My Counselling Session in the Waves – Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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My Counselling Session in the Waves

“A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future

I had to share by Ocean Grove account. I was at Ocean Grove for those who know Ocean Grove.
It’s a beach community on the Jersey shore. It was founded to be a Christian retreat center.
I was there ministering at an event in the Great Auditorium. I stayed a little bit after the event.
I decided, let me go swimming. So I went into the ocean, went swimming.
You know, I’ll have just a little time and a guy recognizes me and he’s in the, he’s swimming and he says, hey, Jonathan, I said, yeah, that you’re Jonathan.
Yeah, I’m glad you’re here. Said John, I have a counseling question. Can you counsel me?
So here we are in the ocean and he wants a counseling session and the thing is the waves are coming, storming, stormy coming big waves and it would come like a wave would come and we’d go up and down.
I’m scouting him and we’d be waiting for the next wave because we get thrown off.
It was strong and high. So we’re talking and also both of us up and down and we’re losing and he’s drifting away and I’m trying to get back in council, he’s drifting and we’re talking and what he wanted to know was, he said here, here’s the thing he said.
He said, here’s my question. I keep on going up and down. Always going up and down.
I’m always tossed this, I’m only, my walk is all over the place and I’m, and we’re going up and down.
Is he saying it? And I’m thinking, I’m thinking okay, well, how do I have the, how do I do?
This is not working because we keep on getting thrown away.
And so I said, you know, I see, then I see this big thick rope that’s from the, from the shore and it’s, it’s going across.

I said, let’s get to the rope. We get to the rope and let’s just hold on to it.
So we hold it, hold on and the next wave comes and we’re okay.
The wave came but we are not being thrown off.
And I’m thinking here I am to answer the question and the Lord is telling me the answer.
How do you be strong? How do you stay?
How do you live a strong immovable life in God and not be moved by what comes up?
It’s not about trying to be strong. That’s nice but it’s not, that’s not. What is the Bible?
Doesn’t say try to be strong. It says be strong in the power of his might not yours.
That is, how do you do it through the rope, you hold on to that, which is strong, you bind yourself to that, which is immovable.
You hold yourself, you get real close and real stuck on that, which is greater than you, stronger than you, stronger than the world.
So it’s not about how strong you are. It’s about how, how strong your connection you make it.
Hi, I’m Jonathan Cahn. Thanks for checking out my youtube channel. I hope you were blessed with the video.
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