Pastor Kent Christmas | Deception | November 20, 2024

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Welcome to KCMI TV. Thank you for joining me today. I want to address a topic that isn’t often discussed: deception and being deceived. This theme has been pressing on my spirit as I observe the pervasive spirit of deception affecting many in our nation.

The Spirit of Deception in Society

Recently, we experienced elections that revealed a significant divide in belief systems. While many believers rejoice in the belief that God has healed our nation, it’s sobering to recognize that around 68 million people hold values that diverge starkly from the Word of God. This includes issues like transgender ideology, gender confusion, and more. Today, I am not here to delve into political debates but to explore this issue from a spiritual perspective.

A Nation Built on Godly Foundations

The United States was founded on biblical principles by godly men who drafted the Constitution. If they could witness the current state of our nation, they would be astonished. How did we, as a nation, stray so far from these foundations?

The Bible provides answers. In 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, Paul writes:

Paul warns of a spirit of deception that will prevail before the return of Christ. This deception shakes people’s minds, altering their paradigms and leading them away from truth.

Romans 1: Understanding How Deception Takes Root

To understand how deception has influenced so many, let’s examine Romans 1:21-28. Paul writes that people who knew God failed to glorify Him. Instead, they became vain in their imaginations, and their hearts were darkened:

This passage isn’t referring to people who never knew God; it speaks of those who once recognized Him but turned away. As a nation founded on Christian principles, America has largely known God, yet many have chosen to ignore or reject Him.

The Consequences of Rejecting God

Paul continues, explaining the consequences of this rejection:

When people reject truth, God allows them to pursue their desires, leading to moral and spiritual decay. Issues like abortion, homosexuality, and transgenderism are often celebrated as normal, despite being contrary to God’s Word.

Standing for Truth in Love

As believers, we are called to stand for truth. However, this must be done in love, not hatred. Jesus commands us to pray for our enemies and those who persecute us. It’s crucial to remember that every person, even those deceived, is made in the image of God.

Remaining silent is not an option. Speaking truth boldly, yet lovingly, is essential in a time when deception runs rampant. Let us rely on God’s Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to navigate these challenging times.

A Call to Action

As followers of Christ, we must pray fervently for our nation and its leaders, asking God to open the eyes of those blinded by deception. Together, we can uphold the truth of God’s Word and work toward healing and restoration in our land.

Stay steadfast in faith, and thank you for joining me today. If this message has blessed you, share it with others, and let’s continue to stand united as believers.

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