Our Words Are Containers Of Power | Victoria Osteen
Our Words Are Containers Of Power
Words of faith and victory, go straight to your spirit. Your words are filled with power!
God does much of His work in secret. You can’t see Him lining up the right people. You can’t see Him arranging good breaks for you, sending the angel with the promise, putting healing, promotion, vindication on your schedule. All you can see is, “I’m praying and nothing is happening. I’m doing the right thing and nothing is improving.” You’re in the season of silence. The question is will you get discouraged and quit believing because you’re not seeing? Or will you dig your heels in and say, “God, I may not see anything happening, but I’m not moved by what I see. I’m moved by what I know. I know what You promised is on the way.”
Hey, men and amen.
You may be seated. Thank you for being in the house of the lord today.
There’s a story in the Bible about a woman who was sick for 12 long years.
She had, uh, a condition that caused her body to lose blood, and it left her frail and weak.
She went to all these different doctors, but no one can help her.
She spent everything she had But instead of getting better, the Bible says she got worse.
But one day, she heard that Jesus was in her town.
And she got up off of where she was, and she got out into the crowded streets with her frail body, and she is described to be the woman who was pushing through the crowd trying to get to Jesus.
Now there was a crushing crowd that day, and she was one of those people trying to get to Jesus.
She made her way to Jesus, and she touched him that day, and she was miraculously healed.
Jesus has power to heal you.
Jesus has the power to deliver you Jesus has the power for anything that you need in your life.
And so many of you already know this story, and it’s a miraculous story.
But what I wanna look at is what she was saying to herself as she was dragging her weak body through the crowd.
The Bible says that she was sane if I could only touch, the hem of his garment, I’ll be healed.
Now you gotta get the picture of this. This woman was very ill in her body.
She had little strength. She was frail. There was people everywhere.
And she continued to say to herself if I can only get to Jesus.
If I can only get to Jesus, You see, she had to not only push through all the people that were on the streets that day, but she had to push through the crowded thoughts in her mind.
Thoughts that said, you’re never gonna get well. Why do you think Jesus can heal?
You know one else has been able to help you all this time?
She had to push through the opinions of the friends that maybe she had been around.
Like, darling, man, you’ve you’ve tried so hard, maybe you should just give up.
See, not only did she have to physically fight that day, but she had to mentally find the thoughts to keep her words going in the right direction.
Thoughts, create words. She had to find the right thoughts so she could get the right words out of her mouth.
And those simple words were if I could only get to Jesus.
If I could only get to Jesus, You see, when she released those words, she was releasing her faith.
Those were faith filled words. Those words gave life to her body.
See, she really didn’t have a chance, but because of what she continued to say to herself she got to where she needed to be.
And that was at the very edge of Jesus garment. That’s all she needed.
And as soon as she touched him, the power left him, and it went into her body and healed her.
You see her words got her where she needed to be. Close to Jesus.
And can I say this today?
We are going to have to do the same thing as this woman does.
We’re gonna have to push through the crowded thoughts self defeating, limiting thoughts that life would try to tell us, and we’re going to have to arrange our thoughts where we can speak the right words out so that we can get to where we need to be.
And where we need to be is close to Jesus.
See, we can’t allow our thoughts to push us around.
We’ve gotta decide that we’re gonna push our thoughts around. That’s exactly what she did.
You know, it’s interesting because sometimes when you’re physically tired or or physically sick in your body, it’s it’s hard to find the mental capacity to almost pray, but this shows us so well that she was able to arrange her thoughts where she could just utter that simple phrase out of her mouth.
And those words literally gave life to her spirit.
The Bible says that the spirit of the man sustains the man.
See, when you utter words of faith in victory, it goes into your spirit and it charges your physical body.
Words are powerful. Words are containers of power.
And we gotta understand that we get to choose what we think and we get to choose what we say.
Yeah. All day long, we’re gonna have thoughts, bombarding us.
You know, thoughts of all kinds, no matter what we’re doing. That guy over there just you on.
I think he’s bored. Oh, somebody’s moving. I guess they’re leaving. Those are thoughts.
Those are thoughts that’ll come to you about that. I’m pushing y’all. They must not like what I’m saying.
They just be board. We all have 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts coming at us according to researchers.
How many thoughts a second is that?
We’ve gotta learn that we don’t have to rest on self defeating thoughts.
We don’t have to rest on the thoughts and opinions of other people.
We can rest on the thoughts we choose to rest on.
We can allow those to take dominion in our life.
And then through those thoughts, our words will line up.
It says in Genesis 13 that in the beginning, god saw this earth.
It was just dark and void.
He looked at the earth, and he spoke these words, let there be light, and there was light.
God spoke light, and there was light.
Now the most amazing thing about that is is when you think about it, this earth was created by a word.
The DNA that is embedded in this earth was god’s spoken word. That is what’s sustaining this earth.
See, god established something there. He established a pattern for us to follow.
And that is that our words cause a response. Our words carry weight.
They cause things to happen.
God said that you can create life, or you can create death.
By the mere words that come out of your mouth.
The most interesting thing is you can’t see the words coming out of my mouth, can you?
But my words can create a reality that I can see. And that’s what we have to understand.
They may be invisible. But they are creating at all times. We can’t throw them around.
We just can’t toss them around like they don’t mean anything.
Not only to the people around us, our families, but we can’t allow words to be tossed around in our own life.
Because our words have a huge impact on us.
And when we begin to get our words about ourselves right, We’ll be able to get the words of about everyone else right.
But too often, we allow our thoughts self defeating limiting thoughts to circulate on the YouTube of our minds.
And we dwell on these negative thoughts.
And, you know, they not only make us unhappy, but they don’t allow us to become everything god wants us to become.
They don’t position us with for success.
See, whatever that woman was facing, she did not let it get the best of her.
That woman, when you think about it, somehow by the grace of almighty god, had a champion’s mentality.
See, she had a winner’s mentality.
That woman overcame and overrode all the negative voices in her life, to find face filled words.
You can truly say that woman was a champion.
After 12 long years of no signs of any improvement, that woman finally got to where she was supposed to be.
She got close to Jesus, and she pulled the very power out of him by what she said.
Jesus recognized it. He said, who touched me? He looked at her and said, woman, what are you believing?
I mean, because your faith just made you whole, it pulled the power out of me.
Listen, if we can stop long enough to recognize the thoughts that are trying to limit us.
If we can stop long enough, to change those thoughts and speak the right words, we’re pulling the power right out of Jesus.
Every time you speak faith filled words, the power of Jesus is coming into your life.
You’re getting closer to where you need to be. God is drawing you closer and closer.
You know, it’s interesting because no one was speaking words of faith over her. The doctors certainly didn’t.
They sent her away. No.
She didn’t get to come to Lakewood church and hear Joel bless her every day. No.
She had to find it within herself by the grace of god.
And some of you you probably can say, I’ve never had anybody speak anything over me that’s positive, words of encouragement.
When I grew up, man, people talked down to me, discouraging things to me.
Maybe some of you are facing a situation where you’re in the middle of a bunch of negative people with negative words.
That lady was, but can I tell you those things can end today?
Because you don’t have to wear anyone’s words. You have the final say, you cast the last votes.
That you get the last word.
You can put a stake in the ground right now because you have the power of choice.
What you’re gonna allow to think about and what you’re gonna allow to come out of your mouth.
It’s really not that difficult. If you listen to this lady’s story, All she said was, if I can only touch you, if I can, uh, those thoughts, but the doctor says you can, but if I can only touch you, Meh, my boss is being so mean to me.
Well, that’s okay because I’m the head and not the tail. Oh, man, these finances aren’t looking good.
That’s alright. Jehovah Jar is my provider.
I mean, man, I’ve been put down so long.
Don’t even know if I have any self confidence or self worth. That’s alright.
I made an image of almighty god. I’m his masterpiece. I’m the apple of his eye.
And you can’t do that. You’re not talented enough. Oh, no. No. No. No.
God has filled me with everything I need to live a life of victory.
I have appointed and purpose marked all over me.
You see, what we have to understand is we don’t have to have a big, long verse.
We don’t even have to know where it’s down in the Bible.
We don’t have to know how that’s been translated in the Greek or in the Hebrew.
We don’t have to know all that. It’s good to know all that. It’s good to have knowledge.
But listen. You start where you are today. And that’s a simple phrase as I am more than a conqueror.
God has called me to triumph over everything that has come against. That’s a victory that’s in him.
With a victory that’s in me. Simple phrases will chase off discouragement.
The only way to overcome those negative voices is to chase them off with faith filled words.
If you’ll put the right stuff in. I wanna tell you the right words will be there when you need.
Amen? Hey, man. He’s an awesome god. And he’s for us and not against us.
Thank you for watching this message.
We’d love to connect with you in the comments to hear your prayers and your testimonies, We thank you for supporting this ministry with your donations and your offerings.
See, when you give, I believe god will open up the windows of heaven, and you’ll see favor in new ways for your life.
I believe that your best days are still out in front of you.
So make sure to like and subscribe to stay inspired all throughout the week.
- Priscilla Shirer – How to Remain FaithfulTháng 4 26, 2023