Priscilla Shirer – Trust In God
Priscilla Shirer – Trust In God
“The spirit of complaint is born out of an unwillingness to trust God with today.
Like the Israelites, it means you are spending your time looking back toward Egypt or wishing for the future all the while missing what God is doing right now.”
― Priscilla Shirer
We’ve gotta say, God, I believe that you can do the unthinkable.
Why can we trust that God can do that? Because, listen, he’s the 1st and the last.
He’s the beginning in the end. He’s the keeper of creation and the creator of all.
He’s the architect of the universe and the manager of all time.
He always was, always is, always will be, Unmoved, unchanged, undefeated, and never undone.
He was bruised and brought healing. He was pierced, but he’s pain. He was persecuted, but brought freedom.
He was dead and brings life. He is risen and brings power. And he reigns to bring peace.
The world can’t understand him. Armies can’t defeat him. Schools can’t explain him and leaders they can’t ignore him.
Herrod couldn’t kill him. The pharisees couldn’t confuse him and the people couldn’t hold him. Nero couldn’t crush him.
Hitler couldn’t silence him. The new age can’t replace him and Oprah cannot explain him away.
She can’t do it. He is like, He is love. He is longevity.
He is the lord. He is goodness, kindness, gentleness, and he is god. He is holy righteous, powerful, and pure.
His ways are right, his word eternal, his will is unchanging, and his mind is on me and his mind is on you.
A god like that We ought to anticipate the miracles of lord Jesus, I ask you right now to come and reign down upon these who have gathered.
Lord, I’m asking you in the matchless name of Jesus Christ that you would do a multiplying miracle in our midst.
Lord, our resources are too meager. They’re too pulse for it. We can’t handle this multitude.
The tears fall from our eyes, the sweat beads bubble up on our brow because lord, we’re tired We can’t figure out a solution.
There’s no way we can handle this on our own.
So, Lord, we admit that to you, but we also have you to forgive and not worthy of your hands.
So today, we agree to be men and women who will place in your hands back in your hands, the treasure that you have all it given to us.
And then, god, I’m praying that you would multiply it in a way that will blow our minds.
I’m praying Adhesians 32021. I’m asking you not to just do little miracles.
Lord, would you do exceedingly abundantly, above and beyond anything that we can ask or think? Would you restore Lord.
Would you heal? Would you bind up the broken hearted? Would you lift burdens over people’s lives?
Lord, I’m praying for somebody’s marriage that is standing right here at the front of this room.
I’m asking right now in Jesus’ name that you would snatch them back from the brink of before but I’m asking it right now in Jesus’ name.
Would you bring a Hayward husband back home to his wife? Yes.
Would you bring a Hayward wife home to her husband.
Lord, I’m praying that you would multiply the resources of the woman, the man in ministry who don’t feel like they enough for the need at hand.
Lord multiply their reserves. Lord, I’m asking for the one who does not have enough money.
I’m asking to in Jesus’ name that as they are sorts to the resources you have already given them that you would continue to open up the windows of heaven and poor have a blessing that is too much to receive.
For someone more who has been given a promotion on their job and they do not think they have the skill or the talent, they’re intimidated, they are fearful.
I’m asking right now that that cock of fear would run off their shoulders, lord, that you would replace it with encouragement and courage in Jesus’ name, and that by your spirit, they would find their but in CNN.
Lord, I pray right now that you would break every shackle off of anybody’s life that is so bound by enemy’s discouragement that they can’t see clearly the the bounty of what you have given them.
I pray against every assignment that the enemy has for these men and women under the south of my voice.
Luna, pray that it right now, every assignment that the enemy has will be cancelled in the name of Jesus and by his blood that has been shut on calvary.
He has no place in any of these homes, in any of these marriages, we would not pray for every teenager, every university student, that they would be the light in the midst of dark this lord.
Multiply their resources. Lord, I pray for businesses to be birthed. I pray for ministries to be birth lord.
I pray for abundance of ideas and creativity, to fraud out of all the living wealth that is within our sword.
I pray that you would do what we cannot even imagine that you will do so that when we meet back here in 2018, we just have testimony, after testimony, after testimony, after testimony.
Lord Jesus, I pray now for every sister, every brother who has gathered here.
I pre first for those who may not know you as savior, or I ask them right now, even now, in this holy moment, they would confess with their and believe in their heart that you indeed are lord.
I thank you, Lord, that you came to save, not just to deliver, but to provide ongoing in powerment and victory while we’re still here.
So father, I pray right now in Jesus’ name, that you would not only redeem, but that you would deliver, you would set for you would loosen shackles, or that you would cause us to live in a way that is different than how we’re living now.
For anyone under the sound of my voice who has come forward, Lord, I pray that by the power of your spirit, you and loosing shackles off of their life, lord, so that they literally go home different than when they came today.
So rather help them to have the courage.
Lord, I pray a holy courage, a holy boldness right now in Jesus’ name, that you would it down, every sin, every hindrance, that you would not go back, that you would no longer push that button, that you would no longer sit in front of that screen you would no longer smoke that substance, that you would not participate in that illicit relationship that your lifestyle would be changed in the name of Jesus, and by his power that has been shed on calvary.
Father, we’re gonna walk holy today. Lord, I for accountability in Jesus State.
I pray that you would send the right mentors, the right friend, to stand around, to stand guard, to how them to be measured in their their activities, father, so that they will have a sounding for it as they walk worthy.
Lord helped them as colossians 3 says to put off the old things and put on the new things.
Help them to help the mind of Christ. Jesus name in Jesus name.
We thank you for freedom today, lord. We thank you for freedom. Now listen to me.
Look at me. It is yours.
Now walk in it, walk ins, walk in You know how you win the battle?
You begin the battle on your knees and you face the battle from a stance of victory.
There are some things in your life, my friend, simply because you are a believer in Jesus Christ that have already been accomplished for you.
They have already been done. You are not fighting in in your battle right now that you’re facing in your life.
You are not fighting for victory You are fighting from victory. You are already victorious.
I am already victorious because we are part of the family of God. He has already overcome the world.
Satan knows it. You and I need to know it as well. That victory is already ours.
You begin the battle on your knees and you face the battle from a stance of victory.
What does that mean? You know what it means? Listen.
The Bible is filled with promises that are available to believers in Jesus Christ.
In fact, there are over 8 1000 promises over 8000 promises that are written in the scriptures that can be claimed by believers in Jesus Christ.
8000 opportunities for to experience what the Bible says because I don’t know about y’all, but listen, I don’t wanna just know that he’s powerful because I read about how he can divide the Red Sea in the Old Testament and how he raised from the dead in the New Testament.
I appreciate what he did in the scriptures, but what I want is to see all of that experience in my own life.
I want to experience god for myself.
So he’s given us over 8000 opportunities to experience him up through the scriptures, to experience him personally in our life.
But most of those promises he did not place in our hand he placed them within our reach.
That means that there is a process involved.
You have to cooperate with him in order to experience with him in order to experience it and grab hold of it in your life.
You and I have the opportunity to walk in victory to claim the victory to experience the victory that is already ours.
Do you remember when Joshua and the Children of Israel when they went into the promised land, Joshua chapter 1?
God said to Joshua, every place you put your foot, that land, it’s yours.
It’s already yours, but you have to put your foot on it and claim it in order to experience it and to enjoy it.
Do you know that the children of Israel spent many years, dozens dozens dozens dozens of years hold up in a little side of canon when the entire land of milk and honey the entire promised land of milk and honey was available to them, they were holed up in one little corner of the promised land because the enemies were over there and they didn’t wanna risk what what it might take to fight those am enemies.
They were so intimidated by the enemy and cadence.
They stayed in one corner instead of experiencing all that god had for them. It wasn’t that it wasn’t theirs.
It’s just they weren’t willing to go get it.
What would happen if you and I decided we’re not gonna be intimidated by by the enemy over there anymore that we’re gonna decide to stand on the victory that their scripture says is already ours and then place our feet firmly on the promises of God, believing that what he said is exactly what he can accomplish in our lives.
You win the battle, my friend, You win the battle by beginning the battle on your knees and facing the battle from a stance of victory.
So, Lord, here we are.
Your daughter’s Lord, and we ask right in this precious moment, lord, that your spirit would come and set people free.
Lord, I’m asking right now in the name of Jesus Christ, that the Holy Spirit will do what they are admitting they cannot do in their own power.
I’m asking right now supernatural miraculously, would you break chains off of people’s lives?
Father, I’m asking you in the mighty matchless name of g of Christ, that for the one copy in addiction, I am asking you, father, for the taste, for the drug, to leave somebody’s right now in Jesus State.
I’m asking you father for the taste, for the alcohol, to leave somebody’s in Jesus Snake.
Lord, I’m asking you that they illegitimate tithe emotionally that this woman has to that man.
I’m asking you to break that tie in Jesus name. For the woman caught in an adulterous affair.
Lord, I’m and you would break that emotional physical time right now in Jesus’ name.
Lord, the next time she goes back to him, help her to not want to do what you don’t want her to do any longer father.
Lord, I am asking you for the bitterness to melt of somebody’s heart, the one that you have called to forgive and she refused to forgive.
Father, I’m asking today you would set her free.
Help her to walk in forgiveness and to extend grace to that other person, father.
Lord, I’m praying for the wife that has dug her heels into the around.
She is resentful against her spouse, and she will not follow in humility.
I pray that you would give her a submissive spirit right now in Jesus’ name to her husband as he honors you.
Righteousness. We’re gonna live right, lord, not by our strength.
We’re gonna live by right by your your spirit. I thank you for your spirit.
Lord, I pray that the Holy Spirit would become a reality in the lives of all of these women in my light lord help us to no longer lean on the flesh lord and to walk according to the flesh, show us what it means to walk according to the spirit so that we will not fulfill the desires of the flesh.
And, father, as we honor you by living right honestly, according to your spirit, I pray that the breastplate would so defend us against the schemes of the enemy, lord, that he cannot infiltrate our law, So father, I pray against every demonic attack of the enemy against these women, against their husbands, against their children, against their finances, against their peace of mind, against their peace of heart.
Lord, I pray right now in Jesus that every attack on the enemy would be canceled in Jesus’ name and by his blood that has been shed Calvere.
Break it right now on Jesus. Break the chains right now in Jesus’ same.
I pray for strongholds to crumble at the name of Jesus.
I pray for any demons to crumble at the name of Jesus.
Because it is not his name, that Brittany Wabell, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, sought depression is spending the knee right now in Jesus unforgiveness is spending the need right now in Jesus State.
Addiction is spending the need right now in Jesus State sickness is setting the need right now in Jesus State.
We’re gonna leave free tonight Jesus. He’ll and whole is Jesus name.
Why can we trust that God can do that? Because, listen, he’s the 1st and the last.
He’s the beginning in the end. He’s the keeper of creation and the creator of all.
He’s the architect of the universe and the manager of all time.
He always was, always is, always will be, Unmoved, unchanged, undefeated, and never undone.
He was bruised and brought healing. He was pierced, but he’s pain. He was persecuted, but brought freedom.
He was dead and brings life. He is risen and brings power. And he reigns to bring peace.
The world can’t understand him. Armies can’t defeat him. Schools can’t explain him and leaders they can’t ignore him.
Herrod couldn’t kill him. The pharisees couldn’t confuse him and the people couldn’t hold him. Nero couldn’t crush him.
Hitler couldn’t silence him. The new age can’t replace him and Oprah cannot explain him away.
She can’t do it. He is like, He is love. He is longevity.
He is the lord. He is goodness, kindness, gentleness, and he is god. He is holy righteous, powerful, and pure.
His ways are right, his word eternal, his will is unchanging, and his mind is on me and his mind is on you.
A god like that We ought to anticipate the miracles of lord Jesus, I ask you right now to come and reign down upon these who have gathered.
Lord, I’m asking you in the matchless name of Jesus Christ that you would do a multiplying miracle in our midst.
Lord, our resources are too meager. They’re too pulse for it. We can’t handle this multitude.
The tears fall from our eyes, the sweat beads bubble up on our brow because lord, we’re tired We can’t figure out a solution.
There’s no way we can handle this on our own.
So, Lord, we admit that to you, but we also have you to forgive and not worthy of your hands.
So today, we agree to be men and women who will place in your hands back in your hands, the treasure that you have all it given to us.
And then, god, I’m praying that you would multiply it in a way that will blow our minds.
I’m praying Adhesians 32021. I’m asking you not to just do little miracles.
Lord, would you do exceedingly abundantly, above and beyond anything that we can ask or think? Would you restore Lord.
Would you heal? Would you bind up the broken hearted? Would you lift burdens over people’s lives?
Lord, I’m praying for somebody’s marriage that is standing right here at the front of this room.
I’m asking right now in Jesus’ name that you would snatch them back from the brink of before but I’m asking it right now in Jesus’ name.
Would you bring a Hayward husband back home to his wife? Yes.
Would you bring a Hayward wife home to her husband.
Lord, I’m praying that you would multiply the resources of the woman, the man in ministry who don’t feel like they enough for the need at hand.
Lord multiply their reserves. Lord, I’m asking for the one who does not have enough money.
I’m asking to in Jesus’ name that as they are sorts to the resources you have already given them that you would continue to open up the windows of heaven and poor have a blessing that is too much to receive.
For someone more who has been given a promotion on their job and they do not think they have the skill or the talent, they’re intimidated, they are fearful.
I’m asking right now that that cock of fear would run off their shoulders, lord, that you would replace it with encouragement and courage in Jesus’ name, and that by your spirit, they would find their but in CNN.
Lord, I pray right now that you would break every shackle off of anybody’s life that is so bound by enemy’s discouragement that they can’t see clearly the the bounty of what you have given them.
I pray against every assignment that the enemy has for these men and women under the south of my voice.
Luna, pray that it right now, every assignment that the enemy has will be cancelled in the name of Jesus and by his blood that has been shut on calvary.
He has no place in any of these homes, in any of these marriages, we would not pray for every teenager, every university student, that they would be the light in the midst of dark this lord.
Multiply their resources. Lord, I pray for businesses to be birthed. I pray for ministries to be birth lord.
I pray for abundance of ideas and creativity, to fraud out of all the living wealth that is within our sword.
I pray that you would do what we cannot even imagine that you will do so that when we meet back here in 2018, we just have testimony, after testimony, after testimony, after testimony.
Lord Jesus, I pray now for every sister, every brother who has gathered here.
I pre first for those who may not know you as savior, or I ask them right now, even now, in this holy moment, they would confess with their and believe in their heart that you indeed are lord.
I thank you, Lord, that you came to save, not just to deliver, but to provide ongoing in powerment and victory while we’re still here.
So father, I pray right now in Jesus’ name, that you would not only redeem, but that you would deliver, you would set for you would loosen shackles, or that you would cause us to live in a way that is different than how we’re living now.
For anyone under the sound of my voice who has come forward, Lord, I pray that by the power of your spirit, you and loosing shackles off of their life, lord, so that they literally go home different than when they came today.
So rather help them to have the courage.
Lord, I pray a holy courage, a holy boldness right now in Jesus’ name, that you would it down, every sin, every hindrance, that you would not go back, that you would no longer push that button, that you would no longer sit in front of that screen you would no longer smoke that substance, that you would not participate in that illicit relationship that your lifestyle would be changed in the name of Jesus, and by his power that has been shed on calvary.
Father, we’re gonna walk holy today. Lord, I for accountability in Jesus State.
I pray that you would send the right mentors, the right friend, to stand around, to stand guard, to how them to be measured in their their activities, father, so that they will have a sounding for it as they walk worthy.
Lord helped them as colossians 3 says to put off the old things and put on the new things.
Help them to help the mind of Christ. Jesus name in Jesus name.
We thank you for freedom today, lord. We thank you for freedom. Now listen to me.
Look at me. It is yours.
Now walk in it, walk ins, walk in You know how you win the battle?
You begin the battle on your knees and you face the battle from a stance of victory.
There are some things in your life, my friend, simply because you are a believer in Jesus Christ that have already been accomplished for you.
They have already been done. You are not fighting in in your battle right now that you’re facing in your life.
You are not fighting for victory You are fighting from victory. You are already victorious.
I am already victorious because we are part of the family of God. He has already overcome the world.
Satan knows it. You and I need to know it as well. That victory is already ours.
You begin the battle on your knees and you face the battle from a stance of victory.
What does that mean? You know what it means? Listen.
The Bible is filled with promises that are available to believers in Jesus Christ.
In fact, there are over 8 1000 promises over 8000 promises that are written in the scriptures that can be claimed by believers in Jesus Christ.
8000 opportunities for to experience what the Bible says because I don’t know about y’all, but listen, I don’t wanna just know that he’s powerful because I read about how he can divide the Red Sea in the Old Testament and how he raised from the dead in the New Testament.
I appreciate what he did in the scriptures, but what I want is to see all of that experience in my own life.
I want to experience god for myself.
So he’s given us over 8000 opportunities to experience him up through the scriptures, to experience him personally in our life.
But most of those promises he did not place in our hand he placed them within our reach.
That means that there is a process involved.
You have to cooperate with him in order to experience with him in order to experience it and grab hold of it in your life.
You and I have the opportunity to walk in victory to claim the victory to experience the victory that is already ours.
Do you remember when Joshua and the Children of Israel when they went into the promised land, Joshua chapter 1?
God said to Joshua, every place you put your foot, that land, it’s yours.
It’s already yours, but you have to put your foot on it and claim it in order to experience it and to enjoy it.
Do you know that the children of Israel spent many years, dozens dozens dozens dozens of years hold up in a little side of canon when the entire land of milk and honey the entire promised land of milk and honey was available to them, they were holed up in one little corner of the promised land because the enemies were over there and they didn’t wanna risk what what it might take to fight those am enemies.
They were so intimidated by the enemy and cadence.
They stayed in one corner instead of experiencing all that god had for them. It wasn’t that it wasn’t theirs.
It’s just they weren’t willing to go get it.
What would happen if you and I decided we’re not gonna be intimidated by by the enemy over there anymore that we’re gonna decide to stand on the victory that their scripture says is already ours and then place our feet firmly on the promises of God, believing that what he said is exactly what he can accomplish in our lives.
You win the battle, my friend, You win the battle by beginning the battle on your knees and facing the battle from a stance of victory.
So, Lord, here we are.
Your daughter’s Lord, and we ask right in this precious moment, lord, that your spirit would come and set people free.
Lord, I’m asking right now in the name of Jesus Christ, that the Holy Spirit will do what they are admitting they cannot do in their own power.
I’m asking right now supernatural miraculously, would you break chains off of people’s lives?
Father, I’m asking you in the mighty matchless name of g of Christ, that for the one copy in addiction, I am asking you, father, for the taste, for the drug, to leave somebody’s right now in Jesus State.
I’m asking you father for the taste, for the alcohol, to leave somebody’s in Jesus Snake.
Lord, I’m asking you that they illegitimate tithe emotionally that this woman has to that man.
I’m asking you to break that tie in Jesus name. For the woman caught in an adulterous affair.
Lord, I’m and you would break that emotional physical time right now in Jesus’ name.
Lord, the next time she goes back to him, help her to not want to do what you don’t want her to do any longer father.
Lord, I am asking you for the bitterness to melt of somebody’s heart, the one that you have called to forgive and she refused to forgive.
Father, I’m asking today you would set her free.
Help her to walk in forgiveness and to extend grace to that other person, father.
Lord, I’m praying for the wife that has dug her heels into the around.
She is resentful against her spouse, and she will not follow in humility.
I pray that you would give her a submissive spirit right now in Jesus’ name to her husband as he honors you.
Righteousness. We’re gonna live right, lord, not by our strength.
We’re gonna live by right by your your spirit. I thank you for your spirit.
Lord, I pray that the Holy Spirit would become a reality in the lives of all of these women in my light lord help us to no longer lean on the flesh lord and to walk according to the flesh, show us what it means to walk according to the spirit so that we will not fulfill the desires of the flesh.
And, father, as we honor you by living right honestly, according to your spirit, I pray that the breastplate would so defend us against the schemes of the enemy, lord, that he cannot infiltrate our law, So father, I pray against every demonic attack of the enemy against these women, against their husbands, against their children, against their finances, against their peace of mind, against their peace of heart.
Lord, I pray right now in Jesus that every attack on the enemy would be canceled in Jesus’ name and by his blood that has been shed Calvere.
Break it right now on Jesus. Break the chains right now in Jesus’ same.
I pray for strongholds to crumble at the name of Jesus.
I pray for any demons to crumble at the name of Jesus.
Because it is not his name, that Brittany Wabell, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, sought depression is spending the knee right now in Jesus unforgiveness is spending the need right now in Jesus State.
Addiction is spending the need right now in Jesus State sickness is setting the need right now in Jesus State.
We’re gonna leave free tonight Jesus. He’ll and whole is Jesus name.
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