Pastor Kent Christmas | The Will of God | August 28, 2024

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Pastor Kent Christmas | The Will of God | August 28, 2024

Pastor Kent Christmas Podcast

[Music] you’re watching kcmi TV well we pray the blessing of the Lord on his word today and uh I want to talk to you something that I I am constantly seeking after and I don’t think we realize how important this is in our life and I want to talk to you about the will of God uh this is out of coloss s chapter 1 and we’re going to start there for our text today says verse 9 for this cause or for this reason we also um since the day we heard it do not cease to pray for you and to desire that you might be filled with the
knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding so Paul’s writing to uh the Colossians and he’s and he’s telling them he said I am praying and it’s my desire that you would be filled with the knowledge of the will of God in all wisdom and spiritual understanding then the next verse 10 he says this is why he says because when you are filled with the knowledge of the will of God he says then you might be able to walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing and in other words he said you’re going to always be
pleasing to God isn’t that I mean think about that that every day God would look at your life and and he would say I’m pleased with them and he said so being filled with the will of the Lord allows you to be pleasing to God and he also says this he says and you will be fruitful and every good work that and so you know over the years um as Christians and and I think it’s natural um we have a tendency to um want to do things that uh maybe fit our abilities and and our desires in God’s kingdom and uh you know if somebody is a
is a good singer uh they’re generally going to seek after things uh in the kingdom of God that have to do with that and so um over the years though I have found that sometimes what you want the will of God to be and what the will of God is for your life are very very different and um after all the years of serving the lord and I think maybe some of you can can relate to this um for me it’s not anymore so important about what the will of God is in other words will it fit what I want to do as just knowing I’m in the will of
God and um there’s I think it’s in Romans 8:28 it says um that uh we all things work together for good to them who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose and so as believers we don’t get to choose what we get to do God chooses it for you he calls you into that into that Dimension and um when you go back to the to the Book of John the 4th chapter this is the story of the woman at the well with Jesus and of course he’s talking with her and at the beginning of it he sends his disciples
away to go get food and then while they’re gone he’s having this conversation with her and eventually they come back and they bring food and it says they to told the Lord they said eat and he said well he said I have meat or I have food to eat that you don’t know of and uh they said well somebody brought him food while we were gone and he said this he said what fulfills me what satisfies me he said he said my meat or what makes me full is to do the will of my father and um just because what we do looks
spiritual doesn’t mean it’s the will of God and I think it’s in the book of Acts um the 16th chapter the scripture says that uh Paul decided that he wanted go to Asia to preach the gospel and you know we look at that and we go man that’s a wonderful thing Apostle Paul is’s going to go to Asia and he’s going to preach the gospel but when he got ready to go the scripture says that the Holy Ghost told him he couldn’t go it forbid him to go it was not the will of God and and I think we make a mistake sometimes
we think that anything that we do that seems to have a spiritual connotation to it has to be the will of God but that’s not necessarily true God’s ways are not our ways and the reason that the Holy Ghost told Paul you can’t go preach in Asia and you think well you know it would seem like it would be God’s will for the gospel to be preached in Asia but the scripture says that eventually he had a vision of people in Mass Sedonia calling for him to come preach the gospel and then the will of God was revealed to him that
that’s what God wanted him to do and um there are um so many blessings that that come from doing the will of God in um in Matthew the 7th chapter and verse 21 it says not everyone is going to enter the Kingdom of Heaven remember where it talks about it says there will come a day when people stand before the Lord and they’ll say you know we cast out demons in your name and and we heal the sick and and of course we know the Bible says these signs shall fall then they believe that they’re going to lay hands on the sick and
they’re going to cast out demons they’re going to take up serpents so they are saying God we did things that you said would be the sign of the believer and the Lord’s going to say I depart from me he’s going to say he doesn’t say I don’t know you he said I never knew you and in Matthew he’s saying not everyone that names my name is going to enter the Kingdom of Heaven he said but this is who is only he who does the will of my father and I think all of us would agree we have found that um sometimes doing the will
of God is very different from what we want to do um I love this verse it says that uh not with I Service as men Pleasers but as Servants of Christ doing the will of God from the heart this is what Jesus was talking about he said I have found that when from my heart I do the will of my father that’s what fills me up and so um you say well then how do I know what the will of God is for my well this is I this is one litness test that you can you can Bank on the greatest test I think of whether I you are in the will
of God is how much resistance you encounter uh you know I’ve seen people that from the outside it looks like you know man they’re just really advancing the kingdom of the Lord and they’re doing great things and there’s absolutely no resistance over the years I have found that the more that you are in the will of God the greater the devil is going to resist you because it’s only in the will of God that the kingdom of God is Advanced uh you remember I think it’s in um The Lord’s Prayer we have it in
Matthew the 6th chapter and Luke the 11th chapter uh when they’re asking Jesus you know teach us to pray he said this when you pray first of all he said you say my father who is in heaven first of all when you say my father you’re acknowledging that you’re under submission and he said when you pray you say my father who is in heaven Hallowed be thy name you praise him he said first thing that you say is thy kingdom come thy will be done so the kingdom of God being Advanced and the will of God are
linked and um you know we can look at a lot of things that men are doing in this hour that uh look like it’s you know really spiritual but the Bible declares this that there are going to be many houses built that have God’s name on it have the cross in front that maybe have the gospel preached inside but he said only the house except the Lord build a house except that house is the will of God they that build it build it in vain and I think what he’s talking about there is that it might have some success
in this Earth but it will never have eternal fruit remember the scripture talks about that we are abound in the fruitfulness when we do the will of God um only what the will of God is AD advances the kingdom of the Lord um one of the things that that I have found in serving the lord is that you know we all know that God talks to us as you listen to me today perhaps the spirit of the Lord will speak to you and uh all of us can say we’ve had those times where God has spoke to us about his will and we think I don’t want to do
that and sometimes there’s a battle of wills uh with with God and I think most of the time that that you and I after a period of time of wrestling with that we we say yes to the will of God but I I think that this is one of the ear marks of a mature Christian is how fast we become submissive to the will of God and how fast we are obedient to the will of God because obedience to the will of God is the sign of maturity so then you have to go back and you read the scripture where Paul is talking and he said an heir or a son
that’s in the house as long as he is a child in other words as long as he’s immature he said though he be Lord of all or he is in line to inherit everything that his father has he says he’s really no different from the servant in the house until he reaches that place of maturity and there are a lot of Believers that cannot understand God why am I not receiving the things that you’ve promised me in the word of the Lord the one verse talks about I read it yesterday it says that the Holy Ghost is the Seal of our inheritance and one
translation I think it’s the ESV says that it is the guarantee of our inheritance it’s it’s just the down payment it’s not the fullness of our inheritance and it comes the the more mature you becom in God the more God allows you to partake of the inheritance of the Saints and so uh when we walk in the in the spirit of the Lord and we understand what the will of God is that’s when we begin to be fruitful in the Lord and and I think uh there’s a lot of people that um they just kind of live in a in a
miserable State because they want to do what they want to do for the kingdom of the Lord and you know I’ve even seen it in my own life you think well God this this must be your will because and when we really get down to it we find out this is what we want and see and I and I’ve prayed this over the years that Lord instead of me using you to build my kingdom you use me to build your kingdom and uh many many times the will of God for your life is not a path that you’re going to choose it it’s not a road that you’re going to
want to walk on but um when the scripture talks about that we’re called according to his purpose when you were born in fact I think it’s in Jeremiah where the Lord said before you were formed in your mother’s womb he said I ordained you to be a prophet you and I the Bible declares that the steps of righteous people are ordered by the Lord and before you ever came out of the womb before the first Cry came out of your lungs God had already set a path for your life uh you know I was raised born in California raised in the state of
Washington and in all all of those years that I lived in Washington state and I pastured there and I graduated from high school and all of that God already saw that that’s not where my purpose was going to be fulfilled and through painful events he orchestrated it cuz I probably would have never left on my own but he said your purpose is in another place and God brought me to this area for me to fulfill my purpose and some of you are in transition right now you’re thinking God why is it so painful because the Lord’s saying where you are
is not where my will for your life is going to be fulfilled so God begins to orchestrate change he begins to pick you up he begins to cause you to leave another place for you to understand what the will of the Lord is and um being filled with the knowledge of the will of God and and every day I ask the Lord this God help me to know what your will is because the energy that we expend and the effort that we make and the sacrifices that we make to you know do the things in the spirit realm and Ministry if it’s not the will of God it
doesn’t produce any fruit and I and I’ve seen many people um whether it’s trying to Pastor a church or move in a certain office or be in a certain Dimension and it never produces any fruit they’re never successful because that’s not what God called them to do um the Bible gives us I says this in Corinthians that there are many administrations in the body of Christ but only one spirit and some are called to be a help and some are called to be a five-fold Ministry and some have the gift of healing and and the list
goes on and on and uh I think with our personalities and whatnot uh we have a tendency to want to pick things uh that we would interpret as the will of God that somehow benefit us and you know it’s funny how at the end of the day whatever what we think the will of God is somehow prospers us and makes us happy and and and uh somehow we get praised and all of those things but sometimes the will of God has nothing to do with men praising you it has to do with you being a channel that the spirit of the Lord can flow through
into that dimension in God and um learning quickly to say yes to the will of God um you know the Bible I read this a couple of days ago go and the Lord was speaking he said then he said Abraham was my friend remember we read you the verse here um that that we walk worthy the Lord and we and he’s pleased with us he said of course we know this we call him the father of Faith he said Abraham is my friend and Abraham has this command from the Lord take Isaac and and go three days journey and sacrifice him nowhere in that story does it say it
took a week for Abraham to come to a place to where he could finally say yes okay God I’ll take Isaac and I’ll go sacrifice him to you because that’s your will you know what the scripture says that Abraham rose up early in the morning he did not fight against the will of God even though he didn’t like it and he didn’t understand it that he rose up early in the morning and the Bible declares that he made that three-day journey and we know the end of the story and that when he was willing at Great personal loss to do the will of
God when the knif is raised God begins to speak and makes provision uh I I want to challenge you ask God am I in your will and what I’m what am I doing in the kingdom is that what you want me to do or is that what I call myself to do does this bring me Glory or does this bring you glory and even Jesus wrestled with this in the Garden of Gethsemane he he wrestled and he said Lord not my will but thy will be done and so I want to end end it with this God will reveal his will to you and uh you you got to ask the Lord I
ask the Lord almost every day God what is your will for today God I want to do your will my greatest joy now after all these years is just knowing I’m in the will of God because when you’re in the will of God then everything works out all things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose purpose so doesn’t matter how difficult it looks if you can learn to release it and to rest and say okay God not my will but your will you will have more fulfillment and you will
say it’s Jesus my fulfillment is to do the will of my father well I encourage you today um to stand strong we got great days ahead uh and also uh I begin to talk to the church about this I want you to really pray about what’s coming up in November and our nation um I think we need to really stand in the spirit and let’s pray the will of God be done in this election and uh put on your prayer list pray for president Trump that God will protect him and pray for this nation that God will put us in a posture
that this last day Harvest can come in and uh don’t forget we got Elijah Co here in just a few days uh and it’s going to be a marvelous time I think you can still go online uh I think it’s still open and uh I’m really excited about John katrick and uh brother Tim sheets Apostle Tim sheets and we’re going to have a marvelous time of the Lord so until then uh I’ll see you next week tune in on Sundays for our Sunday service I love you God bless you stay strong in the Lord for more information about Kent Christmas
Ministries International or regeneration Nashville go to Kent or regeneration and for the latest updates or videos follow us on Facebook and subscribe to us on YouTube God bless you
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