Joseph Prince: Set Free by the Grace of God! (Full Sermon) | Praise on TBN

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Joseph Prince: Set Free by the Grace of God! (Full Sermon) | Praise on TBN

Joseph Prince shares an inspiring sermon on TBN’s Praise about God’s perfect love, and finding freedom in His immeasurable grace.

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America needs to needs to turn back to righteousness as a gift to be received we need to bring back the Gospel of Jesus Christ because America’s greatest days were when its founding fathers believe the gospel of Jesus Christ and they had no qualms about saying the name of Jesus when they believe right they leave right to many of times we frustrate the grace of God when we want to do so much when God just wants us to receive and receive much for it’s those who receive much that serve much that love much that give much that do much it
all begins with receiving but we want to make God we want to relegate God to be a receiver and we The Giver forgetting that God always wants to have the blessed and the higher position for without contradiction the less is blessed by the better and God always wants to be the blesser and he wants us to be the Blessed can you just take your place can you just allow yourself to be loved Lord I’m going to bless you Lord I’m going to give you Lord I’m going to God say Let Me Love You like Mary when she received from the
Lord that’s right she was the only woman that anointed the body of Jesus for his burial the women that came on Resurrection morning never had the chance she did the right thing at the right time for she chose the right portion to sit and receive that incessant Grace amen you know one of the things that we have been accused of is people saying things like you know they Don’t Preach repentance but actually when you stop your wrong thinking your wrong believing and start saying God wants to bless me go I mean God has a a a tidal
wave of Grace for me do you know you are repenting do you know you are changing your mind do you know that in in at least in my church repentance is going on all the time now you might not have people coming up and saying Jesus Jesus you know what I’m saying I’m not belittling that I’m just saying you can go through all that and still not have your mind change for you have not heard anything to cause your mind to change but when you hear someone preach the word and he’s giving you material from scripture
and you are changing your minds all the time repentance is going on all the time because the word repentance is change of mind you know one day I was reading Luke 15 where it talks about then Drew near all the publicans the tax collectors and the Sinners to hear Jesus in that parable of the lost coin the lost sheep the lost son Luke 15 I was very intrigued because at the time I asked the Lord to help me to Define repentance in a New Covenant way and he brought me to the lost sheep in Luke 15 in Luke 15 there was a Shepherd do we have the
scripture here there was a Shepherd who lost a sheep okay there one scripture we don’t have so I’m going to tell you the story you all know you are familiar with the parable he lost one sheep out of 100 and the Bible says this Good Shepherd leaves the 99 goes out starts seeking for that lost sheep when he finds it he takes it and puts it on his shoulder rejoicing look at the style rejoicing all right and then not only that he brought the Sheep back and called All His Friends and says Rejoice with me let’s party for the sheep that
was lost has been found and then Jesus said something profound Jesus said truly I say to you there is more joy in heaven over one sinner that repents than 99 persons who need need no repentance so obviously that illustration was to point out that this Parable is about repentance but when I studied the parable I was looking at how the Sheep repented and I could not see it but Jesus ended that Parable by saying there is Joy over one sinner that repents he used the word that sinner repents that lost sheep repents but when I was trying
to study how the lost sheep repents all I saw was the Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd left the 99 the Good Shepherd went out the Good Shepherd sought the Good Shepherd found the Good Shepherd took it and put it on his shoulders of strength and the Good Shepherd was rejoicing and the Good Shepherd said come on people Rejoice with me so I said to the Lord Lord help me here how did a sheep repent did he say Lord I’m coming home here I am bleeding at every pore but I’m coming home home I am a poor way faring
[Music] stranger are traveling through this world of war shut up it’s not about about you it’s about him you know I asked the Lord so how did the Sheep repent the Lord says this is repentance when you consent to be saved when you consent to be loved when you consent to be carried by my arms of strength and be embraced by my strong hands of love when you consent you allow me to that’s repentance and there is more joy over that kind of repentance than the other legalistic kind because don’t forget Judas Iscariot in the Old King
James it says he repented when he saw that they want to do harm to Jesus they he realized that Jesus isn’t defending himself he said the Bible says he repented he threw the money down he said I betrayed innocent blood but how many you know he lost because he did an act of self-righteousness he hung himself if only he had waited just a few hours the Good Shepherd would have hung in his place Peter denied knowing Jesus with cursing and swearing but Peter waited allowed himself to be saved allowed himself to be loved whereas there are people with
self-righteousness and they refuse to accept forgiveness even from God they rather pay for their own sins do you understand that self-righteousness is the mother of all sins I’m telling you because sin came in through that tree called the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil pray tell me what’s wrong with that tree it’s called the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil what’s wrong with knowledge of Good and Evil it is deadly and God says the day you eat of it it’s a picture of the law the day you
eat of it you shall die so man wanting to be like God with his own action his own performance so that with self-righteousness and self-righteous is the mother of all sin you know when Jesus taught on faith Jesus cursed the F tree that bore no fruit only fi leaves Jesus cursed that Fi Tree before be taught on faith the faith of God in that sense he’s saying you have to curse the thick leaves of self-righteousness before faith can operate in your life because the first mention of thick leaves is when Adam and Eve covered
themselves with salad dressing thick leaves remember that they covered themselves thick leaves now Jesus cursed the fig tree bearing fi leaves what is he cursing self-righteousness [Music] bloodless sacrifice if you want Faith to operate in your life curse self-righteousness in your life renounce it in jesus’ name amen Church Romans 519 tells us for as by one man’s Disobedience many were made Sinners so also by one man’s obedience many will be made righteous by one man’s obedience I said by one man’s obedience not your
obedience y all his obedience how are you righteous today he’s obedience is it my obedience no he’s obedience well Pastor Prince uh we have to be obedient people the thing is this friends if you believe right that his obedience made you righteous right believing will always lead to right living you don’t have to worry about right living just preaching on right living does not necessarily produce right living when you preach right living right living doesn’t mean you produce right living right in fact you produce
fear and guil when it don’t measure up but when you preach Jesus and there’s right believing in what he has done amen there’ll be right living Hallelujah now the essence of the battle the Warfare that we have today is that the devil is trying to bring our Focus away from Jesus and his obedience that made us righteous it is his obedience at the cross that made all of us righteous if I were to ask you a question how when you were a sinner remember it’s a long time I know but you remember when you’re
a sinner whose sin made you a sinner now we did Sin didn’t we all right we we’re not Sinners because we sin we sin because we are sinners I know that’s deep but we we are not Sinners because we sin we sin because we are sinners we are sinners because of Adam’s sin right amen by the same token we are righteous by that one man’s obedience now when you were a sinner try to recall okay well there some good bits that you did like something that you help the poor or you help someone in need someone
in trouble when you were a sinner come on I mean you not all that bad right all right but you were a sinner there are sinners and there are wicked Sinners you understand but all are sinners you see we judge people based on their levels and degrees of sin God say Sin is Sin for example there are no degrees of Dess like for example J’s daughter she just died when Jesus arrived at the house she just died the Widow of nin that I mentioned just now her only son had died the same day for a number of hours perhaps Lazarus on the other hand has
been dat for 4 days and we judge people based on how bad your sin is and degrees of sin and then there’s no such thing as degrees of deadness so why do we judge people like that you know what all three of them are dead dead as a door nail is that how you say it here door nail they are dead whether you just died or you died for 4 days you’re dead and we all need the resurrection and the life his name is Jesus amen so what the devil wants to do is to take your focus off that one man now when you were a sinner there were some good things that
you did did the good things that you do when you were a sinner change your status as a sinner wow you were still a sinner what the first Adam did was so powerful you cannot Undo It by your good deeds right right that’s true what the first Adam did was so powerful you cannot undo your status as a sinner by doing good when you do good you are still a sinner now because of that one man’s obedience that I made it righteous the last [Music] Adam the last Adam has come I said the last Adam has come now his obedience has made you
righteous now you are born again Bible toting scripture [Music] quoting tongue talking Jesus exalting now that you are saved now that you are righteous by Jesus’s obedience ever since you were made righteous ever since you were born again in other words have you done wrong now next question does it change your status now now listen don’t worry about well he’s giving people license to sin number one people are sinning without license number two number two they don’t need license number two it’s a strength of
sin that is the strength of sin is the law not Grace when you are under grace sin shall not have dominion over you now listen right believing believing his obedience made you righteous all right we don’t realize the ramifications of what we are believing we say like for example in one day you can be righteous you confess your sin now you are you are you are righteous then you sin you are unrighteous you confess your sin now you are re righteous and then before the evening is gone all right all right there uh uh old friend call you up and
start using some words and all that and you start you know hitting him back whatever now you are unrighteous and you say I shouldn’t have said that I’m a Believer oh man I’m a pastor oh man you know then you confess now you are righteous again this this nonsense of bouncing in and out of this position of righteousness we don’t realize we are insulting the work of Christ and devaluing the blood of Christ hey listen we are not even ready for the much more of what Jesus did the church is not even ready to hear
about the much more even putting Jesus and Adam on the same level we give more credit to Adam We Tell The Sinner no matter what good you do man you cannot be safe it’s only through the blood then we tell the Christian now that you sin you are unri righteous you need to get righteous we don’t realize that we are actually putting the work of Adam above the work of Christ now church if you believe right don’t worry about leading right you will live right the essence of the Warfare people is that the devil wants to bring your
focus back on your obedience the the lack of it have you obeyed enough the first thing that happens when you are sick is where have I missed it where have I disobeyed God instead of believing God actively all right you start being introspective you start to be self-occupied and there’s nothing more painful than to be self-occupied to the extent you are self- occupied you are in pain all of us are self-occupied you have a group photo who do you look for first the president might be in the group photo but you’re looking for yourself
how good you look beside the president now the thing is this the devil wants you self-occupied to the degree you are self- occupied you are in fear you are depressed you are feeling guilty you see where you don’t measure up you look at your thoughts they don’t measure up you look at yourself doesn’t measure up but God Wants You focus look outward from self and and look at Jesus look off to Jesus and see his obedience made me righteous not my right thoughts my right emotions my right Behavior but his
righteousness make me righteous when you believe right it will be right all right but don’t focus on yourself never never never judge your standing that is righteousness for the believer never judge your standing by your behavior always judge your behavior by your standing your standing will never change now you are free to judge your behavior do we do we say that we have not sinned we don’t sin No in fact after you re you realize you’ve been forgiven of all your sins let me illustrate let’s say a
businessman all right he has a accounts receivable Ledger okay his business ledger but suppose that this businessman through some bad decisions or whatever he he’s now heavily in debt when he comes to the office he does not want to look at his Ledger why because he knows he’s heavily in debt all right he catch a distant look at The Ledger and he sees a lot of red that means he’s in De he has no heart to open The Ledger he tells his secretary you go through it tell me what we owe and I’ll just I’ll try my best to
pay whatever we can at this present moment but I don’t want to look at The Ledger now supposing this businessman has a friend who heard about his predicament and this friend is a wealthy friend and he doesn’t want this debt on his conscience so this friend paced his debt and only pce his debt gave him extra all right to just make sure that he feels really good for his future and then takes off somewhere without even telling his friend and somebody has to come and tell him that your debt is paid now how good the
messenger tells him will determine how he feels whether he’ll behave right towards his debt many of us the messengers has been having a mixed message so we we don’t convey with Clarity actually Jesus is an overpayment for all our sins if you think about our sin that to God listen our sin that to god let’s say you have a 10 million all right 10 million doll sin debt towards God Jesus is 10 billions if you understand the quality of the man the value of that one man to God he’s an overpayment for all our sins that’s why
there’s plenty left over that’s why there’s much more now now that the businessman knows he’s PID his I mean his debt is paid he comes into the office he says Bring Me The Ledger and now he he doesn’t mind looking at his Ledger at how much he owes all right he used to owe he look at man I didn’t realize I owe that much look at all this r I didn’t realize I owe this much oh Hallelujah is all paid now he doesn’t mind looking at his debt so likewise the believer that knows he’s forgiven does
not mind looking at his sins and being honest with his wife hi darling I’m sorry darling today I was a bit uh you know I am a bit hyper sensitive today I don’t know why and I’m sorry I snapped at you you know we don’t mind we we’re no more defensive when we know our sins are forgiven in in fact we don’t mind confessing our sins but we don’t confess our sins to be forgiven when we know we are forgiven we don’t mind confessing our sins to each other man I’m telling you today I don’t
know what I I I just I lost my cool on the road man but once you know you forgiven you can be free but it’s when you you’re not confident that the payment has been made you start to hide you start to defend when somebody points out your weakness you snap back look at you you the same you have this you have that wow snap snap bite bite bite all these Grace people B you know people they mean well many of these people who come against me God bless their darling hearts and ignorant hates they mean they they mean well their heart is in
the right place just wrong up here somewhere all right I love them and if we understand Grace when people condemn us we will not condemn them always remember that okay when you are under grace you be gracious amen especially if you are in a church and your pastor seems not to fully understand Grace be patient and pray for him don’t go into this mode of well he’s not preaching Grace so I’m leaving don’t do that all right I’ll get the blame and I’m a pastor okay I’m telling you many pastors their heart is in the
right place when people say things like what America needs to do now is America needs to turn back to righteousness what do you mean what do you mean and I think that sometimes people who say this I believe they mean well all right but the what they are saying is that stop the wrong stop doing the wrong and St doing the right and America will be all right if that can be done they already had the law in the Old Testament they don’t need Jesus if we can stop the wrong and do the right we don’t need Jesus are you listening but if we say
America needs to needs to turn back to righteousness as the gift to be received we need to bring back the Gospel of Jesus Christ because America’s greatest days were when its founding fathers believ the Gospel of Jesus Christ and they had no more qualms about saying the name of Jesus when they believe right they leave right they govern right they lead right they lead right and govern right because they believe right but here we are saying we need to go back to stopping the wrong and doing the right we fight to bring the 10
commandments back into public schools when we should fight to bring John 3:16 where is the gospel we’ve lost faith in the gospel the gospel is what produced the founding fathers the kind of quality leadership par Excellence Men of Integrity the fruit of the spirit comes about only in chapter 5 of Galatians after Paul talks about law and Grace for the first four chapters those who are under grace the fruit is love joy peace gentleness goodness and even self-control is a fruit [Music] but those who are under law The Works of
the flesh Noti this is not fruit of the flesh works of the flesh is adultery beatness resentment works of the flesh wow what’s the difference between fruit and works fruit is a result of Life Works is a result of effort the more you try the worse it’s going to be the more you open yourself to Grace the life will produce the fruit and isn’t that Godly character if someone walks in the fruit of the spirit manifest it would you would you say that man that woman has Godly character pastors leaders isn’t
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