Liberated Unto Sonship – Liberated by Faith: A Study of Galatians – Part 8 – Dr. Charles Stanley

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Join us in praising the Lord as we turn to Galatians, Chapter 4. For those new to our series, we’ve been exploring how God intends for His people to find freedom—freedom from the burdens of others’ expectations, from self-imposed pressures, and from the constraints of mere tradition. Many believers have been caught in patterns of thinking and living that God never meant for us, but Paul’s message in Galatians offers true liberation.

In the first 11 verses of Chapter 4, Paul talks about our new status under sonship. Let’s begin with a key passage from Galatians 3:29: “If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” Paul explains that although we are heirs of God, we were once like young children—legally entitled to our inheritance but not yet ready to fully claim it.

Here’s how Paul breaks it down: just as an heir, when still a child, is under guardians and cannot yet enjoy the privileges of full ownership, we, too, were once under the “guardianship” of the world’s principles. But when the time was right, God sent His Son to redeem us, so we might receive adoption into His family. Now, because we are His children, God has placed His Spirit in our hearts, leading us to call out to Him as “Abba, Father.” As His children, we are no longer slaves but heirs to His promises.

Paul then warns against turning back to our old ways. He says that, before knowing God, the Galatians were enslaved to things that are not gods. Yet, now that they know God—and are known by Him—why would they revert to a life of spiritual bondage? Observing outdated rituals and calendars, they risk falling back into a mindset of slavery. Paul fears that his labor among them might be in vain if they return to their former ways.

To put it in today’s terms: when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, we become co-heirs with Him. But just as a young child doesn’t yet fully understand or manage an inheritance, we need time to grow in spiritual understanding. Until we fully embrace this identity, we may struggle to live in the freedom God has intended.

This version is optimized for clarity and ease of understanding, integrating relevant keywords and concepts like “freedom in Christ,” “spiritual growth,” “God’s promises,” and “adoption as God’s children.” Let me know if you’d like further modifications!

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