Look At What’s Happening To America: Exposing Dangerous Beings In A Modern World with Jonathan Cahn
Look At What’s Happening To America:
It’s no secret we’re living in unprecedented times, but what exactly is happening to America? Rabbi @jonathancahn.official reveals this and more as he exposes the gods of ancient days and how they’re secretly manifesting in today’s society. Find out if you’re unknowingly entertaining these dangerous beings and discover what you need to do to find freedom and hope in this critical hour!
About “Ministry Now:” On the frontlines of today’s new normal, the Lamb family leads viewers around the world into Ministry Now. Full of radical faith, encouraging declarations, and positive advice, this program will help you shift your perspective into the hope God still has for your future.
There were three major spirits or gods in Israel.
One was called in Hebrew, may mean the possessor or the Lord.
And we call them in Hebrew was we call him bail. But that means possessor.
Second one is called the enchantress and this is the goddess. The third one is called the destroyer.
We just, we didn’t touch on it.
So the thing is when we turned away from it, when America started itself, God, when was that early sixties?
We start taking God out. Think of. First thing is take God from the Children.
Now, look what is, you know, what, what coming to the Children.
You know, the warning of Jesus is once you take God out, like you take God out of the school, something else is coming into the school.
You take God for the Children, something else is going to come to the truth out of the church that something else is gonna come into the church.
Yes. And that, that’s part of it and that’s part of the apostasy.
And so we started, we started doing that and that’s all you need for the opening.
And the first of the three is the possessor bail.
And what bail, what bail did this spirit did in the Bible is that he started turning Israel away from God, started driving God out of the of culture out of.
Well, we’ve been watching this since the sixties started calling, started actually causing Israel to forget God.
The Bible says, so literally America, not only is forgetting God but forgetting that it ever knew God.
You know, and also the interesting thing is, is one of the signs of the key.
So of bail is this big massive molten brazen bronze bull. Now, could that ever appear in America?
It already has go to New York City where the harbingers are and you’ll see this gigantic, gigantic molten bronze bull and the people who do have no idea.
But it’s exactly, it’s a sign of a nation that is turned away from God and the gods have come in.
So, Bale is like that first spirit that says, hey, let me bring my friends.
The next one is the enchantress and that is this one we, we just touched on it called or, or Aphrodite.
And this is the goddess of sexual unbridled lust. And what she does is she sexualize a culture.
She turns the, see all the gods are seeking to take a Christian nation or a Judeo Christian culture, turn it into a pagan one.
That’s what we’ve been witnessing and this one does it through the realm of sexuality.
Now, this one was called a Harle or a prostitute.
And so, and the thing is what does a prostitute do?
Prostitute takes sex out of marriage, puts it into the marketplace.
Well, look at what’s been happening to America in the sixties.
First comes the turning of bail, then comes the sexual revolution.
What if that starts taking sex out of the marriage covenant puts it into the culture, sexualize the culture at the same time, weakens marriage that you the same moment.
It’s not an accident. When sex goes into the culture, marriage gets weakened.
And the thing is her in ancient times, they worshiped her as the sacred prostitute.
But but in Greek, the way you say her name or prostitute, the word is we get the word porn from her.
She is actually the inventor of porn. The first pornography in the world comes from her and actually porn.
It was the writings of this goddess.
And so the word pornography means the writings of the prostitute, which was this goddess and, and she had a child and the child was called eros or we get the word erotic from it.
So she has totally look at, look at what has happened to our culture.
So it has totally, totally sexualized the culture, destroying marriages.
And at the same time, she’s the goddess of the occult.
So at the same moment of the sexual revolution and the sixties comes the revival of witchcraft, the revival of tarot cards, new age all that to the point where today there are more witches in America than there are Presbyterians.
Yeah. And of course, on the other side of that, and I know you’re gonna get to this later because we’re telling you all the doom and gloom that there’s great hope.
Um It was the great um Jesus revolution, the, the movie that just came out.
I mean, so God will so many times step in the middle of that and that’s what we have to see today.
We, we’re seeing like the sprinkling of it. It is happening in parts all around the world, in the Asbury.
That was great. Um But there’s so much more to come, don’t you believe?
Yeah, you know, you know, it’s, it’s kind of like where the, where there’s sin of bounds grace abounds.
And it’s kind of like in the midst of all these things of the sixties. God is not.
God is God always has something new. God is always there.
So God, so it starts this revival actually, actually from that same revival, the Jewish people are saved today.
Most of them came or can be traced to that revival.
That’s where Jews Jesus came from, you know, California when you like hippies all that.
So at the same time, God’s power is always more than equal, you know, and the thing is that and so that is the power happening at the same time.
So we’re watching two things at once. And I agree with you one is that on America?
On one hand, the culture is racing away from God. I mean, he said, what’s, what’s next?
You know, and at the same time, God’s power is so much stronger, which is, which is the ultimate point, you know.
But we’re dealing with this and it’s a spiritual, it’s a spiritual thing. Yeah.
One of things I was gonna say is, it’s so important for believers to understand this concept and actually will help them understand the whole Bible so much more.
Because when you read The Old Testament, you think, you know, growing up, I thought that they were just these weird statues and they weren’t real, you know, they were just make believe gods that they had made up in their minds.
But the truth is is that they were real demonic spirits, real Principalities.
And then you understand the spiritual warfare that was going not in the nation of Israel, as God would say, you are my people dedicate yourself to me.
And then different leaders, civil rulers would allow idol worship to come in.
I think about Solomon, I think about ahab.
There are different leaders, I even think about um because Israel, when they were slaves in Egypt, they were raised in a pagan culture there that when God delivers them in body, they were still bound in their mind.
And when God brings them into the wilderness, when Moses goes up to receive the law, the 10 commandments, the 10 commandments.
The first thing they do when he leaves is actually worship a golden calf.
So this is something to be actually. Yeah, I was wondering if that. Yeah, it is.
The golden calf is linked to the bull.
Always, they always turn to this calf or they in Hebrew, it means bull calf.
So it’s a bull is a young bull. This is, yeah.
And also to understand what’s happening in our world because once you see this, it’s like, whoa. Yeah. Yeah.
And we all, we all have a sense of it if you have the spirit, but it’s, it’s, and even how modern this is it like in ancient times, you know, they, they worship it.
The Bible says they worship the works of their hands, you know, and Paul, when he’s speaking on Mars Hill, he says, he says he speaks about the idols and he uses the word in Greek tech, tech.
We get the word tech or technology.
And so what it’s saying is if you turn away from God, not that technology, but if you turn away from God, you’re gonna end up serving your technology.
And what’s happening is we are now people are bonded to what they’re, they’re glued to their computers to their ipads.
And now what’s happened since I did the book, there’s been a whole revolution of artificial intelligence, I was going to ask you about.
And which is so now what’s happening is actually the machines are actually beginning to control life.
They’re beginning to control it and it says they did, this just came out.
They said a story that said that actually IQs in America have dropped for the first time they dropped because we’re now they’re doing thinking for us.
So this is a very real affects all of us.
Have you heard some of the weird stories about people interacting with a I? Very weird. Yes.
And how they were said they were like a demon or something like that. Have you heard about that?
Yeah, I hear that there was a story where the was actually a young, I think it was like a young teenager was talking to the A I and I think the devil got brought up and it was just really creepy and this creepy image came up, he was just going back up, back and forth.
But I heard two different stories where it went back to saying like, oh I, I belong to Satan or something like that.
So there’s some we have, we, we’re just tapping into that world now going on and even to mention um UFO S and you know, even the the government’s actually acknowledging and I mean, there’s so many things that are talking about that but you know, I was thinking about ancient Israel and we always say the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.
But I mean, thinking about the story even of Jacob when they left her father’s house and she took an idol and she was sitting on it now.
She loved God. Yeah. So, I mean, what about Christians that have these secret little idols they’re sitting on and they don’t even realize how dangerous it is.
Yeah. Yeah. There’s nothing neutral and, and there’s, there’s nothing neutral at all.
These are dangerous and there are many ways of having idols. See the issue never ends.
We, we don’t have God, we’re gonna have idols, whether we have an object or whether, whether it’s in our heart.
The point, you know, think about like Gideon, you know, when Gideon was called to do a great thing for God, but in order before he couldn’t do it until he first dealt with that idol that, that altar in his backyard.
And so whatever, if you’re connected in any way, first of all, anything, the occult, anything linked to abortion, anything linked to sexual immorality, anything, any new age, you got to get rid of it, you got to step out of it because it’s dangerous.
Listen, every book that I’ve ever done has always ended with hope because we are a people of hope.
You know, the age began with, with these gods, with believers, dealing with these Principalities. The first Christians.
Well, well, that war is back. We are in a spiritual war. This is round two.
And so this goes right into end time prophecy.
What does the Bible say about the end times, it says it’ll be a time of deceiving spirits where men will be lovers of self, where, where people will be without natural affection.
It’s all happening and where people will persecute the, the people of God. This is a mystery behind everything.
But I wanna get into what is the hope, what first of all, it has everything to do with you because everyone in your life is being affected by this.
We all are, what do you do?
And I, I mentioned when I was talking to, to Joni uh before Rebecca, remember Gideon, he had to stand against the armies of bail.
Basically, the, the the MidNite were worshiping bail.
He had to stand against it in order to become the person that God called him to be to rise up to the call.
And he had to first go to his backyard and break the altar of bail.
So the same way if you are gonna stand in this hour, if you’re gonna stay, if there’s anything in your life, any stronghold of the Gods, anything that’s joined to those altars, any idol, anything you put above God, money, success, whatever it, pornography, you have to break it.
You have, we have to repent because if you’re gonna be used of God, if God is gonna give you freedom, you have to do that.
Break that altar even starting today.
Let me, let me give you a secret here, which I I didn’t even put in the book because it didn’t happen when I was working on the return of the gods.
And I didn’t tell anybody one of my associate pastors who never comes to me with this thing.
He’s, he’s woken up early in the morning. Trembling has a vision.
He had no idea what I was working on.
He saw me, he said, I saw you bringing forth a word and all, all the there were all these altars of the gods and, and as you brought the word, these altars started breaking and spirit started coming out of it.
He said this without any, any knowledge of it.
Now, the most brazen altar we have today is the one to is that of abortion.
The day I finished the return of the gods was June 24th.
That was the day that that altar of abortion was broken.
That was the day that Roe versus Wade was overturned. That was a now in the Bible.
Now think about this on the Bible.
When God brings revival, it wasn’t so much seen in tent meetings and crusade.
They didn’t have that what the the sign of revival were that the gods were exposed.
Their altars were broken, they broke the altars. That’s when revival came.
Now for the first time in the history of America, the most brazen colossal altar has been cracked open.
I don’t believe it’s an accident at this.
The broken altar is a sign and an encouragement with God saying that with God, nothing is impossible.
He does hear our prayers. He is calling us to take new strength, new courage. There can be revival.
In fact, we’re seeing the first signs of it, but it depends on something he said.
If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves.
Pray, seek my face, turn from their evil ways.
I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.
So we have to make the most of this moment because without revival, America is finished, we gotta pray for revival.
As never before. We have to, we have to speak revival. We have to live in revival in repentance.
That’s where revival comes. The Bible says, you know, the in the last days is gonna be tough.
But he said says, you know what?
We have a greater power for so long as believers, we’ve been living on the defensive and we, and we’ve been bombarded.
But listen, we’re not the first to deal with this. We’re not the first ones in the Bible.
For most of Bible history, the gods and the spirits have been the rule and this has been the exception.
Well, look at the great people of God Moses stood against the gods of Egypt.
You know, Elijah stood strong against the gods of Baal, you know, Daniel Jeremiah, the Maccabees, Paul and the first Christians, they stood against the odds of their time.
Well, now it’s our turn. If you’re born again, you gotta take a stand.
You’re a child of Israel by spirit.
It’s your heritage to stand against the gods and the sacred cows and the idols of this age.
So if the dark is getting darker, it’s time for the lights of God to shine even brighter.
See, these are the days when the grays disappear and, and so therefore, if the grays are being removed from the dark, we gotta remove the gray from our life.
The the days of great evil are gonna manifest greatness for God’s sake because when evil from bad to worse, it’s time for the good to go from good to great.
So don’t fear the end times, God called you into existence for such a time as this.
He will appoint you, he will anoint you. He will empower you to do what you’re called to do.
You know a lot of you have prayed. I wish I could live in biblical times. Congratulations, you’re here.
And these are the most exciting times. The dark is only gonna bring out the light.
This is round two, this is our time to shine.
This is the time when the people of God who those who will stand will become great in God.
And so I’m encouraging you who, wherever you’re at, whatever you’re dealing with.
This is the time you see when Israel crossed the Red Sea, the and you know, Moses sang a song He said, who is like you?
Oh God Lord, among the gods. The answer is there is no one like our God. Our God is God.
He’s stronger than any force you’re dealing with.
And the name of Yeshua Jesus is stronger than the gods by that name.
He cast out the spirits of an entire entire civilization. And you’ve got that name, you’ve got that power.
There is no one, there is no force on earth that is greater than what’s in you.
Greater in you is he than anything that is outside. So remember, your God is so much stronger.
So you have to stop being intimidated by that force that’s trying to intimidate you.
Rise in the name of your God.
In the name, the name of Yes, Jesus of Nazareth is just as powerful as it was when he was on the earth.
You’ve got the power to overcome any darkness you’re dealing with.
And if these are the days of bail and a Torah and, and mule, these must be the days of Elijah and if the gods have returned, so therefore, it’s time for the Elijah’s of God to return and you to be that it is time to take your stand.
Be bold in God. You’ve got the truth, be confident in God.
It is time as well to take your stand against that thing in your life, that darkness that’s been trying to tempt you, compromise, you intimidate you.
I discourage you and say no more. I will not bow down my knee to you again.
I will not bow down to your bondage.
I will not bow down to your temptation to your gloom, to your darkness.
I will only bow down my knee to the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.
You have no authority over me anymore.
In the name of Messiah, in the name of God, I say get out of my land, get out of my house, get out of my country.
Get out of my life. For greater is he who is in me than you who are in the world?
Greater is greater is the power of Messiah.
For thus says the Lord to you a rise and shine for your light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
In the name above every name that is named the name of Yeshua Jesus, the anointed the Lord of all the king, above all kings, the Lord, above all lords and the God above all Gods in his name, conquer and be victorious.
Amen. Father. We just praise you.
I ask your blessing on each one who is watching right now for the power in their life.
I ask the power of the living God to overcome every darkness, any spirit, anything, any bondage in their life right now.
In the name, Father, we ask your hand, Lord upon it, Father and we praise you that you are so much greater than anything we’re dealing with.
Greater than the problem, greater than the bondage, greater than the pro everything that we’re dealing with.
Father Lord, we praise you and love you and thank you in the holy name of Yeshua Jesus.
The Messiah Amen.
- The Dayspring – Jonathan Cahn SermonTháng 3 16, 2023