Pastor Kent Christmas | Learning To Wait | February 28, 2024

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Pastor Kent Christmas | Learning To Wait | February 28, 2024

Pastor Kent Christmas Podcast

We’re watching KC MIT if you’re hungry for the power and presence of god, get ready for the Freshfire Conference presented by pastor’s Kent and Candy Christmas, April 11 through 14th with special guest, Jensen Franklin, Samuel Rodriguez.
Tony Suarez, Doctor Hans Hess, and pastor Kent Christmas.
For more information, go to
Well, thank you for joining me and I wanna talk to you today about something that maybe you’ve not thought about.
But, um, when yeah, I think it’s in Isaiah.
The lord says he he said, my ways are not your ways.
And, uh, one of the big problems that we have as believers as we wanna pull god out of his dimension and make him live by our rules and our laws.
And he said he said, I don’t live like that. I don’t think like that. I don’t operate like that.
And so, um, when you go back to the Bible, it deals with with time and where it deals with seasons, there’s 2 words that are used.
1 is Kronos, and one is Kyros.
And Kronos is we get it from the word chrono chronology.
It it deals with it deals with time as we know.
It can be, uh, seconds, minutes, hours, days, uh, weeks, months, years, millenniums.
But that’s what Kronos deals with. We it’s it’s time that it’s broken down into increments.
Uh, but with god, because god lives in the eternal realm, the eternal literally means, uh, that it has no ending.
And so, uh, when you read about in revelations, it talks about um, when the lord comes back and there’s a new heaven, excuse me, and a new earth, it says, and time shall be no more.
So the only reason that that time exists is because Adam stepped out of the eternal in the garden of Eden, and he stepped over into the natural by leaving his spirit realm and living in his soul realm.
And so the spirit, which would be Kyros, and the soul realm being Kronos, the soul realm lives more in the realm of man’s timing, and the spirit man lives in the realm of god’s timing.
And so, um, when Paul was speaking to Timothy, this is in Second Timothy chapter 4 in verse 2.
Uh, I wanna just pull out part of this first.
He told me Timothy, he said, the instant in season and out of season.
And, the word season here is not Kronos, but it’s Kyros.
And what Paul was telling Timothy he said, you need to always be ready.
Live like it’s gonna happen at any second. And see a lot of a lot of believers.
This is why they don’t have great victory in their life is because um, they’re they vacillate.
You know, you find them 1 month, you meet them, and they’re on fire for god, and then you meet them again 2 weeks later a month later, and they’re struggling and they’re depressed.
And and because they don’t live in a state of readiness.
And when when god told Israel to leave, he said, I’m bringing you out of Egypt know, you were gonna go into the land of Canon, which was just about a 9 to 11 day journey.
He said, I want you to eat the Passover, but he said, I want you to eat it with the staff in your hand and your shoes on your feet.
I want you to be prepared because you’re getting ready to leave.
And one verse talks about the coming of the lord.
It says, we don’t know the day nor the hour.
This is why you have to live in a state of of a Kyros moment.
And so, um, I’ll give you some just some definitions, uh, for for Kyros Uh, it it literally means the appointed time and the purpose of god or the time when god acts.
It is a passing instant.
When an opening appears which we must be driven through with the force if success is to be achieved.
This is, uh, the the Greek definition.
It means the right or the opportune moment or the supreme moment.
And god will and I I’ve seen this my own life, and I’m sure you have too, but Uh, god will go.
It seems like forever, and nothing will happen and nothing moves And then unexpectedly, out of the blue, god does something supreme.
And everything changes. That is a Kyra’s moment.
Uh, you know, I I’m I’m thinking back at uh, what the lord did for us on December 27 2021.
Uh, you know, you all know the story we’ve passed here for years and did everything that I knew to try to help our church grow, and we never could seem to to to cross a certain barrier.
And then in a time on Christmas, December, uh, 2 days after Christmas. It’s snowing.
There’s ice on the road.
Uh, nobody goes to church 2 days after Christmas and told my wife that I said we’d probably have one of the smallest crowds we’ve had all year.
But we’ve been having prayer meetings for years. We have been declaring.
I have been prophesying that god and god would say there’s coming a day when if you don’t get here early, there won’t be room enough to find a seat in this house.
And And, you know, I’m saying that to to 85 people and 2 thirds of the building is empty and chairs empty.
But, see, god’s ways are not our ways.
And on December 27 2021, we had a Kyros moment.
It’s where god supernaturally without advertising, without being on TV, without a special guest, without special day.
It was an Easter. It was a Mother’s Day. It wasn’t, um, a Christmas Cantata.
Just an an off Sunday.
And I walk in, and an hour before church starts, the building is packed. Standing room only.
People walking down. I see roads. You say, well, why?
Because god said that was the time for his purpose to begin to be fulfill.
And Kyros moments See, we and and Kronos moments, we have time and and we We say this should happen at this time, and then it’ll happen at this time.
And then after so many months or whatever, and then this will happen, it’s progressive.
God’s not progressive. He’s created. And god will weigh.
See, his when he looks at what every everything we’re doing, he looks at our lives.
He has appointed certain moments in our lives.
That are going to produce grapefruit or the why we were created will come to pass.
And Kyros moments happen without warning. There are no indicators.
In fact, it’ll happen when Kronos is saying it can’t happen.
And all of a sudden, god will will open up a dimension and he drives his purpose through.
In acts a 7th chapter, it talks about Moses that he was born in a certain time.
When you look up that word time there, it means he was born in a Kyros moment.
Moses had, uh, 2 siblings that were older than him. Marion and Aaron.
But it wasn’t time for Moses to be born because when you when you read the the history of Israel, Remember the Bible talks about the Israelites in Egypt that the, uh, the king of the the pharaoh said, they’re more than us.
They’re mightier than us, and they’re gonna make us their slaves. And we’re gonna have to do something.
And so the Egyptians the Bible said made Israel their slaves.
Uh, first of all, god let that happen because They were so prosperous in Egypt that if Moses would have showed up at that time and said, it’s time to leave it.
He said, we like it here. We’re not leaving. We’re prosperous.
Were blessed, and god had a different place for them. So the lord allowed them to become slaves.
And it wasn’t until the last 80 years that Israel really went into slavery out of the 430.
It was also when they went into slavery is when Moses was born.
Moses was born A Kyros moment because god knew that 80 years from now He was gonna come back, and he was gonna lead those people out of bondage, out of slavery.
You never know when god’s gonna show up. This is why you gotta stay prayed up.
You gotta be ready. You know, you you look at Saul of Tarsis who became Paul the apostle.
He’s headed, you know, to uh, persecute. He’s on the road in Damascus.
He’s running he’s he’s headed to kill Christians.
And just like that, the Bible says that god shows up, it’s a Kyraus moment that forever defined Paul’s life from that time on, um, March 13 33 says Watch and pray for you.
No. Not when the time is. And that word time is not Kronos, but it’s Kyros.
This is this is why, um, you can’t give up hope.
This is why you have to always believe that god’s gonna do something supernatural because god god can circumvent natural time.
Like, give you an example. Remember the old testament when, uh, Israel’s went to battle And when, uh, Moses would would stand with his hands raised, the Bible says that Israel prevailed but it said that he got tired, and his hands went down.
And when his hands went down, that, uh, Israel, uh, would would lose And so god would would use when his hands raised, he stepped into a Kyros moment.
Where when his hands were down, he went back into Kronos the moment.
Uh, remember in the scriptures, it says that I think it was Joshua that the sun begins to go down and they needed more time and god causes the sun to stand still.
What he did was he stopped Kronos. Time literally stood still.
And scientists say they can go back and they can see a couple of places where the where time stop.
One of them was this. God can make time stop for Cairo’s moment to convene or to converge on you.
Um, when, uh, the in Luke in 120, it talks about John the Baptist.
He was born in a Kyros moment.
And, uh, you know, in in, um, Romans is talking about that that the lord had said I have 7000 and not bow their knee to bail.
And he said, yet, in this present time, There is a remnant.
And that word present time means in this Kyros moment, that I have a remnant.
I’m telling you about the spirit of the lord that we, as the people of god that have lived in the timing of man, but our spirit, hallelujah, has state.
See, faith is the realm of the Kyros. Faith is the realm of the eternal.
Faith is where god can do the impossible.
And Even though our physical bodies and our natural lives are lived out according to to time, a clock.
Our spirit man is not.
And at any second, god, hallelujah, can loose, uh, the the spirit of the lord, I wrote this down.
How we view and understand time determines whether we live in victory or defeat.
If you believe that god is limited by time, minutes, hours, days, whatever, then you will wind up living in defeat.
If you believe that god is not controlled by the laws of nature, but that at any second, Hallelujah.
He can do something just like that.
Uh, I remember, uh, without warning the first time that god ever moved on me prophetically, And it was after a year of not preaching and and just, you know, I’ve been through some difficult times in my life.
I never quit serving the lord, never quit praying, but but I had no openings for preaching.
I had no unction and then in a Kyros moment.
I felt the spirit of prophecy come on me to begin, and it’s never left.
And it happens from time to time.
I want to tell you today that you’re getting ready to see god step into the Kyros Hallelujah and begin to cause things to happen overnight.
I think it was Jose that talks about. He says the plow men shall overtake the Reaper.
Then in other words that that Kai that god will take the harvest and take it out of the natural laws of reproduction and stick it into the realm of the Kyraz.
And what should happen over what law what nature says could only happen over months.
God says no. Watch this.
I’ll give you a good example of this because I was just I was just reading in leviticus or in numbers.
And the lord, uh, you know, there had been those who had risen up against Aaron and the priesthood and the lord said, tell each of the leaders of Israel to bring their rod and Aaron will bring his and put it in the sanctuary.
And he said, I’m gonna show you who I honor.
And the Bible said that Aaron took a rod, a piece of wood that was dead.
Put it in the presence. Oh, you put it in the presence of god.
And the Bible said that when they came in the next morning now remember this, he’s put in a dead stick the night before when they come in the next morning The Bible says that Aaron’s Rod has produced full mature ripe almonds.
Impossible in the natural.
And yet in a Kyros moment, god caused something that was dead to produce sweet and beautiful fruit.
Doesn’t matter how long it’s been.
And, listen, you you’re, uh, you gotta preacher talking to you understands the Kyros moments of god because it’s how it’s always been with me.
It’s how it’s been with our church.
Uh, I and, boy, I tell you this, boy, this is strong in my spirit.
You hear me by the spirit of the lord?
This nation is getting ready see a Kyros moment of the lord to intervene.
And we say, well, there’s so much evil and so much send. It’s gonna take decades to reverse it.
No. You watch what god does.
That there is the the timing of god that Kyros hand of god is upon this nation.
It’s upon the church. It’s upon you.
And you’re gonna go to bed 1 night and wake up the next morning and find out, oh my, look what the lord did, that he he shortened the timing process.
There are men and women that they were conceived in a Kyros moment.
And then it looks like god’s forgotten them that could be you.
And then 20, 30, 40 years later, boom, just like that.
God pulls them back into that moment and your life begins to produce the harvest of the lord that, in the natural people say it could not happen.
So I I wanna encourage you in God, um, Kronos is quantitative.
But Kyros is qualitative.
How do we it produces something that has great quality in the spirit of the lord.
And so, um, don’t be moved.
Some of you might be sixty years old and or seventy, you’re saying, I’m still waiting past you can’t.
Well, I’m right there with you, and we know that god is a sovereign god and he’s not a man, Hallelujah, that he’s under the laws of time.
And god is stepping out the eternal into our realm, and he’s gonna force the Kyra’s ability of the lord to come into our dimension.
So I want you to stay encouraged in the lord.
Uh, at any moment, any second, god is gonna show up And when he does, we’ll be amazed.
I love you. I’ll see you next week.
For more information about Kent Christmas Ministries International or regeneration Nashville, go to Kent, or regeneration
My dad, I lost my dad when I was twelve years old at Christmas time, but uh, I can still hear my dad pray.
And as a very young man, I made a commitment to the lord to pray an hour a day.
And before I went through that process and being alone in divorce, you know, I wasn’t an easy man.
I don’t think I had a lot of compassion.
I had a quick temper where god needed me to go, that person couldn’t go there.
So he had to take me through this horrible breaking So I wound up, uh, homeless I slept my car.
Um, I remember I looked up, I was standing in front of Starlight Nightclub, there.
And the enemy just said, Why don’t you just go in and get drunk and fell in the towel?
And I I stood there that night, and I looked through the heavens. I said, Lord.
I said, you didn’t do this to me. And I won’t leave you.
I’ll say that when you come out of these valleys, intact, but changed, then you feel the pain of other people.
When she actually kind of showed some maybe interest, you know, I mean, I thought, wow, you know, And when we did get married, uh, I still wasn’t preaching.
I was just piped it. The first time I ever ministered again was the first time the prophetic ever came on me.
It’s like something just comes on again.
I can begin to hear the lord You know, it’s kinda like when you got an earbud and you can hear somebody speaking into your ear while you’re speaking.
I begin prophesy. I didn’t know what it was and never done it, and it just it just rolled out of me.
I thought that after 20 years or 30 years, that I would seek fruit in our ministry, and I knew that for us to reach the world, we have to have people that are on fire for god.
I don’t have to pursue the things my dreams because he just makes them happen because I put him first.
The success that that I see in life now, uh, only God did,

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