Prayer of the Day: Friday April 26, 2024

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Prayer of the Day:

“Father, thank You that because of Jesus, my conscience can be clear and my life can be full of light. Search my heart and show me where there is any lingering darkness, any area where I need to change. Help me to keep my spiritual eyes sound and live free from condemnation. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Father, I praise you as I begin this day because you are worthy of all honor. I surrender to you because I am sure that without you, I am nothing and can do nothing. I bless you because I am a work of your will. You have created me with wisdom and have given me all the abilities to lead my life.

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I praise and bless you for giving me once again the opportunity to learn to live according to your love. I thank you for giving me a healthy body with which I can work and feel your presence around me, allowing me to admire the beauty of your creation as a visible sign of your love for me and all humanity. Thank you for providing me with what I need throughout the day through your mercy so that I can fulfill your word.

Lord, at this hour of the morning, I want to place myself in your hands, to abandon myself in your presence, to give you each of the moments I am going to live. I do not know what I will encounter, but I am willing to face it with faith and hope. Thank you, my God, for helping me understand that the trials I face on the path are only meant to make me stronger. Infinite thanks for calling me to love and be loved. Thank you for manifesting yourself in noble ways and giving us signs of all the love you feel for us. May my actions encourage all those who have succumbed to difficulties.

Today, I renew my belief in you. Never let anything make me doubt your legacy. Thank you for giving me this new day, for giving me another chance to recognize your mighty works! Nothing can withstand your word. Thank you for placing your love in me, for constantly blessing me, though I am unworthy of all you give.

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With all my love, I give you everything I am. I present my life to you. I give you my voice to proclaim the wonders of your gospel, my hands to reach out to those in need, my lips to spread your message to every corner of the earth. I want to be entirely yours. I want my life to reflect the love you have given me. Thank you for giving me the sensitivity to find you in everything that exists, for it is a reflection of your absolute perfection.

Beloved God, on this day, I consecrate myself to you so that you may perform your acts of kindness through me. Lord, I ask you to send me your Holy Spirit. I need your power to feel that you are the one who sustains me and prepares me for the battle. You have called me to abundant happiness, so I ask you to give me the confidence to face and resolve my problems. Illuminate my mind so that I do not err in each step I must take. May all my decisions lead me on the path of holiness. Show me your way, teach me your paths of peace, so that I do not lose hope for a peaceful and happy life.

Protect me, give me the opportunity to emerge unscathed from their attacks and evil deeds. I place firm trust in your promises in my heart, believing that your timing and work are perfect. Blessed Father, I entrust this new day to you so that in my actions, thoughts, and words, I may fulfill your holy will. Amen.

On this day, I will visit the house of God to hear his holy word, so that his teachings may clarify my doubts and help me to be a better servant. From the depths, I cry out to you, Lord; hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. Psalm one hundred twenty-nine. May the Lord bless us on this day, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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