Let Faith Guide You to Prosper – Faith To Dominate Your World

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Let Faith Guide You to Prosper – Faith To Dominate Your World

Adam and Eve were designed to live on the level of their Creator. They walked and talked with God every day. God brought all the beasts of the field to Adam to see what he would call them. (Genesis 2:19). Adam never went to school to learn the names; he discerned the names from the Spirit of God. In Faith to Dominate Your World, Dr. Bill Winston teaches you how to receive revelation knowledge and operate in spiritual discernment to win every battle and to know the glorious future that God has for you.

The believers walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries Partners and viewers.
Up next on the believer’s block of faith.
You’re supposed to be using your faith to rescue the law. Amen.
You’re supposed to be using your faith to build a a home for underwent others who had children and couldn’t take care of them, you’re supposed to be using your fight for that.
I’m just saying it’s not just for Sam It’s for what god wants to do on the earth, and it gave you faith so he can do it.
The truth about faith is that faith works with no respect of people in terms of whether you’re black, white, or some other background?
Watch this. Whether you’re rich or poor, faith, does not even look at that.
Right. Right.
Watch this faith does even look at whether you’re educated. Nothing to do with it.
Faith doesn’t care what country you’re in.
So here I was in Africa’s bridging and, you know, one person I heard, one person over overheard him saying, Well, he can have that kind of airplane because he’s from America.
I I said god is not from America.
He’s in America, but he’s not from America. Amen.
You see, they were trying to qualify why they don’t have that.
And if you are a believer, you cannot qualify.
You have no nothing that you can use to say this is why I don’t have this, how I don’t have that so forth and
so forth.
You might not have experience in something, but if you got faith, then anointing will come on you.
Same into this, and he’ll give you a mental adjustment. Yes.
Do you hear what I’m saying? Yes. That’s why faith is so dangerous.
That’s why god could take people just like they are. Somebody out of prison, somebody did.
But notice what he does, If somebody’s been in prison, he’ll try to work it so that they are more conscious of their past than they are of their future.
That’s why right now, we’re trying to work pick up this expungement.
And this expungement, you know, you get somebody out, and you wanna expunge their record.
Well, it’s like just like the enemy to let them pay the penalty and then keep paying.
Exactly. So some, when they get out, all of a sudden, they can be free and walk the street, but they can’t rent an apartment.
Well, we gotta put an end to that. That’s an unjust law.
They ought to be just as free as anybody else who never went to prison.
You saw the commercial up here that what we showed the guy who said, you mean I’m free?
Yes. Yes. You mean I can be free? I mean, he tears came to his eyes.
Freedom through faith.
Freedom through faith.
My goodness, my goodness.
So it doesn’t make any difference to what background you have because people try to qualify themselves when I start thinking about talking about things so forth and so forth.
A janitor in the kingdom can have a jet.
And somebody is gonna sit up here and try to qualify that.
Know what you’re doing is you’re trying to make some excuse while you’re not gonna use any faith.
And I’m just telling you there is no excuse.
You’re supposed to be using your faith to rescue the loss. Amen.
You’re supposed to be using your faith to build a a home for unwet mothers who had children and couldn’t take care of them, you’re supposed to be using your faith for that.
You’re supposed to be using your faith for halfway house.
For the people who’ve been incarcerated, know how no place to stay, uh, halfway house.
Do you use your faith that they’ll get a company that will hire them and so forth.
You, your phone just saying, it’s not just for self.
It’s for what god wants to do on the earth.
And it gave you faith so he can do it. Yeah. Well, I’m preaching tonight.
I didn’t mean break all of it. They got some real messed up laws on the books.
Yes. And I’m gonna get a droop of people that gonna un mess up. We we we we yep.
We’re gonna use our faith because it will give us the victory. It it will untwist, twisted laws.
Alright. Faith. Now watch this one.
This is the truth about faith.
Faith is used to royalty.
When you got born again, you got born into royalty.
Say amen to that. And I use another word ruling class.
You are the ruling class. Sam, the ruling class.
I’m the ruling class. Look what it says here.
That that’s this is good folks. Yeah. Yeah.
Because I’m trying to tear down all those sacred cows.
You know how they went out there in that wilderness?
And Moses, they thought he went up there and maybe something happened to him.
And the next thing, you know, they were making this calf.
You remember Well, it’s people have made calves in the church.
And we gotta tear down all of those sacred house. Amen.
Right, man.
No. Amen. Faith, let’s go to the Luke and look at Luke chapter 17 in verse 5.
Folks, we had this thing so strong. Anybody to walk in here, it’ll get healed.
Get this walk in here. Wing it. And I’m telling you, well, that’s that’s how strong we can ask.
See, I’m I I can see things only because I’m used as a custodian for the mysteries of the kingdom.
Yes. To my generation. Um, he give me he took 12 spies and sent them out there, didn’t he? Yes.
When they came back, they had to preach the word of god to get these people to go in there.
Now these people, 33,000,000 They didn’t see it. Only the custodian saw it.
I’m a custodian. Folks, god has wealth for you.
Sometimes, well, he talking about that prosperity again. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Because I’m taking everything back that should be in the body of Christ. Come on.
We got civil rights, but now we need some silver rights. Alright.
Verse 5. Ready. Read. Alright.
It should obey you. Then a letter of Greek says it would obey you. Keep going. Next first.
But which of you having a servant?
Now what he’s saying is faith should could be seen as a servant.
Yes. Yes.
But the servant of faith came from the father. Amen. Because it’s his faith Amen.
That he’s given to you to finish the work that he’s called you to do.
He gave you his faith. And if faith came from him, then faith is used to working for royalty thing does not work for a person with a condemned heart.
Doesn’t work for him. You better get forget that path and get on in the future.
And the enemy’s job is to help you remember free mistake. You’ve probably made everything you said.
Oh, I I said. I shouldn’t have said this to my mother. She’s gone off.
And I just said that you better forget it because it’s just a devil that taught you into saying that, man, and he know that god really had a better heart inside of you.
And I’m saying to this, you’ve you if you confess it then it’s forgiven.
And once it’s forgiven, it is over. It is over. Right.
And so when it’s over, that means that I don’t need to think of it anymore And I’m gonna discipline my mind not to let the devil enter that thought into my mind anymore.
See, it’s alright if the thing flies by your mind. But don’t let it sit there. Yes.
That’s right.
In the name of Jesus, I cast that thought down It is not my thought.
It is not I’ve been forgiven for that, and I’m a walk on in peace. Say amen for that.
I think that’s why a lot of people are not prosper. Right.
But because the faith won’t work, because faith is not used to working for a slave. Call.
See, faith is used to work it for a king.
Yes. Yes.
Faith to release the anointing. Now isaiah 1027, it says about the anointing is god’s burden removing, yoke destroying, power.
Alright? This is where we are.
So you are anointed I might say that one more time.
You are anointed. Now, this morning, let me give you some verses here.
2nd kings chapter 2, verse 14. Ready Read.
Where is your support?
God, Elijah? No. Notice this is Elijah. Following Elijah.
Elijah is about to be taken up into heaven.
He lies Shah catches a revelation. So he’s following him everywhere he goes.
So he said if you see me when I’m taken, you’ll get what you want, and he didn’t want one portion.
He wanted a double push.
So as he went up, the chariot picked him up and took him up to heaven, he dropped his mantle, symbolizing the anointing.
Amen. So Elijah takes this And he smoked the waters,
and the waters split. And he said, where is the lord god of Elijah?
Now faith He he just didn’t the water just did a split because he hit him.
The water split because by faith, he received the anointing.
The this is that’s a very delicate point. Now, I’m saying something.
Can I say this without somebody going home and talking about me?
There is an anointing on my life.
It it is on my life.
And I really believe this is like the camp of David.
That David had something called mighty men. Yeah. Yeah. Say amen to this.
And he got them over at 1st Samuel chapter 22 and verse 1 and 2, and they were both broke busted and disgusted.
Now that’s not what the scripture says. It says that they were discontent. Come on.
They were in debt I’m talking about most of the folks that come in here are discontented to end debt.
But if they follow the leader, and are willing to tithe. Lord, how much?
I’m gonna come over here now. Come on. Come on.
See, to help me with what god called me to do, that I’m mourning. That’s all me.
But if you’re busy thinking, I’m no more anointed than you who have not even known things I know, gone through what I who came to Chicago?
Who does this with $200? And his family had no plates to say.
Who starts at Leggin, Pulaskin, end up with shopping mall. Who took there must be something on me?
If you if you honor the man of god, you will get the vision and the revelation and the anointing that’s on his life.
Say it amen to now.
I am not trying to brag on myself.
And and if I didn’t have some proof, you’ve got a right not to you you know, maybe he ain’t that But here’s what he told Joshua.
He said Joshua, now listen. They said this is Joshua.
Joshua, now whatever you tell us to do, we’re gonna do. The Joshua chapter 1 verse 16 70.
But where are you jealous to go? We’re gonna go. Only the lord be with you Right.
As he was with Moses. Are you following what I’m saying?
In other words, Joshua, let me see a little proof that you really know the lord.
I got proof that I know god. I’ve got, folks, it is proof that I know god.
Alright. 2nd kings chapter
4 and verse 14. Ready. Read.
stop right there. They honored that man of god. Amen. Why?
Because he was anointed.
That’s right.
Watch this, and they built the prophets court as for him. Uh, are you here what I’m saying?
Now when they built that prophecy corps, the man of god came through town, they said, hey.
I got got you all laid out here. I got a prophecy cordless. I got your bed.
I got the nicest furniture. So forth and torn.
The man of god laid down there, and god said, get up.
He said, now, ask her what she wants.
And so because they provided for him, god’s gonna buy for them.
And the man of god’s servants said, you know, uh-uh, they they don’t have no child, and the husband is old.
Now, what if I think I think this meant my imagination. I think that we’re both getting old. Yes.
That we’re past childbearing. But if you believe god, and honor that man of god, that anointing that is on him will reset your organs.
It will reset. Come on. It’ll reset your body.
Nothing you know, you’ve been looking good and say amen to that.
And when she told he told her this time next year, you will have a child new notice what she said.
Oh, don’t lie to your handmade lord. She said, my lord, don’t lie to me. He she couldn’t believe it.
It was past her, but that anointing that anointing was working.
And when that anointing was working, I don’t care what the situation is. That anointing will fix anything that’s broke.
Anything out of line. That anointing will take care of it in Jesus’ name. And you follow what I’m saying.
I’m saying that’s an anointing in your church.
And you need to come here and expect that whatever trouble you haven’t, by the time you leave here, you won’t have it no more.
And then second king, chapter 5, and verse 14, glory to god.
Watch this one. Ready. Read
dipped himself seventy times and enjoyed and his flesh name again, right?
I don’t see any expression for the child.
He’s a man of god because he came to him, He was a Syrian.
He wasn’t even a is Israelite.
But he’s gonna get the anointing that’s all that man of god to work for his life.
Amen. Because he believes in it. Amen. Say Amen.
And he told him, go dip seven times in the river, Jordan.
And when he finally got there, he dipped seven times and came up and his skin was just like a newborn.
Look, like a young child, say amen to that. Amen. That didn’t make sense. But it made faith. Yes.
And because he dipped and just obeyed the manners, I’m talking about dipped in public.
I’m talking about god sent him purposely to the mightiest waters that was around. Why?
Because of his pride, his pride had locked him out of his healing.
He had locked him out of his deliverance. He had locked him out of his of, uh, he was ashamed
And so forth something is happening with people when they don’t honor that.
And next thing you know, he dipped and dipped and dipped. He made him dip how many times? 7 times.
He didn’t want him to dip once. It might happen so fast that everybody don’t see it.
He want him to dip 7 so everybody can see it.
His men were looking at him and and coming, who are looking at each other, they had big bosses dipping.
I’m telling you right now, god can get rid of pride for you.
He can make it so that you can prosper in the face of pride. Let’s go.
He’ll help you get rid of it, say amen.
The anointing is a performance enhancer.
Look at Judge chapter 7 and verse 7. Freddy Reid.
Now this is what was that you read?
So what happened is Gideon? He called Gideon.
Gideon knew he was not a smart man.
Some people call it stupid, but he was not a smart man.
Watch this didn’t go to a big school.
His family is among the poorest, and he’s the least in it.
And god reached all the way back and said, I want you.
Because I’m gonna give you everything you need to lead an army.
He never went to those schools. None of that.
And that anointing can come on you for performance.
And as over with a crime.
I’m saying what you’re learning tonight is faith and how this faith that caused you to dominate.
Appraise the lord.
Now, this is faith to dominate your world. I’m talking about rule it. Nobody rules your world, but you.
Nobody can stop you from getting to your destiny, but you well, the man doesn’t like who’s the man?
The man is Christ Jesus. And if he be for you, no earthly man can stand against you.
You follow what I’m saying. There’s too much of this stuff trying to make excuses of what somebody is doing to me, nobody can stop you, but you.
Now, this is faith to dominate your world.
Now here’s what sometimes I go overseas, you know, I said, well, uh, you can, uh, have a a ministry airplane because You’re from America.
I said, god is not from America. Uh, you don’t say? He’s in America. Uh, he’s here too.
And I’m saying that nobody can stop you from reaching your destiny, but you.
And god is no respecter person. The Bible says over in acts, acts chapter 10 34.
Peter said, I perceive that god is no respecter of person but in every nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousness is accepted with him, has the same access to his blessing.
You can get a ministry jet in Africa just as quick as we can get 1 in America makes no difference because it’s all with god.
Isn’t that powerful? Get the tape.
You will be blessed faith to dominate your world in Jesus’ name.
Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
Blest by today’s message.
Order today’s 4 part series Faith to dominate your world in its entirety on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP4 to order contact us at 1807119327.
Or online at billwinston.org.
In faith to dominate your world, you’ll learn how to receive revelation and operate in spiritual discernment.
These powerful truths will help you win every battle, advance into the next level god has for you.
Operation 10 city is a 10 city campaign, empowering communities people across challenge Metropolitan Cities throughout the US, restoring home, providing resource, and imparting entrepreneurial educate operation 10 city features a free mega event with programming for you and next generation leaders, business owners, and entrepreneurs centered on community outreach, business and entrepreneurship, and faith.
Operation 10 city has impacted thousands today in St.
Louis, Detroit, Cleveland, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and Chicago, with a singular vision to inspire people and commune to access true economic prosperity and self sufficiency through wealth building and ownership.
It’s a lot of single parents like myself, that’s doing everything by itself, and this actually is a big help.
It’s in these days and times, the way it is in this world today, it is very hard.
You know, and people doing what they can to take what they have to make it.
Some of us are like swamped in bills and in in proper taxes. And then, um, this is excellent.
Um, we appreciate the blessing.
Today, I am here because I would love expans my record.
I have made several mistakes at a young age.
Me having my record expands will be the most powerful impact in my life because I plan on getting my CDL so I can get truck dropping.
I have a future.
I’m Robert Alexander Cajer, and I just won $10,000 here at Operation 10 City.
I’m Ria Wilson. Cutting edge global, and the church just won $20,000 here at Operation 10 C.
You’re gonna be 10 better than the best that the world can produce. This is your seat.
The vision is when you see audience uh, versus what you see on the outside and you chase it.
That god is a part of every area of my life and things that I do.
He wants to make sure you’re always on right track.
You give god access to all your life, not just part of it.
When I came here, I felt the presence of god. It was so powerful.
When praise and worship started, I just felt the anointing.
And if you’re looking for change and you just wanna change your life, this is a place to come when they come to your city.
This is your date. Uh, and, no, no, this is your date.
This is your date.
I can tell you that many people have told me what a blessing it is that you’ve done this.
Gas cards have been incredibly excellent.
Lyft cards and Uber cards, along with groceries and free clothing, not just any clothing, but brand new clothing for folks who would have otherwise not being able to even do it.
You don’t know what we’ve been through here, but I feel extremely blessed.
I just wanna Thank you, living word, Doctor Bill Winston, and operation 10 city for what you’ve done for this it.
Remember, you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you, and keep walking
by faith.

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