Only Believe – Episode 3

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Only Believe – Episode 3

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this program is brought to you in part by the partners and Friends of Kow Dollar Ministries coming up next on changing your world you got to let it go you know what you’re saying when you won’t let go of your past sins you know what you’re saying I don’t believe Jesus has forgiven [Music] me it feels weird I know but like Jesus has forgiven me and I receive that forgiveness and I forgive myself and I’m going to go forward and whoever else can’t do that that’s between them and God I got to keep it
moving look no further for encouragement to walk in the grace of God the crlo Dollar Ministries TV app provides rewarding content that is sure to nourish your mind and soul treat yourself to enriching messages from Pastor Dollar on Grace and walking in the likeness of Christ download the crlo Dollar Ministries TV app to stream messages of Hope Grace and understanding when you need them most this is your world so let’s vow to make it a better place let every heart that needs know you love is here to St oh it’s time
we live a new life let us sh right in you we Sav by his grace we Embrace Your Love today we are Chang the Holy Spirit wants to lead and guide you and talk to you in everyday lives not just when it’s time to give a word the Holy Ghost just said to me thus sayith the Lord he’ll do that but he also talks to you about uh don’t don’t go this way this morning go this way let lero go lero got some stuff you know you you don’t know about let lero go yeah but he got curly hair and my baby going to have good hair let lero go
he know something about Leroy you don’t know right now see some of these dudes think they can play you but when you when you a holy ghost f woman it’s hard to be played when you got the helper on the inside of you and when you don’t want to hook up with a woman that’s trying to use you just for her own Financial benefit the Holy Ghost will let you know she don’t love you she love this house she love that paycheck that she saw you [Applause] deposit let free to go I apologize if your name is Freda I’m no
I’m [Applause] not yeah glory to God you need some help you’re a student taking a test in college you need some help Holy Ghost I know this in here but I I can’t recall it right now and help us show up and say it’s a circle a I don’t know about you but I don’t want to deny help when I know I need help I don’t know everything I I don’t understand everything I need help Hallelujah I need help and you shouldn’t feel bad for needing help you got a very present help inside information
help the Holy Ghost I thought the Holy Ghost was just I was scared of the Holy Ghost all I knew about the Holy Ghost folks get to screaming in church you ever y’all ever some of y’all I came from a church they used to get they call it get the shouting and that was when they were singing a song and somebody Clos their eyes and they get them moving get them moving and then it was an explosion yes sir bam knock that Usher that way yes sir bam knock that Usher that way and then they like they in a convulsion and stuff like
that and then right after that they say you want the Holy Ghost [Music] no no I’m good I thought that’s all that he was going to do do you’re going to talk in a weird language spit and and and have and that’s that’s all I knew until I got to KN him myself and I found out that the First Act of the Holy Spirit was to pour love in my heart Supernatural love to help me to love what was hard to love what was ugly to love and I found out the Holy Spirit wants to lead and guide me he wants to be my guide he wants to be
my leader all I needed to make my mind up is to follow him you see what I’m saying so these religious ideas and fables it it it stole some of your life from you because you were you were you were you were relating to God based on these false fables because you didn’t know it well it was in the Bible yeah but you didn’t read it preach one try to read no Bible we trying to make a sermon to get you to hoop and holler and give it a 10 and that’s why I don’t mind reading scripture and going through scripture I
ain’t up here trying to see if you bored or not you should have went to bed it ain’t my fault you falling asleep in church you went to bed too late you come to World changes you got to go to bed okay let me get back I’m tripping big time let me just [Applause] and when he has come he will reprove correct the world of sin and correct righteousness and judgment so check it out of sin because they believe not on me notice what he says these people that are not born again it’s a reason why they don’t
believe on me and I all I related it all to people who were were were not born again people who are not saved and these thoughts kept coming up are there Christians that have stopped Believing on him son talking to me are there areas that you stop believing on him see you got the Christian lingo now but have you stopped believing him like you used to believe him have you stopped sitting in the chair because you don’t think it can support you no more do you holler trust but afraid to lean on what you say you trust I was like God
I I uh I’m not trying to preach condemnation to anybody I and I know we live under grace so I know this this I just want to be a better a better Christian that maybe I’m examining this cuz I I don’t I want to be a better Christian I want to be I want this to be real I don’t want to be in self-deception I don’t want to leave that thought I had when I was reading this and studying this and say oh no I I believe and I know good and well there are certain areas that I say I believe but I struggle to depend on it
and I thought that this church was mature enough for me to bring this issue up not to condemn you and beat you up because you’re already Heaven ready but this is for people who say Lord I I want to I want to mature more I I want to get better and I don’t want to be in deception and I don’t want to get to a point where I’m going around oh Lord I believe I believe I believe I believe and and and I know on the inside that I’m not really believing like I say I believe God can get me a car and
then the next breath I don’t know how it’s going to happen because you know I don’t make but this much money and I don’t me that’s real heaven and hell is not an issue we talking about right now you did what’s necessary to get there but when you have an intimate relationship with God how can I please you how can I please you Holy Spirit show me how to walk with you better I I don’t think I can just get satisfied with I got born again now I want to know how to walk with him I want to know how to talk to
him I want to know how to be honest with him I want to be able to say Lord I don’t know how you going to do this I’m struggling to believe you help my unbelief you remember that guy his s was being delivered right the disciples couldn’t cast this demon out throwing his son in the fire and he said Jesus said Do You Believe on me and the man said Lord I believe but help my unbelief yeah I believe but I’m I’m still struggling this my boy I I believe you I’m just struggling that could it be done for
him see we believe that Jesus heals sometimes we just don’t believe he can heal me we believe that Jesus can deliver sometimes we just struggle with believing can he deliver me and God saying I already know your heart so since I already know let’s talk about it let’s talk about it this is the relationship that I’m trying to move people to get in the present message to the unsaved world is that men are condemned not because of their evil doings but only because they reject him by whom came Grace and Truth and in so doing they
Place themselves outside of the operation of God’s grace there’s nothing he can do for an unsaved man out there that won’t trust him and believe him but the message to the sav world is just believe don’t perform just believe don’t perform holy living is still the objective of Grace but you have to believe right in order to live right your living right starts with you believing right so Pastor D I hear what you’re saying but are how do I know if I’m living in in condemnation and not not
believing the word number one Philippians 3:13 in the N SB if you could New American Standard Bible number one how do I know if I’m living in condemnation you think about the past a lot you think about the past a lot and when you think about the past a lot you’re nourishing re you’re you’re you’re n you’re nourishing regret the scripture says Brethren I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet even Paul said it I I I ain’t got it all yet but one thing I do forgetting what lies behind and
Reaching Forward to what lies ahead I wonder how many of you are still living in your past wonder how many of you are stuck and chained to the mistakes of your past and you can hardly go forward because every time you go forward your past like a chain pulls you back and the root of that is condemnation I don’t feel like I’m enough to go forward and with Jesus you are he is your deliverance from condemnation number two there’s another sign of living in condemnation you struggle trying to forgive yourself 2
Corinthians 5:17 and NLT 2 Corinthians 5:17 and the NLT you struggle trying to forgive yourself are you still struggling to try to forgive yourself of something that happened 30 years ago 20 years ago 10 yesterday Bible says in verse 17 he says this means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person the old life is gone a new life has begun huh you got to let it go you got to let it go yeah was wrong yeah was messed up but you got to stop the struggle trying to forgive yourself you got to go in the mirror one day and you got to
look at yourself in the mirror and it’s real interesting when you see your reflection looking right back at you and you got to say out loud I forgive myself and you know what the devil’s going to do you’ll be free from condemnation but he will surround you with people people that will constantly try to remind you and try to condemn you for what you did in your past because the world has the idea is change first and then we won’t condemn you but Jesus says I won’t condemn you and then you can go ahead and
change you got to let it go you know what you’re saying when you won’t let go of your past sins you know what you’re saying I don’t believe Jesus has forgiven me it feels weird I know but it’s like Jesus has forgiven me and I receive that forgiveness and I forgive myself and I’m going to go forward and whoever else can’t do that that’s between them and God I got to keep it moving I got to keep it moving number three this is the third sign that you’re in condemnation you have a judgmental
and critical spirit look at Matthew 7 and2 in the TPT Matthew 7 and2 in the in the TPT you have a judgment a judgmental and critical spirit all of that judgmental stuff and critical stuff you know where it comes from it comes from you doing that same thing to you you treat people mean because you treat yourself mean you understand understand that right you’re critical of others cuz you’re critical of yourself it used to bother me when people were so critical of me of my family and especially of my wife and then I started realizing why
and I I started like I didn’t feel no need to get back with him I’m like you’re online cussing me out because you you you just treat yourself the same way bless your heart I’m going to pray for you cuz you need it and when you find that you are judgmental and have a critical spirit somewhere in the mix I still feel condemned still feel like I’m not enough so I got to criticize somebody cuz they look like they more than I am and criticism and envy go hand in hand I’m upset with you because your
shoes fit you and mine don’t and then we play the blame gang and you blame the floor for you not being able to dance look what he says for you’ll be judged by the same standard that you’ve used to judge others the measurement you use on on them will be used on you and then finally here the fourth sign of that you might be in condemnation is found in Romans 5 and8 in the ESV version Romans 5 and8 number four you feel unworthy now how long is that going to go before it’s it’s fake you feel
unworthy are you are you feeling unworthy are you feeling unworthy as as a friend are you feeling unworthy as a Christian feeling unworthy are you feeling unworthy as a woman are you feeling unworthy as a man men are interesting they they hurt real bad but they have to keep the cover on because they don’t want nobody to see the real them and what they do is they end up producing a fake identity through the covers so that they won’t be discovered that I’m in pain that I’m hurt that I don’t feel like I’m you know
needed or wanted or don’t feel like I’m enough but I’m not going to let you know that because masculine tox toxicity has taught you that you can get away with a a lot of things just being aggressive and acting like it don’t bother you and then you the same dude looking down at the barrel of a gun wondering whether or not it’d be better to pull the trigger that’s over with in our men’s fellowship we don’t we don’t deal with that that stuff we get in a circle we confront one another we share with one
another we’re not a sha afraid to to uh be vulnerable and to say I hurt and to say I’m disappointed we have men in those circles that shed tears and others who shed tears with them and when we break out of that Circle we break out free the men that are in here that attend those meetings can I get a witness can you stand up and give a witness that can you can you get a can I get a witness from those men who who’ve been involved in those circles who’s been involved in those circles thank you guys who refused to live a life in
rejection and condemnation and shame and guilt we ain’t doing that no more we’re worthy not because of what we did but we’re worthy because of what Jesus did did amen and let me close and he all you got and you can spend the rest of your life thinking that the other ways is going to help you out but he all you got bro I looked in the mirror one day and realized and asked myself I was like man Taffy when did this happen I used to be 20 can I get a witness when did when did
this happen who put flour on my beard while I was sleep what am I saying dude you need to you need to get busy with this because you look up one day and life’s past you and you still trying to be this fake identity of a man it’s time for all of us to wake up depart from the fables of religion and get get to know Jesus personally and for yourself regardless of what you hear from the pool pit you’re like I know him therefore I’ll never walk in another church feeling inferior again because I have a relationship with Jesus Christ
myself I know him and I may not understand all the principles he shares stff but I know this Jesus that he’s talking about so sin is serious sin has consequences and sometimes uh deadly consequences but sin has a remedy and in Jesus it is finished shame has no place there is no condemnation for those who trust and depend on Christ and I’m talking about not now and not ever all is well avoid the danger of non-belief there is an ongoing battle inside our minds that makes it more important than ever to reject the false Solutions the
world offers cflo dollar presents a timely three message series only belief which reveals Jesus as our only solution and shows us how to receive him when Jesus gave his life we were delivered from the curse of the law and in essence we are delivered from condemnation the message to the saved world is just believe don’t perform holy living is still the objective of Grace but you have to believe right in order to live right your living right starts what you believe in right secure your copy today with a love gift of $9 us or more call
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