Living As God’s Gift To The World | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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Living As God’s Gift To The World | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

The Jewish people have a blessing for everything and every occasion. But there is one blessing that is greater than them all that can change the way you live the rest of your life.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

So if you are gonna live a life that is a blessing to this world, a blessing to god, and a blessing to his kingdom, you have that you are here to give yourself as a gift.
Lessett art, thou.
You never a blessing cannot be self centered or it cannot be a blessing.
You’ll never see a blessing, Barruqah Toud and I. That will focus on itself. We’ll never say, and me.
It doesn’t say it’s all god. It’s all you.
A blessing doesn’t even have the a doesn’t have the doesn’t have the me, me in it.
It’s like, uh, you know, if you had a if a blessing was saying, hey. Blessed is me.
I’m a great blessing. You’d say, what’s the point in that blessing? I don’t wanna hear that.
That doesn’t bless me. Doesn’t bless anything.
So therefore, uh, a life, if you’re focused on yourself, you forgot your purpose. There’s no purpose.
If you’re living for your sake of living, what’s the point? You’ve got a purpose.
The blessing must forget about itself to be focused totally on god’s will and god’s glory and blessing others and loving.
Blessings do not have a me in them. They have they are all based on the you.
So you you wanna be a blessing, let go of the me and go, you know, now something else here.
You know, you know, the more you get wrapped up in yourself, not only the more things don’t make any sense, the more you don’t have purpose and the more weighed down you end up getting.
Because because when you’re wrapped up with yourself, not only you’re missing the the purpose of yourself, of your existence, but it weighs you down.
It weighs you it’s it actually is a drag on you.
The selfish life is not an easy in the end. It’s a dragged weight filled life. Blessings.
How much do blessings weigh? Nothing. You’ll never see a an overweight blessing.
You’ll never see a blessing on a diet. They have no mass. They have nothing.
They weigh nothing. A blessing doesn’t add weight. It lightens up.
The more you live for yourself, the more heavy it gets.
The more you worry about yourself, the more you get wrapped up in yourself, and there’s no blessing.
In Hebrew, the word for glory is Khavod. Try it. Khavod. Khavod is glory, but you know what?
It also means heavy. Heavy. God to all all glory be to god. God can take it.
God is the he can have all weight on the of everything, the universe, but we can’t.
If we live to glorify ourselves, if you live to lift yourself up, glorify yourself, you’ll you’ll end up weighing yourself down.
Because kavod is heavy. So if you live to try to praise yourself, get yourself. No. Don’t do that.
It’s gonna weigh you down. And there’s no blessing. Who’s on a diet here? Raise your hand.
Who needs to go on a no.
Who’s sitting next to somebody who might need to go? No.
Some of you are on diets. I know. But you wanna lose weight. Get rid of yourself.
That’s a big weight. Get rid of yourself. You won’t have weight.
Center your life on you. I am here for you god. And then it lightens you up.
It actually lightens your life. Blessings don’t own anything. Blessings have nothing to worry about.
We are so we get so burdened down. To be a blessing, blessings are given. They’re given.
You don’t you don’t you can’t put a blessing on hold. You can’t put a blessing in a freezer.
A blessing that is withheld is not spoken or not given is not a blessing.
You’re a blessing must be given.
So if you are gonna live a life that is a blessing to this world, a blessing to god, and a blessing to his kingdom, You have to resolve that you are here to give yourself as a gift.
People, you know, people sometimes say, look at this guy. He thinks he’s god’s gift to the world.
Well, we follow the one who was god’s gift to the world, who is god’s gift to the world, and we have him in us, that means we are to live as if we were a gift to the world.
Not the gift, but a gift.
Because the presence of the gift gives the presence of Messiah always gives of himself.
So if you really have him, strong in your life, you’re gonna wanna do that.
Resolve that I am here to bless. I am here to bless god, and I am here to bless others.
What does he say here, oh, Israel?
Love the lord your god with all your heart mind’s soul strength and love your neighbor as yourself, period.
Blessings Blessings are in the Bible pretty much irrevocable. I mean, you can mess up.
You can have not receiving it, but the blessing is given not based on the person who gets it.
The blessing is based on the one who gives it. God blesses because he’s god.
He doesn’t bless us because of us. He bless us because he’s god. So what does that mean?
You know, when you bless someone, it’s it’s unconditional. Doesn’t matter what then.
You don’t bless somebody because they were good for you good to you.
I mean, you can bless them, but you don’t bless them because they’re good to you.
And then when they’re bad to you that you don’t bless, no. You bless because you’re a blessing.
You’re a blessing. A blessing, bless us because that’s what it is.
See, if you let people cause you to stop loving, stop giving, stop blessing, then you’ve lost who you are.
You bless not because of who they are, but because of who you are.
And you because of who you are, it’s because of who god is.
God blesses, blesses, blessings don’t waiver.
Know, the Jewish think of the Jewish people.
The Jewish people were called by god to be the blessing to the world, and they were blessed by god, but you know what?
Interesting. Even when they turn they’ve turned away, they’ve turned from Messiah, they’ve turned from god, uh, overwhelming, either.
Of course, there are many who’ve come back, but They stood god didn’t revoke his promise.
God didn’t revoke his blessing. He still blesses those who bless them.
And he still curses those who curse them.
And he still uses them to bless the world, even when they’re not in his the, you know, it’ll be much greater blessing when they come back.
But they still, the very fact, first of all, that the gospel came through them, that blesses the world all over.
But even in other ways, you know, when you look, if you’ve ever done this, look at the Nobel Prize winners, you know, and you’ll see so many Jewish people and they represent like nothing nothing of the world, but god uses them anyway.
God does not revoke his calling, and god does not revoke his blessing, we, it’s for us to receive it, but a blessing blesses unconditionally.
And so, therefore, that is what, you know, that is the way we must live.
I’ve known people who are cur you know, here here’s the test.
Because the enemy’s gonna try to stop the blessing of god. That’s what he does.
The enemy’s gonna always try to stop the blessing of god.
And if you’re a blessing of god, he’s gonna try to stop you?
And if he can’t stop you, pray, he’ll try to discourage you.
He’ll try to embitter you How do you stop a blessing?
You get you you you know, you you try to curse the blessing.
So the enemy will even use people to curse you and to try to stop you from being a blessing.
Betray you hurt you, wound you, abandon you, reject you to stop you from being a blessing.
So that instead of blessing coming out of your mouth and your life, curses come out.
Don’t let the enemy win. You understand? When you do that, you’re actually letting the enemy win.
You’ve gotta call maybe a blessing. So the blessing god uses it to test you that, hey.
Can you be a blessing when you’re being cursed. That’s when you’re really a blessing. You’re cursed.
You’re being attacked. You’re being maligned falsely, and you still can bless.
And I know those who have done it dramatically, those who were imprisoned for their faith, tortured for their faith under the communist, and they still blessed.
They didn’t let the darkness overcome the light. They overcame the darkness by the light. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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