Life Out of Death

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Life Out of Death

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this program is brought to you in part by the partners and Friends of Klo Dollar Ministries coming up next on changing your world he has come to give me life when I was in death he has come to give me something when I was in sin and he came to give it to me to the full till it overflows so everything about me now permeates with the life that came out of death and it’s going to touch everything I touch cuz he touched me he I am in him he is in me we are one together the life I live I live in him God has given us a Grace gift to
help overcome the limitations of our understand standing so that we can receive clear Direction introducing Grace Life Academy Grace Life Academy offers unlimited access to hundreds of hours of online teachings from crlo Dollar features like ecourses study guides quizzes and more to get started on your 30-day free trial simply text or sign up online by visiting myrac lifee academy.
com this is your world sess V to make it a better place let every heart that me to know you love is here to say oh it’s time we live a new life let us shine right in you we’re Sav by his grace so we Embrace Your Love today we are change we’re going to start everything we’ve talked about so far has been out of John chapter 1 so we’re going to start John Chapter 2 tonight and um I just want you to think what I’ve been trying to encourage Christian people to do is think don’t fall for the cons just just read it and think don’t be afraid to think okay um
so let’s let’s read John Chapter 2 and uh set where we’re going tonight we see the first miracle here and he says the next day I’m going to read out of n NLT the next day there was a wedding celebration in the village of canaa in Galilee Jesus’s mother was there and Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the Celebration the wine supply ran out during the festivities underline that underline that the wine supply ran out during the festivity so Jesus’s mother told him they have no more wine now
listen to his response dear woman that’s not our problem Jesus replied my time has not yet come isn’t it weird that he said my time has not yet come and then it came all right and so he says but his mother told him do whatever he told she told she was speaking to the other guys do whatever he tells you to do which is so a appropriate he’s not telling you to try to earn anything from him he’s just saying I need you to do what whatever he tells you to do so this is this is the yielded life this is the picture of the
yielded life okay do whatever he tells you to do all right I I should just be reading this but I’m I get so excited when I go through it because I kind of see what it’s about verse six standing nearby were six Stone water jars used for Jewish ceremoni washing each could hold 20 to 30 gallons Jesus told the servants fill the jars with water when the jars had been filled he said now dip some out take it to the master of the ceremonies so the servants followed his instructions when the master of the ceremonies tasted the water that was now
wine the water which is now wine they tasted the water which is now wine and it’s like the trans forming didn’t take place into the tasting it was almost like from from the from the uh picture it was water water water tasting wine and then noticing the a transformation has taken place nobody deserved this transformation nobody earned this transformation Jesus wasn’t trying to do what what what Mary thought should be done this was a supernatural Grace intervention all right now watch this then when everyone had uh has had a
lot to drink you know they bring out the less expensive wine because they normally give the best wine first they bring out the less expensive last but you’ve kept the best until now I’m telling you anything Grace transforms is better than what it was I should be reading shouldn’t I any that Grace transformed is better than what it was it’s going to be better than the original you’re not going to go you’re not going back to where Adam and Eve were you’re going to be better than what they were before they sin all right
uh this miraculous sign at Kaa verse 11 in Galilee was the first time Jesus revealed notice what he call it his glory and his disciples believed in him after the wedding he went to to cernium for a few days with his mother his brothers and his disciples now we see the second piece that’s attached to this first miracle Jesus clears the temple verse 13 it was nearly time for the Jewish Passover celebration so Jesus went to Jerusalem in the temple area he saw merchants selling cattle and sheep and doves for
sacrifices he also saw dealers at uh at tables exchanging exchanging foreign money Jesus makes a whip from some um ropes and and chase them all out of the temple he drove out the sheep and the cattle scattered the money changers coins over the floors turned over their tables now I don’t know about you but I’ve been asking this question for like a since I’ve been saved look like he was tripping out how how come I can’t trip out like that sometime I mean let’s just be honest I mean I’ve never nobody’s given me the
all I he got a whip he running people out Turning Tables over just you know how some of you do like you lose your job okay I’ll leave throw that over yeah I’ll be glad you start wrecking stuff up right okay we we’re going to get into that tonight we’re going to get in that because this is part of the sermon I’m I’m I’m I’m writing now called Jesus the shadowcaster yeah there are a lot of shadows out there and they all come back to Jesus and and and and his purpose and his plan
but thank God uh through our understanding of Grace hopefully we can find out was he tripping or was there something he was trying to communicate at this time he said then his disciples remembered his Prophecy from the scriptures passion for God’s house will consume me but the Jewish leaders demanded what are you doing if God Gave You authority to do this show us a miraculous sign signed to prove it notice again their believing was all contingent upon what they could see and what he would do did it change after the cross yeah I believe
it did he said all right Jesus replied destroy this temple in 3 days I’ll raise it up again what they exclaimed it’s taken 46 years to build this Temple and you can rebuild it in three days but when Jesus said this Temple he meant his own body H after he was raised from the dead his disciples remembered he had said this and and they believe both the scripture and what Jesus said and then verse 23 because of the miraculous signs Jesus did in Jerusalem at the Passover celebration many began to trust him
because of what he did and what they saw but Jesus didn’t trust them because he knew human nature no one needed to tell him what mankind is really like so he’s not surprised So based on what we just read I want to see if we can dive into a study on life out of death life out of death and I want to start off with this one statement and I really want you to think about these things as we travel we’re really going to go on this journey here tonight I often wonder what is the initial work of Grace what’s the initial work of
Grace and I believe it is to deal with the problem of number one death which entered the human race through the sin of Adam and I’ll show you the scripture in a moment then it was passed upon all men I believe that the initial work of Grace is to deal with sin and death to bring life out of what’s dead to transform something that’s been infected by sin in other words Grace is God’s answer to sin and death all right now here’s a scripture uh Romans chapter 5:21 Grace is God’s answer for sin and
death um notice what it says verse 21 so just as Sin ruled over all people sin ruled over all people and what happened sin ruled over all people and brought them death he says now the grace of God God’s Wonderful Grace now rules instead of sin ruling God’s grace rules instead giving us right stand Standing his grace is ruling making us righteous with God his grace is ruling and now we believe in him which results in eternal life and how do we get it through Jesus Christ so you have to understand when the grace
of God showed up it immediately start dealing with sin and death and the Regeneration of our lives have been dealt with by this amazing grace of God and remember the the first uh part one of this thing where there nobody nobody and and it’s hard for me to Fathom this I’m not to believe it but to to to see how fabulous this is nobody could have delivered the gift of Grace to us but God wrapped in flesh or the word that was made flesh the word that was made flesh who was Flawless perfect glorious delivered something to us to deal with
sin and death and he was the only one that could there is no messenger not an angel not a man God said I got to bring you something that I am so that you can hopefully get a picture of who he is he is Jesus full of grace and truth now let let let me back off that just for a moment so let’s just let’s just submit to this that that the grace of God is his answer to sin and death and we see that When sin abounds Grace does much more abound and whatever sin and death came Grace came in and made us righteous and righteousness our
righteousness our righteousness came out of death glory to God and the life of God came out of sin it didn’t produce it it was transformed glory to God just like the water was transformed so the first miracle performed by Jesus was the transformation of water into wine an in organic substance belonging to this material world where all is death was by his divine power changed into an organic substance one belonging to the realm of life and in that Miracle we see it we see something we see something glorious coming out of
that which was water the greatest of all of God’s Miracles I believe is the Regeneration of mankind but you see it all over the planet you see it especially in John when he would do these Miracles the Regeneration of man to one of his creatures who has broken now notice man regen man regenerat at he’s one of those guys who has broken God’s holy law he is therefore under death and watch watch this and God imparts Divine Life Ephesians 2 look at this Ephesians 2: 4-5 these are scriptures that we read
but I I I’m really trying to take your thinking to uh a place where you can really dig into this Ephesians 2:4 he says but God is so rich in Mercy how about we got a god is rich in Mercy aren’t you glad God’s not broke in Mercy it’s just you know Mercy is the things you deserve you don’t get the bad you deserve you don’t get and he’s rich in Mercy so but but God is so rich in Mercy and he and he loved us so much watch this five that even though we were dead because of our sins he gave us life we were dead he
gave us life when when when he raised Christ from the dead it is only by God’s grace that you have been saved it is only by God’s grace that you are not still in in in death you are you are alive you you believe in Jesus and he has now given you eternal life because you believe in Jesus and this life that you now know check out where came from it came from Death that’s why death can’t do too much now where you s right now watch this now stay with me so the Miracles and the incidents related to to to to to all of those who
were dead uh you see Jesus now bringing life and you see Jesus bringing more abundance life to mankind now I know we take the scripture John 10:10 you know he has he has come to give us life and give it to us more abundantly so what we’re thinking about is Jesus has come to give us an amazing life full of everything we want oh yes he did he said he’ll give your life more abundantly two three houses he’ll give you life more abundantly five4 cars he’ll give you life more abundant that’s that’s
that’s and hey hey if you if you can walk in some of that I mean you know I ain’t mad at you but I’m I’m saying it’s so much more than that you’re so locked in on this on this dead world and there’s a life that he’s given you in the midst of this dead world so that you can enjoy see eternal life happens when you believe Jesus okay eternal life is not it it it’s it’s more it’s it’s it’s Jesus more than how long is this going to be it it he has come to give me life when I was in
death he has come to give me something when I was in sin and he came to give it to me to the full until it overflows so everything about me now permeates with the life that came out of death and it’s going to touch everything I touch cuz he touched me he I am in him he is in me we are one together the life I live I live in him so this is more than he’s come that I might have life and have it more abundantly to the full to overflow woo this is more than you being rich this is you being abundantly rich in the eternal
life of God and there is nothing on this planet that can dare compare to what you have on the inside because he’s not doing no more miracles in the natural he’s doing all the Miracles in the spiritual and you got to believe the word to get it to you okay I said it I I got to go back and I I kind of skipped a bunch of steps when I said that everybody still count of on the bus I know some you got a leg hanging out there like okay so it has been said that the present age of Grace is not one in which God performs Miracles that man May
believe on him so this is this is the in the age of Grace God’s not performing miracles to get you to believe on him before that time yeah when Jesus was walking and fulfilling the law they believe because of what what he did did a miracle they said oh Jesus did this and they and they believed on him oh Jesus opened those eyes oh they believed on him oh Jesus did and they believed on him and and and we got to get this right cuz we got too much disappointing stuff going on in church when we’re doing stuff and we’re
expecting some stuff I’m wondering do you have a right to expect that kind of stuff is that where the real power is you see I believe let me say it like that I believe that God does not perform miracles in the material realm during this age of Grace to get you to believe he has risen to the spiritual realm in which to perform his miracles the eternal life which is the gift of Grace eternal life which is the gift of Grace is spiritual the Walk of the believer is [Music]
spiritual the promised blessings are spiritual Ephesians 1 and 3 I’ll bless you with what kind of blessings spiritual blessings where in Heavenly plac is where in the whole program is spiritual but you can’t say that about the law there is no impartation of Divine Life that comes from the law the Walk of those under the law is in the power of of the Flesh and not of the spirit and all the promises are Earthly and material under the law God’s trying to get people to believe him by believing what he said uh okay just
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