Messiah’s Presence In Your Lowest Times | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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Messiah’s Presence In Your Lowest Times | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn explores the truth of the Messiah meeting us in the pit. The pits of life, our lowest moments, and how this means victory in Jesus for your life.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

because even in Salvation you can find yourself in pits cuz you’re human we’re all human people say how you doing well I’m in the pits hey that’s good cuz he’s the lord of the pits so you know in the Song of Solomon it says the bride says of her bridegroom it says my my beloved is standing behind our wall interesting and the word in Hebrew is the word the word for that wall if you go to Israel you say you want to go there you say where eoa cotel where’s the cotel it’s the cotel Cel
well in in the Song of Solomon it says our belov my beloved is standing behind AR hotel and you picture of Messiah there people are praying and he’s saying come to me come his hand just as Joseph would have been grieved not seeing his F his family so is Messiah that’s why he wept and if you love Messiah you need to love his people and you need to pray for them to come back too because when they come back you’re all blessed we’re all blessed so they’re all all these things and I can picture one day it’s
like Joseph you know one day he’s going to you know at the end of the story he removes his disguise and one day the disguise of Messiah is going to be removed they’re going to say wait this is not this is not some some some God of the Nations this is our Messiah I want to seal this with this with a well Joseph in the well picture of Messiah Joseph and the will what does it say not just prophetically now I want to speak personally to you a dried well is a pit Joseph went into the pit a shadow that Messiah is going
to go into the pit when the Psalms speak when you read the Psalms it says go he didn’t let me go down to the pit it’s the same word as this well right here when it says he brought me up out of the pit same word as this well here same word Messiah most high goes down to the most low place why because God’s love goes down to the lowest of places tonight one of the major networks for some reason decided to air a 2-hour special on the fall of a minister 20 years ago attacking him implying he should have no business being ministering today
that Minister whom I know and who has actually been here fell he sinned he fell but he’s one of the few people who wrote a book called I was was wrong and he completely repented and he thought he was finished I’m okay finished he said but but he went down to the pit in the lowest place he told me he saw he saw Messiah come to him at his lowest place when everybody had left him everybody virtually everybody there were people like Billy Graham and Sid Roth who visited him there but but most even his family left
and he was lowest place that he saw Messiah come to him at the lowest place when he said I can’t go on and lift him up then he he’s he heard Messiah speak to him as the woman who was caught in adultery and say neither do I condemn you go and sin no more I’ve seen Believers take up the same stones that the media does and rejoice when ministers fall what faith is that what I don’t know what faith they’re following but our faith is not about never having fallen our faith is about those who have
fallen like all of us but in their pit they met the Messiah and he raised them up again our entire faith is about Grace forgiveness Redemption that is why he came and there’s nobody who saved in Messiah who has not been forgiven much none of us that’s why get Joseph ends up in the pit Messiah went down into the pit When Corey tenbon and her sister Betsy were in a concentration camp as punishment for their family hiding Jews from the Nazis her dying sister told told her Corey you’ll get out of here when you get out of here tell the
world what we have seen in this camp in this concentration camp that there is no pit so deep that the love of God is Not deeper still Hallelujah that is what it’s all about that the Lord is Elon say it Elon God most high most high God but he is also the lord of the pits his love goes down to the Deep deepest lowest darkest place because if you’re human you’ve been there at one time you’ve been there that’s what it is about you’ve been to the pits some of you you’ve been to the pits of Despair pits
of hopelessness pits of sin pits of guilt pit of regret the pit of fear pit of rejection hurt abuse self-hate sin of the the defilement the pit of of of bondage the pit of loneliness the pit of Darkness you’ve been to the pit and when you’re in the pit it seems like it’s the end in the pit you can’t see your way out you can’t see your way out of a pit really only if you look up it looks like the end and then something happened when you were in the pit in that pit at one point you saw you were not the only one
there you saw him in your pit why cuz he’s the Lord of pits he’s the lord of the Low Places the most high is the lord of the Low Places the lord of the dark he was there he went down to the pit he’s Jacob’s Ladder you know one part touches the most high God the other part touches the lowest place he’s not the god that that we that you you rise to he’s the God who comes down to you Joseph was sent they didn’t go to Joseph and we didn’t go to God he came to us and not just to the pit he
came to your pit he goes down to the pit of your Gloom your fear your anxiety your sin mine too just as much your failure your abuse your fears all that and he meets you in the pit that’s where he meets you that’s why most of you met him not on a mountain top I mean I met him on a mountain top but not spiritually not but I not in a mansion not in a party you met him in a pit most of you most of you because that’s what it took for you to see him that’s what it took to get your attention my attention he’s the lord of the pits some
of you were in the pit of alcohol some of you the pit of sexual immorality some of you are in the pit of anger some depression some in the pit of drugs some whatever it was it didn’t matter emptiness maybe you had a lot of things in the world but it was empty that was still a pit don’t ever forget the pit don’t ever forget the pit that you were in that he took you out of don’t ever forget it don’t ever forget Egypt don’t ever forget the pit don’t ever forget where you would be right now if he
didn’t come down and take you out of it if he had not done it I’d still be in the pit if he hadn’t done it you’d be in the pit right now today remember the pit because the pit is a holy place because he came into it your pit is Holy now cuz he came into it your life changed you weren’t alone he was there even in your sin he was there and that changes everything cuz you thought we think even to this day we’re in sin and therefore God is far away he’s so separated well there is a thing there is truth that sin
separates you from God no question but in God here’s the thing if God comes into your sin if he comes down in the pit then you can’t be separated from sin because that’s the whole point he’s on the cross he’s on the pit he’s with your sin so that means no sin can separate you from God anymore cuz God is with it he’s there with your sin so you can’t separate it that those who are in sin are not going to be in God when you see him on the cross that’s what you’re seeing that there is no darkness that
will separate you from God Amen and not just once because even in Salvation you can find yourself in pit cuz you’re human we’re all human he’ll say how you doing well I’m in the pits hey that’s good cuz he’s the lord of the pits how you doing I’m down I’m really down it’s okay he’s the lord of the down just as much as the up you find yourself in the pit of sin and you mess up you’re in a you feel yourself you’re in a pit if you have a conscience you’re in a pit
you’re down you’re messed up but you know that’s not going to keep you from God just don’t let it because it’s not going to the pit is not going to keep you from God the sin is not going to keep you from God let him come into it then he’ll get you out of it and some sometimes you know you know the most high because if he can be with you then there is nothing separating that can ever separate you and it’s not that you stay in the pit God wants you out of it sometimes we say just take me out of the
situation sometimes we have to be in the situation until God joins us there until we get close to God there because sometimes you get really close to God when you look for him in the pit hallelujah what that we even need pits we need pits that’s it’s a quote we need pits because that’s where we often get closer again to him we we need the problems we need that because we don’t want him but because we meet him closer again and we think just get me out of the problem well the problem is going to he’s going
to use it he’ll get you then he’ll lift you up it is written he took me out of the pit and he set my feet on a rock is what it says that’s what he’ll do and when you see that pit in Hebrew a well with no water yet Messiah is the one who gives a well with water so think about this Messiah not only meets you in your pit and takes you out of it but he turns your pit into a well of water see that’s what a pit is that’s what the pit is here that pit that thing you hated that that lost that problem
you went through that thing that failure give it to him and he’s going to actually make it a well of water that’s going to give you life it’s a Well the pit is a well in waiting out of that problem he will bring that out of that situation he brings blessing and out of that pit he will turn it into a well of living flowing water he Lifted Me Out of the pit as it is written who shall separate us from the love of Messiah shall trouble shall distress persecution famine nakedness Peril the sword no in all things we are more than
conquerors through him who loved us for I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Messiah and in joy you shall draw Waters from the wells of Yeshua this is Jonathan Khan thanks for watching The Return of the Gods is available literally everywhere Amazon wherever books are sold and and God bless [Music] you
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