Prayer of the Day: Friday April 19, 2024 💌🙏

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Prayer of the Day:

Father, thank You that someday we will be coming home, and until then, we have the presence of the Holy Spirit with us, reminding us of the perfection that is to come.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear God, Your boundless goodness is unfathomable. I come before You on this beautiful morning to express gratitude for the gift of life. Please guide me through all the tasks I will undertake today, so that by day’s end, I may feel confident in having followed Your Holy Will.


I thank You for the joys You will bestow upon me today, and for the significant moments shared with my loved ones. Oh, mysterious and beloved Lord, I cling to You this morning, thankful for a new day, filled with Your love, kindness, and generosity. Thank You for granting me restful sleep and for the blessings of my home and family.

I’m grateful for every pleasant blessing You bestow upon me, but above all, I thank You for showing us Your constant presence, filling our days with health, happiness, and well-being. Thank You for hearing my prayers, for I know You listen and respond to my pleas. You know me intimately; examine my heart and renew it, for only You understand my deepest needs.

I surrender myself to You entirely, that the ephemeral may not exhaust me, and fear may not govern my being, rendering me timid in the face of life’s challenges. Thank You for valuing me! You desire my happiness, and for that reason, I open my heart to You now, to dispel all darkness within it.

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I acknowledge that You have endowed me with numerous abilities, talents, and gifts, which I must nurture and employ in service to others. Assist me in cultivating them, so that each day, I may utilize them to glorify You and fulfill Your will. Beloved Lord, as a new day dawns, I express gratitude from now, knowing You will support me in every decision.

My life is blissful and perfect because of You. You are immensely significant to me. I refuse to let anything rob me of the grace You so generously bestow upon my soul. I seek to align all my actions with Your divine will.

May Your Holy Spirit grant me serenity, joy, peace, and love, helping me understand that You work amidst all situations I encounter. I place my full trust in You, confident that You will accompany me throughout this day, ensuring I am never alone, for You are with me.

As I behold this beautiful sunrise, I realize Your majesty is beyond imagination, for You, my God, are the creator of this world. Amen.

I will share God’s word with those who do not yet know it, so they may understand how He has guided me, making my days more sublime and peaceful. The throne of the Lord is above the storm; the Lord reigns eternally. He gives strength to His people and blesses them with peace. Psalm.

May the Lord bless us this day, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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