Lessons from The Plague | Jonathan Cahn Friday Weekly

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Lessons from The Plague

“One heartbeat,” he replied, “one heartbeat. That’s it. That’s all. You’re only one heartbeat away from eternity. Everything you have—your life, your breath, this moment, it’s all borrowed, it’s all a gift. And at any moment it all ends with a heartbeat…just one heartbeat, and there’s no more time. One heartbeat and the chance to be saved is gone. One heartbeat and there’s no more choosing—it’s all sealed for eternal life or eternal death.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future

Does the Bible speak about epidemics and pandemic.
It does the Hebrew word for this is the word try. It doesn’t sound like a friendly word.
It means the plague, it means to beat or strike or dash.
Something older Bible versions will often use the word pestilence.
We’ve heard the word, but we don’t always know what it mean. Pestilence.
That is often a translation of another Hebrew word, which is the word moraine, moraine. Try it. Morain.
That’s actually in passo if you remember, we go through the plagues, the 10 plagues, one of them is called moraine, the plague, but they’re all plagues in one sense.
But that’s a plague in Hebrew.
The word is try it, which means really like a judgment because that word is linked to the word for word.
The word word like something spoken, an appointed judgment. The prophets often spoke of judgment coming and used three things.
They said famine, the sword and pestilence. Sometimes the order changes sword pestilence, famine.
But it’s oh and you see those three judgment by famine.
Obviously, that’s obvious that uh there is a there is a drought on the land or things, things are there’s want in the land, the times of Elijah, the sword coming.
That’s, that’s, that’s war or invasion. Pestilence is disease or epidemic or pandemic. Can pestilence be a judgment.
It can in the Bible in the days of Passover, we just read it. It was definitely a judgment.
Plague upon Egypt is a judgment. So other instances in the Bible are of plagues as judgment.
That’s there. The covenant of Israel itself says that if you follow God, you’re gonna be the most blessed people in every way.
But if you turn against God, one of the judgments coming on you is plague is disease. That’s all there.
Deuteronomy 28 Leviticus 26. Now, does that mean that every pestilence or every disease or person affected is it’s a judgment.
No, in the natural world, there are consequences. There’s a, there are laws of cause and effect.
They work by natural law as well.
But one thing to at least note here, do you remember leading up to all of this for months?
There were news stories. I even shared them with you.
And on New Year’s Eve, when I went through the prophetic update that there’s one place on earth that had launched a massive persecution of God’s people, massive persecution of believers to wipe out the Christian faith, close down churches, putting believers in prison, uh forcing pastors trying to force them to praise the government even trying to rewrite the Bible to.
It was China China all of a sudden launched an all out persecution of God’s people in this last year.
If you remember, I mean, massive and it was China that was the first nation to be struck and shaken all over the place.
I don’t, I don’t know how that persecution is going.
I don’t think it’s going very well for the, for the Chinese government because they were shaken by all this, the nation that was struck the hardest.
The first was China. Now we say we can say to Oman, we can’t say to o’malley.
But there’s a very interesting connection because it was the worst persecution suddenly launched.
And all of a sudden this thing comes upon them.
God uses all things, even even evil or bad, the enemy uses them.
God uses it for good to humble us, to wake us up, to correct us to, to call us back.
We’ve never seen anything like this and it’s now it’s all over the world. Entire countries are locked down.
Entire continents are locked out, schools canceled all over basketball, canceled totally concerts canceled Broadway dark, late night television is going on without an audience and some of them are not even taping anymore bands on all large gatherings, New Jersey, not a band yet, but a recommend recommended band said they should.
Presidential campaign is on hold.
I mean, two degree, maybe that’s good but to a two degree, the stock market up to this point, the greatest stock market crash was in the realm of unprecedented was 1000 points.
That was unprecedented in one day. Just have this week, it plunged 2000 points.
Then the next day, about 1000 and a half points and then another 2000 points, people are in fear.
People are in lockdown. The Bible does speak of pestilence in the last days.
It does say that does that mean we’re in the Book of Revelation.
No, but it does show us how fragile life is, how easy, just one thing and everything breaks everything, how quickly things can descend.
You know, I don’t know if you’ve been to the supermarket. Yeah. Amazing.
I mean, there are some supermarkets where people are fighting, we’re fighting over water but also over, you know, and over those wipes, you know, you can’t get anywhere or just baby, you’ve got it.
But, but, but it’s fun. It’s amazing because I was there a few days ago and it was at one stage and then the last two days it just went, went apocalyptic.
What are we to do? The Bible says, use wisdom.
The Bible doesn’t say we’re to be foolish.
The Bible says we are to be wise, use wisdom and caution. Don’t tempt.
The Lord says a wise man sees calamity and prepares, that’s not wrong.
At the same time, we have to balance that and not succumb to a spirit of fear.
Do not live in fear.
Now that doesn’t mean, again, you do reckless things and it doesn’t mean you don’t take precautions or follow the precautions, but you don’t do it in fear.
If we have to do something or if we have to, for a time, we have to do things differently or whatever that, to prevent something, not in fear and we do nothing in fear.
God has not given you a spirit of fear.
You are a child of God do not fear.
He said your heavenly Father knows all that you need.
So if He knows everything you need provided, he also knows what you need to protect you.
If you live in fear, you’re not gonna be see.
If you live in fear, you’re gonna be focused on yourself. And that’s the problem with fear.
We are here to be lights, we’re here to be an answer. We’re here to be blessed again.
Doesn’t mean you don’t be wise to keep yourself so you can do what God has you.
But it’s not to look out for yourself. It’s to do God’s will. We’re gonna be healers.
We’re gonna be healers of the breach, Children of heaven beyond that. Remember who you are?
Your life is not bound by earth. The enemy wants you to panic and, and bound by earth.
You know where the word panic comes from. The word panic comes from a, a pagan God.
The enemy wants that, but your life is not bound on earth. Your life is from heaven.
It says your life is hidden. It’s in heaven. It’s, it’s bound from heaven.
And the worst thing that could ever happen to you, let’s say a child of God is that you go to heaven.
Yes. Worst case scenario, you’re gonna be more blessed than you ever were one way or the other.
We’re all going to heaven one way or the other. If you’re born again, we’re not on earth to survive.
We’re not on earth to save our lives. We’re not here to hoard every moment. You can’t do it anyway.
You’re gonna lose this time. The point is spend your time for God. Don’t live on the defensive.
Spend your time. Don’t have your life taken from you. Give your life for God’s purposes.
We’re here to use our lives, give our lives to the purposes of God.
The enemy wants you living in fear.
The Lord wants you living in faith to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
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