To be rich is your birthright and the saving of every soul is your responsibility.” – Dr. Bill WinstonCalling the next generation of leaders! This session will definitely reignite you, fill you with new passion and zeal to carry influence in the next generation – for you, the continent of Africa and the Middle East!
Good morning family.
It’s our final day of the Bill Winston Ministry Virtual Africa Conference 2022.
I am and I am your next gen host.
This conference has been absolutely life changing and I am a little sad that it has come to an end.
Let’s open up and pray and get this day started. Dear heavenly father.
We thank you for the amazing work that you are doing in the next generation. Heavenly Father.
Let your word come forth and change and activate the youth into action in Jesus name. We pray amen.
Today is our next gen takeover and I would like us to take a look at a couple of testimonies from the youth whose lives have been impacted by this ministry.
Let’s take a look. My name is Karabo Mal.
I am uh the Winston Ministry’s Africa partner.
It all began in 2011 when one of the partners to the ministry.
Pastor Sifiso was they came to our school for a school outreach.
Um His, his testimony and message really impacted my life.
Uh It was the first time I would, I had the gospel of the Kingdom preached that way and in his testimony, he spoke about, he referred to doctor and that was the first time I heard of the name doctor Winston.
I went home to do a bit of research on the man and I went on their website and I got to find out that they actually have a TV broadcast called The Believer’s Walk of Faith.
We among my friends at school who had rushed home to record the broadcast on our phones so that we would send each other the following day at school to really share the word because it was the only way at the time to get hold of the word that he shared.
And in 2012, during the Africa tour, we found out that Doctor Winston will be in Centurion at a church called Lowe’s Bible Church.
It was the first time we had Doctor Winston live.
And in that teaching, the Lord spoke to me to study well, because I was doing a trick to study media, film and television.
I got excited about the word and obeyed and did exactly that.
A few years later.
I’m now serving within the same ministry that God spoke to me about saving in.
It’s only God that can put that together.
In 2016, I was a, a vast university student studying film and TV.
And I took a bold step to pursue the word further to attend the I F C conference, the International Faith Conference hosted by the ministries in uh the USA and I took the first step to go to that meeting.
I sowed the seed and God orchestrated his, his, his miracles.
One after the other that I found myself at the conference um fully paid for their free and hearing the man of God live today.
I’m a film filmmaker working mostly in the TV, space uh as a freelance uh D I T and an assistant editor and editing some of the shows on TV.
Um Only God could have put that together um in the line of work I do.
I’ve never been without work, which is unheard of partnership to me is best described in uh Amos three verse three where it says, how can two walk together except they be in agreement that when I commit to partnership, I allow their steps to become my steps.
Be it through prayer, be it through the partner letters, be be it through financial contribution.
But I allow their steps to become my steps.
I just love that next generation. Leaders changing the world. Now.
Coming up, go hard for Christ pastor and director of Bill Winston Ministries. Pastor David Winston.
David Winston is the pastor of go hard for Christ Youth Ministry at Living Word Christian Center and the director of Bill Winston Ministries, a worldwide outreach ministry based in Forest Park, Illinois.
In these roles, Pastor David has dedicated himself to ministering God’s Word and advancing the kingdom around the world during his senior year of college after applying to medical school to become a cardiologist, Pastor David heard the voice of God calling him into ministry.
You had a plan to heal hearts in the natural, but I have called you to heal hearts in the spiritual.
At the age of 22 Pastor David accepted the calling and began pursuing his master of divinity degree from Oral Roberts University or in Tulsa Oklahoma.
Pastor David holds an honorary doctorate in Christian Business Leadership from United Graduate College and Seminary International.
In 2020 he created and launched an online leadership course called the Winston Leadership Institute.
Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together as we welcome Pastor David Winston.
Hello, my name is Pastor David Winston International, Director of Bill Winston Ministries and welcome back to our virtual Africa conference.
We are so excited that you’ve decided to join us right here digitally.
So wherever you are, just know that God is with you and his presence is right there with you.
I know that you’ve been being blessed all week, we’ve had tremendous speakers who’ve been imparting words of wisdom and nuggets of revelation to be able to help impact you and get you where you need to go Friday, which is today is our next generation takeover day.
Come on, we know we’re the next generation that God is lifting up, that he’s building up to be able to take back what the me has tried to steal to be able to continue to advance the kingdom of God.
And what we’re here to do is build on the shoulders of those who have come before us and our, our forefathers and those who have preached the gospel before us.
We’re here to just continue in the faith. And that’s good news.
Well, I have a great word of faith here for you and I have a great, um I believe a great revelation for you that will encourage you in your walk and in your journey, as you know, recently, we just celebrated Easter or Resurrection Sunday with the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
And that is great news. I’m so excited about that because without his sacrifice, we couldn’t know God the way we know Him.
But as we talk about that one word sacrifice, that’s exactly what it took to get us back, that we couldn’t be purchased with silver or gold.
But it had to be something that was precious as Jesus’s blood was precious to be able to buy us back, to get us out of the clutches of the enemy and welcome us back into the family of God.
I don’t wanna talk about that word sacrifice here today.
I believe that’s a word that’s not talked about as much in culture anymore.
And we know that anybody trying to achieve anything great in life, whether uh in faith or, or out of the faith just kind of within the regular world system and culture.
We know that sacrifice is a necessary component.
And I’m here to tell you that even to build the kingdom sacrifice is necessary.
Now, if you’re going to have faith to change your world, it’s going to involve some level of sacrifice.
I believe that everything that we see here in the ministry, everything that God has done through my parents, Doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston, and the sacrifice of so many who have coupled their faith along with them to be able to build something for the Kingdom of God.
It took sacrifice. I mean, I remember being young and I know my father tells the story that we came to Chicago with $200 and uh didn’t have any place to stay and a woman opened her home up to us, but that didn’t stop them and the call of God on their lives that they continued to push forward.
And we met at this little storefront church on the west side of Chicago, which was the highest crime area in that time of our entire city.
And, you know, we just continue to press forward.
And like I said, even though I was younger, I was, I was just about maybe four or five years old.
I was younger. But I remember that, you know, we had a car and then our car got stolen one night and we had to now take the train all the way to the west side of Chicago to continue to have church services and preach the gospel.
But do you think that that stopped my parents?
No, it didn’t stop them because they saw something, they had a vision of something that wasn’t current but could be a vision of something that was inevitable if they continue to stay the course and trust God.
And I’m here to tell you that victory is inevitable.
If you continue to stay the course and trust God, and that takes sacrifice.
That takes a sacrifice to say, I’m gonna sacrifice my will in order to do your will. God.
You know what did Jesus pray in what we call the Lord’s prayer.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
And it wasn’t saying my will, it said thy will be done. God, your will be done.
And I’m here to tell you that obedience takes sacrifice.
When we’re gonna trust God, we have to obey what God says. If he says, step out, we step out.
If he says, step back, we step back. If he says go further, you go further.
But it’s gonna take a sacrifice. Sometimes I think we want two things simultaneously.
I think we want comfortable and the blessing. We want comfortable and success. We want comfortable and purpose.
And at the moment where it helps, it has to sacrifice our comfort. Then we say, oh huh?
I don’t know but I don’t think that that’s you.
I believe that you’re somebody who’s willing to sacrifice to do what God has told you to do.
And I’m here to tell you as a young generation, we need to live our lives as a, as a living sacrifice wholly and acceptable unto God.
The Bible says that it’s a sweet smelling savor and an aroma to God.
So let’s go to the scripture, Hebrews Chapter five and Verse eight. Let’s go to the scripture.
I believe that it’s obedience that helps us manifest the kingdom of God.
And you know, the Bible says that Jesus has already won the victory for us, but it’s up to us to take part in it through obedience.
It says in Hebrews chapter five and verse eight in the new living translation, even though Jesus was God’s son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered.
That sounds a lot like sacrifice to me, right?
In verse nine, it says in this way, God qualified him as a perfect high priest and he became the source of eternal salvation for all those who obey Him.
So I want you to zero in on two points.
My first point there is no obedience without sacrifice. Let me say it again.
There is no obedience without sacrifice. Obedience will always take sacrifice.
And I love this scripture because I think sometimes we can think and, and maybe I’ll just make it personal for me, right?
I grew up in church almost all my life.
I’ve heard a lot of messages, a lot of good words of faith.
And I think sometimes we can start to get the impression that this walk of faith is something that we just kind of automatically do.
But no, it’s something that we have to choose and we have to learn how to be obedient to God.
It’s not something that we inherit because our parents, parents went to church or our mother is a longtime member of the church.
No, no, no, we have to learn obedience.
It even said that Jesus was God’s son, but he learned obedience how through the things he suffered through the things he had to sacrifice through those parts that were inconvenient and uncomfortable and maybe some stuff that he didn’t want to do.
And I think sometimes, you know, we fight so much for our comfort that we actually start to discount the plan of God.
I know school might be tough push through.
I know maybe sometimes things at home might be tough push through.
Maybe sometimes you might be faced with a situation at work. No, no, no.
If God didn’t say quit, don’t quit that job.
Don’t abort your growth grow, don’t quit, grow. And we’re talking about sacrifice.
So there’s no obedience without sacrifice.
And number two, the things he learned qualified him for what he had to do, the things Jesus learned qualified him for what he had to do.
Can you imagine as you’re walking through this Christian life, as you’re going through everyday life, the things that you’re going through, the conversations that you have to have even sometimes difficult, the choices that you have to make, the perseverance that you have to have it is qualifying you for ultimately what you have to do.
And sometimes I think what we wanna do is we wanna back out of those moments.
And what we do is we start disqualifying ourselves to enter into the next season to go up to the next level.
Sometimes in life, we want promotion. But do we want sacrifice.
But I believe with God promotion doesn’t come without faithfulness and faithfulness isn’t proven without sacrifice.
Let’s keep going. We can look at Jesus as our example.
And if he had to learn obedience, I think it’s pretty guaranteed that we’ll have to learn obedience too.
Obedience. Literally translates in the Greek and the New Testament was uh written mostly in Greek and some Aramaic.
But obedience literally translates submission to what is heard, submission to what is heard that we hear God say something, we read God’s word and he’s saying something to us and we decide to submit to come under that thing that’s being said.
But here’s the question, how can you obey if you can’t hear, how can you submit to instructions if you don’t know what those instructions are?
You know, sometimes I, I have four kids of my own and you know, you might have kids or you might be younger as well.
And remember a parent giving you some instructions and maybe they come back later on and say, hey, you know, this thing isn’t done might come back to my kids.
It, it actually just happened just yesterday. I came back and I said, wait a minute, these dishes aren’t done.
And my son said, oh, I’m sorry, dad, I, I, I didn’t hear you.
I didn’t hear that part of the instruction. Well, how many of you all know that?
You know, God wants us to hear his voice because he wants us to be able to obey what he’s called us to do.
I believe that it’s important for us to hear God’s voice and maybe somebody who is listening out there, you might have a story that you remember in a time.
You remember where you had to learn a hard lesson from disobeying a parent.
I’ll tell you one of my stories. Oh, I was maybe 10, 11 years old.
I was younger and I remember, you know, the there was protocols in my house about dessert and candy.
And so I knew the protocols.
But for whatever reason, this one day I got so inspired because I had worked real hard that day at doing chores.
I had earned some money and I got so inspired to go down to the corner store and get a bunch of candy and you know, that’s not unlike a young kid wants to get some candy and, uh, has a sweet tooth craving.
And so I went down, got all the candy got home and I locked myself in my room.
And for whatever reason I just went to town on all the candy I had.
I mean, I went through some candy bars, I went through some, some taffy candy, some sugar candy.
I went through some gummy candy. I mean, I just went through it all.
I don’t know what came over me.
And I could hear my mom’s voice in my head saying David, you know, that’s, that’s enough.
You know, that’s too much or no, you need to wait until you eat your dinner.
I don’t even know if I ate dinner. I don’t know what happened, the enemy.
He was trying to influence me that day. And I said yes.
And so I ate this candy and I will never forget.
2 59 ami woke up in my bed with the worst stomach ache and found myself in the bathroom for a few more hours and all of that candy was coming up.
I don’t know what got into me.
But God, I believe as I continued to get older, he reminded me of that story.
He reminded me of how important it is to be obedient to our parents.
He reminded me of how important it is for us to be obedient to him as our heavenly father because obedience also leads to covering, it leads to safety.
It leads to security. And sometimes when we get out of God’s covering, it’s because we weren’t obedient to do what God has told us to do.
That’s important. You might have a story similar to mine.
But I’m here to tell you this, that it doesn’t matter how much faith you have.
If there is no obedience, there is no victory. If there’s no obedience, there’s no breakthrough.
If there’s no obedience, there’s no manifestation. That word.
Faith in the Greek, it’s, it actually means a divine persuasion that we are divinely persuaded.
It says, now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen in Hebrews chapter 11 verse one.
And so we are divinely persuaded by faith.
But in order to get to what we’re persuaded exists for us, we’re gonna have to obey God in the route and journey.
He takes us to see it manifest.
So I believe that when we are fully persuaded, we become fully committed. I’m gonna say it again.
When you are fully persuaded, you become fully committed. No sacrifice is too big.
No price is too high to pay.
Because when you see that thing that God has put inside of you in your spirit, you see that promise that He promised in the word and you see that promise as yours, there’s no price too high to pay to be able to reach out and grab what God has sent Jesus down to already die, to provide that thing, the victory has already been won.
He’s died to provide everything you need.
All we have to do is reach out and grab it and we do it with our obedience and that sacrifice.
Faith is not faith without obedience. We have to be fully committed.
As a matter of fact, it says in James chapter two and verse 22 James 2 22 in the E S V English standard version, it says this, you see that faith was active all along with his works and faith was completed by his works.
Notice that word completed, that means that faith wasn’t yet complete until there was an action item attached to it.
That’s what we’re talking about works and the scripture was fulfilled, that says Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness.
Well, how did we know that Abraham believed God? Well, Abraham obeyed what God told him to do.
And the scripture says, and he was called a friend of God.
You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone. Verse 26.
For as the body, apart from the spirit is dead, we can all agree that that happens when somebody’s spirit leaves, that body is going back down to the dust and will drop down to the Earth.
So also is faith apart from works is dead. So faith without works it is dead.
Now, what’s necessary for us to understand is that just like if I put a glove on my hand right now, the glove isn’t my hand, but my hand is my hand and the glove only moves if my hand is in it.
Right. And so in order to move the glove, I have to put my hand in it.
And so the two work together and, you know, the gloves keep our hands warm.
Here in Chicago, it gets cold. But the two work together. Faith and works. They work together.
They’re not, you know, singular, they’re not exclusive to each other.
They work together and this word works, I believe is code and is a code word here for obedience.
So let’s put obedience in place in the scripture where the word works is you see that faith was active all along with his obedience and faith was completed by his obedience.
Oh, that’s good. And verse 26 for as the body apart from the spirit is dead.
So also faith, apart from obedience is dead, see, obedience is necessary.
Don’t just find works to prove that you have faith.
You gotta be obedient to what God is calling you to do. Write this down if you’re taking notes.
If you’re typing notes, obedience is like a magnet and it will attract to you.
Everything you need to be successful.
The title of my message here today is called sacrifice and it’s not just sacrifice, but sacrifice being the requirement for success, sacrifice, the requirement for success that all of us want to be successful.
I’ll go into a room with 100 young people. I’ll say, who wants to be successful? Every hand goes up?
So the question is not who wants to be successful?
The question is who’s ready to pay the price for success?
Because there’s a price to pay for success. And that price is obedience.
When you’re working with God, when you’re walking and God given purpose, that price is obedience.
Let’s keep going. I heard one man say it like this.
Successful people make a habit of doing things that unsuccessful people don’t like to do. I’ll say it again.
Successful people make a habit of doing things that unsuccessful people don’t like to do.
What are we talking about? We’re talking about courage. We’re talking about faith.
We’re talking about taking a risk according to what God says to do, we’re talking about stepping out, taking a chance, taking a chance on your dream and the vision that God has given you.
We’re talking about discipline and perseverance. We’re talking about being timely. We’re talking about sowing seeds.
Oh Don’t get me started about sowing seed. I believe in it. We’re talking about even volunteering your time.
We’re talking about doing all the things necessary to lay the groundwork for success.
Obedience is not always convenient, but it will always keep you covered protected and in position to receive the promises of God, you know, last year.
Um at the beginning of the year God moved on me and my wife, our hearts to sow a significant seed and this was the largest monetary seed that we had sown to date, um at, at, at one time.
And I was so grateful that God allowed us that opportunity to sow it.
But I mean, how many of you all have ever sowed a large seed before?
What you felt like was significant to you? It, it takes a moment to get there.
You know, even as God is stirring in your heart, you have to fight the thoughts that say, oh, this is too much or I had this earmarked for someone somewhere else or am I gonna come up short here or what’s gonna happen?
Or is this money just gonna float away? And I’ll never see it again.
And you have to fight those thoughts that the enemy will try to bring on to you.
And if you’re gonna sacrifice and be obedient, you have to push through with faith because if we’re gonna change our world, we need to have faith and sacrifice that match our heart and our passion to change the world.
And so we were able to sow that seed.
And, you know, I honestly, I was thinking twice about it.
You know, when God was speaking to us about it because I said, you know, we’re believing to build our next house.
And we hadn’t done anything yet because we were believing for the right piece of land.
And we wanted to buy the right piece of land first and then that would start our process and we would go down the steps.
So we are believing God for the right piece of land to, to buy, to build our next house.
And we have been saving up some money.
And so comes this kingdom opportunity to sow into a good Godly work.
And God starts to speak to our hearts and you know, the enemy, he’ll come to you and say, well, well, you need that money for the thing that you’re already believing for.
You know, you’re trying to do this thing over here. And so you need that money.
So maybe you should hold back and just, you know, give a smaller seed.
But God, he, he kept stirring our hearts. So we gave it.
And once, you know that at the time, there was a piece of property that we were looking at and we were believing for it.
And you know, we had contacted the seller and the seller, you know, we were going back and forth, we’d even put an offer on it.
And the seller actually ended up taking it off the market and said, hey, I’m gonna give it to my sister instead or sell it to my sister or whatever it is.
And that was the only piece of property that we liked in the area that we were looking at and we didn’t know what to do.
But how many of you all know that when you don’t know what to do, you can sow a seed, ask God say God, what should I do?
And God moved on our hearts to sow a seed.
So as we sold that significant seed, we were believing for the right piece of land and wouldn’t, you know that within uh maybe a few months later that that same land came right back on the market.
And I remember getting an email about it. I told my wife, I said, hey, baby, here, here it is.
Here it is. Check this out.
You remember the, the the land that we were looking at, we even put an offer on and then he took it off.
It’s back. I believe our seed brought it back.
He couldn’t give it to his sister if he paid her to take it because that thing was earmarked for us and our seed made it so and even furthermore, God brought all the money from our seed back and more because we were gonna reap a harvest on that seed sown.
So we were able to pay cash for that property. Oh God is good.
I believe God wants to do the same thing for you. But your breakthrough hinges on your obedience.
There can be no breakthrough without obedience, there can be no faith manifestation without obedience.
And there can be no obedience without sacrifice.
Hebrews chapter 12 and verse one, it says this Hebrews 12 1 in the N I V.
It says therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles us.
You know, when I read the scripture, I think about distraction, all the distractions of life, distractions here, distractions there.
What he said, what they said, what they might have tweeted about you posted online or what, you know, you’re looking at your bank account and seeing that you don’t have enough or things are happening at school or at home or in your marriage or maybe with your kids or with your parents, distractions, distractions, distractions.
But it said let us throw off everything that tries to distract us and let us run the race with perseverance.
The race marked out for us, not someone else’s race, not what somebody else is doing on Snapchat and Instagram and tiktok.
No, no, no. Our race. What has God told you to do?
See, I’m telling you some testimonies of what God has done in my life.
I know Doctor Winston has told you some testimonies of what God has done in his life, but God wants to do something amazing in your life too.
Our testimonies are just there to encourage you. We’re not trying to get you to mimic the tactics.
Just follow the principles and God will give you the tactics, the what to do.
But it says this, let us run the race marked out for us with perseverance.
Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith for the joy set before him.
He endured the cross scorning at shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
So here’s the secret to be able to endure whatever you’re facing and overcome it.
You have to look forward. Not behind. Now, I know that’s not deep. That’s real simple.
But the scripture says that fixing our eyes on Jesus, we are able to run our race with perseverance.
What track athlete do you know that’s competing in the Olympics, 100 m dash and is running the 100 m dash looking backwards.
No, no, that doesn’t happen. Well, why doesn’t it happen?
Well, it’s proven that you’ll run slower if you’re looking the opposite way, but also you’re liable to drift into somebody else’s line or you might be likely to trip up on your own feet and fall down, disqualify yourself from the race.
But for us, if we fix our eyes on Jesus, if we fix our eyes on God and the eternal things that he has, for us, as we study the word of God, as we fix our focus on the right things, then that will lead to perseverance through whatever you might be facing.
We have to look forward, not behind. I know, maybe there’s some mistakes back there.
Maybe there’s some wrong relationships back there, some wrong decisions.
Maybe you’ve done and said some wrong things, but look forward, don’t look behind you because it says that when we confess our sins, he’s faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
The Bible also says that when we do this, he’ll remember our sins no more.
So you don’t have to worry about having a meeting with God talking about all the stuff that you repented for.
No, no. He’ll say son, daughter, I, I don’t know what you’re talking about that has already been forgiven.
That’s been washed away by the blood of Jesus, but shame, condemnation, feeling bad and guilty for the things we’ve done in our past.
It holds so many people back and it holds us back from running the race with supernatural speed and supernatural endurance.
So how do you find the courage to move forward?
Fix your focus, fix your focus on the things ahead of you.
Fix your focus on what God is telling you to do next.
Fix your focus on the vision and the dream that God has given you.
Fix your focus on the goal that God has given you.
Maybe it’s to complete university or maybe it’s to get a job here or maybe it’s to serve at your local church or maybe it’s to take a different kind of role within your, your household.
What is the thing that God is speaking to you about?
Maybe it’s to write that song or sing that song.
Maybe it’s to write that book or start that business or organization.
And you’re saying, well, you know, I, I only have just this much but I’m here to tell you every tree that you will ever see in the earth, every tree had to start from a seed and every seed looked way more insignificant than the tree.
But the tree can’t exist without the seed.
And somebody God has called you to a multi billion rand, multi billion dollar corporation not to work in it, to own it.
But you’ve got to own the seed first.
You’ve got to make a decision that no start is too small because the Bible says, don’t despise small beginnings and the way you start is not the way you’re gonna end up.
But sometimes we look at the seed and we think how can a tree be in this?
And instead of planting it, we discard it, we throw it away.
I’m talking here to somebody who feels like they’ve been thrown away.
Maybe people gave up on you, maybe a teacher, a mentor, maybe somebody in the church gave up on you.
Maybe somebody turned their back on you in a time where you needed them the most.
And maybe you’re looking back because you’re trying to look back for their approval.
Maybe they’ll finally approve of me but I’m here to tell you that God approves of you.
He loves you and he’s put his stamp of approval on you and he’s made you so special and so unique that after he made you and released you in the earth, he stopped making you.
He stopped making the version of you because he perfected the recipe the first time he released you in the earth, no matter the conditions he released you in, no matter the household, the background, the demographic, what your skin color looks like, what your hair is like, the money you got in your account, the school you go to or don’t go to who you’re connected with.
None of that. God made you special and unique and thought enough of you to hold out until 2022 Until 2010, until 2003, until 1999, until 1985.
Whenever you hit the Earth, God authorized that moment and he puts you in the place that would push potential out of you.
Somebody’s wondering why have I been put in such a hard condition?
I believe that God he may have not authored it because he’s not trying to torture you.
But I believe He’s using it to push greatness out of you because potential is like toothpaste, it doesn’t just fall out.
It’s gotta be pushed out and God will use environments, circumstances, situations, people around us, even adverse conditions to help you see the great DNA inside of you, there’s greatness inside of you because you are a child of God.
But if the enemy can keep you blind to your greatness, you’ll settle for mediocre and you will convince other people that that’s where you belong.
God says no more. 20, is the year where your faith gets built so you can change your world.
Your school, your community, your family, God is gonna use you to build a new line of wealth in your family.
But you have to believe it. Thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph.
He’s called us to win every battle.
And I love what it says in Ephesians chapter three and verse 20, that God can do way more above and beyond more than we can ask or think according to the power that works inside of us, there is a power inside of us.
But as long as we don’t tap into that power, we live a life that’s powerless, that’s subject to the wills and decisions of others.
Government, politicians, school administrators, family and friends will live under their thumb only rising as high as their words allow us to no more.
God says come up, come out from under those things that have been spoken about you every curse word, we bind it, we send it back to the pits of hell and we break every negative word that’s been spoken over you in your life.
In Jesus name, we break that power and we decree and declare that you will do great things for God in this lifetime.
In Jesus name, you gotta believe it.
Oh man, I’m all off my notes, but that’s ok because I believe the key to success is this, you will find whatever you focus on, whatever you focus on you’re gonna find if you focus on.
Well, I’m just, I’m not right or I’m not the one for the job or I’m a loser, you’ll find it.
If you focus on, wait a minute, I’m the head and not the tail.
I’m above only and not beneath. I win every battle. God is always with me.
I don’t have to fear greater. Is he that is in me than he that is in the world.
If you focus on that, you’ll find more of that.
Focus on his promises, you’ll find them focus on the challenges, you’ll find more of them.
Here’s an example. There’s something in our brains called the reticular activation system.
It’s a network of neurons that’s located in the brain stem and it helps mediate behavior, consciousness, and motivation.
And I actually first hand had an encounter with the particular activation system and this is kind of an example of how it works.
I remember being young. Um and I was a young adult and I wanted a Acura T S X and Acura is a car manufacturer.
I’m not quite sure if they sell Acuras over there in Africa, but I wanted this brand new model that they came out with.
This is the first year that they came out with this model. And I wanted this accurate T S X.
And I was like, oh man, this is new, I can get this new model.
I’ll be the first one with it.
But what happened was interesting once I identified within myself that this was my true heart’s desire and I started focusing on it.
I started seeing the car everywhere on the street, the car that I didn’t see at all weeks prior, all of a sudden I start seeing it.
Has that ever happened to you before?
You’ve identified something that you like, maybe it’s not a car, maybe it’s something else.
But now you start seeing it everywhere, it’s popping up everywhere.
You know why your reticular activation system is at work.
It is now helping you identify what is important to you or gravitating you towards your desire.
And it happens at a subconscious level because those cars were always there that accurate T S X.
It was always there on the road.
Even though it was a new model, it was always there, but it wasn’t yet important to me until I decided this is what I want.
And when I decided to focus on it, I found more of it. Fix your focus.
What is God saying to you, adopt his vision for your life and put it down deep into your heart and don’t let anything or anyone talk you out of it.
If faith is the expectation for God to move your thinking is the permission, write this down or type this.
Our thoughts are the gatekeeper to our faith. Our thoughts are the gatekeeper to our faith.
If you cannot see it, you cannot seize it.
If you cannot think it, if you cannot at least receive it in your spirit, it’s hard to get to it in the natural.
The author of Hebrews tells us to run this race with endurance and perseverance that we have to fix our thoughts on God’s promises.
And I believe that this indicates that the race will be challenging.
There’s gonna be many hardships and obstacles that maybe we didn’t anticipate.
And I’m not here to talk to you about the gospel of hardship.
You might have gone through the school of hard knocks as they say.
But what I am here to tell you is that God is with you through every challenge, trial and tribulation.
As a matter of fact, it says in Hebrews chapter 12 and verse five, Hebrews 12 and verse five in the new international version.
And have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son, it says, my son do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, meaning don’t take it lightly, don’t be careless about it and do not lose heart when he rebukes you because the Lord disciplines the one he loves.
Oh, man, that’s a good nugget right there.
That when God is disciplining us, he’s showing us his love for us.
I have four kids and I’ve disciplined all of them and I never discipline them because I don’t like them or I’m mad at them.
I wanna show them how wrong they are. I just wanna punish them. No, no.
The discipline is there to lead them back to the right behavior and steer them away from the wrong behavior.
That’s what discipline does. And God disciplines us because He loves us and he’s trying to help us get to that place of destiny that he’s already spoken about that we are to arrive at.
And it says this, let’s keep going.
The Lord disciplines the one he loves and he chastens everyone he accepts as son.
It says this endure hardship as discipline.
God is treating you as his Children for what Children are not disciplined by their father.
If you are not disciplined and everyone undergoes discipline, then you are not legitimate, true sons and daughters at all.
Wow. Heavy words. Discipline is necessary.
Discipline is a part of the sacrifice that leads to obedience that leads to us doing and receiving what we need to receive from God and we’re doing the will of God.
It said before as we went earlier in the message that even Jesus learned obedience through the things that He suffered.
You know, the word disciple as Jesus had his 12 disciples and even dozens more that word disciple, it actually means disciplined one as a follower of Christ, that’s easy to grasp a disciplined one.
That’s what a disciple is. But I actually looked up this word disciple and it’s a Greek word or, or maths and it actually the first part of the world is math, which will we get our word math and it actually means mental effort.
Needed to think something through. I like that mental effort needed to think something through.
As a disciple of Christ, you are deciding to make the effort to think thoughts according to how God thinks and to sacrifice your old way of thinking.
That’s what a disciple is. You’re sacrificing your old way of thinking, adopting a new way of thinking.
And how do we cross that bridge discipline? One man says it like this.
You can either choose the pain of discipline or the pain of regret, but each one is a sacrifice.
Now, I don’t wanna have pain and regret.
I’d rather choose the sacrifice of discipline because discipline is how to cross the bridge from what we want to experiencing exactly what it is that we had desired.
That’s how we cross the bridge.
Every world class athlete, every champion, every high achiever will tell you that the main ingredient of their success is discipline.
What does it take to become a great leader? A high following, lots of followers?
On Tiktok or maybe a lot of people that know us or maybe a lot of money.
What God says that it takes to be a great leader is discipline, obedience, sacrifice.
Deciding to yield ourselves to God in God’s word.
That’s what helps us to become great in this life.
Deciding to sacrifice our own will for His deciding to be able to sacrifice that I’m gonna serve my neighbor, I’m gonna serve my friend.
I’m gonna serve those in the community because Jesus says that if you want to be great, you must be servant of all that takes sacrifice.
This word sacrifice sometimes is something that’s not talked about as often as it should be.
You know, I know sometimes people see the ministry and the worldwide influence that we have, they see what we have.
They see the things we have.
God has even blessed this ministry with our own corporate jet to travel privately to different places or countries of the earth.
That’s a great blessing. But it took a large sacrifice. It took a sacrifice of faith and obedience and perseverance.
My father, I’ve watched him for decades. Sacrifice, sacrifice.
And just when I thought he couldn’t sacrifice anymore sacrifice and sacrifice, that was part of the reason why I didn’t wanna go into the ministry.
I saw the toll that it took. I said, I don’t know, I don’t wanna sacrifice like that.
But God spoke to my heart called being a full time ministry, oh, maybe 15 years ago now, been doing it ever since, but make no mistake.
There is a sacrifice to build anything great for God to achieve any great dream. Their sacrifice.
That is the key to success sacrifice. It’s the requirement for success.
I believe God wants to use you to do some amazing things, not only in this year, but in your lifetime that God wants to do the miraculous through you.
He is counting on you. And you might be saying, well, I, I’ve never gone to University of Europe.
I don’t know anybody who started their business or nobody. My family has ever started a church.
God is waiting and ready to use you as the first one. I think that’s great. Good news.
You’re gonna be the first I speak that anointing over your life.
The anointing to pioneer things that is on me, on my family, on this ministry is coming on you today in jesus’ name, the anointing to start it, the anointing to have the wisdom, the grace, the, the competence, the strategy, the courage, the faith to start it.
It’s coming on you today. Don’t sell yourself short because if God has called you to it, he’s installed everything inside of you to do it.
Oh, that’s good. Somebody should write that down. Put it in a tweet somewhere.
Oh man, God is good. He hasn’t missed or forgotten anything.
And my friend, he’s not forgotten about you.
I hope that this session and this whole week has been used to really build your faith to let you know that you can change your world.
All it takes is the faith of one man, one woman, one young man, one young woman, one boy, one girl to be able to change it entire city, entire community, God used or, or Jesus used, you know, in the Bible, Jesus used the five loaves and two fishes from a 12 year old boy To feed an entire flock of people.
An army of people could be 20 or 30,000 people, a whole arena of people.
God used 1 12 year old boy to feed them all.
What would they have done if he didn’t sacrifice what he had in his basket?
Turn it over to Jesus to be able to feed so many or maybe they would have gone hungry, maybe they would have gone and found some other food somewhere else.
But that example is exactly what happens in society, no matter what country of the world you are.
If you’re in South Africa, if you’re on the continent of Africa, another continent, when you withhold what you have in your hand, in your basket, when you withhold that and don’t submit it to the Lord as a sacrifice to say, do more with this than I ever could do other people.
They go without other people may go hungry, maybe not literally hungry, but maybe metaphorically hungry because the world is waiting on your solutions, your gift, your know how your creativity, your innovation, your insight, the way you do things, the way you run meetings, the way you do that artwork, the way you would do in politics or in government or in the school administration system, the way you would do in sports, the world is waiting for the way you are going to do it.
And when you withhold the world actually misses out. There’s a disparity.
Somebody somewhere is not getting what they need as long as we hang back and look at what we have as an insignificant and we don’t offer it to the world.
Jesus says, will you offer what you have and turn it over to me as a sacrifice so it can become something greater.
Let’s pray. Heavenly Father. We thank you for this session.
Lord, I pray for everybody under the sound of my voice. Who heard this message?
Let every seed go deep into the hearts of every person and bear forth much good fruit.
I thank you Lord, that you would give us a new revelation of the greatness that’s inside of us, that we truly have faith to change our world.
And Lord that you would show us a glimpse of exactly how you want to use us in your kingdom and in this earth to be a walking billboard for your goodness.
We thank you Father God for it. We call it done, right? Now in Jesus name, Amen and Amen.
Or you’re gonna hear another great message from my father, Doctor Bill Winston.
But until I see you again next time or maybe I see you again next year, I love you and keep walking by faith.
What a relevant word for the next generation.
I want to encourage all of you to get your youth and your young leaders to listen to this teaching.
If you would like to purchase all of the evening sessions on DVD CD MP four or MP3, then simply email us on orders at Bill Winston dot org dot Z A.
It’s orders at Bill Winston dot org dot Z A and we will make it happen for you and that’s it from me.
But don’t forget we have Pastor David Winston at five PM and doctor Bill Winston at seven PM.
Love you all. And God bless in the words of doctor Bill Winston.
Keep walking by faith.
- The Transformative Power of God’s WordTháng 12 30, 2022