Prayer of the Day: Tuesday May 21, 2024

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Prayer of the Day:

Father, Your mercy is amazing. Thank You that You don’t stay angry, but You restore and heal me even when I don’t deserve it.

Heavenly Father, I ask that this Tuesday would be a Tuesday of breakthrough. Lord that I would see your hand move in my life and that You would grant me favor and grace with those around me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, here I am, grateful at Your feet, asking You to grant me a day full of blessings under Your presence and protection. I start this new day asking You to give me peace, serenity, strength, and joy to continue forward. Thank You for allowing me to wake up this morning and hear the beautiful praise of the birds of the sky. Thank You for letting me see the beautiful colors of Your sky, which announce Your immense love for us.

Lord, thank You for this new dawn and for all the blessings You will bestow throughout this day. Grant me the wisdom and grace to witness the beauty of Your creation in the small things around us. Everything that exists is good and beautiful because it is Your work, good Father. I want You to work for good in my life today, guide me on the right paths, bless me, and give me clear thoughts.

Today, I wake up filled with joy and enthusiasm, ready to encounter all the wonders You have prepared for me and my loved ones. My life is wonderful, and although I do not possess immense wealth, You give me everything and even more than I need. Despite life’s hardships and challenges, I would not trade You for anything, my beloved Father.

Give me inner peace to remain unshaken by difficult situations. Help me understand that Your love and mercy are ever-present. I want to be entirely Yours. Take possession of each beat of my heart. Let every breath You grant me this morning be for blessing, glorifying, and adoring You in spirit and truth. Today, I ask You to sharpen my ears to hear Your word and pay attention to everything my brothers and sisters want to communicate.

Enhance my vision to choose the right path and to see my neighbor with eyes of love and kindness. Speak to me so I know what steps to take, what to keep silent, and what to proclaim loudly. Illuminate my mind to avoid mistakes, guiding each step I take. I want all my decisions to lead me on the path to holiness. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit so I can feel complete and ready to connect with everyone I meet.

Thank You for all the help You give me! For the strength of Your Holy Spirit that works within me and helps me fulfill Your will each day. May I never doubt Your grace or the abilities You have given me to face life with courage and determination. Thank You for letting me know that I am valuable to You just as I am and that You do not reject me for my shortcomings.

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Thank You for not condemning me but offering a hand to lift me from my misery. I need You because without You, I am nothing. Take control of my life and work in every part of my being. I want to become better each day to be worthy of Your love. My God, I consecrate this new day to You, who enlightens me daily with Your holy word. I lovingly dedicate each of my activities to You. Amen.

I will hold a moment of silence for all those who have left this life, so the Lord may pour His divine mercy on their souls. I will give thanks before the peoples, Lord, for Your goodness, which is greater than the heavens, and for Your faithfulness, which reaches the clouds. Psalm 56.

May the Lord bless us today, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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