Ferrill’s firstborn son is dead.
At that moment, Ferral tells Moses, get out of the land.
And they were already ready. They’re they had their shoes on everything.
Israel comes out of Egypt. They are coming out of oppression.
where they are coming out of political tyranny.
They are coming out of in just They are coming out of an environment that said they were slaves, but god said that you are free men.
And so the lord begins to extract them from Egypt.
As he is extracting them, we now fight them in the position to where they are standing in front of an insurmountable art called the Red Sea.
Mountains on both sides. And all of a sudden here comes Egypt, and their intention is to recap or the Israelites and bring them back
to Egypt. God said we are not going back. Hallelujah.
Hallelujah. Hear me by the word of the lord.
They should have done more the coronavirus when they had a chance.
They should have passed some laws when nobody was having church.
This is a permanent law,
and you can’t church. You should have buried us while we were dead, uh, because there is a resurrection anointing.
And I’m telling you about the spirit of god The church is gonna get stronger, more glorious, more powerful, more influential in the United States of America, and if they are uh, there is a season saying Carter where there is a fragrance of the glory of the magnificence of Carter.
the miraculous is loose right now. Uh, the heavens are open right now. Uh, he on Sunday. Yeah.
God said, you may have had him for a while.
But you don’t get to have him anymore.
And when favorable in his army, started marching after the Israelites.
I can just see the father look at the Holy Ghost and say, They ain’t going back.
Because if they go back, it is a violation of what my word has already declared.
We cannot go back to where we’ve been for the last 2 or 3 years.
hallelujah because it will be a violation of the word of the lord for the glory of the latter house shall be greater than that of the former.
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah. I’m expecting at any moment for us to begin to
see a physical cloud of of glory in our buildings at 709 Rivergate Parkway.
I I am expecting for people to begin to send in reports.
Uh, there’s something, there’s fire on top of the building. there’s something going on to that atmosphere.
What is going on? Uh, god has said we’re not going back into activity, but there has been a deliverance edit by golf that has been declared in the atmosphere.
them and be ye separate say of the lord. Now, I lose you today. Yeah.
I bless you today, uh, around the world. The body of Chrysler.
We lose the anointed of the lord on you. Every yoke be broken.
Now every stronghold in this nation, we come against the trench in your demonic spirit stronghold.
And today’s a prophet of God, we pull it down in the name of Jesus.
I break the spirit of homosexuality off of your children in the name of the lord.
We break the spirit of pornography that is in the United States in America greater than any other nation in the Earth.
We break that stronghold up right now in the name of Jesus.
We break the stronghold up of corruptness in politicians, uh, in our government in the name of the lord.
Now, we lose the spirit of god into the Supreme court.
Uh and in their chambers, uh, will there be a visitation of the spirit of god?
Now that will begin to changed him by the power of the lord.
There are seasons that god will allow the enemy seemingly to triumph.
but there are boundaries.
You say, well, how do you know god’s gonna do something?
because the lord was very plain in the old testament.
He said, you will not remove the ancient landmarks that your father’s erected.
The biggest issue that we’re having right now is the ancient landmarks that are founding fathers with the constitution of the United States of America, Those ancient landmarks are being moved, misinterpreted, um, and reposition.
And god says, I won’t let you do it.
In this setting, here comes Israel, because God has already decreed.
Then in about 11 days, you’re gonna be standing in the middle of your own land as free people.
That’s about how long it took to go from from where they were. to the land of Canaan.
Um, belief stopped them.
But prophetically, god had already decreed they were gonna be set free.
We are in the middle of a transition right now.
If you wanna know where the church is, um, actually, nobody really knows what god’s doing in the earth.
I did it today. I pray because god has has given me a prophetic ministry.
I pray it all the time. I said, Lord, show me what you’re gonna do this year and next year.
show me the people that’s gonna die, show me natural disasters, show me what you’re gonna do with the wicked, what you’re gonna do with the lukewarm.
give me names, dates, and places, and methods. You have not because you asked not.
But I can promise you if the the spirit of god hits me and the lord begins to give dates and names and specifics, and they begin to happen.
this church will be so full that you won’t be able to show up at 10 minutes to 3 and think you’re gonna get a seat.
But I also know this is going to come because Amos says this that God doeth nothing, but first, reveal of his secrets onto the prophets.
There is a revealing going on.
And what we’re dealing with right now, we are not yet stepped over into our inheritance, but we are also not in Egypt.
So sometimes when god is getting to deal with the enemy, he will draw them out from where they are comfortable And he will put them in a place that they are not familiar with because he’s getting ready to do something that
he did not want to do where they felt like they were in control.
There is a drawing out prophetically that God is beginning to pull the enemy from where they’ve been. Why?
Because the lord is unveiling and uncovering so much stuff that’s going on
in the spirit realm. Giants are falling right now in the name of
the lord. I hear god saying that the enemy is holding meetings in quiet places in secret places because they are terrified that something is loose seen in the atmosphere that they have no control over.
There is a glorious church in this hour.
When Israel got to the Red Sea, the scripture says that here came favor with all the Egyptians.
We know the story. Their intent was to retrieve them and to put them back where they had them before.
There is a concentrated effort right now in the earth to reinstitute What we have been bound with for a couple of years in the COVID situation.
There’s nothing more that Fauci would love that for everybody in this building to be 6 feet apart or not in this building at all and wearing a mask.
But we are not of those who draw back.
when Pedro got to a place that he was going to engage the Israelites.
God said, not today. You know what he did?
He put a cloud of darkness between the Israelites and the Egyptians.
And He made it impossible for the Egyptians to see the Israelites.
God to some degree has hit us in this hour.
But I hear god saying that I’m getting ready to unveil the church and who I am unveiling is not who I veiled.
But they have been in the inner chamber says the lord.
Um, and I have in due them with new powers, new gifts, and new authorities, and what’s getting ready to be unveiled when I lift the barrier of darkness says god.
Uh, it’s not some weak emaciated church, but this is that glorious church without spot or wrinkle.
He is that church that is connected to the book of acts. Uh, it is that people, hallelujah.
That’s how they hand on the sick Uh, they shall cast out demons, uh, shall retrieve their protocols, uh, and release the glory of god.
Now that there will be no cancer in you. Uh, there will be no heart disease.
Uh, there will be no depression. Now, there will be no bankruptcy.
God reaches in, gets a hold of Israel.
because he says you ain’t going back to Egypt.
Calls us him to go into the Red Sea does an amazing thing.
Waters can geal. They cross over.
And what was deliverance to Israel was destruction to their captors.
Did I quit preaching good?
Egypt should have left Israel alone.
And I hear this in the spirit from the lord saying they should have left the church alone.
because pay days coming.
and it’s not gonna be us that does it.
God is our defense. hallelujah.
We’re getting ready to see things that are going to mirror some of the great supernatural events that are recorded in the scriptures.
There is no way that the early church will have achieved a level in the spirit that the last day church has not.
So that means that the things that we have read about that have been described in the book of acts are things that are a launching pad for the last day church in this hour.
And everything I see god doing is going to be quick.
First of all, says the lord that when I remove the lukewarm from the house god.
It will almost be overnight. It will be a cleansing to the body of Christ.
when there’s some up there I’ll talk about, but when Israel got on the other side, And Egypt came in to get them.
Bible said that god, let the waters come back in, and we know that they all drowned.
The horse is drowned. The chariots the wheels came off, and all of the Egyptian army with Favorable died in that moment.
because they tried to bring god’s people back to a place that god had already delivered them from.
god has already delivered us. hallelujah. We are already delivered.
I don’t care what it looks like on the political forefront.
We have already been delivered from all of these men and all of their plans and all of their schemes.
What were you happy now is god is drawing them into a place that the lord for a season.
And one of the reasons that I know that the next few years until harvest is over are going to be joyful years is because the last harvest
or the last feast was the feast of
Tabernacles. And god said it’s not a time of work or toil, but it is a time of celebration and joy.
And it all through the scripture.
Whenever harvest came, um, it was a reward for all of the months of toil, and they’re bringing him the harvest.
Uh, the god of the age is hallelujah, is going to supernaturally begin to remove the little fox is that Nick prophesied about, and those that have spoiled the vine.
Now you fast forward because Israel is so important to God.
Actually, they’re only about
Jews in the world. Out of the 8 billion people, the Jewish population comprises 0.25percentupjustonepercent.25 of 1% of all the population in the Earth, yet they’re one of the most talked about people groups in the Earth.
Everything before Jesus comes back is going to center around the epicenter of Jerusalem and the nation of Israel.
God loves Israel. We know that.
But we also know that right now, Israel has rejected Jesus Christ.
And the Bible said, because of their rejection, you and I have been grafted in as gentiles to the vine.
And he said, but both not that you are grafted in.
He said, because you could also be cut off too.
And so Israel, to some degree, is a natural type of the church.
The church is not a replacement of Israel.
There’s no such thing because in eternity, all men and women will be of one body, one lord, and one faith.
It’s it’s dangerous when you get more excited about the blood of the red heifer than you do the blood of Jesus Christ.
And you have to be careful about starting to get excited about a natural temple being rebuilt and animal psych uh, sacrifices being reinstituted because when you start killing animals and shedding their blood, you are blaspheming the blood Jesus Christ because you’re declaring the blood of Jesus Christ was not adequate enough.
So we have to go back under the law and go back under Jewish tradition.
Not So when Jesus came, he said, I have fulfilled the law. Yeah. We know that god loves Israel.
and that there will be a day when they are restored and grafted back into the vine when the fullness of the gentiles has come.
But if you wanna know what happens with the church, you can, to some degree, watch Israel.
In the month of June,
years after Israel had become a nation, There was so much hatred in that part of the earth over the nation of Israel over the bloodline of Ishmael and Isaac, it’s very interesting that as last week, I talked to you about Judaism Islam Christianity, all of them trace their lineage back to one man.
Abraham. Every one of them call Abraham, their father.
From that moment on, everything changes. In
there was an all out attack against Israel by an ancient spirit called Egypt.
And Egypt was going to conquer Israel and make them their slaves and annihilate them.
In World War 2, I believe, in World War II, was that the was that the war with Hitler?
Yeah. In World War II, Adolf Hitler went after the Jews.
We all know about the Holocaust. He annihilated guest approximately
Jews. But what we don’t realize he also killed about 7000000 Soviet civilians.
He also killed a lot of their own German citizens that he felt like had maladies in their bodies or inferior bloodlines.
He killed thousands of prisoners of war.
But there was this an attack to wipe out the Jews in the earth.
when Moses came out of Egypt.
He came out there’s there’s different figures depending on How many children a Jewish family had?
Some believe they averaged 5. If there were 600,000 men, Then there were 600,000 women.
And then there would be several more 1000 for children and that the estimates are anywhere from 3,000,000 to 6,000,000 people that came out of the land of Egypt.
What a must have been for heaven to watch?
as this captive nation who has never known freedom.
And their generations is walking out free.
We’ve not known as a church, the glories that god has promised us.
We’ve only read about it.
We only hear about it prophetically as god prophesized it to us to encourage us.
But we are so close to stepping over into another dimension by the power of god.
Say, why? Because we cannot win the world without signs, wonders, and miracles.
Some of your protocols are not coming home until the church can actually didn’t demonstrate what we have been telling them since they were children.
But when you see a lake begin to grow back out that’s been amputated.
Uh, and an eyeball reconstructed, uh, and people that have never seen in their lifetimes.
take off of the dead run around the building, Holland. I can see. I can see.
Uh, it is going to reiterate.
Uh, there is God, his name is Jesus Christ, the righteous, uh, that his word will not return it to him.
Boy, now what are we doing right now? We’re at least sitting in the app sphere.
We’re seeding, uh, the supernatural, the supernatural, the supernatural, the supernatural, signs, signs one nerves after 1 thirds miracles be upon me.
Everything is changing, I’ve noticed. My preaching changed.
because it’s not necessary anymore for just to have a reiteration and a release of information we’re stepping over to a realm where it
is the Holy Spirit that is beginning to breathe fire out of our spirits, hallelujah, from the app is fear in the throne of god.
Why? She mad.
Israel went into the land of king and though it was delayed, but they possessed the land that god had told them has your name on it.
we it’s called the 6 day war.
Egypt, I believe Saudi Arabia came after the Israelites in a secret attack.
stories are told. I’ve I’ve been to Israel many times.
I’m I’ve taught with some of the men who were in the army and the commanders.
And they said, We should have never won that war.
But we saw angels in the heavens.
We saw miracles happen that should not have happened. Why?
Because god was saying this, I delivered them out of Egypt then because I wasn’t letting them go back And he said they still ain’t going back in
History says that Iraq Tech Army, 1 of the smallest nations on the earth, annihilated their enemies to the north The south and the east tripled their land and set Jerusalem free for the first time in years to fly under the ears is really flagged.
Why? Because prophecy cannot be fulfilled if Israel was under the domination of the Egyptians.
And and god said that it’s not gonna happen. And supernaturally.
They said we would go into places where we thought we were going to engage in battle and the Egyptians had fled,
and they had left so fast. They didn’t even destroy their own military equipment.
It was just left there for the taking. What is that? I’m clearing by the spirit of the lord.
Now that there is they’ll say it God. There is a divine hand of the lord.
that is reaching out of heaven.
Uh, and I am going to get involved in this mess says the lord, because the church church is not going back into bondage.
I have this slavery that has been perpetrated on us for the last few years.
Uh, god said it will not come back upon the church, but there is a way freedom that’s being released by the anoint to the car.
Uh, what did I hear the sound of an abundance of praying?
see the anointing of god breaking yolks in the name of Jesus.
I got news for the enemy.
You should have left well enough alone.
If we’re crazy, then there ain’t nothing for them to worry about.
If we’re not, They’re in big trouble.
I mean, every every once in a while, you know, I mean, I don’t watch myself on preach, uh, at home or anything, because I make myself nervous.
And, you know, god, I I know I’m a different style preacher, but and and there are times I think, am I crazy?
But, you know, the enemy will come in, and he assaults all of us in those realms.
But at the end of the day, you can only be who god’s made you.
The church was birthed by the lord.
And Where we are coming to is a place of divine freedom by the Holy Ghost.
Even Joseph, you know, god sent Joseph as a young teenage boy into Egypt.
seventeen years old, I believe, at the age of thirty, After 13 years, god supernaturally in a 24 hour period elevates him in the government to second in charge.
I would love to see one of our politicians given a national speech that we’ve voted in that’s full of the Holy Ghost and begin to give a speech and say, folks, I just wanna pray a little bit.
Hallelujah. Why not? The enemy can their chance.
It’s just like Mount Carmel. Elijah said, okay, boys, you go first. But when they got done,
he said, now it’s my turn.
I hear the same thing in the spirit. God said you’ve had all the political power.
You’ve had all the money. You’ve had all the media. You’ve had all of Hollywood.
You’ve had all of the sport team back you up with your woke agenda.
Now, god said, I’m gonna raise up a prophetic voice. If this hour. That is not found down there.
Need a bail up. That is full of the Holy Ghost power.
That is gonna begin to release an stalling bread upon the glory of corn.
Now, in the atmosphere, we are not going back cents the lord.
So here’s Joseph.
He told him he said, guys, He said, god’s gonna come get you.
And he’s gonna get you out of here.
And he said, I’m gonna make you swear to me that you don’t lead me in Egypt.
But he said, when you walk out, you better get you a shovel.
And somebody better go over there to my grave and dig up my bones.
And you better put them in a box because I’m coming out of Egypt with you.
hallelujah. Why? Because the tribe of Joseph’s inheritance was not in Egypt. It was in Canaanland.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. I hear the lord saying I am healing minds right now by the spirit.
I feel I I’m hearing god say this by the Holy Ghost.
If you have been wounded by leadership in the past, that there’s still that thing still affects you.
I’m a put you on the spot. But I hear god saying, I’m gonna heal you right now.
If you will stand to your feet.
If you have been wounded by leadership in the past that has disappointed you, oh, my Santalaba by Sunday.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Now my thy god sayeth unto thee, Have I not said?
I will never leave thee, and I will never forsake thee says the lord. Neerba Bubba someday.
And the lord says, I’m going to make up to you what the enemy did to you through leader whether it was through ignorance or it was on purpose.
But in the name
of the lord, god said, I’m healing your memory banks right now.
And you will no longer sit around and talk about what they did to you, uh, because god said the enemy is trying to drag you back into Egypt into captivity, says the lord.
And god said, I did not raise you up to go back into captivity, but I am placing your feet, say it the lord, uh, on can and land.
And today, say it, god, I’m going to call the memory of what they have done to you to begin to fade and go away.
Uh, and today, safeguard. Now, I am off of you, the burden of the pastor, and I am healing you in the name of jail.
God said, god, now I am digging up your bones. where the enemy buried you.
Uh, and I am gonna replant you saying, Garda, into a land of more good milk and honey, and the enemy will not control your mind again, say it, god.
Listen. It ain’t worth it.
Don’t go there. I don’t even know how in the world I’m even saved today with all the disappoint that we had in pastors over the years.
I’ve seen it all been abused, betrayed, disrespected, jerked into offices and accused of stuff, watched sin and leadership, sold all kinds of money and tied into their lives And you still you think, god, what’s going on?
Paul said this before You can go ahead.
You gotta forget what’s behind.
The first step to going forward It stopped taking a step backwards.
And you can’t go forward and backward at the same time.
With with Egypt, the Israelites in Egypt, the turning point, really, in that whole story, there were two parts, but One was there was a death angel.
We know that. I’d I’ve tried to research on how many died, in that when that death age group was loosed in Egypt, but, uh, some of you scholars might be able to find that, but I’m not been able to find it yet.
But we know it was had to be in the thousands.
But there was an angel, a physical angel involved that killed everybody.
Didn’t have a blood on them.
There was another divine supernatural miracle that men could have never pulled off.
And that’s taking a ocean, a red sea, and dividing it to where the waters are congeal.
You know, if somebody was uh, I think prophet Robin Bullock talked about, you know, the waters turned to Jettle.
And he really come under fire for that.
But, uh, when you really studied the etymology of that, it talks about the waters were congealed.
I don’t like congealed salad because it’s jello.
All I know is however god did it.
He stopped the waters from flooring on one side.
And the other side is is a wall.
And I don’t know if you could have went over there and stuck your hand in it or not, but it was wide enough for several million people to walk across on dry ground.
And then god releases it and it and it kills the Egyptians.
After that, To my knowledge, there’s no history of Egypt up until
trying to wipe out the Israelites. In
history bears it out that angels got involved in the 6 day war.
And god ended that thing, and everybody stood amazed that a little tiny nation could survive and not only survive, but triumph gloriously.
Why? Because god said they ain’t going back.
Every time the enemy makes a global attempt To wipe out god’s people, god gets involved.
Hezekiah, King Hesiah, is over the Israelites The prophet is Isaiah.
And hezekiah’s mandate is to rebuild the walls.
That’s what we’re doing right now in the United States of America is the walls are being rebuilt.
That’s what we’re doing. Hallelujah on a Sunday afternoon. We are rebuilding the walls.
And here comes uh, the king of a sin, uh, of Assyria Sinakarib, and he sends his addresses, his his ambassadors to Hesakiya, and he begins to tell him he said, You ain’t gonna build no wall.
He said, because all of the other nations that were a lot bigger than you I wiped them out and their gods couldn’t help them.
And he said, your god is not gonna stop me from stopping you.
And hezekiah wept before the lord, and Isaiah heard from god.
And he comes back, and he says this, thus, say it the lord.
You don’t have to worry about King Senakarib because I’m gonna send him a rumor, and he’s gonna go back home.
And he will never fire and arrow in your city.
We know the end is I believe it is Sunakarib’s own sons that killed him, murdered him.
That brings me to this point prophetically.
The lord says, I’m gonna cause friendships in the enemy’s camp to begin to break up.
And I’m gonna calls men that have been in covenant with each other to begin to betray each other, says the lord.
And the church is not gonna have to do anything, but god said stand still and behold the salvation
of the lord. Hallelujah. Now
what god did, again, when they went out to wipe out the remnant of Israel and to bring them into bondage, the scripture says that god lost an angel.
And in the night time, He went and killed
I think you maybe see an IV or the new king James says, and when the Assyrians awoke surrounding them were dead bodies everywhere.
There is a spirit, hallelujah, that god is getting ready to lose.
And one of the reasons the lord is gonna fight our battles.
This is why we don’t have to pick it abortion clinics and we don’t have to spew hate and we don’t have to go and stand in front of the cap holes and scream all kinds of horrible judgment, uh, god’s said your hands are pure and they’re clean.
I don’t want them to file with war.
God says I’m raising up the tabernacle of David, and it not built with bloody hand, but it was built by Solomon whose heart was after me for a long time.
Uh, and the lord said I am saving you, uh, not for battle, but I am saving you for harvest.
It says the lord. Now, you will not have to raise a sword.
He will not have to go into battle.
All you can do is stand still out there and watch me say it.
God, for there is an ad jelly visitation of the lord that’s getting ready to be released in the atmosphere.
I am going to vindicate my church up and to the enemy that said we’re bringing you back into captivity.
God says, no, you’re not. My people not going back.
Uh, there will be no more shutdown, say of the lord. Now, there will be no more masks.
Guzman, but there is a relief stuff of the anointed of the hung out stuff that is being perpetrated in the atmosphere.
Give you 2 thoughts as I end.
Say, pastor, how do you know that god’s gonna protect us?
because the scripture says that you and I have been sealed by the Holy Spirit.
And that that, I think that’s at least 3 different verses in the new testament.
And when you look that up, the word sealed means several things, but, basically, it means that god has marked us.
It’s like he has taken a stamp.
of the meetings says a mark on the forehead.
It’s very interesting that the devil can’t ever come up with anything original.
The mark of the beast on the hand and on the forehead.
He just copy and got.
If you’re that great set and come up with some originality, But see, he already knew that god marked us.
When you gave your heart to the lord, and you are filled with the Holy Spirit.
God, hallelujah, released something on you and stamped you.
That when the enemy comes and looks at you hallelujah, No wonder Paul said, I bury in my body the mark of the lord Jesus Christ.
The other thing that you can look at by sealed, um, it’s like sealing up a jar that you’ve put canned food in that nothing can get inside of that so it stays fresh,
that you and I have been sealed by the holy ghost.
Minh, that means that the demon of pornography can’t sneak into us.
That means bitterness and religious spirits
and unforgiveness can’t get in us. Why? Because we
have been sealed after air tanks.
I think that when Jesus had his hands kneel, To that cross.
hallelujah, he forever.
nailed me and you in the palm of his hands, that we are engraved.
No wonder he said, look at my hands.
If you could look closely, You see, it says Wayne or sees Cathy.
says Steve, says Bo, says Carrie.
So many of you says David. What is that?
God, engraved your name on his hands.
I believe the lord is trying to shift our paradigm because there is a spirit of fear that wants to get in the church and make us feel like that we need to go in survival mode.
Not so. We’re gonna go great guns with everything that we’ve got.
by the power of the spirit of god, that we are releasing something in the atmosphere.
My last thought is that when Jesus went to the pool and he sees the man there that’s been lame for 38 years, he’s probably got sores on his legs.
He’s so immobile that he moves very slowly dragging himself.
And every time he gets close to the the waters that have been stirred by the angel, somebody else got in and was healed.
So instead of the lord waiting for him to somehow hit a right moment, Jesus came to him.
And he said this, You wanna walk? He said.
Well, I don’t have anybody get me in that pool there because I always get beat by somebody.
said, Lord said, I ain’t gonna ask you.
You just don’t have nothing to do with the pool. Do you wanna walk? Hallelujah.
Jesus is in the house right now. Hallelujah.
You gotta stop thinking in terms of, well, if this is the only way I can see how god’s gonna answer my prayer, get that out of your mind.
God’s gonna come in backdoors. He’s gonna come in supernatural ways.
He’s gonna do things that I have not seen, and earth not heard, and neither is entered to the heart of man saying that god has prepared for him, that love him.
And when Jesus healed him, He told him one thing.
He said, you ain’t going back. So roll up your bed.
Take up your bed. and war. hallelujah.
I’m encouraging you right now.
You’re gonna have to but I I just hear this by the spirit of the lord.
God’s saying that our past really, to some degree, has been our biggest enemy because it’s shaped the way we think.
Our failures and our successes we’ve allowed to define us for our future.
And god’s saying, what I’m getting ready to do is so unprecedented.
It’s not in a book. hallelujah. It’s divine.
It’s divine in the name of the lord.
Halleluya Kiada Bobo Bo Boos Sunday in the name of Jesus. The lord says there’s favor in this house.
God said I’m gonna begin to cause people all around the world to begin to lose even more finance into this house.
Hallelujah for the kingdom of god that’s getting ready to be released in the atmosphere.
God says I’m giving this church back the city of Nashville.
And even in the mayor, uh, mayoral election, god says I’m gonna show you some them by the power of the Holy Ghost.
The god said I’m gonna begin to release in this city an absolute Holy Ghost revival.
The lord says that the fires that that Nicholas saw are fires that are not just gonna happen in this church but they’re gonna begin to break out in Baptist churches, in Methodist churches, in church of Christ, churches, hallelujah, for the lord that there is a remnant in this city that is hungry for the presence of the lord.
hallelujah. The days come and says, god, that downtown the Centennial part.
Uh, when I approach that part, uh, to god said, I’m gonna call men and women from all kinds of churches and you’re gonna join together.
The law said there’ll be at least
men and women that are gonna stand in that parker and the sound of the lord is gonna come up into the heaven because this is my land uh, this is my city, says the lord.
Uh, and I am also loosing you right now in the name of Jesus.
Uh, my god, there is Divine healing. not
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