Master Over Time – Power of Prayer and Praise Vol. 2
Master Over Time – Power of Prayer and Praise Vol. 2
In Power of Prayer and Praise Volume 2 Bill Winston teaches on principles of effective prayer and gives you four steps to getting your prayers answered. This series reveal that: Everyone that asks according to the Word of God receives Prayer is spiritual but has visible manifestations You were design for the impossible and to demonstrate heaven on earth. Let the revelation shared in this teaching series help you build a greater understanding of the value and importance of prayer in a Believer’s life. This series will teach you how to operate in the realm of the supernatural where there are no limits!
The believer’s wonk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston, ministry partners and viewers, doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you.
We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life.
We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible.
If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry.
Prayer has kind of been looked at as a mystery.
You will see that it’s not really a mystery at all. It’s just truth.
Once you got revelation, revelation brings you right into faith, you don’t have any doubt when you can see it.
So revelation lets you see it. So doubt will go away and faith will come.
I want you to see what’s happening behind the scenes because if you don’t know what’s happening behind the scenes, your faith may give out.
I’m born from a realm with no time and I have been placed in a realm of time, not to be subdued by time, but to be a master over time.
Do not look for feeling. It’s a trick.
It’s designed to draw you back in time so the devil can negate your faith. You can’t feel faith.
Faith is a spirit and it’s a force that comes out of your human spirit for you to get action from God, you’re gonna have to leave your flesh.
I don’t care what doctor’s report was given to you. Your faith can move the professionals.
We talk about answered prayer for everyone that asks what receive.
Now, let’s go to go to John chapter first, John first John chapter five first and verse 14, it says, look at that first because I want you to get understanding that there’s no feelings involved in this that if you feel it, then maybe you’re not in time.
I mean, maybe maybe you’re not in the spirit but you’re in time.
And if you’re in time, the devil gonna mess with you because he must keep you in time to delay your fate, to delay your thing.
He’s got to keep you in time. If he can’t keep you in time, he can’t do nothing with you.
See, Satan was cast out and placed under time, everything he does.
It must be such as common to man.
So if I stay above feelings, I stay above Satan.
So Jesus, once he spoke to the tree, he didn’t examine that tree.
Let me, let me see if this thing worked. No, no, no.
That would be the flash again because corresponding action will tell me to believe what I said is gonna come to pass and just rejoice going by my because it did happen.
What did I say to turn first G forward?
This is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his, what will he, what here’s us?
Where can I find his will? OK. All right. It is work.
If I know that he hear me, how do I know he hears me?
Because I work. I prayed and asked according to his will. Did I feel anything?
Do not look for feelings? It’s a trick. It’s designed to draw you back in time.
So the devil can negate your faith. You can’t feel faith.
Faith is a spirit and it’s a force that comes out of your, your human spirit.
And the way you get it is through the word, say amen to that right now, I’m preaching to you.
And the reason why you’re feeling something is because there’s a confidence coming. I said, there’s a confidence coming.
I if you’re in a battle and you feel like you wanna faint, let me show you what the problem is.
Let’s just look at it real quick. Let’s look at uh uh Proverbs 24 verse five.
Now we look at this last time. I, I need to go ahead.
All right, Proverbs uh 24 verse five, a wise man is strong and a man of knowledge increases strength.
So what’s gonna increase my strength? Some more knowledge, some more knowledge?
So if I get in a battle and I feel like I want a faint, what’s my problem?
Look at verse 10. Let’s see what my problem is.
If I feel like I want a faint here, if thou faint in the day of adversity is because your strength is small.
Well, what am I gonna do? Then you get some more strength. I gotta go to the word.
I gotta go through the work man.
When those guys were, were now pressure was on them and the pressure was on them saying if you don’t bow down, you’re gonna go in that furnace.
And what did they say? The God that we serve? He will deliver us.
Now that took strength and it comes through knowledge.
So I gotta come to this church here to learn to get at least some teaching on who God says I am say because the more I have, the more confidence I get and the more confidence I get, the more force of faith comes through.
Now you found what I’m saying?
Pressure gonna come, it’ll come in the world, all kinds of places, but you gotta, you gotta resist that pressure.
How are you gonna do it? You’re gonna have to have some faith.
This is the confidence that we have in Him that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.
Now, let’s put up first John chapter five and verse 15.
And if we know that He hear us, whatever we ask, we know we what have the petition that we desired of Him.
So if I ask you after you’ve prayed, do you have it?
You gotta say yes, see this. You, you can’t say no, you can’t say I, I can’t feel anything.
Reverend, you’re not in that area. You all promises of God must first be received by faith.
Put up first Corinthians 15 and 55 0, please.
And look what it says here about the Kingdom of God.
Now this I say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.
You can’t even get it with flesh.
All these promises in here, none of them you can get with flesh.
We ought to get faith.
How does faith come by hearing what the word is that it look and Mark’s Gospel in chapter seven.
And from then he arose and went into the borders of Tas and entered into a house that would have no man know it, but he could not be here.
Now, watch this for a certain woman whose young daughter had an unclean spirit heard of him and came and fell at his feet.
She was a Greek sour Phonic by nation and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter.
But Jesus said to her, let the Children first be filled for it is not me to take the children’s bread and cast it into it unto the dogs.
Now, somebody’s being called a dog there somewhere and she answered and said to him, yes, Lord, get the dogs under the table, eat the children’s crumbs.
And he said to her for this saying, go that way The devil is going out of your daughter.
Now, wait a minute.
He was not supposed to minister to her because he didn’t come first for the Greeks.
She was a Greek. He came for the jew first romans chapter one.
So it wasn’t her, come on time but notice her faith move time.
I won’t see it. I don’t care what doctor’s report was given to you.
Your faith can move the professionals time.
See, I’m born from a realm with no time and I have been placed in a realm of time, not to be subdued by time, but to be a master over time.
Well, we looked at second Corinthians put it up on the board chapter one and verse 20 for all the promises of God in Him are what yay and in Him.
Amen. So what is God gonna say in answer to a promise that you have requested through prayer? Yes.
So no such thing as no, no such thing as no.
So everyone that asks come on receives you. All right.
Now, let’s look at it because the tendency is to think that we got to wait a long time before God answers this prayer.
Psalm one oh two, put that up there. Psalm one oh two and verse one. Hear my prayer.
Oh Lord Lord hammers and let my cry come into the next verse, hide not thy face from me in the day when I am in trouble, incline thine ear unto me in the day when I call, answer me speed.
Let’s go to 2nd Kings chapter 19. Ok?
So any time you want to build your faith for something and get strong, what are you gonna do?
Go to the word of God, go to the word of God. Word will bring faith to move time.
Alright? So look, what happened is Hezekiah, he’s surrounded by the enemy, the Assyrians and they’re taking everything threatening him.
And so he cuts the door, the gold off the door knobs and gives it to the king of Syria thinking that he can appease him.
But how many of you know, you cannot appease the devil, right?
So he start enemy, start moving and advancing for him some more.
And so next thing you know is Hezekiah sent to Isaiah to go get a word from the Lord.
Go get a word from the Lord because the Lord’s word is gonna build what is gonna build faith confidence?
Ok? All right. So they come back with the word verse 14.
And Hezekiah received the letter at the verse 14 of the hand of the messengers and read it.
And Hezekiah went up into the house of the Lord and spread it before the Lord keep going.
And Hezekiah prayed before the Lord and said, oh, Lord God of Israel, stop right there.
Let’s go all the way down to verse 20.
And Isaiah, the son of Amos is after Hezekiah prayed, sent to Hezekiah saying thus says, the Lord God of Israel, that which you have prayed to me against Reb of Assyria.
What I have heard. Now, remember this is the confidence that we have in Him that if we ask anything according to his will, he what he’s up.
So he had to sin to the prophet to get the will of God because they didn’t have the Bible like you’ve got it, but he had to sin and get the word of God, which is the will of God from the prophet.
They brought it back in writing and he took it, took it up to the house of God and reminded God of his word, say amen to this right now.
Notice so far, he didn’t feel anything right.
So he prayed, then he got a word back from the prophet that says, God heard you.
He didn’t say God was gonna deliver, you gotta be there gotta be there next Tuesday around three o’clock.
He’s gonna send some angel. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t say. God heard you. Only thing you wanna know.
Did he hear me? Come on in prayer for you to be effective?
The only thing you wanna know? Did he hear me? How do you know He heard you?
Because you’re gonna pray exactly what’s in here.
Now, remember when you start praying this your flesh is gonna wanna participate, is gonna wanna do something.
So I gotta do something. I gotta cry.
I gotta, I gotta shout, I, I got God may not hear me. God. I mean something, your flash.
I’m telling you right now. I’ve been here.
It, it just doesn’t like you to say God, I just praise you. I thank you so much. It.
Oh God. Oh All right.
Look what he said after this. Come on, come on, come on y’all with me.
I’m trying to take the emotion out of this thing because that is no indication that God heard you for you to get action from God.
You’re gonna have to leave your flesh. And what you gotta do is you gotta practice his presence.
You gotta practice leaving that flesh.
When you, when you wanna say something, the Bible said, even those who speak bad about you and so forth that bless those that, that, that persecute you and say all manner of the folks.
You gonna have to put your flesh under to do that.
But we’re gonna leave this flash because we got something to do Like I told you, Paul said, I buffet my flesh and some people are confused that with the word buffet, it’s not buffet, it’s buffet.
Wait a minute. Look what it said in verse 35. And it came to pass that night.
That’s what I want you to underline that night. Speedily.
You don’t need to be waiting months for your check to come and so forth.
Get your faith and take Dominion over time.
Mm That night folks, there’s so many scriptures that I look at it just and they’re easy scriptures.
Now, look, look, Lord, it took God. Oh, I got so much. I wanna show you now.
Just look at, look at second Corinthians chapter six and this is second Corinthians chapter six.
Now this is when the prophet was all of a sudden surrounded by the enemy.
He was surrounded by the enemy, the enemy had surrounded him.
They had located him and said, hey, the king said, go get him and it went and surrounded the city of Dothan.
So he had no escape, no escape.
Now, look what, look, look what he didn’t panic, check it out because fear will bring you down in flesh.
That’s what it’s designed to do. Fear designed to rob you of time. All right.
Now, look what it says here. Second Kings chapter 6 15, please.
When the servant and man of God was risen up early, I’m about to go and it was gone forth.
Behold. The host can pass the city both with horses and chariots.
And his servant said to him, alas master, come on. How, what are we gonna do?
What are we gonna do now? He answered and said, fear, not keep going for.
They that be with us. I’m more than they that be with them. Keep going, keep going, keep going.
And Elijah prayed and said, Lord, I pray thee what, open his eyes, that he may what see and what happened.
Lord, open his eyes when as soon as he prayed and he saw and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elijah.
Now next verse and look what he says.
And when they, they had come down to him, Elijah prayed again, Lord, what he said, smite these people with blindness.
I pray with blindness and he smoked them with blindness according to what the word.
Now I’m saying, this is old Testament. You’re under a better testament coven.
Now look at here at acts chapter 16 verse 25 I’m here to tell you, renew your mind that God’s will answer your prayer right away.
Your mind had been trained in time and time told you that you’re gonna have to wait a while for the prayer to be answered.
I’m here to tell you, God has given you faith to override time and where it would take time.
God will make you move time into your time and have it come when you say it is.
And at midnight, Paul and Silas did what prayed and did what else say praises to God.
And the prisoners heard them watch this, watch this. And what suddenly I said, what?
Suddenly somebody is about to have some suddenly coming in their life. There are some suddenly about to come.
That was a great earthquake.
God showed up and I’m telling you, he showed up right after they prayed, I’m tired of this, waiting on prayer for, for months, waiting on, come on, waiting on a promotion, waiting on this house, waiting on this money, waiting on this wisdom, waiting on this.
I’m telling you, God has given you the ability to override this time.
Great three. He showed up at the graveside of lads.
She said, wait a minute.
She said, if you had only been here earlier, he would not have died.
Jesus said, wait a minute. You don’t know who I am.
I am the alpha. Come on, that’s the beginning. I am the omega.
That’s the end. I am the first and I am the last.
See, Jesus can go either way, the word will go either way the word to go back to something that was lost and bring it into the present or go in the future and something you ain’t never had yet and bring it into the now This brother had been dead four days and stinking body decomposing.
Jesus said, that ain’t nothing for me. You don’t know who I am. I am the resurrection.
I’m the one who wrote the faith can go either way, you can go backwards in times or forward in time.
Look what it says here, this is Hezekiah.
Now Hezekiah was, was told, get your house in order you’re gonna die.
Hezekiah began to pray to the Lord and he prayed and supplicated to the Lord.
And then before Isaiah got out of the house, look at verse five, put it up there.
If you will in verse five, turn again and tell Hezekiah the captain of my people.
Thus sayeth the Lord, the God of David, thy father. I have heard what your prayer.
I have seen your what tears behold. I will do what to you heal you.
And on the third day, thou shalt go up into the house of the Lord.
And there’s a guy said to Isaiah, what shall be the sign that the Lord will heal me?
See you. You don’t need a sign.
I said, you don’t need a sign and what people do.
They want some sign because they want something to hold on to well, hold on to the book that the Lord will heal me and that I shall go up into the house of the Lord the third day.
Watch this Isaac said to him, this sign shall thou have of the Lord that the Lord will do this thing that he spoke has spoken.
Shall the shadow go forward 10 degrees or backwards 10 degrees.
Now, come on, bring your mind on up. What is he saying? The shadow is a sun dial.
So what do you want the son to do?
You want the son to reposition itself forward or do you want the son to back up?
Can you see what I’m saying? I’m saying?
What will cause your business to have one year to get up to $1 million.
We can do it in one month. How, how you want that in?
Yeah, I’m telling you, faith can take you backwards or forwards.
Let’s read the scripture again. Mark 1124.
Therefore, I said to you what things soever you desire come on, when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them.
Now that scripture is for your heart, not for you.
He, you might doubt in your head, but doubt not in your heart.
Whatever God says is yours is yours. Jesus. Jesus was showing them what’s possible in their lives.
Today’s teaching is the power of prayer and praise volume two.
Now, here’s something that you really want to remember when you’re engaged in prayer.
You and I were born from above. In other words, we were born out of God.
We, we inside of us is just like God. So now with that, we operate like God.
Now, when God and you’re dealing with God, there is no time now.
He wants us to come up that same level of operation because he’s placed us who can operate above time in time.
Now, if you do that, do you know how not to be subdued by time?
But to master time, I’ll tell you about that in just a minute.
Our announcer is gonna give you some important information and how you can order this powerful set of teachings.
And I’ll be right back. Prayer has kind of been looked at as a mystery.
You will see that it’s not really a mystery at all. It’s just truth.
Once you got revelation, revelation brings you right into faith, you don’t have any doubt when you can see it.
So revelation let you see it. So doubt will go away and faith will come.
I want you to see what’s happening behind the scenes because if you don’t know what’s happening behind the scenes, your faith may give out.
I’m born from a realm with no time and I have been placed in a realm of time, not to be subdued by time, but to be a master over time.
Do not look for feeling. It’s a trick. It’s designed to draw you back in time.
So the devil can negate your faith. You can’t feel faith.
Faith is a spirit and it’s a force that comes out of your human spirit for you to get action from God, you’re gonna have to leave your flesh.
I don’t care what doctor’s report was given to you, your faith can move the professionals.
Take a look behind the scenes of your faith in action when you negate the fears that attempt to stop your answer.
Prayer. In Pastor Winston’s life changing series, the power of prayer and praise.
Volume two to order on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP four, contact us online at Bill Winston dot org.
You can also call us at 1 807 119327.
The word of God will build your faith and faith is needed to override time.
Now, let me show you how that works.
If let’s say somebody gets hurt or break their arm or bone in the arm or something like that, it’s gonna take time to heal.
So logic says, or technology says, I’ve got to wait on time.
But in the prayer of faith, I release faith that over rides time and I get a miracle.
In other words, the person’s bone get healed right there they go to the hospital back to doctor, takes the X ray.
My goodness, this thing is healed. I have had that happen.
Somebody come to the altar, they came to get born again, they got born again.
The arm was on a cat so forth and so on, went back, they couldn’t move their hand.
All of a sudden I prayed for them, they could move their hand, notice it overrode time and it’ll do that for any area of your life.
You see, we were never meant to serve time. Time was meant to serve us just like money.
If you will, we were never meant to serve money. Money was meant to serve us.
So I’m saying from this day forward, I’m believe in God that you’re gonna walk by faith and override time and every prayer that you pray according to the word of God.
God will answer right now. Praise the Lord.
This is Bill Winson saying we love you tune in next time now and keep walking by faith.
Doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you.
We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life.
We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible.
If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry.
The mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
We invite you to become a partner and join doctor Bill Winston as he trains believers how to live independent of this world system and have Dominion over it.
Thank you, Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers for your continuous support of the believers.
Walk of faith, broadcast the believer’s walk of faith.
Is paid for by Bill Winston Ministry partners and viewers.
Now, remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you.
We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life.
We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible.
If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry.
Prayer has kind of been looked at as a mystery.
You will see that it’s not really a mystery at all. It’s just truth.
Once you got revelation, revelation brings you right into faith, you don’t have any doubt when you can see it.
So revelation lets you see it. So doubt will go away and faith will come.
I want you to see what’s happening behind the scenes because if you don’t know what’s happening behind the scenes, your faith may give out.
I’m born from a realm with no time and I have been placed in a realm of time, not to be subdued by time, but to be a master over time.
Do not look for feeling. It’s a trick.
It’s designed to draw you back in time so the devil can negate your faith. You can’t feel faith.
Faith is a spirit and it’s a force that comes out of your human spirit for you to get action from God, you’re gonna have to leave your flesh.
I don’t care what doctor’s report was given to you. Your faith can move the professionals.
We talk about answered prayer for everyone that asks what receive.
Now, let’s go to go to John chapter first, John first John chapter five first and verse 14, it says, look at that first because I want you to get understanding that there’s no feelings involved in this that if you feel it, then maybe you’re not in time.
I mean, maybe maybe you’re not in the spirit but you’re in time.
And if you’re in time, the devil gonna mess with you because he must keep you in time to delay your fate, to delay your thing.
He’s got to keep you in time. If he can’t keep you in time, he can’t do nothing with you.
See, Satan was cast out and placed under time, everything he does.
It must be such as common to man.
So if I stay above feelings, I stay above Satan.
So Jesus, once he spoke to the tree, he didn’t examine that tree.
Let me, let me see if this thing worked. No, no, no.
That would be the flash again because corresponding action will tell me to believe what I said is gonna come to pass and just rejoice going by my because it did happen.
What did I say to turn first G forward?
This is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his, what will he, what here’s us?
Where can I find his will? OK. All right. It is work.
If I know that he hear me, how do I know he hears me?
Because I work. I prayed and asked according to his will. Did I feel anything?
Do not look for feelings? It’s a trick. It’s designed to draw you back in time.
So the devil can negate your faith. You can’t feel faith.
Faith is a spirit and it’s a force that comes out of your, your human spirit.
And the way you get it is through the word, say amen to that right now, I’m preaching to you.
And the reason why you’re feeling something is because there’s a confidence coming. I said, there’s a confidence coming.
I if you’re in a battle and you feel like you wanna faint, let me show you what the problem is.
Let’s just look at it real quick. Let’s look at uh uh Proverbs 24 verse five.
Now we look at this last time. I, I need to go ahead.
All right, Proverbs uh 24 verse five, a wise man is strong and a man of knowledge increases strength.
So what’s gonna increase my strength? Some more knowledge, some more knowledge?
So if I get in a battle and I feel like I want a faint, what’s my problem?
Look at verse 10. Let’s see what my problem is.
If I feel like I want a faint here, if thou faint in the day of adversity is because your strength is small.
Well, what am I gonna do? Then you get some more strength. I gotta go to the word.
I gotta go through the work man.
When those guys were, were now pressure was on them and the pressure was on them saying if you don’t bow down, you’re gonna go in that furnace.
And what did they say? The God that we serve? He will deliver us.
Now that took strength and it comes through knowledge.
So I gotta come to this church here to learn to get at least some teaching on who God says I am say because the more I have, the more confidence I get and the more confidence I get, the more force of faith comes through.
Now you found what I’m saying?
Pressure gonna come, it’ll come in the world, all kinds of places, but you gotta, you gotta resist that pressure.
How are you gonna do it? You’re gonna have to have some faith.
This is the confidence that we have in Him that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.
Now, let’s put up first John chapter five and verse 15.
And if we know that He hear us, whatever we ask, we know we what have the petition that we desired of Him.
So if I ask you after you’ve prayed, do you have it?
You gotta say yes, see this. You, you can’t say no, you can’t say I, I can’t feel anything.
Reverend, you’re not in that area. You all promises of God must first be received by faith.
Put up first Corinthians 15 and 55 0, please.
And look what it says here about the Kingdom of God.
Now this I say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.
You can’t even get it with flesh.
All these promises in here, none of them you can get with flesh.
We ought to get faith.
How does faith come by hearing what the word is that it look and Mark’s Gospel in chapter seven.
And from then he arose and went into the borders of Tas and entered into a house that would have no man know it, but he could not be here.
Now, watch this for a certain woman whose young daughter had an unclean spirit heard of him and came and fell at his feet.
She was a Greek sour Phonic by nation and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter.
But Jesus said to her, let the Children first be filled for it is not me to take the children’s bread and cast it into it unto the dogs.
Now, somebody’s being called a dog there somewhere and she answered and said to him, yes, Lord, get the dogs under the table, eat the children’s crumbs.
And he said to her for this saying, go that way The devil is going out of your daughter.
Now, wait a minute.
He was not supposed to minister to her because he didn’t come first for the Greeks.
She was a Greek. He came for the jew first romans chapter one.
So it wasn’t her, come on time but notice her faith move time.
I won’t see it. I don’t care what doctor’s report was given to you.
Your faith can move the professionals time.
See, I’m born from a realm with no time and I have been placed in a realm of time, not to be subdued by time, but to be a master over time.
Well, we looked at second Corinthians put it up on the board chapter one and verse 20 for all the promises of God in Him are what yay and in Him.
Amen. So what is God gonna say in answer to a promise that you have requested through prayer? Yes.
So no such thing as no, no such thing as no.
So everyone that asks come on receives you. All right.
Now, let’s look at it because the tendency is to think that we got to wait a long time before God answers this prayer.
Psalm one oh two, put that up there. Psalm one oh two and verse one. Hear my prayer.
Oh Lord Lord hammers and let my cry come into the next verse, hide not thy face from me in the day when I am in trouble, incline thine ear unto me in the day when I call, answer me speed.
Let’s go to 2nd Kings chapter 19. Ok?
So any time you want to build your faith for something and get strong, what are you gonna do?
Go to the word of God, go to the word of God. Word will bring faith to move time.
Alright? So look, what happened is Hezekiah, he’s surrounded by the enemy, the Assyrians and they’re taking everything threatening him.
And so he cuts the door, the gold off the door knobs and gives it to the king of Syria thinking that he can appease him.
But how many of you know, you cannot appease the devil, right?
So he start enemy, start moving and advancing for him some more.
And so next thing you know is Hezekiah sent to Isaiah to go get a word from the Lord.
Go get a word from the Lord because the Lord’s word is gonna build what is gonna build faith confidence?
Ok? All right. So they come back with the word verse 14.
And Hezekiah received the letter at the verse 14 of the hand of the messengers and read it.
And Hezekiah went up into the house of the Lord and spread it before the Lord keep going.
And Hezekiah prayed before the Lord and said, oh, Lord God of Israel, stop right there.
Let’s go all the way down to verse 20.
And Isaiah, the son of Amos is after Hezekiah prayed, sent to Hezekiah saying thus says, the Lord God of Israel, that which you have prayed to me against Reb of Assyria.
What I have heard. Now, remember this is the confidence that we have in Him that if we ask anything according to his will, he what he’s up.
So he had to sin to the prophet to get the will of God because they didn’t have the Bible like you’ve got it, but he had to sin and get the word of God, which is the will of God from the prophet.
They brought it back in writing and he took it, took it up to the house of God and reminded God of his word, say amen to this right now.
Notice so far, he didn’t feel anything right.
So he prayed, then he got a word back from the prophet that says, God heard you.
He didn’t say God was gonna deliver, you gotta be there gotta be there next Tuesday around three o’clock.
He’s gonna send some angel. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t say. God heard you. Only thing you wanna know.
Did he hear me? Come on in prayer for you to be effective?
The only thing you wanna know? Did he hear me? How do you know He heard you?
Because you’re gonna pray exactly what’s in here.
Now, remember when you start praying this your flesh is gonna wanna participate, is gonna wanna do something.
So I gotta do something. I gotta cry.
I gotta, I gotta shout, I, I got God may not hear me. God. I mean something, your flash.
I’m telling you right now. I’ve been here.
It, it just doesn’t like you to say God, I just praise you. I thank you so much. It.
Oh God. Oh All right.
Look what he said after this. Come on, come on, come on y’all with me.
I’m trying to take the emotion out of this thing because that is no indication that God heard you for you to get action from God.
You’re gonna have to leave your flesh. And what you gotta do is you gotta practice his presence.
You gotta practice leaving that flesh.
When you, when you wanna say something, the Bible said, even those who speak bad about you and so forth that bless those that, that, that persecute you and say all manner of the folks.
You gonna have to put your flesh under to do that.
But we’re gonna leave this flash because we got something to do Like I told you, Paul said, I buffet my flesh and some people are confused that with the word buffet, it’s not buffet, it’s buffet.
Wait a minute. Look what it said in verse 35. And it came to pass that night.
That’s what I want you to underline that night. Speedily.
You don’t need to be waiting months for your check to come and so forth.
Get your faith and take Dominion over time.
Mm That night folks, there’s so many scriptures that I look at it just and they’re easy scriptures.
Now, look, look, Lord, it took God. Oh, I got so much. I wanna show you now.
Just look at, look at second Corinthians chapter six and this is second Corinthians chapter six.
Now this is when the prophet was all of a sudden surrounded by the enemy.
He was surrounded by the enemy, the enemy had surrounded him.
They had located him and said, hey, the king said, go get him and it went and surrounded the city of Dothan.
So he had no escape, no escape.
Now, look what, look, look what he didn’t panic, check it out because fear will bring you down in flesh.
That’s what it’s designed to do. Fear designed to rob you of time. All right.
Now, look what it says here. Second Kings chapter 6 15, please.
When the servant and man of God was risen up early, I’m about to go and it was gone forth.
Behold. The host can pass the city both with horses and chariots.
And his servant said to him, alas master, come on. How, what are we gonna do?
What are we gonna do now? He answered and said, fear, not keep going for.
They that be with us. I’m more than they that be with them. Keep going, keep going, keep going.
And Elijah prayed and said, Lord, I pray thee what, open his eyes, that he may what see and what happened.
Lord, open his eyes when as soon as he prayed and he saw and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elijah.
Now next verse and look what he says.
And when they, they had come down to him, Elijah prayed again, Lord, what he said, smite these people with blindness.
I pray with blindness and he smoked them with blindness according to what the word.
Now I’m saying, this is old Testament. You’re under a better testament coven.
Now look at here at acts chapter 16 verse 25 I’m here to tell you, renew your mind that God’s will answer your prayer right away.
Your mind had been trained in time and time told you that you’re gonna have to wait a while for the prayer to be answered.
I’m here to tell you, God has given you faith to override time and where it would take time.
God will make you move time into your time and have it come when you say it is.
And at midnight, Paul and Silas did what prayed and did what else say praises to God.
And the prisoners heard them watch this, watch this. And what suddenly I said, what?
Suddenly somebody is about to have some suddenly coming in their life. There are some suddenly about to come.
That was a great earthquake.
God showed up and I’m telling you, he showed up right after they prayed, I’m tired of this, waiting on prayer for, for months, waiting on, come on, waiting on a promotion, waiting on this house, waiting on this money, waiting on this wisdom, waiting on this.
I’m telling you, God has given you the ability to override this time.
Great three. He showed up at the graveside of lads.
She said, wait a minute.
She said, if you had only been here earlier, he would not have died.
Jesus said, wait a minute. You don’t know who I am.
I am the alpha. Come on, that’s the beginning. I am the omega.
That’s the end. I am the first and I am the last.
See, Jesus can go either way, the word will go either way the word to go back to something that was lost and bring it into the present or go in the future and something you ain’t never had yet and bring it into the now This brother had been dead four days and stinking body decomposing.
Jesus said, that ain’t nothing for me. You don’t know who I am. I am the resurrection.
I’m the one who wrote the faith can go either way, you can go backwards in times or forward in time.
Look what it says here, this is Hezekiah.
Now Hezekiah was, was told, get your house in order you’re gonna die.
Hezekiah began to pray to the Lord and he prayed and supplicated to the Lord.
And then before Isaiah got out of the house, look at verse five, put it up there.
If you will in verse five, turn again and tell Hezekiah the captain of my people.
Thus sayeth the Lord, the God of David, thy father. I have heard what your prayer.
I have seen your what tears behold. I will do what to you heal you.
And on the third day, thou shalt go up into the house of the Lord.
And there’s a guy said to Isaiah, what shall be the sign that the Lord will heal me?
See you. You don’t need a sign.
I said, you don’t need a sign and what people do.
They want some sign because they want something to hold on to well, hold on to the book that the Lord will heal me and that I shall go up into the house of the Lord the third day.
Watch this Isaac said to him, this sign shall thou have of the Lord that the Lord will do this thing that he spoke has spoken.
Shall the shadow go forward 10 degrees or backwards 10 degrees.
Now, come on, bring your mind on up. What is he saying? The shadow is a sun dial.
So what do you want the son to do?
You want the son to reposition itself forward or do you want the son to back up?
Can you see what I’m saying? I’m saying?
What will cause your business to have one year to get up to $1 million.
We can do it in one month. How, how you want that in?
Yeah, I’m telling you, faith can take you backwards or forwards.
Let’s read the scripture again. Mark 1124.
Therefore, I said to you what things soever you desire come on, when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them.
Now that scripture is for your heart, not for you.
He, you might doubt in your head, but doubt not in your heart.
Whatever God says is yours is yours. Jesus. Jesus was showing them what’s possible in their lives.
Today’s teaching is the power of prayer and praise volume two.
Now, here’s something that you really want to remember when you’re engaged in prayer.
You and I were born from above. In other words, we were born out of God.
We, we inside of us is just like God. So now with that, we operate like God.
Now, when God and you’re dealing with God, there is no time now.
He wants us to come up that same level of operation because he’s placed us who can operate above time in time.
Now, if you do that, do you know how not to be subdued by time?
But to master time, I’ll tell you about that in just a minute.
Our announcer is gonna give you some important information and how you can order this powerful set of teachings.
And I’ll be right back. Prayer has kind of been looked at as a mystery.
You will see that it’s not really a mystery at all. It’s just truth.
Once you got revelation, revelation brings you right into faith, you don’t have any doubt when you can see it.
So revelation let you see it. So doubt will go away and faith will come.
I want you to see what’s happening behind the scenes because if you don’t know what’s happening behind the scenes, your faith may give out.
I’m born from a realm with no time and I have been placed in a realm of time, not to be subdued by time, but to be a master over time.
Do not look for feeling. It’s a trick. It’s designed to draw you back in time.
So the devil can negate your faith. You can’t feel faith.
Faith is a spirit and it’s a force that comes out of your human spirit for you to get action from God, you’re gonna have to leave your flesh.
I don’t care what doctor’s report was given to you, your faith can move the professionals.
Take a look behind the scenes of your faith in action when you negate the fears that attempt to stop your answer.
Prayer. In Pastor Winston’s life changing series, the power of prayer and praise.
Volume two to order on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP four, contact us online at Bill Winston dot org.
You can also call us at 1 807 119327.
The word of God will build your faith and faith is needed to override time.
Now, let me show you how that works.
If let’s say somebody gets hurt or break their arm or bone in the arm or something like that, it’s gonna take time to heal.
So logic says, or technology says, I’ve got to wait on time.
But in the prayer of faith, I release faith that over rides time and I get a miracle.
In other words, the person’s bone get healed right there they go to the hospital back to doctor, takes the X ray.
My goodness, this thing is healed. I have had that happen.
Somebody come to the altar, they came to get born again, they got born again.
The arm was on a cat so forth and so on, went back, they couldn’t move their hand.
All of a sudden I prayed for them, they could move their hand, notice it overrode time and it’ll do that for any area of your life.
You see, we were never meant to serve time. Time was meant to serve us just like money.
If you will, we were never meant to serve money. Money was meant to serve us.
So I’m saying from this day forward, I’m believe in God that you’re gonna walk by faith and override time and every prayer that you pray according to the word of God.
God will answer right now. Praise the Lord.
This is Bill Winson saying we love you tune in next time now and keep walking by faith.
Doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you.
We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life.
We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible.
If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry.
The mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
We invite you to become a partner and join doctor Bill Winston as he trains believers how to live independent of this world system and have Dominion over it.
Thank you, Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers for your continuous support of the believers.
Walk of faith, broadcast the believer’s walk of faith.
Is paid for by Bill Winston Ministry partners and viewers.
Now, remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
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