One Life to Live – For Now (Romans 12:1-2)

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In Romans 12, we’re reminded of an important truth: you have one life to live—for now. This life you’re living is the one God has entrusted to you, and your focus should be on living it faithfully for His glory. As believers in Christ, we know that this life is temporary. The Bible makes it clear that life is short, but it’s also a life where we are called to remain faithful to God.

At the end of this life, we will stand before God to give an account. But here’s the good news: through Jesus Christ, we are promised eternal life. Once we step into eternity, we will fully experience the life that Christ purchased for us on the cross.

For believers, this life on earth is as close to hell as we’ll ever get. We are destined for eternity with God. There’s a popular book titled “Your Best Life Now,” but that title is misleading. As Christians, our best life isn’t now—it’s later, in eternity.

In the meantime, we’re in a spiritual boot camp. We’re learning, growing, and being transformed by the grace of Jesus Christ. Let’s dive into Romans 12:1-2, where Paul urges us to present our bodies as living sacrifices and not to conform to the world but to be transformed by renewing our minds.

Understanding God’s Perfect Will

The passage tells us that we can know God’s perfect will for our lives. The question is: Has God given us everything we need to live according to His perfect will? The answer is yes! God has equipped us to live radically for Him.

But when we talk about living radically, it’s important to clarify what that means. The world is full of radicalism in the wrong sense—violence, terrorism, and hatred are escalating across the globe. This is not the will of God.

Yes, God is sovereign and in control. But there’s a battle happening between two spiritual realms: good and evil. The war itself was already won by Jesus Christ on the cross. However, there are still daily battles we face as believers.

The Prize at Stake: Your Soul

What’s at stake in these battles? Your very soul.

If you’re a Christian, you’ve already secured your salvation through Jesus. But the enemy is still fighting to disrupt your walk with God, hinder your growth, and silence your witness. The Bible teaches that the war has been won, but we must remain vigilant in the battles we face every day.

Imagine standing before God at the gates of heaven. If He asks why you should be allowed in, your answer must be, “I bring nothing of my own. I come covered by the blood of Jesus Christ.” That’s the only answer that will open those gates.

But if you rely on your own good works or achievements, you’ll fall short. Our confidence isn’t in ourselves—it’s in Christ. That’s why our mission as believers is to share the gospel boldly and urgently.

Living with Urgency: Share the Gospel Now

Time is running out. The world is spiraling, and we must take every opportunity to share the hope of Jesus with others. Be ready, be open, and listen to the Holy Spirit.

When God tugs at your heart, step out in faith. Ask someone, “Can I pray for you?” Look around at the people in your life instead of being glued to your devices. You never know how a small act of faith can open a door to share the love of Christ.

This life is your opportunity to live for God. Use it well. Live faithfully. And never stop sharing the gospel.

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