Pursue to Recover All – Faith To Recover All
Pursue to Recover All – Faith To Recover All
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
The believer’s wonk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
You need to know that you’re the child of a king and there should be certain things you won’t accept as a child.
I sat in the name of Jesus from now on. You are done with second half living.
Yeah, I’m saying, let’s stop half shepherd with God.
It’s nothing too hard for God.
If you can think it, God can do it, that we gonna recover all this is why we need to be taught faith because somehow we think that it can’t do any more than we can do.
Are you kidding? It’s faith is a servant that was sent from the father and the father used it to create the world and he’s given it to you so you can use that faith to fix the world.
Folks. The enemy is working witchcraft.
And I’m telling you, I know this about the spirit, this these votings and so forth that’s going on here.
Now, this is just about all witchcraft I’m saying, and if you don’t have faith, witchcraft is gonna prevail.
And I’m saying God’s people need to get back in faith so that they can un vote some of that stuff that’s been voted in.
The church has dropped and we are no longer practicing the faith that God has given us.
We’re gonna wake up now. Right. It’s time not to take sides but to take over.
So it’s a lot of stuff that’s been planted in the earth that is anti Christ.
It is not of God. It is persisting only because the church hasn’t known their authority and haven’t used the faith that it takes to root it out.
And I’m saying, root it out to the point that there’s no trace that it’s ever been there.
Watch this and everybody who’s been a victim of it reversed the curse, everything Satan has done on do it in Jesus name on about it.
And don’t think there’s anything too hard for that.
Is there anything too hard for God if God can take a who is most powerful Babylonian king and tell him that if you don’t stop worshiping yourself, that I’m gonna give you the mind of an ox and send you out in the field and eat like an ox for seven years.
Then when you come to your right mind, I’m gonna bring you back and put you back up.
Didn’t believe it.
Next thing you know, he turned into a knock hand growing out all everywhere.
Don’t tell me what God can’t do.
I’m saying they may be walking all funny but what you can do is understand that God can change your mind.
He’s a mind changer. He’s a heart fixer.
I don’t care if you don’t like it.
If you don’t like it. Just, that’s tough. God has given you the responsibility to fix it.
No big crying to him. He’s gonna come to you. You fix it.
What are you gonna do about it?
Whatever you bind, I’ll buy whatever you loose, how loose, whatever you allow, how whatever you disallow I will disallow.
You can’t do that nothing but by faith.
And part of this stuff is witchcraft and it’s witchcraft is affecting people’s mind.
Look what it says in Genesis chapter six and verse five in Genesis six are y’all listening to me?
I didn’t come here to today to get you with some old sweet sermon.
I’m gonna stir you up. I’m gonna have you getting up in the morning.
It’s time for the church to be tough.
We have been in a place long enough where we’re not trying to be heard, not trying to get out of play, not trying to get them to put us out of the neighborhood.
You kidding me? The neighborhood belongs to you. Every house on the block is yours.
The reason why he came off the line with that rolls Royce is because it was for you telling folks you got to see all things.
Come on. Look what it says.
Genesis chapter six verse five. Watch this because it affects the mind because where your mind goes, you go look what it says here, ready read, you know, $100 was only, that was the enemy and he is making people do what they do.
And there’s things going on here.
I can see it just very clearly and it’s, it’s such that next thing, you know, um, you know, the world, the, the, the, the, the United States of America, which God wanted to really lead a lot of things.
All of a sudden people are wondering about it.
It’s called, the church has been silent, but we’re waking up now.
That’s what he said. Pursue you will surely overtake and I want you to recover. Yes, sir.
Oh, we got some stuff out there that still haven’t been recovered.
All right, now, your faith will make you head of the heathen head of the heathen that’s found over in Psalms chapter 18 in verse 43.
And then also the just shall live about. Faith ain’t that powerful.
This is where you’re gonna live.
Faith is not just used when you get in trouble, keep faith working now how faith works.
And, and Romans chapter 10 and verse 17.
So then faith what comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God?
No, he’s saying here in the word of God and you gotta be careful what you hear, right?
Because you’re not like other people, you can just hear something and you know, pass it off.
Now, the enemy wants you to believe what you hear.
And most of what he’s putting out there is a lie, say amen to that.
But if we believe that we will receive that. And so we’ve got to understand.
Wait a minute, I gotta hear something different. I got to hear what God said about this thing.
And when you get truth, I’m telling you truth.
He said you shall know the truth and what will truth do? It’ll make you free.
And so you got to take truth and you got to stand on it because truth is under attack.
Same truth is under attack. I got to stand on truth by faith.
They told me, well, you’re not gonna let a uh you know black man own that, that big, big, a bigger piece of property in, in this village.
And I said, who are you talking to? Because the truth is God is my daddy.
The truth is Jesus is my Lord. Watch this.
Daddy owns it all that it’ll put you out.
Is this the right section I’m in right here.
Oh Yeah.
So anyway, my point to you is, is that you got to take heed what you hear because some things you hear will go into your spirit and if you believe that you’ll receive that.
All right. So Mary heard this angel said, you’re going to have a child.
May I ask a few questions?
And did you come up with um verse uh Luke chapter uh chapter one, verse 38.
And uh you know, Mary ended up saying, well, be it unto me, be it unto me.
Now, this is pretty tough to believe because she’s not just gonna have a child, she’s gonna have the son of God.
And she’s got to believe this same into the and she said, be it unto me and I, I can see it, I can see it getting a little sassy, be it unto me.
You, you know what I’m saying? And uh go down here to verse 45.
Look at verse 45. Come on, I’m making you strong. Now.
You’re gonna go back home with a different attitude.
This is very key for you because what you believe causes the power to flow.
All right. Look what it says. Ready read, see that.
So what you believe provokes a performance from the one who promised it that He ensures that you’re gonna have what you believe.
Matthew and chapter nine and verses um 28 to 31.
What happened is two blind men came to Jesus and Jesus asked a question.
He said, do you believe that I am able to do this?
And they said to Him, Lord, he said, then according to your faith, be it unto you and the men were healed when you are righteous and know what righteousness means.
Boldness uh in the God class. All of that faith flows like a flood.
Now, this is his key. Now, this is key because faith doesn’t flow with unrighteousness.
It doesn’t flow with a sense of inferiority. It doesn’t flow with guilt, it doesn’t flow with shame.
It doesn’t flow. Well, I’m just kind of ashamed. It doesn’t flow.
Forget that don’t, won’t flow because faith is a servant that’s used to working for God and God is righteous.
So it won’t move.
And a lot of times people are trying to develop their faith.
When they need to develop their image, you need to know that you’re the child of a king, say amen.
And there should be certain things you won’t accept as a child of the king.
You, you’re done driving your car and all the red lights and yellow lights on.
You’re done with that. You’re done with the handle won’t work, you’re done.
Come on, I sat in the name of Jesus from now on. You are done with second half living.
Can Jesus make? No, you’re done putting plastic on the furniture, you’re done done.
There ain’t no more plastic going on that front.
You when that thing is worn up, get you a brand new one.
Say see somebody think I’m just talking about things. No, I’m talking about your image.
You need the image of God know when God’s got something worn out, he gets rid of her.
That thing get worn out, get rid of it now.
And I didn’t mean to preach like that.
Somebody pulling the knife, somebody pulling, we might just deliver a baby tonight.
Sit down.
Ok, let’s continue on now.
People might not like me talking about this because, because they’re weak. That’s all right.
Don’t, don’t, don’t put them down. The Bible says help the feeble minded.
And, and so my point to you is they might not like me talking about this because they’ve been sitting up on the stuff that’s did and, and, and, and, and what’s some of that junk food name?
You, you need some greens, some beans.
Come on now, some beets, come on, you need some stuff, some strong meat.
Come on, you need all of that and I’m gonna feed it to you so that they’re not gonna even know you when you go back home.
I tell you. Ok.
Come on, come on, sit down. All right.
Let me just finish, let me finish it a head.
Ok. All right.
So now let’s go on down to this last part enough by faith, by faith.
Say it, say it again. All right.
Now if you’re looking at book the 11th chapter of Hebrews is all about by faith.
Glory to God. You hear what I’m saying?
So let’s take Sarah first Hebrews chapter 11 11 and let’s just put Sarah up there and see now, you know who Sarah was.
Wasn’t you ready? Read? Right? No.
Right. All right. She was barren.
Never had a child and too old Sarah was knocking at the door of 90 but something happened.
Bye, thanks. Look at Joshua. Joshua chapter 10 in verse 12.
He had a battle that the sun was going down. He hadn’t won yet. Ready read.
Go back. Who are the Children?
The side of it?
Yeah, I find you here in the valley of a stop and the sun sits still almost a whole day by faith.
Now, if you’re going down and let’s look overhead.
Uh Elijah and it’s Elijah and let’s go to James in James chapter one, chapter five and verse 17.
Ready read, right?
Sorry, you are space.
Stop, stop the rain over the whole earth. Bye.
Let’s look at now was in the king’s palace and Mordecai told her go before the king to say I can’t go.
I haven’t been invited. He said, uh Esther, you have been put here.
Let me come over here.
You have been put here for such a time. Come on, come on at this.
And Esa went before the king.
Esa chapter five verse one and look what it says. Ready read.
Master you proud.
So the game so way why you ask me?
Oh Class Ma, what did she end up doing?
She ended up stopping the genocide of a whole nation of Jews. One.
Don’t tell me what a woman can’t do.
I said, don’t tell me what a woman can’t do.
Now, let’s look at David.
This is David and he went up against Goliath and them all afraid.
And here comes David. He said, this day, shall the Lord deliver you into my hand?
Let’s come over to verse 52 through 54 ready read. Let you know.
So, ok, the Yeah, so man, it’s hard.
Now he cut this man’s head off.
Now this is getting gangster and he took his head and took it into that camp.
We’re about to cut the hair.
Here is Jesus in Mark chapter 10, verse 34.
Now faith is gonna do this. Ready read.
Wow, I see you.
Now, you, you hear what I’m saying. Watch this.
He changed the destiny of the human race by faith. Don’t leave faith out.
He had to use the same as you had to use.
He had to come in as a man and he used it.
You can turn around a city with your faith.
Come on, you can turn around our neighborhood with you.
Last thing Genesis 18 and verse 12. Ready read.
Yeah. Thank you.
Is your stop notice. She put Abraham in there.
Oh, you hear what I’m saying?
But God is about to do something that he’s going to do through you.
That’s going to make you laugh.
It’s gonna be so big. Faith makes you laugh.
Well, praise the Lord.
I trust that you enjoy that teaching. Now, that’s called faith to recover all.
Now this is a story about David over in first Samuel chapter 30 where David actually came back to the camp with his men after fighting a battle and found out that the enemy had run off with all his goods.
All the people with the, with the women, with the Children run off with him.
I mean, he was uh David said, Lord, what should I do?
He said, I want you to pursue, you shall surely overtake them and recover all.
Well, that’s what God is saying to us, the enemy has run off with some things.
Maybe it’s your health, he’s run off with, maybe it’s your money, you know, he’s run off with whatever it is.
He’s a thief and he’ll run off with things.
Now you have to apply faith to get it back and faith works best with the right image.
And a lot of people are trying to develop their faith when they should be developing their image.
You see David saw himself a king and the Bible says Jesus is the king of kings.
He’s a lord of lords. And that means you are part of royalty. You see what I’m saying?
And so when you speak things or you decree things, faith goes to work because faith is used to working for kings, used to working for royalty and kings or queens, they just decree things, watch this and they don’t even look around and see if anybody took care of it.
They just speak the word only. That’s the same way you’re gonna be. Praise God.
No, no, it’s not your faith. Maybe it’s your image. Let’s get that image up. Let’s go to work.
Let faith, the servant of faith, go to work for you and bring back everything that was stolen.
It’s is a powerful teaching. You gotta get it. Well, that’s all we have for this time.
Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
You need to know that you’re the child of a king and there should be certain things you won’t accept as a child of I said in the name of Jesus from now on, you are done with second half living.
Yeah, I’m saying, let’s stop half shepherd with God.
It’s nothing too hard for God.
If you can think it, God can do it that we gonna recover all empowered by today’s dynamic message.
Order faith to recover all in its entirety, to receive the full three part series available on CD or MP three on DVD or MP four to order contact us at 1 807 119327 or online at Bill Winston dot org.
I can’t thank doctor Bill Winston enough for being a blessing in my life.
I am so glad I decided to partner with this ministry. In 2018.
I was drowning emotionally and financially, I was often filled with anxiety and fear.
I went to see my doctor and she referred me to a psychologist.
Now the psychologist was booked for the year and wasn’t seeing new patients. So I turned to my Bible.
I often found myself reading for hours.
A few weeks later, I was in the hair salon and heard my style was listening to a minister.
I turned to her and asked, who is that? He is bold.
She replied, Doctor Bill Winston, you can find him on youtube.
Before long, I had listened to all of Doctor Bill Winston’s teachings on youtube and was hungry for more.
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Late 2019, the devil stepped in and tried to invade my body with cancer.
But God said otherwise, I stood on God’s word in Matthew 15 13.
I went through with the surgery to, you know, appease my doctor. The pathology report came back negative.
No cancer was found in my body.
Before long, I was out of debt, house, car doctor bills and many more bills all paid in full.
Since partnering with your ministry, I have paid off close to $1 million in debt again.
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The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.