Reacting to Kathryn Kuhlman Holy Spirit Moments | 6 POWERFUL Moments

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“Leaving me with nothing but the shoes on my feet, I’m willing to live on nothing but bread and water for the rest of my life. So help me, God, I’ll preach it if I have to stand on the street corner. But please, Lord, do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. This is what true friendship with the Holy Spirit looks like.

Hi, I’m David Diego Hernandez, and I’m joined by my good friend, Mr. Steven MacDezuma. Welcome to this powerful reaction video where we discuss some of the most impactful ministry moments from the legendary Katherine Coleman. Before we dive in, don’t forget to subscribe to Encounter TV and hit the notification bell to stay updated on our latest content. We regularly release teachings and sermons on topics like the Holy Spirit, prayer, spiritual warfare, and more. You’ll also find videos showcasing the mighty power of the Holy Spirit in action and the worship ministry of Mr. Steven MacDezuma.

When I was 13, I read a biography about Katherine Coleman, and her life story profoundly influenced me. Not only has her ministry impacted my life directly through her videos, audio sermons, and books, but it has also impacted me indirectly through the lives of those she touched.

Now, I’ll try not to pause too much, but I’ll share my thoughts when needed. Let’s get into this!

There’s more to the Holy Spirit than just the manifestation of His power or the gifts He offers. Beyond physical healings, there is communion and fellowship with the Spirit, the One who removes loneliness from your life. You can trust Him—Jesus trusted Him and knew Him better than anyone. If Jesus could trust the Holy Spirit, surely I can trust Him too. I trust Him to lead, guide, protect, and overshadow me with His divine presence. The magnetism and anointing of Katherine Coleman were undeniable, and you can sense the power as she speaks.

I know people who personally knew Katherine Coleman, and they all shared the same testimony: she wasn’t pretending to be spiritual—she truly was. That’s a powerful witness, and you can feel that authenticity when she speaks.

One day, I looked up and said, ‘Wonderful Jesus, I have nothing to offer but my love. If You can use nothing, here it is.’ To this very day, I pray that same prayer with all my heart: ‘All I have is my love. If You can use it, take it.’ I would die a thousand deaths before walking out on any platform, whether it’s a small gathering or a large auditorium. I surrender it all to Him.

Katherine Coleman often spoke of living a surrendered life and dying to self. This message is so rare in today’s world, but it’s crucial that we hear it again. She shared that she dies a thousand deaths before stepping onto the stage, which resonated deeply with me. Like her, I’ve often felt like I have nothing special to offer, but if God can use my nothingness, then here it is. That is the theme I hope will define my life.

Another key point Katherine made was, ‘All you see is the white dress.’ It’s easy for people to see the polished version of ministry—cameras, lights, and live streams—but they don’t see the behind-the-scenes struggles and sacrifices. It’s only through the sustaining grace of Jesus that we can keep going. I often say that if it weren’t for God’s grace, I’d be in pieces on the floor.

Steve, would you like to add anything? You can clearly see the genuine love Katherine had for the Lord. When she spoke, she did so with incredible conviction, making her words all the more powerful.

Now, let’s dive into the next segment.”

This version focuses on clear, concise language with relevant keywords for SEO, making it more accessible to readers while staying true to the original message.

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