Prayer of the Day: Wednesday July 10, 2024

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Prayer of the Day: 

Lord, thank You for my life with You—it was a great exchange! Help me to continue to surrender all to you, as I exchange my weaknesses for Your strength, my fear for Your faith! Help me to live fully in the abundance of Your grace. I love You so much, amen.

Heavenly Father, I ask that you would be in absolute control of this Wednesday. That Your kingdom come and Your will would be done. I ask that You would remove any stumbling block the enemy would try to place on my path today. Give me eyes to see, ears to hear so that I may walk in Your wisdom and have the strength to stand strong in my faith. Thank You, Father for all You are doing! In Jesus’ name, amen!

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Today, I turn to you, beloved God, on this beautiful morning, to ask that you be my guide throughout this new day. I beg you to help me not to falter in the face of problems and always to keep away from evil. Lord, you know that I love you and that my greatest desire is to serve you and remain always in your heart. Give me the ability to bring hope to the people I encounter. May my words and actions be a source of encouragement for those who need a word of comfort and a smile.

Thank you for uniting many of us in this moment of prayer. This morning, give me a heart that opens to you, that can discover that you are always by my side, caring for and blessing me. Lord, on this wonderful morning, I want to thank you for my life and for all the things you give me daily. I want to praise you because you allow me to behold the majesty of your creation, making me feel like the happiest being. I thank you for every moment, for you give me the grace to feel your presence and the certainty that you never abandon me.

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Many times I feel like giving up the fight and saying that everything is over. Therefore, in these moments, I want to entrust you with all the decisions I must make, which confuse and trouble me. Allow me to act and think according to your will so that I may be a witness to your love in my daily struggle. With your presence, you break the chains of fear and push me to conquer the life you have given me. You give me strength, encourage my battles so that I can overcome them, and I never tire of thanking you for so many manifestations of love.

My God, I thank you because you accept me just as I am, loving me despite my mistakes and flaws. You never turn your back on me, never withdraw your right hand from my life, and with love and patience, you guide my path. Give me the strength to fill myself with your compassion and apply it to those despised and marginalized by society. Lord, make my words always communicate your message of love, that my words build bonds of friendship and fraternity. May my love for you always grow and be strengthened over the years so that I may fulfill the purpose for which you brought me into the world. I wish to be a worthy recipient of the reward you promise to all who live by your commandments. I want the freedom that comes from blessing me with another day of life. I go out to conquer my day with your holy name as my banner.


In family, seeking union and strengthening our bonds through faith.

“But the Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord’s throne is in heaven. For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; the upright will see his face.” Psalm 10.

May the Lord bless us on this day.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.

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