New Trees – Back to The Basics

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New Trees – Back to The Basics

Mark 8:22 recounts the event of how Jesus spit on the eyes of a blind man. He asked the man what do you see? The man responded, “I see men as trees, walking.” In this new series New Trees, by Dr. Bill Winston you will gain the understanding:

* You have a Kingdom production center in you

* Trees are belief systems that we need to change, by the Word of God

* You have to sow a seed of the Word to produce a tree of faith.

Sometimes, as we grow in our Christian walk, we forget about the basics that got us there. Yet, the basics of our faith are the very foundation we need to be successful in our relationship with the Lord and with others, and to fulfill God’s plans and purposes for our Kingdom destiny. In this Back to the Basics series, a powerful compilation of 16 series of dynamic teachings by Dr. Bill Winston, you will learn how to renew and re-energize your Christian walk.

Enhance your life as a believer with our Back to The Basics series. Order Today

Bill Winston Ministries (BWM) is a partnership-based outreach ministry to take the uncompromised Word of God to the whole world, starting with the major cities of our nation. To learn more about BWM partnership, visit

the believer’s Walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries partners and viewers this summer embark on a transformative Journey with the believer’s Walk of Faith as we dive into the foundational teachings of Faith join Dr Bill Winston in our powerful summer series back to the basics where will’ll unlock the Timeless wisdom and Revelation for walking by Faith from his extensive Library we’re going back to Old School say amen amen we going back to the oldies but goodies these are things that’ll work for you I don’t care
what season you’re in I don’t care whether you got a PhD or no D I don’t care whether you’re in Africa or in Asia this will work for you any time any place get ready for the basic fundamentals for every believer to live a Victorious Life as a kingdom citizen don’t miss out tune in every week to gain understanding Revelation and reignite your commitment of Faith watch every week on Believers walk of faith and spread the [Music] word we’re going to have to fulfill our Dominion mandate mandate so it’s a mandate mandate is
something that you have to do when he says let them have dominion he wasn’t suggesting this he was saying you’re going to have dominion over all the Earth right now with that new trees and these new trees are going to have a new level of production amen and and be able to produce or bring forth new something by the superior method of the spirit yes sir when you’re dealing with 4D yeah you’re looking at something 3D can’t see yeah [Applause] when you had six Kings second Kings chapter 6 and you had it where you had
all these um Syrian Army surrounding him yes gesi saw Syrian Army yes what was he in 3D glory to Elisha saw what army what was he in 4D now the person in 4D yes Lord could stop anything that’s trying to happen to you in [Applause] 3D are y’all following what I’m saying I’m I’m saying to you that this is important yes now if somebody around you don’t act like they want this look the other way don’t even don’t give them don’t give them a time a day because us not operating in 4D has caused the enemy to do what he
has done today and it is a mess and we are going to clean it up we going to clean it up so my point to you is I’m I’m only telling you that because God made it so that we can move up to this next level and operate on this next level now what happened to the man John chapter 5 here was a man that sat by the pool of Bethesda and he had been there how many years 38 38 years and in 38 years him being there uhhuh what did they do uh they would come when the water is stirred they would come and try to get in the water first and whoever first got
in the water what happened they were healed so he had been trying to do this for 38 years with no success so Jesus came to him and said do you want to be made whole and he begin to give excuses that somebody else is my [Applause] problem I’m saying that’s what 3D people do they they are quick to claim the victim and say somebody else is keeping me from being at a success amen but if they get saved and get to be 4D can nobody keep you because God is for
you sir see this this whole business about what the man is doing to me and all of that that’s all 3D stuff what you need to tell them first is they need to get saved and once they get saved tell them they need to go down there and listen to bill winon now I’m not I’m not trying to push my own but in Jesus name I’m going to tell him to cut that mess out that the man is not your problem your problem is your big mouth and your problem is your brain it you letting yourself say ignorant when God has called you to be
smart well I’m preaching now and I’m saying that it’s time for the church to get Beyond 3D and get on up to 4D stop the devil and take everything that he’s solding including our cities now I’m going back over all right now think about this now in this new place of manifesting or embracing uh your Dominion mandate um Jerry’s watch so I showed you where Jerry said something he said uh they were all speaking at this particular meeting and he said who’s speaking after me he said Charles is he
said well I think I’ll take Charlie’s time too and laughed about it and then he start speaking looked at his watch looked like everything was okay he kept speaking looked at his watch everything was okay okay looked at his watch and his watch had stopped said whoa he said what time is it the moderator said you have not only taken your time but you’ve taken Charles’s time and J said okay I don’t need to speak I just want to make one I want to make one statement Jerry has trained his Spirit to bring to pass everything that
he says now you think about that that’s the way you were supposed to live that Adam was not supposed to be in a place of just running off at the mouth he was not supposed to be he was supposed to be in a place that whatever he said would come to pass whatever he decreed would happen say Amen to this no what was his were his hands used to do his hands were used to Gathering watch this his mind was made together see his Spirit produces it and if it’s a thought his mind gathers it all right all right am I getting too
deep all right just just here I’m training you for the next level say next level next level folks on this next level you’re going to be able to produce things that the the Lord have mercy that you will become Unstoppable all right let me keep going here all right so this are Lord how there’s a lot of examples I can give you but that’s Jar’s watch let’s let’s go on down so now the seeds planting seeds of dominion planting seeds of dominion now here’s a storm it comes up Jesus is on the ship and he goes over to the other
side with the disciples and a storm comes up perfect storm if you will and nobody they they they knew they woke him up say Hey you better get up we we’re about to die who would you think behind that storm trying to kill him it was the devil now you GNA have to stop the devil yes cuz he can create a storm now watch this then Jesus wakes up and he speaks to the wind and to the Sea and says peace be still and there was a what a great Cal than and the disciple says what manner of man is this that even the wind and the Sea obey him
watch this over in Psalm 89 and n and I’m going to have you read that ready read thou theing of sea the all right so th is called seed wow look at Luke 8 verse 11 very quickly all right and look what it says Ready read now the parable is this the seed is the word of God stop the seed is the word now the way Kingdom operates on another level is Mark 4 and verse 14 since the seed is the word it says Mark 4:14 the s
showeth the word so my first step to getting dominion over a storm is that I’ve got to plant a tree pardon me a seed that will bring forth a tree of dominion I hear it now now y’all with me here now I’m saying this because you make application not only to that you can make application to anything on and I told you I had to s a seed for my marriage here’s my woman and here we got married and after about 68 months the enemy telling me you married the wrong woman she can’t cook like your mama blah
blah blah and so I went and got a book called praying God’s word go in my and look at that I got it on the desk there praying God’s word so I got the book and opened it to a w a prayer for my wife cuz I don’t need no prayer can’t you see that agree with me say yes Pastor all right in Jesus name but I begin to say father I thank you that I my wife is a virtuous woman she always does me good as long as that’s life within her bread of God gossip discontent self-pity she does not eat she gets up early get spiritual food
for the house she signs her M her ma their task she does not Court neglect of a present duties by assuming others she opens her mouth with skillful and godly wisdom and her tongue is the law of kindness she gives counsel and instruction and and the word is working mly in our marriage we’ve been transformed into the image of Jesus by the renewal of our mind read that and then some to tell me that ain’t true why because in my mind she didn’t act like that but I kept praying [Music] that the S Seth the
[Applause] word and now I have a marriage made in heaven now why is it made in heaven cuz they were Kingdom seeds they came from the kingdom of God and they will change anything on the earth now you can actually get seeds to stop a storm and the Believers supposed to be able to imitate god well you can’t imitate God if you don’t have the image of God so these seeds give you the image of what God sees you operating like and they produce a belief system that if you say it God will back it say Amen to that’s the way this
works now what would it work with it’ll work with storms watch this it’ll work with healing go over to Matthew’s gospel 16 are y’all here and look at 16 and verse SE uh 18 pardon me now this is Jesus in his last message to his disciples ready read they shall take ups and if they drink any dead it shall not hurt them they shall L hands on and they shall recover they shall what they shall lay hands on the sick and they might no no no no what did he say they shall recover you see if you got that in your believer then every
time they will recover can’t you see look what it said in Luke 4 and verse 440 ready read [Music] [Applause] now check it out didn’t Jesus said the things that I do you do too every time every time every time listen why cuz you don’t heal them you lay the hands but the healer is is in you say Amen every time people in this church going to lay hands on the sick and every time every time every time in Jesus name every time I don’t care what they got every time every time say 4 d 4 d that is 4D
operation well I hope so hope so let’s go to one more how about prayer Jesus said something about his prayer and that was found in John 11 and verse 41 ready read the where the wasid and Jesus lifted up his eyes I thank the that thou me and I knew that always I hear him what always always you hear me always he didn’t never get up from prayer and hope the father heard him and you should never get up from prayer the only reason you can get up from prayer and hope the father heard you cuz you don’t have the
tree because you never got to but today I’m giving you the seed that every time you pray I said every time you pray his answer is yes and amen glory to God this side coming alive over [Applause] here I believe it’s some Millionaires and billionaires over here W all right all right let let’s look at this let’s look at first John in first John chapter uh 5 and verse 14 I want you to read that with me now 1 John 5:14 ready read and is confidence he us and he know that he [Applause]
[Music] all you got to do is pray according to his will his will comes from that Bible and his will also can be a word that God will give you God when I first got born again I didn’t know much I was listening at a guy named Charles cap and I was also passing by this Catholic church cuz I live downtown and I walked to IBM to my job and I would pass by this church and I’d wait till they have between Services um I would go in there and get on my knees and pray I didn’t know much about it but I was working I was trying to
work my faith and so forth and I was praying because everything had gone wrong and that is why I reached out to Jesus to be saved and he saved me but watch this then I’m praying and all of a sudden I heard this voice don’t worry William you’ll be all right whoa and I open my eyes to look and see if anybody else heard that and nobody heard it but not only did I hear it I saw it on like a a marquee outside of a movie house I saw the letters go by don’t worry William you’ll be all right and once I
believe that I start saying everything’s going to be all right watch this and everything turned around my relationships turned around my body got miraculously healed my performance went to the top of the ladder I’m telling you oh you need is one word from God and if you believe that and let that seed come in here it’ll produce what it say don’t worry everything for you is going to be all right I don’t know what you going through but it’s going to be all right in Jesus [Applause] name take your
seats glory to God glory to God well I hear that in my spirit everything is going to be all right don’t worry your worry is over I said everything for you in the sound of my voice it’s going to be all [Applause] right well praise the Lord I trusted you enjoyed that teaching now this teaching is something that you might not hear all the time it’s really a teaching talking about walking with faith it’s it’s saying that there is a lower realm that we can walk in called three dimension and you’ve heard of it well Jesus
ministered in the fourth dimension um there’s a man Dr Cho wrote a book on it called the fourth dimension but he ministered on a level that’s above the 3D level in other words things sickness disease all that crime all that that’s in 3D but if you can come up the fourth dimension you can Master 3D and that’s what this is about it’s it’s uh having to produce something by the superior method of the spirit you see you and I can take a axe and chop down a tree we can do that but Jesus didn’t chop down a
tree he spoke to it why he was doing it by the superior method of the spirit and what he did he was teaching his disciples they could do the same thing you and I now this teaching is most important because this will take you out of religion and put you up in right ousness this will put you in a place of dominion and that’s where you want to be get this teaching you will not regret it it is powerful it’s time to change from 3D to 4D this is Bill Winston I’ll see you next time keep walking by faith blessed by today’s message order
new trees in its entirety to receive the full two-part series available on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP4 to order contact us at 1-800-711-9327 or online at let this powerful series help uproot the negative trees and plant positive trees in your life to yield the fruit of God’s blessing I want to ask you a question if you left this Earth today where would you go glory to God I got good news for you you can choose the place Hallelujah I don’t know about you but I’m going to be with him when I leave this earth and
I’m going to live a long life well here’s what I want you to do to be certain why don’t you to pray this prayer with me dear Lord come into my heart I believe that you died for my sins and you Rose again and now I believe in you thank you Lord for saving me in Jesus name amen man now if you prayed that prayer I want to send a book to you it’s called Born Again in spirit fill it’s talking about what your next steps are send for it today I want to congratulate you you have just made a decision and now you know where you’re
going God bless you and walk by faith sometimes as we grow in our Christian walk we forget about the basics that got us there yet the basics of our faith are are the very Foundation we need to be successful in our relationship with the Lord and with others and to fulfill God’s plan and purpose for our kingdom Destiny in this back to the basics series a powerful compilation of 16 series of dynamic teachings by Dr Bill Winston you will learn how to renew and re-energize your Christi one get your copy of this
musthave series on USB to order go online at or call us at 1-800-711-9327 doctors Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you we know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life contact us by phone at 1877 7543 9443 or submit your prayer request online at billwinston.
org SL prayer we want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible together we are transforming lives throughout the world if you are not a partner we encourage you to pray about joining us in Partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry we love you and look forward to praying and partnering with [Music] you greetings Pastor Winston I watch your live Services as often as I can and at night I listen again to the powerful word of God that you preach you speak of
owning our homes debt-free and owning businesses I want to tell you that those seeds were planted into my heart and the Lord blessed me to purchase my home in Atlanta paid in full and a vehicle praise God I thank you for helping me to stretch my faith and to believe that God can do more than I can ask or imagine the believer’s Walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries partners and and viewers now remember you need Faith to get to your destiny so don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification
Bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos this is Bill Winston I love you and keep walking by faith
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