Prayer of the Day: Monday May 20, 2024

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Prayer of the Day:

Father, I am sorry for all the words I have spoken that were not according to Your will. Please help me be more cautious moving forward, beginning right now. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

On this beautiful morning, as I gaze at a lovely sunrise, I praise and bless you, good Father, for all the love you have for me. Waking up alive is a wonderful gift that comes from you. Thank you for the life you give me, for the days of joy, and for every moment I feel completely happy. Thank you for giving me a home where I can rest and a job that dignifies me, bringing me closer to you.

Lord, I start this new day asking you to give me peace, serenity, strength, and joy to move forward. I pray that I never doubt your love or presence and that I find answers that help me grow.

Today, I want to be ready and willing to fight against all evils that may lead me astray. Lord, I want to praise and bless you this morning. I renew my faith in you, thankful for the air I breathe and for waking up under your grace. I trust you are with me and hear my supplications. Fill me throughout this day with your grace and guide me so that my actions bring me closer to you.

Please lead me along the path of life, helping me take firm steps towards holiness. I want everything I am to be filled with your Spirit so that my being becomes yours and my actions reflect your love and will. Allow me to always be with you, making my words faithful to your plans. May my strength never waver and keep me firm in the face of temptation. Grant me the necessary gifts to uphold your word and remain in you, so you live and reign in my heart. Your presence in my life is a source of peace and serenity. When I feel you near, everything within me calms down.

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I surrender my life and everything that takes away my peace, preventing me from appreciating the greatness of your love for me. I want your will to be the sentinel in my life and for your word to inspire peace and justice. Remove from my mind all thoughts of weakness and any idea that clouds my judgment and distances me from your will. Give me the ability to strengthen myself with an inner dialogue marked by optimism and hope. Lord, give me strong faith so I do not falter before life’s obstacles.

I don’t want to give up easily but instead stay in the battle and overcome all adversities. I am happy because I know you are by my side. No matter the difficulties, your mercy does not abandon me and always helps me. I want to feel sheltered under your wings, receiving warmth and protection to be ready this morning to move forward. Lord, instill in me the strength to rise today with optimism and determination to fulfill my tasks. Amen.

I will lift this morning’s prayer for our brothers and sisters suffering from illness, that God the Father may grant them health of body and soul.

“Give thanks to the Lord with the lyre; make melody to him with the harp of ten strings. Sing to him a new song; play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts.” – Psalm 33:2-3

May the Lord bless us today, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

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